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单词 Ebb
(1) Every tide hath its ebb.
(2) Every tide hath ebb.
(3) They swam till the tide began to ebb.
(4) His confidence is at a low ebb.
(5) We'll sail on the ebb.
(6) Consumer confidence is currently at a low ebb.
(7) They left the harbour on the ebb tide.
(8) She sat in silence enjoying the ebb and flow of conversation.
(9) Our enthusiasm soon began to ebb.
(10) His fortune was beginning to ebb.
(11) The tide is on the ebb.
(12) By this time, the tide was on the ebb.
(13) Fishing boats were standing down with the ebb.
(14) We watched the tide ebb and flow .
(15) They went out to sea with the ebb.
(16) Private and public virtues were at the lowest ebb.
(17) Her strength began to ebb.
(18) We went out to sea on the ebb tide.
(19) We floated away from the beach on the ebb.
(20) As night fell, our enthusiasm began to ebb away.
(21) Linda's enthusiasm began to ebb away.
(22) My luck is on the ebb.
(23) Morale among teachers is at a low ebb.
(24) It was difficult sailing upstream against a strong ebb.
(25) The ebb and flow of the sea is certainly a sight to behold.
(26) You have to accept the ebb and flow of love in a relationship.
(27) He was at the mercy of the ebb and flow of public opinion.
(28) Inspiration seemed to be at a very low ebb.
(29) He had known her long enough to recognize the ebb and flow of her moods.
(30) I was recently divorced and feeling at a very low ebb.
(1) They swam till the tide began to ebb.
(2) His confidence is at a low ebb.
(3) We'll sail on the ebb.
(4) Consumer confidence is currently at a low ebb.
(5) They left the harbour on the ebb tide.
(6) She sat in silence enjoying the ebb and flow of conversation.
(7) He had known her long enough to recognize the ebb and flow of her moods.
(8) His fortune was beginning to ebb.
(9) Fishing boats were standing down with the ebb.
(10) Private and public virtues were at the lowest ebb.
(11) My luck is on the ebb.
(12) The ebb and flow of the sea is certainly a sight to behold.
(31) He had missed the ebb tide.
(32) She has seen her popularity ebb and flow.
(33) Delay it, and its vitality would ebb.
(34) Her spirits were at their lowest ebb.
(35) Last night was a light easterly - might have checked the ebb a fraction, but not enough to matter.
(36) Optimists had hoped the answer was that opposition would ebb of its own accord as evidence of growth began.
(37) It was ebb and flow, up and down, punch and counterpunch that didn't want to end.
(38) It is a pretty boring place, except tides ebb and flood there, as do the seasons.
(39) Rose stemmed the flow, encouraged the ebb, and he allowed it to be that way.
(40) This flow is unaffected by an ebb in economIc activity and thus acts as a stabilizing influence.
(41) To the public at large faith in the political process, already at a low ebb, will diminish further.
(42) It was ebb tide and the current was in their favour.
(43) She must have got clearance at Gravesend and sailed up on the ebb.
(44) We had a few concluding words about the literary scene in London, which he thought to have reached a pretty low ebb.
(45) Flounders were plentiful, with many undersize fish caught on the ebb tide.
(46) In the past eighteen months he has felt at an appallingly low ebb.
(47) At her lowest ebb, she would have scorned to stoop to such tactics.
(48) Both types of water and a brackish mixture can ebb and flow together.
(49) Each day the sun rose later and weaker and with it her strength too seemed to ebb.
(50) I was at my lowest ebb after the kidney surgery.
(51) The narrative line wavers,[http:///ebb.html] its constant ebb and flow in political affairs and love story creating a sense of drift.
(52) How much attention do these programmes pay to the real dynamics of peer group pressures as they ebb and flow across adolescence?
(53) The tide had turned, and the ebb would help me downstream.
(54) Lancaster meanwhile was encamped near Bedford, and seeing his support ebb away he made another offer of submission.
(55) When you are chronically stressed because of work and demands, your hormones no longer ebb and flow normally.
(56) In the harbour you got a secondary ebb and flow between the main tides.
(57) Melville is content to let his story flow and ebb.
(58) The insurance business cycle is also at a low ebb.
(59) When I'd washed up, the ebb was going strong again.
(60) Nitzer Ebb especially think of life as one long siege, a purifying test of your inner strength.
(61) There is always an ebb and flow, an inner energy used to enhance mood and expression.
(62) Now at his lowest ebb, Marinello can reflect on life in the fast lane.
(63) And she couldn't bear the thought of being sucked back into the ebb tide of loneliness again either.
(64) But Grace wouldn't need them to go out to sea on the ebb tide.
(65) Self-confidence can be at a low ebb if you've just been told to p ... off by an embittered pedestrian.
(66) The ebb and flow of controversy in television news items did not produce corresponding trends in public interest and discussion.
(67) Without the anchor of personal conviction they are at the mercy of every ebb and flow of opinion.
(68) Interest in religion seemed to be at a low ebb.
(69) Nixon always will remain a vivid figure for those of us who watched the ebb and flow of his remarkable career.
(70) Inside the room I saw the pulsing ebb and flow of light that meant a fire.
(71) Still, she had a sneaking hope that as she'd reached her lowest ebb, the tide might turn.
(72) He came in when the lads were at a low ebb somewhere on the ocean bed.
(73) John summed it up as the super sixties, sobering seventies and ebb and flow of the eighties.
(74) Should sentences therefore ebb and flow with the same tides?
(75) Jackie tries to explain she was at her lowest ebb when she sought comfort from Shelley.
(76) Off to the far left of her, jutting from the water, revealed by the ebb of the tide.
(77) Idei is overhauling a corporate structure Sony introduced in mid-1994 when its fortunes were at a low ebb.
(78) Basic research on petrochemicals was at a low ebb around 1980.
(79) The latest setback is another sign of the ebb in the governor's influence.
(80) Now the excitement had begun to ebb at leaving Miss Tish.
(81) At his lowest ebb, Macari was threatened with imprisonment and his wife rang friends to secure bail money of £50,[http:///ebb.html]000.
(82) There is no trace of litter, despite the hundreds of affluent shoppers who ebb and flow along these consumerist highways.
(83) Manufacturers need to anticipate the ebb and flow of consumer demand.
(84) Here, all life is at its lowest ebb and man has lost all sense of direction.
(85) The scandal brought his credibility to its lowest ebb.
(86) His health is at a low ebb.
(87) They started sailing on the ebb.
(88) But the moments will never ebb away.
(89) 59 Every tide hath its ebb.
(90) Things were at a low ebb.
(91) The Government's popularity is at its lowest ebb.
(92) The flood and ebb tides alternates with each other.
(93) Christian Europe was at a low ebb.
(94) His enthusiasm began to ebb away.
(95) Business is at a low ebb.
(96) Crime is on the eBB.
(97) His influence is on the ebb.
(98) His fortunes began to ebb.
(99) Manufacturing business is now at a low ebb.
(100) the ebb and flow of the tide.
(101) Morale was at low ebb.
(102) You stammer some feeble responses by way of reply, feeling your strength ebb away until you find an excuse to leave.
(103) Public confidence in the President is at a low ebb.
(104) The minister took up the theme and discoursed mellifluously on the ebb and flow of empires.
(105) We decided to leave on the ebb at six o'clock next morning.
(106) But look from more long-term future, the labour pains that is based on the SNS of plug-in unit and game to will be faced with an user to ebb period.
(107) FOR decades the Great Lakes region has seen a slow ebb.
(108) But the risk now is that the consensus for reform will ebb away.
(109) Objective To study the antitumor effects of the extraction of birch bark(EBB)and its influence to the immune function of the tumor-bearing mice.
(110) But to,[/ebb.html] the populace is experiencing a historical to the media confidence level the ebb tide.
(111) The tide is on the ebb , ie is going out.
(112) The ebb - tide , which had so cruelly delayed us, was now making reparation, and delaying our assailants.
(113) We dropped her astern on the end of a seven-inch manilla , and she laid comfortably on the ebb tide.
(114) That's actually a good thing: investing monthly (called dollar-cost averaging) helps you even out the natural ebb and flow of investments that happens throughout the year.
(115) At this low ebb, his hero Cantona begins to magically appear to offer him gnomic advice, like an aphoristic life coach.
(116) Henry returned to the front with orders to load his three ambulances with hospital equipment and go south into the Po valley. Morale was at low ebB.
(117) Just think , so most of the ebb starfish were still alive.
(118) Now that the eccentric can duplicate others' success with ease, his enthusiasm began to to ebb away.
(119) Water is the basis for all life, " says Vincente "And in Spain we are just watching it ebb away.
(120) Beneath the heavenly sphere this solar cycle is mirrored in the lunar cycle of wax and wane and tidal ebb and flood.
(121) Other sports feared that sponsors and audiences might ebb away if the drug-takers were not tackled.
(122) These nouns are compared as they denote the regular patterned ebb and rise of accented and unaccented sounds, especially in music, speech, or verse.
(123) The music stopped as they entered and the crowd of people seemed to her confused mind to surge up to her like the roar of the sea and then ebb away, with lessening, ever-lessening sound.
(124) Though Shevchenko has continually stressed he wants to stay with Milan, speculation concerning a move to England refuses to ebb away.
(125) In China, for increase in social investment and keeping higher investment and growth rate of fixed capital, the crux is how to arouse folk investment that is being in low ebb.
(126) For instance, with the transition of the knowledge authority from the theologist and metaphysician to modern scientist, the disciplines of university have their ebb and flow accordingly.
(127) My footprints are just marks on the sand beach, fading away with the ebb and flow.
(128) Temporally, the suspended sediment concentration in the jiaojiang river estuary neap - spring tidal cycle and flood - ebb fluctuations.
(129) After the May 4th new culture movement there come the cross swords, ebb and flow, repulsion and crasis of the economic ethic between capitalism and socialism.
(130) Fan is not too willing to discuss this section of ebb tide time.
(131) Fresh orders for the world's shipyards are at a low ebb.
(132) The economy of the country was at a low ebb.
(133) While your romantic inclinations are definitely at low ebb, you luck in relationships isn't.
(134) It took more than 10, 000 years of domestication for humans to create the vast biodiversity in our food supply that we're now watching ebb away.
(135) Ironically, relations between British and American Intelligence in late 1950's were at their lowest postwar ebb.
(136) Left to their own devices markets are unlikely to deliver the gradualism desired by most governments and faith in efficient pricing is at a low ebb after the credit crisis.
(137) The low ebb hour that Chinese man fails in them, what expect a woman is placatory.
(138) Shang shi and the Diary of Madam Shafei was produced in the may 4 ebb tide.
(139) Known as the "ace of aces" for shooting down dozens of German enemy planes, Rickenbacker took command of the squadron soon after morale hit its lowest ebb.
(140) Ebb tide is tranquil, not like tide, when turbulent waves send spray spitting in every direction.
(141) Fresh orders for the world's shipyards at a low ebb.
(142) The ebb will fetch off what the tide brings in.
(143) "Timewave zero" is a numerological formula that purports to calculate the ebb and flow of "novelty", defined as increase in the universe's interconnectedness, or organised complexity, over time.
(144) U.S. power and influence are at low ebb in the region.http:///ebb.html
(145) The ebb has made a good while; our stores should be uncovered.
(146) After Daoguang, the ancient dreamlike novel gradually ebb tide, untilwithdraws from the historical wu - si period completely.
(147) There is no firm demarcation between dimensions, for they ebb and flow in a wave pattern and interpenetrate each other to a certain degree.




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