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单词 Subsistence
1) He is on the margin of bare subsistence.
2) Most of the population lives at subsistence level.
3) Their main mode of subsistence is hunting.
4) The land provided subsistence and little more.
5) They had no visible means of subsistence.
6) Their subsistence comes from the sea.
7) Seventy percent of the country's population practises subsistence agriculture.
8) They were living barely above the level of subsistence.
9) The family were living at subsistence level.
10) Many families are living below the level of subsistence.
11) He worked a 16-hour day for a subsistence wage .
12) The money is intended to provide a basic subsistence and should not be paid to someone who receives other income.
13) Many black Namibians are subsistence farmers who live in the arid borderlands.
14) She had no means of subsistence and was dependent on charity.
15) Our ancestors lived in basic subsistence economies where cash never changed hands.
16) The pension was fixed well below subsistence level.
17) Most of us were subsistence farmers.
18) The majority of the islanders lived at subsistence level.
19) Payments soon fell below subsistence level.
20) Settlers to the area threatened the bears' subsistence.
21) What are these minimum subsistence levels?
22) Travelling and subsistence allowances are not subject to tax.
23) Factory workers were paid a subsistence wage.
24) What is the subsistence level for students?
25) The subsistence economy, however,(http:///subsistence.html) provides security for irregular workers.
26) These policies have the hallmarks of the subsistence approach to poverty outlined earlier in section 2 of this Chapter.
27) Many of the families are forced to live at the subsistence level.
28) The standard of living today is on the edge of subsistence.
29) The vote against a federal guarantee of a minimal, subsistence level of support was a devastating loss to all women.
30) They must not demand a very high cash outlay or demand a very high degree of risk thereby endangering subsistence.
1) He is on the margin of bare subsistence.
2) Most of the population lives at subsistence level.
3) Many of the families are forced to live at the subsistence level.
4) The standard of living today is on the edge of subsistence.
5) Their main mode of subsistence is hunting.
6) Their subsistence comes from the sea.
7) They were living barely above the level of subsistence.
8) She had no means of subsistence and was dependent on charity.
31) The world which had been dominated by subsistence agriculture crumbled.
32) The cost of launderettes is prohibitive on a subsistence income - so the washing gets done in the sink.
33) This vast, dispersed rural workforce would need, and would receive, only the education needed for manual subsistence farming.
34) Cattle Ranching Hungry subsistence farmers follow in the wake of loggers.
35) Tokugawa agriculture was highly productive, and the amount levied in tax suggests that production was well above subsistence level.
36) Thus, he conceded that a scarcity of workers might keep wages above the subsistence level for an indefinite time.
37) Indeed,() Utting revealed that a fifth of the elderly population was at or below official subsistence level.
38) In this buffer zone around the park, people survive through subsistence farming and cash crops such as cotton.
39) Most refugees go to neighbouring countries, which are often living at subsistence levels themselves.
40) It report points out that, in many developing countries, women are primarily responsible for subsistence farming.
41) He would also have received a subsistence allowance from his employers.
42) Parish authorities generally were constantly reviewing their ideas about what constituted a minimum acceptable subsistence payment during this period.
43) Most of them eke out a living as subsistence farmers.
44) By contrast, there was a general shift from subsistence agriculture to the production of cash crops and the provision of services.
45) In the capitalist mode of production, however, the workers are landless and have no independent means of subsistence.
46) They were prisoners, for the most part, of a subsistence economy.
47) They recommended that volunteers receive subsistence payments for child minding and other special needs.
48) Moreover, the arable land is more suited to collective as opposed to subsistence farming.
49) Subsistence crises ceased after the 1850s and their disappearance can be linked directly with the rise of the railways.
50) Wine formed the most important cash crop, while cereal production generally took the form of subsistence farming.
51) If you go back far enough, of course, all our ancestors lived in basic subsistence economies where cash never changed hands.
52) We have seen then two very different conceptions of poverty, that of subsistence and of deprivation.
53) The profit incentive was instilled in what used to be purely a subsistence mentality of only taking what was needed.
54) Campesinos are hard hit by the economic crisis and government forces have deliberately destroyed the livelihood of many subsistence farming families.
55) Employment for agricultural labourers was correspondingly limited, and by no means all holdings were too small for subsistence.
56) The life of a subsistence farmer simple does not accord with our notion of labour.
57) Much of the worldwide loss was the result of impoverished farmers being compelled to clear the land for subsistence agriculture.
58) A great deal of subsistence farming went on among the peasants.
59) Physicists do not generally choose their mates from among subsistence farmers.
60) She will most probably be involved in agriculture, in subsistence farming of crops like rice.
61) Fishing is also of major importance, while around 70 percent of the population depend on subsistence agriculture.
62) Did it do no more than keep a subsistence economy running?
63) A 100% tax rate is assumed to discourage all output, except that for subsistence, again yielding zero tax revenue.
64) In the early l960s Bengali agriculture consisted mainly of subsistence farming.
65) From this time on the position of subsistence agriculture declined in other regions, though the pace of this change was uneven.
66) There was a clear and apparently enduring margin over mere subsistence.
67) Parties and witnesses are entitled to allowances for loss of earnings,() subsistence and travel to and from the tribunal.
68) Genuine land reform is not about breaking up highly productive commercial farms into little plots for subsistence farmers.
69) It was there in 1903 that quarrymen went on strike for three and a half years, surviving on subsistence farming.
70) What was the cost of basic subsistence in the first part of the eighteenth century?
71) Crop husbandry was limited to basic subsistence and animal feed.
72) Now this basic means of subsistence for between 50,000 and 100,000 urban migrants has been outlawed.
73) Students obliged to meet these requirements will have their travel and any additional subsistence expenses reimbursed by the University in accordance with agreed scales.
74) Hunting and gathering is a subsistence economy which means that production only meets basic survival needs.
75) As agriculture developed, surplus wealth, that is goods above the basic subsistence needs of the community, was produced.
76) In an era of fast food, subsistence incomes don't make for a culinary culture.
77) From about 1690 agricultural productivity declined, and conditions were aggravated by the effects of war and recurrent subsistence crises.
78) The aim was to transform them into permanent subsistence farmers or labourers.
79) In its purest form, the doctrine advocated a return to subsistence economy but on a less individualistic and more communal basis.
80) The ancient subsistence economy of the villages lasted a long time.
81) If overtime is not paid subsistence can be claimed at own base.
82) Subsistence economies sometimes achieve a low-grade stability by the very poverty of the general standard of living.
83) Most people have considerable leeway as to how they spend their money over and above basic subsistence requirements.
84) Preferential interest rates also favor commercial over subsistence farming in many countries.
85) The graphite boom temporarily reduced the social and economic importance of subsistence agriculture in the Low Country.
86) They consist of: £29 a day subsistence allowance to cover meals, taxis and other incidentals.
87) Classes emerge when the productive capacity of society expands beyond the level required for subsistence.
88) The siting of a settlement is very closely connected with the decision to use the land around for subsistence agriculture.
89) Accordingly, its method of subsistence was to develop immunity to the blights and plagues visiting other kinds of trees.
90) When accompanied by minimum subsistence pensions, as in Britain, retirement means economic dependency.
91) Mr Mugabe can not fail to understand the consequence of redistribution of the country's most productive land to subsistence farmers.
92) The ever-increasing flow of scientific and technological advances is of little significance to a rural population living at or below subsistence level.
93) The manufacture of cloth was thus no more than a marginal addition to the subsistence agriculture of the interior.
94) That is almost £500 below the minimum subsistence level for the poorest people in our society.
95) To receive their full daily subsistence allowances, MEPs must have taken part in half the roll-call votes.
96) In sum, few people remain at subsistence level.
97) Subsistence is not possible in such conditions.
98) Is this your subsistence depot?
99) Agriculture consists largely of subsistence farming and animal husbandry.
100) At first, most new arrivals make just subsistence wages.
101) Subsistence only increases in an arithmetic ratio.
102) Farming is a hard means of subsistence.
103) The effects can still be seen today, with around 70% of Cambodia's workforce employed in subsistence farming.
104) Right now, there is little choice between limited subsistence farming and hard-knock migration.
105) That would bring down developed countries' agricultural subsidies and give farmers, particularly subsistence farmers, greater access to markets, Rice said.
106) Cities draw people away from subsistence farming, which is ecologically devastating, and they defuse the population bomb.
107) Malthus'theory that population increase would outpace increases in the means of subsistence.
108) Ms Chan family liquidity ratio of only 1.13, which is interrupted once the family income, the existing subsistence income families a month to live a normal life.
109) The implementation of the minimum subsistence allowance system for the urban resident has met the basic needs of the urban poor, but still cant help them get rid of poverty and develop themselves.
110) Affected by years of war in the south of watching their health, education, all aspects of people's subsistence level far less north.
111) Nearly 77% of China's rural poor have been covered by the country's subsistence allowance system so far.
112) At the same time, China started to develop an integrated and powerful commercial economy, with cash crops taking the place of subsistence farming.
113) For thousands of years the native people living above the Arctic circle in Alaska have depended on hunting bowhead whales and other mammals for their subsistence.
114) The alien in inshore employed in china should also consult the security of subsistence of this law take part in our country.
115) Tenet of enterprise: Pursue subsistence on quality, development on variety and create credit on service.
116) The percentage of people living at or below subsistence level in China has decreased from 33 per cent in 1979 to single-digit level today.
117) The percentage of people living at or below subsistence level in China decreased from 33% in 1979 to single digit figures today.
118) Female agricultural workers plant, harvest and process between 60 and 80% of the food for those communities, mainly at a subsistence level.
119) When the reporter inquires about subsistence expenses is how spend of time, the bulk analysis classmate show "do not know spend a where".
120) Population, when unchecked, increases in a geometric ratio . Subsistence increases in an arithmetical ratio.
121) According to Maritain's theory of subsistence, the "received existence" of the nature is elevated to the state of exercising through the subsistent act.
122) These guineas were hardy and efficient, gaining well on the roughest of forage, and producing the hams, bacon and lard essential for subsistence farming.
123) Minimum subsistence allowance is a social guarantee system, when anyone can not maintain minimum subsistence, government would supply them the minimum subsistence.
124) The small allowance helps cover the cost of subsistence, and a full time caretaker if needed.
125) Dolphin hunts also take place at a small subsistence level in the Caribbean and the Arctic.
126) His school is in La Pitahaya, a community of 200 people with high levels of poverty, who live on subsistence fishing in the swamp area.
127) If use a body the unit anti pay security of subsistence for journey man by law, so related mrvhsnidm can from use a body the unit deposit account directly transfer funds a security of subsistence fee.
128) All pensions should be at or above subsistence level. Retired workers should not have to go cap in hand to ask for supplementary allowances.
129) What are the characteristics of the people who live in families with less than minimum - subsistence income?
130) The paper, Building our Common Future, talks about helping subsistence farmers to get seeds and fertilisers, credit and access to markets, and of supporting agricultural research.
131) The chain seeks to appeal to wealthier Africans as well as to people living at an income level just above that of subsistence farming.
132) The percentage of people living at or below subsistence level in China has decreased from 33% in 1979 to a single-digit level today.
133) Greenpeace doesn't campaign against aboriginal subsistence whaling, because it's not the problem, " Mackenzie said. "
134) For the poor of the third-world countries, there is, for the most part, no money, no exchange of goods — just basic survival by subsistence farming or by hunting or fishing for food.
135) Increases in malnutrition are expected to be especially severe in countries where large populations depend on rain-fed subsistence farming.
136) As might be expected under the terror, the extortion, the taxation and the corruption, the economy and whole livelihood of the people of Anyang had declined even below the subsistence level.
137) "They're going to be making subsistence wages, but they're doing something very gratifying until the job market improves," University of Wisconsin career counselor Randy Wallar said.
138) In the traditional subsistence farm, output and consumption are identical.
139) The classics, from Smith to Marx, all assumed, or argued, that an unlimited supply of labour was available at subsistence wages.
140) Rwanda's dependence on traditional subsistence farming meant that the only way to grow more food was to move onto ever more marginal land.
141) While subsistence farming will continue in Africa, he said, there is also an effort to promote larger commercial farming.
142) Subsistence agriculture accounts for half of GDP and provides 80% of total employment.
143) At the meantime, we should establish and improve a public fiscal policy, offering basic subsistence allowance for farmers.
144) "The subsistence level is only a conventional idea, and conventions change, " Sir Arthur pointed out. Migrants are less willing to leave home because conditions in China's hinterland have improved.
145) Various social undertakings are flourishing and the historic leap in the people's livelihood from a subsistence level to moderate prosperity is realized on the whole.
146) It suggests that, even though much of the country is cut off from the food-distribution system, rural dwellers survive precariously through subsistence farming.
147) Because in many cases, the plantations own the most fertile land (which was most often acquired unscrupulously) and the local people won't survive from subsistence farming alone.
148) It is so easy to acquire an independent position in the United States that the public officer who loses his places may be deprived of the comforts of life, but not og the means of subsistence.
149) Subsistence has been increased and perfected by a series of successive arts.
150) Objective To improve the effect of subsistence allowance system, and to study the difference of quality of life between people living on minimum subsistence allowances and of others.
151) Every postgraduate is paid a subsistence allowance in the country.
152) Officials in Beijing face yet another set of challenges trying to deliver those services to those who remain on the farm in sparsely populated rural areas living on subsistence wages.
153) The sum of the results from two models in used to predict the lowest subsistence expenses.
154) Its broad, international coverage includes feedlot systems, transport, subsistence farming systems and the contribution of cattle production systems to land, air and water pollution.
155) Peripateticism is actually saponaceous subsistence philosophy and the parry to the monologue.
156) From generation to generation, they tilled land for landlord only to eke out a bare subsistence. People who associated with them as friends were likewise honest impoverished peasants.
157) Social insurance system has increasingly covered more people and subsistence allowance system for both urban and rural residents has been established.
157) try its best to gather and create good sentences.
158) Hungry for help: This child beggar, also from the Akha tribe indigenous to the area near Tachilek, looks to tourists' generosity for her daily subsistence on March 31 in Tachilek.
159) Ora Dell takes a plain but desired food, rooted in subsistence, and converts it into strength.
160) In fact, my experience is skin - deep because I always stay in the tower of ivory and know little story about the realistic subsistence.
161) We should improve the systems of unemployment insurance and subsistence allowances for urban residents.
162) A nationality's culture is the reflection of its economic subsistence.
163) In many systems of permanent subsistence agriculture, domesticated animals play an important role.
164) The percentage of people living at or below subsistence level in China has decreased from 33 per cent in 1979 to a single-digit level today.
165) Cutting emissions would push them from just above subsistence back, literally, to the dark ages.
166) The country is one of the world's most destitute, with the CIA estimating per capita GDP at US$1,900, meaning that many North Koreans survive at the subsistence level.
167) Marxist political economy does not believe in any iron law of bare subsistence wages.
168) The researchers think that this occurred about a century ago, just when commercial agriculture was replacing subsistence farming and maize started to overshadow indigenous crops in Africa.
169) The percentage of people living at or below subsistence level in China decreased from 33% in 1979 to single digit today.
170) Other activities that affect the environment of the living and subsistence of the Chinese paddlefish .
171) Salaries were below subsistence level for the Europeans in the East.
172) In no case may a people be deprived of its own means of subsistence.
173) In the past few years, however, agricultural practices have changed from subsistence farming to growing larger-scale commercial crops.
174) Use body unit non - payment of, from the employment injury insurance fund in advance settle, then from the security of subsistence manage mrvhsnidm secundum this statue certainly make track for Chang.
175) Therefore, subsistence farming is more sustainable on the land, in the social system, and economically.
176) During colonial period, overseas trade is important for British North Americas subsistence and development.
177) Malthus believed that population increase would outpace increases in the means of subsistence.
178) The biggest problem with Nike is that its overseas workers make wretched , below - subsistence wages.
179) Because there is too much civilisation , too means of subsistence, too much industry, too much commerce.
180) Without the right to work, there will be no guarantee for the right to subsistence.
181) Natural resources were protected: Uncontrolled grazing, subsistence farming, fuel wood gathering and cultivation of crops on slopes had left huge areas of the Plateau devastated.
182) When these extractive industries declined, many people were left without supplemental income or were forced onto marginal subsistence farms in order to survive.
183) "The subsistence level is only a conventional idea, and conventions change, " Sir Arthur pointed out.
184) It is a place of subsistence farming, where four-fifths are poor and a few are very rich.
185) Those most in need will be the landless, both rural and urban, and marginal subsistence farmers.
185) try its best to collect and create good sentences.
186) It's a small community with a population of 245 people, who survive through subsistence farming and fishing.
187) There will be disruptions and losses to commercial, sport and subsistence shell and fin fisheries and mariculture, as well as to commercial shipping and recreational boating.
188) We will improve the subsistence allowance system for both urban and rural residents.
189) Almost three-quarters of Africans still rely on the land for their work, but most farms are subsistence level.
190) The right of existence in the Constitution and the living support to request right in Public Assistance Act ensure the right to minimum of subsistence.




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