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单词 Stringent
1. She failed to meet the stringent selection criteria.
2. The Act imposes more stringent regulations on atmospheric pollution.
3. The most stringent laws in the world are useless unless there is the will to enforce them.
4. He announced that there would be more stringent controls on the possession of weapons.
5. Licences are only granted under the most stringent conditions.
6. Stringent safety regulations were introduced after the accident.
7. The conditions imposed on volunteers were stringent.
8. Stringent measures were introduced so that the government could balance its budget/the economy.
9. Its drugtesting procedures are the most stringent in the world.
10. We need to introduce more stringent security measures such as identity cards.
11. Already low living standards have been worsened by stringent economic reforms.
12. Financiers are calling for a relaxation of these stringent measures.
13. He instituted a stringent litmus test on doctrinal matters.
14. Once she took office Ellie instituted stringent austerity measures.
15. Prices are now falling slightly after stringent budget-deficit cuts.
16. With others he was dismayed by its stringent terms.
17. Other couples are coping with the same stringent rules.
18. Bedtime viewing, however, is subject to more stringent controls.
19. Queensland set stringent rules concerning diving on the reef.
20. The scheme has stringent criteria for domestic commitments.
21. Parents must comply with the stringent rules for vehicular access(), which are explained in a Headmaster's letter.
22. The wording of the code includes some fairly stringent conditions.
23. Stringent regulations are likely to be imposed if voluntary agreement is not forthcoming.
24. It claims that the stringent tests applied to chemical additives would lead to unacceptable delays in the introduction of genetically-altered foods.
25. State rules governing independent candidates are less stringent than rules for third parties.
26. The regulations of the states may be more stringent than federal regulations.
27. Less stringent foreign ownership limits would increase the float options available.
28. Other stringent measures included a freeze on tax allowances this year.
29. Some of the conditions in the contract are too stringent.
30. The Turkish president has gone on television to defend stringent new security measures.
1. She failed to meet the stringent selection criteria.
2. The Act imposes more stringent regulations on atmospheric pollution.
3. Some of the conditions in the contract are too stringent.
4. The most stringent laws in the world are useless unless there is the will to enforce them.
5. He announced that there would be more stringent controls on the possession of weapons.
6. Already low living standards have been worsened by stringent economic reforms.
7. Financiers are calling for a relaxation of these stringent measures.
31. But from August the test will be more stringent and the price will rocket to £1,500.
32. It is less stringent than the spin selection rule, partly because the mechanisms for getting round it are more effective.
33. This is already being openly described as the most stringent exercise in public spending constraints for decades.
34. Every link in the egg production chain is now covered by stringent controls.
35. California outlaws exhaust emissions California is to introduce vehicle emission standards even tougher than the stringent levels already proposed for 1997.
36. Now, for the first time, fixed though often not very stringent criteria for appointment began to play a significant role.
37. California law is more stringent, requiring that overtime must be paid to anyone working more than eight hours in a day.
38. If company policies are too stringent or punitive, couples simply go underground.
39. But not even the most stringent economies could halt the march of the inevitable.
40. Rowntree's stringent poverty line produced remarkably similar results to those of Booth.
41. Nevertheless, the stringent regimen that was normality for many - even in a lavish burg - was staggering back towards normal.
42. Many low income families may still face enforcement action through private bailiffs at the door, rather than less stringent repayment methods.
43. In honest, carefully done scientific work, there is no compromise on stringent requirements for the conduct and interpretation of research.
44. New and more stringent financial constraints and other commercial pressures on management required appropriate organizational channels through which to take effect.
45. For example,(/stringent.html) the restrictions on loans or credit facilities granted by companies to their directors are much more stringent.
46. Ten Network is widely expected to float this year. Less stringent foreign ownership limits would increase the float options available.
47. The suggestion is that the central core area should be absolutely sacrosanct with slightly less stringent restrictions as you spread outward.
48. The great strides forward by the manufacturers led to stringent controls over sizes of engine, car etc, which changed regularly.
49. Obviously, the more detailed it is, the more stringent is the seller's obligation to supply goods corresponding with it.
50. We would like to see closer control, and checks should be more stringent and more frequent.
51. Article 5 allows more stringent control of tobacco advertising by Member States if they wish.
52. It is proposing stringent measures, underlining the urgent need for a change of attitude among lawyers.
53. It is built to meet our own stringent stringent standards and more importantly(), to satisfy your own exacting demands.
54. Some conversions that were done a long time ago would not pass today's stringent building regulations.
55. But lawmakers could vote for a more stringent penalty when the recommendation reaches the House floor.
56. Not for a moment do I want our standards to drop and I entirely advocate the stringent standards of the Recruitment Committee.
57. Nevertheless, the Act allowed states to set more stringent standards if they wished to do so.
58. Bennett said he used more stringent criteria to determine whether independents would actually vote in the primary.
59. These checks are ongoing, ensuring that companies maintain the stringent quality requirements.
60. These must be subject to even more stringent criticism and testing.
61. Urine is processed separately through a more stringent filtration process than the waste water.
62. We urge you to ensure the most stringent environmental assessment procedures are followed before any irreversible damage is done.
63. The fifty-odd courtrooms are open to the public, though you have to go through stringent security checks first.
64. If we impose too stringent constraints on the match, then we will fail to access the correct word.
65. Not many companies can afford the high cost of entry or meet the stringent operational requirements.
66. The auditors save their most stringent criticism for poor workmanship and inadequate supervision by the ministry.
67. A more stringent barrier includes the requirement for staff to shower on entering the unit and a complete change of clothes.
68. A panel of six judges will choose winners after a series of stringent tests.
69. It also is important to note that admissions criteria differ from program to program, with some more stringent than others.
70. The news can not be suppressed despite the most stringent efforts to maintain secrecy.
71. Article 8 provides that member states may adopt more stringent provisions than those set out in the Directive if they so wish.
72. The most stringent standards are applied to safety, transport and environmental protection.
73. In fact, the regulations are not as stringent as they first appear.
74. The directive requires more stringent risk assessments before GMOs are released and close monitoring afterwards.
75. The event demanded the most stringent virtues before it even began: patience, perseverance, reverence.
76. The government has imposed increasingly stringent tests on those in receipt of unemployment benefit.
77. When that period ends on 1 March, police will introduce stringent search procedures.
78. Such a stringent standard would be politically and economically impossible.
79. I don't think it was an illusion, a clever deceit produced by scientists culling and stringent access modelling.
80. The proprietors of Angels in Horden, near Peterlee, have been told they must follow a stringent set of conditions.
81. Others who have been in permanent employment as nurses have found the restrictions of poor pay and stringent working conditions too harsh.
82. Since the King's Cross fire of 1987, London Underground has been forced to adopt certain stringent safety measures.
83. Some publishers maintain traditionally stringent standards, but others, in a competitive market, are relaxed about quality control.
84. Even with stringent controls for partisanship and ideology, multiple regression analyses show that the press had a significant influence on preferences.
85. The state has some of the most stringent air quality regulations in the world.
86. Precautions for experimental animals will inevitably be less stringent to allow access to scientists and their technicians.
87. The mayors, in releasing the report, said current rules about redeveloping these sites are too stringent.
88. He spoke the truth but not until it had been subjected to the most stringent test - himself!
89. And indeed, I do subject each new species I find to a set of stringent tests.
90. No other trade association is subject to such stringent rules, a tobacco industry spokesman said.
91. Edward Heath's Conservative government adopted stringent regulations to restrict increases in wages.
92. Along with automated verification, there were stringent penalties for lying.
93. This was not the relaxed professionalism of the man of letters, but the stringent new professionalism of the academy.
94. Federal agencies are more stringent in terms of guidelines, but equally concerned with specific goals and agency objectives.
95. In the latter year more stringent regulations reduced the flow, but has not ended it.
96. There are now stringent controls on pollution from all power stations.
97. These problems remained, even after objectives had been partially clarified and formalized through grant financing and stringent financial controls.
98. There are stringent safety rules governing practical shooting and, as far as Kjell is aware, the sport has an accident-free record.
99. Until recently company law, with its relative freedom from stringent regulations, reflected this national belief.
100. Accurate planetary observations being collected today will in time lead to more stringent tests for a tenth planet.
101. However, in many cases they are not entirely necessary, and their use replaces more stringent hygiene procedures.
102. As a result, some countries are now slightly relaxing their most stringent controls.
103. If we can satisfy the stringent requirements of the number system then we have established a scale of measurement.
104. It can take stringent austerity measures.
105. People began verify their scientific hypotheses by stringent tests.
106. The money market is very stringent.
107. This instrument demands stringent specification.
108. To prevent these evils stringent laws are enacted.
109. This is experimental elementary school a stringent school regulations.
110. This is likely to deter stringent environmental regulations.
111. Pluggable connections simplify installation and meets stringent CE requirements.
112. In addition, the public sector typically has more explicit and stringent value systems that emphasize legislatively based notions of ethics and codes of conduct.
113. The stringent requirements of these examples stand in stark contrast to the instigation offence.
114. The Clean Water Act expressly provides that it does not preempt more stringent state law.
115. The most stringent environmental protection measures in China's railway construction history have been introduced.
116. Stringent quality control is essential in the production of large castings in the above materials.
117. This product is manufactured at our own state-of-the-art facility with stringent quality control.
118. Bilge water treatment is an environmental application that must meet stringent requirements of international legislation.
119. The light-off performance of automotive catalytic converters is very important for the stringent vehicle emission regulation.
120. stringent air quality regulations.
121. It was necessary to satisfy stringent criteria to justify its use.
122. Legislation to control the use and discharge of cuttings and spent fluid in Lake Maracaibo area is becoming more stringent.
123. It is important to take stringent precautions against contamination in the lab.
124. So how toactually concretize modern informational technique into object teaching hasbeen a problem which needs stringent solving.
125. In particular, there were numerous " toxic hotspots " which needed more stringent controls.
126. The four companies in clinical trials with these products use stringent multistep processes to extract hemoglobin from red cells, then purify and stabilize it, so only hemoglobin is left.
127. Procurement of raw materials, production control, product testing, marketing and other aspects of stringent checks.
128. The bankers used these regulations for their special pleading, urging the government to be more lenient on them and to adopt more stringent regulations for their card holders.
129. A few years later , however, the Court relaxed this seemingly stringent requirement.
130. Probably China has the SARS phobia and has been extremely stringent at its point of entry.
131. I have also described a few techniques for ensuring that such implementation can maintain stringent levels of request volumes in a federated data integration scenario.
132. Stringent entry quarantine requirements to apprehend and destroy infected birds provide a good barrier.
133. For example, more stringent financial regulations and increased penalties for accounting errors may make senior managers too risk-averse.
134. All of the foregoing material shows that seismic instrument specifications may be less stringent.
135. He also acknowledged that China had more stringent automotive fuel economy standards than the United States.
136. European leaders mostly agree about the need for more stringent capital requirements.
137. Second, in China and increase the WTO,() the positive list system stringent standards China's exports of agricultural enterprises is a new promotional and tests.
138. We have a Stringent Quality System in place that guarantees our projects delivered with topnotch quality.
139. NIJ has since replaced the 2005 Interim Standard with NIJ 06 Standards that are much, much more stringent than the 05 Interim Standard.
140. Our guys serve well and submissive to our clients as we specially selected through a stringent criteria.
141. Carvings on both walls and sarcophagi alike outline in great detail how the ancient Egyptians perceived life after death as well as their stringent hierarchal social structure.
142. Coca-Cola imposes stringent rules on suppliers of sugar, water and carbon dioxide.
143. They also agreed that political appointees should be bound by stringent integrity checks and the Government should meet the implementation costs by making savings elsewhere.
144. Feedforward is the most ideal way to perform broadband high power amplifier, which can accomplish more stringent linear specifications.
145. To satisfy stringent requirements with respect to UV resistance, water repellency and protection against environmental influences, it is becoming increasingly common to coat high performance textiles.
146. The direct services agency will also pay close attention to customers, the more stringent constraints themselves, in the shortest time to complete the registration service.
147. The entire high - voltage onboard network complies with the most stringent safety standards.
148. Eyepieces of the conventional style cannot meet the stringent requirements of HMDs for large field-of-view, compact size and light weight.
149. Still, the measures feed into anxieties among investors that China will roll out increasingly stringent anti-inflation measures that will put a sudden brake on its growth.
150. I kno. no. method to secure the repeal of bad or obno. ious laws so effective as their stringent execution(Ulysses S. Grant.
151. In recent years, it has become more and more stringent to control over harmful substance contents in textiles among the nations in the world.
152. However, a stringent programme of fiscal retrenchment will also be necessary.
153. Stringent quality control is essential in the production of large castings in above materials.
154. The paper describes how steam turbines can be made to conform with quality requirements by stringent control during manufacture and thereby improve operational reliability and economy.
155. All of PED member enterprises have their own stringent Total Quality Control ( TQC ) systems.
156. To protect the environment, most industrial societies have established stringent laws.
157. They rebuilt the walls of Jerusalem and consolidated spiritual life by a public ceremony of allegiance to the Torah (Law of Moses) and by stringent rules against mixed marriage.
158. China's fuel economy standards for its rapidly growing passenger vehicle fleet are more stringent than those in Australia, Canada and the United States.
159. A stringent test that indicates if a firm has enough short-term assets to cover its immediate liabilities, without selling inventory.
160. In so doing, it upholds the stringent quality of service needed in traditional transaction processing.
161. With the trend of lead - free material application ,(http:///stringent.html) the film would suffer more stringent reliability test.
162. The running rate of wet FGD system in China is low, which can not meet the increasingly stringent requirements of environmental protection policies.
163. When we determine the the impact of the informations coming from in the psychometry on the psychological health of the extent, it is difficult to have a stringent standards.
164. Such has a straight relationship to the faultiness of related systems of course, but the most key factor should lie on the self-limitation of stringent Statutory Capital System.
165. The speed of train is high, to ensure regularity of the upper track and reduce maintenance workload, the requirements of settlement after construction of subgrade are extremely stringent.
166. Our products are all handmade under the most stringent and hygienic conditions.
167. Less stringent in-process controls may be appropriate in early processing steps, whereas tighter controls may be appropriate for later processing steps (e. g. , isolation and purification steps).
168. Faced the stringent challenge of FCC process, the multi-dimensional reaction structure was pro- posed for FCC process reaction chemistry.
169. Petrov says the law adopted by the Duma is one in a series of measures aimed at imposing more stringent conditions on foreign investment in industries the government wants to keep under control.
170. So the satellite communication system made stringent requirements for the RF front end of the transceiver.
171. My public safety director, Tommy Robinson, studied the Decatur situation and put in place stringent security measures to avoid a repeat.
172. We have a Stringent Quality System in place that guarantees our projects to be delivered with topnotch quality.
173. Carry out stringent fund loan and apply approval system. Adjust the capital structure according to the development position of the company and the cost fluctuation of money market.
174. Every Est é e Lauder formula has undergone stringent evaluation for ingredient integrity, non - irritancy and overall efficacy.




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