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单词 Aquarius
1. The street we were living on was Aquarius.
2. The main object of binocular interest in Aquarius is the globular cluster M2.
3. OVERVIEW: This year, idealistic Aquarius shines brightly.
4. Aquarius, was born the night.
5. When Gemini vacillates, Aquarius can help stabilize their decisions.
6. AQUARIUS: You an inventive and creative creature.
7. Aquarius makes a meal entirely out of soy products.
8. Aquarius purchases virtual gifts online.
9. A day in the life of an Aquarius.
10. Aquarius : You can easily be wrapped up in causes for a higher good, because you're ruled by the planet that rules technology!
11. You will want to have at least one Aquarius at any gathering.
12. You are Aquarius Camus. You control the 11 th Palace and are one of the Strongest Saints.
13. With a bunch of planets in Aquarius and Mars in the opposite sign of Leo, you'll want to go somewhere, to get out of the house.
14. Aquarius was my savior.
15. AQUARIUS: Skips chocolates altogether -- they prefer a box of carob and raisins health bars.
16. As 2010 begins, Neptune is still in Aquarius and your eleventh house.
17. When Aquarius is chosen in the Young cycle, it is usually for furthering our social conscience and group participation, which may be necessary if we are failing to develop natually in these ways.
18. The splendor of Aquarius meteor shower currently seen across the night sky is the ice particle dust sprayed out by Halley's Comet during last perihelion pass.
19. With Jupiter in Aquarius , you are in very strong shape on just about every level.
20. Aquarius step - parent an intellectual sort who is also open - minded.
21. Aquarius gets a lot of its parts from abroad, particularly from Canada.
22. The water bearer symbol of the creative genius Aquarius, that shows the identity of a man pouring forth water from a jug symbolizes the human community.
23. Aquarius is the sign of visionaries,(sentence dictionary) unconventionality and intellectual independence.
24. Eventually he was rewarded for his long and faithful service by being placed in the heavens as the constellation of Aquarius.
25. Dominic knows that in the 1960s the equinox had progressed to Aquarius.
26. A constellation in the equatorial region of the Southern Hemisphere near Aquarius and Eridanus.
27. Aquarius is the 11th star of the sun zodiac signs.The symbol of Aquarius is water bearer.
28. While peace activists talked about "flower power, " the cast of "Hair" was singing about "the age of Aquarius.
29. You're the type of vacationer who wants a unique travel experience, Aquarius.
30. Subtract 135 degrees from Jupiter gives 306 or 6 degrees Aquarius.
31. People born during the period of January 21st –February 19th, they would be signed as Astrology Aquarius the Water Bearer.
32. If Saturn be in Aquarius, he will be a mere woman-hater.
33. Even though an Air Sign , Aquarius mom appreciates be grounded in reality.
34. Aquarius governs things like humanitarian efforts friendships hopes and wishes.
35. The Moon is Aquarius or Pisces makes the Native to be disliked by Princes, Grandees and the upper ten.
36. And by the end of May it turns super-huge because Chiron, Jupiter and Neptune will all conjoin in the 26 degrees Aquarius.
37. If you were born between January 21 and February 19, then your star sign is Aquarius.
38. Experts say Aquarius will gather as much information about sea surface salinity as has been collected by ships over the past one hundred twenty-five years.
38. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
39. M72, which spans about 50 light years and lies about 50, 000 light years away, can be seen with a small telescope toward the constellation of the Water Bearer (Aquarius).
40. Today, Neptune is in the much more serious and scientific opposite sign of Aquarius and has been mutually receiving Uranus in Pisces.
41. Neptune's time in seventh house Aquarius can romanticize the concepts of marrying a best friend.
42. Venus is also trine Chiron in Aquarius, making it possible to see areas of vulnerability in others and stepping around them.
43. Amethyst is the birthstone for an Aquarian born in February and garnet for an Aquarian born in January. Here are a few facts about Aquarius...
44. Ruled by shocking Uron the other handt; Aquarius is very much epitomes the planet thlocated on inspires it. This sign hin the role of darizonazling intellectuhas and counicine skill.
45. While in Aquarius, Jupiter focuses on social networking, friendships, group activities, the Internet, and teamwork.
46. Your Aquarius dad will encourage you to be independent and freethinking .
47. The object is actually a shell of gas and dust that has been blown off by a faint central star, lying around 700 light-year away in the constellation of Aquarius.
48. Aquarius: the water bearer is the sign of the thinker.
49. Trojan Technologies Inc. of Ontario, North America's dominant maker of ultraviolet disinfection equipment for treating sewage, is a key supplier to Aquarius and other companies.
50. Through August the faint planet will appear just above the horizon near the constellation Aquarius in predawn skies.
51. And by the end of May it becomes super-huge because Chiron, Jupiter and Neptune will all conjoin at 26 degrees Aquarius.




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