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单词 Remembering
1, Forget others' faults by remembering your own. 
2, When I am sad, I take refuge in remembering happier times.
3, Remembering the past was his only pleasure.
4, Learning languages isn't just a matter of remembering words.
5, It's worth remembering that prices go up on February 1st.
6, It is worth remembering that previous wills are nullified automatically upon marriage.
7, He gets choked up just remembering the day she left.
8, Wellington stiffened, remembering the details of the gossip.
9, I grew colder,(http:///remembering.html) remembering their visit to my ship.
10, Was she remembering the last puppet show?
11, I admire him for remembering the day.
12, Remembering, the rector crossed himself.
13, I'm not very good at remembering people's names.
14, Sometimes I have trouble remembering her name.
15, I'm very bad at remembering people's names.
16, Remembering them brought back to mind the Wainfleet item.
17, It is worth remembering that the first pneumatic bicycle tyre appeared on a cinder track in Portadown in August 1889.
18, She stood there remembering the note as the downtown crowds swirled past us.
19, Nina put out her hand remembering that he, too, had suffered a loss.
20, Another point worth remembering is that many insurance companies give substantial discounts to mature drivers.
21, She veered from it, remembering the human warmth of him.
22, The secret of happiness could be as simple as remembering the good times and forgetting the regrets.
23, He groaned and slapped his forehead, as if suddenly remembering something obvious.
24, Friends are angels who lift us to our feet when your wings have trouble remembering how to fly.
25, No, I don't know his number-I have quite enough trouble remembering my own.
26, Bishop Jon, a warm-hearted man, had been weeping, and even Eochaid, remembering, found himself moved near to tears.
27, Writers constantly have to deal with this prejudice, and it is well worth remembering this before discussing writing with casual acquaintances.
28, The discriminating of something within consciousness is to be understood as a case of remembering.
29, The most difficult job will be to rehouse and reshape soccer while remembering just who it really belongs to.
30, Returning home from one such expedition, I couldn't help remembering how my parents entertained their circle in Hull.
1, When I am sad, I take refuge in remembering happier times.
2, He groaned and slapped his forehead, as if suddenly remembering something obvious.
3, No, I don't know his number-I have quite enough trouble remembering my own.
31, So learning is simply a matter of remembering what is important.
32, Remembering he didn't like grapes, she had lined up more exotic things like dates, kumquats and some out-of-season strawberries.
33, Yet it wasn't long before he was remembering that journey as the last chance he'd had to turn back.
34, We spent a long time walking through the bare rooms, remembering the games we used to play there.
35, Before the crisis drumbeat intensifies, a few facts are worth remembering.
36, It is worth remembering that there are still people in Britain today who have never been to London.
37, And yet today she had glanced again and again at her hand, and found herself remembering.
38, Her lips move constantly, as if she were remembering a text, like a Hasid at prayer.
39, We shall soon see that some good search algorithms involve remembering many states.
40, He gave a slight sardonic grunt, remembering how excited he had been in that railway carriage on his way to Carewscourt.
41, Remembering my hunch that my drink was spiked leaves me confused. Without proof I should really lay the idea to rest.
42, Remembering the kiss he had given her after breakfast it seemed as if their relationship might at long last have changed.
43, These remarks, which apply even to the recent past, are worth remembering at the outset.
44, Christina found herself remembering the way the promising young architect had first come into their lives.
45, Remembering his duty, he strode briskly up the stairs, keeping his eyes open for any suspicious signs.
46, Remembering the other woman's private income, Loretta made only a faint protest.
47, Dr. Lao has a facility for remembering names and faces.
48, He lives almost entirely in the past(), remembering life before the war and during his hellish time in a concentration camp.
49, A simple method for remembering the names of the three areas is to associate them with a particular point of the body.
50, That way the general public's limited capacity for remembering the truths of any given case may not be exceeded.
51, And I felt worse, as I stumbled away, remembering Gharr's laughter when I'd struck him.
52, Mandisa alternates between recounting the events on the day of the crime and remembering the past in a series of flashbacks.
53, We must welcome the future, remembering that soon it will be the past; and we must respect the past, remembering that it was once all that was humanly possible. George Santayana 
54, I sipped from a wineskin, remembering Mathilda's warm charms and waiting for Sir John to come.
55, Remembering the visit to the cotton mill, on the other hand, I can see myself watching from the polished floor.
56, Remembering that what we were experiencing was meant to be enjoyable left our wits spinning like a lawn sprinkler.
57, She was remembering yesterday evening; the argument with Isobel, Anna siding with her against Liz.
58, It is worth remembering that luck often comes to the aid of the experimenter.
59, It's also worth remembering that air conditioning increases fuel consumption by as much as ten per cent.
60, Remembering the cup in her pocket, she pressed her hand over the flap to hide it.
61, Remembering his losses in the Red River offensive, he realized that a similar setback would be fatal to the Vietminh cause.
62, Christmas is a special time, A time for remembering too, All the people in the world Less fortunate than you.
63, Forgiving is not forgetting; its actually remembering-remembering and not using your right to hit back. Its a second chance for a new beginning. And the remembering part is particularly important. Especially if you dont want to repeat what happened. Desmond Tutu 
64, She jumped out of bed, remembering the state of her black velvet skirt.
65, Remembering a detail with sudden clarity, Charles knelt down and looked at the left-hand side of the front bumper.
66, Although minerals are only present in minute quantities it's worth remembering that when choosing your water.
67, Well, no problem with the casting, the only problem is remembering the plot.
68, Brian propped himself up on his elbows, suddenly remembering that the alarm had gone off.
69, It is worth remembering that nursing staff can be very influential in making recommendations.
70, Just remembering it brings tears to my eyes 20 years later.
71, Yet it is worth remembering that they were fuelled by intense speculation about her marriage.
72, Suddenly remembering the night,(http://) she jerked her head around and saw his winged black eyebrows.
73, As a child, I learned the trick for remembering the difference between latitude and longitude.
74, Matthew Spender's writing is at its best remembering the past as though it has just happened.
75, The urn rattled brightly Seashells, he thought, remembering his time as a child at the gulf shore.
76, In this sense of the term, my mental life contains my knowing things, and remembering things, and seeing things.
77, It is worth remembering that a sparrow has more vertebrae in its neck than a giraffe.
78, Maltote was exhausted and had some difficulty remembering certain minor details, but, at last, a full account was given.
79, It is hard enough to remember my opinions, without also remembering my reasons for them! Friedrich Nietzsche 
80, The act of remembering and the act of perceiving both detect a pattern in a very large choice of possible patterns.
81, Most people's long-term memory is very limited when it comes to remembering specific points or ideas.
82, Or survive the pain of remembering the past in its entirety?
83, A few picture postcards casually sent could not be considered remembering in any serious sense.
84, Francis Place, remembering his days as a journeyman tailor, endorsed this view.
85, The mortar joint is attacked in a similar manner, remembering to always point the chisel inward, never out.
86, Suddenly, remembering Shaaban's fear - and the man had courage enough - Claudel drew a sharp breath.
87, At club meetings, we like to reminisce, remembering old times.
88, Male meadow voles have bigger hippocampi than females and are better at finding and remembering their way through mazes.
89, When he did speak, it was mostly of the very distant past, remembering his brothers as boys.
90, She laughs quietly to herself, as if she is remembering some family story, then looks sad.
91, And remembering it - it seemed more as if she relived it - her whole body ached, tensed, fidgeted.
92, Only Corrary was still subdued, remembering his brother lying in a makeshift grave far from his home Rorim.
93, And it's worth remembering to carry the nuts in a soft cloth bag and not a rustling plastic one.
94, Live your truth. Express your love. Share your enthusiasm. Take action towards your dreams. Walk your talk. Dance and sing to your music. Embrace your blessings. Make today worth remembering. Steve Maraboli 
95, He lay quietly for a long while, getting his bearings, remembering how he came to be in this bed.
96, Celebration Remembering, and using people's names when talking to them pays dividends in personal relationships.
97, I got to be careful about remembering to switch it off.
98, However, many remained sceptical, remembering the Tsars pledge in 1895 in a speech to Zemstvo representative to maintain autocracy.
99, Legacies Somerville has been enormously enriched over the past century by Somervillians remembering the College in their wills.
99, Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
100, Waking up was a process of gradually remembering all the things I had to feel bad about.
101, To create these things, we must begin by remembering that we are all in this together.
102, Did you notice when you were badgering her how she got interested in remembering Pempie and then could leave the room?
103, Legs arrogantly apart he urinated into the bowl, remembering last night.
104, Remembering the phone, she went to fetch it, leaving a soaking trail across her carpet.
105, He looked more closely at her, remembering her: she was the child from Sea House, her parents were divorced.
106, Finding or remembering an evocative scent is a good first step.
107, She shivered, remembering how waking to find his face so close to hers had made her insides quake.
108, The time he spent in prison serves as a point of reference for Bowden - the lessons are worth remembering.
109, Nearly all his problems are a matter of remembering things.
110, Indeed, it is worth remembering that the effect of birth order may vary with maternal age.
111, Removing input neuron 1 produces difficulties with remembering output pattern A but not B. Removing input neuron 2 produces the reverse effect.
112, A call from Dennis, remembering midway through that I was in California.
113, Soon, Louisa was using her strong capacity for visual imagery to compensate for her difficulty in remembering words and sentences.
114, And, even now, remembering, she felt a warm glow spread through her.
115, Tam scrabbled at each pair of legs in turn, remembering the biscuits; the more uninhibited guests kicked, furtively.
116, Make sketches of the larva or pupa, remembering to write the date in each drawing.
117, It is, of course, worth remembering that the region west of the Mississippi was still comparatively undeveloped.
118, When remembering childhood experiences, who recalls third-grade reading, after all?
119, Certainly the best thing to do in remembering Allen Ginsberg is to read his work, and keep reading it.
120, I confess to remembering nothing and no one better than Kip, my parents and sister Bonnie Jean included.
121, Recollection of grandparents thus appears strongest between women: granddaughters remembering grandmothers.
122, Remembering how she had stood on the tower battlements the next morning, watching her knight ride away.
123, Obon is for closing off unfinished business, for restoring bonds, for healing and remembering.
124, Her face contorted with disgust, decades after the attack, remembering the old white man who raped her.
125, Or fated to be good at tennis, remembering phone numbers, or having affairs?
126, It is worth remembering that simple sentences are more likely to be grammatically correct than long, involved ones. 4.
127, He likes giving pop quizzes, to see if the kids are remembering anything.
128, It is worth remembering that most editorial staff will not be in the office much before 10.00 or 11.00 am.
129, Let us be of good cheer,(http:///remembering.html) remembering.
130, They equalize future and past by remembering neither.
131, He often shows his feelings of remembering past times.
132, Please make a point of remembering our guests'names.
133, Remembering words is a hard problem in English study and word-formation is a good resolution to it.
134, None of his brain cells are occupied remembering various PIN number.
135, I remember new English words or phrases by remembering their location on the page, on the board, or on a street sign.
136, If the username is available, extract the remaining data, again remembering to sanitize it.
137, Objective: To test if self-reference can enhance remembering negative emotional valence words more than semantic processing.
138, Cut out the new pattern , remembering to fold each dart.
139, The only thing I'm afraid of is that we will someday just go home and then we will meet once a year, drinking beer, and nostalgically remembering what a nice time we had here.
140, I chose the ordinary four-berth soft sleeper, remembering the cheerful companionship of strangers who offered me nuts and oranges and laughed uproariously at my Western handwriting.
141, Remembering my presence, he furtively dropped it under his chair.
142, It saves you the hassle of dealing with classpath issues over and over again, as well as remembering specific command-line options.
143, The United States Postal Service is honoring him with a stamp. And several museums in cities where he lived are remembering him with plays, readings and other events.
144, He shook his slender shoulders and pulled his concealing piwafwi cloak around him, remembering how vulnerable a houseless drow could be.
145, " No wine,'she said dully , remembering the endless rows of bottles in the cellar.
146, Remembering a bottle of Irish whiskey they had received as a gift the previous Christmas, she opened and poured a generous amount into the warm milk.
147, Compassion allows the light in, allows the remembering of the deeper reality of the metaprogram of love.
148, In summary the art in a language lesson lies in remembering that language belongs to people.
149, Uses unique audio flash card system to review items you are having trouble remembering.
150, I keep remembering Hannah Pakula's immortal line: "Hollywood is no place for a woman over forty with a library card.".
151, At night, and very cold, remembering the game tonight, quicken the steps.
152, We replay the time or scene we"ve spent with that person over and over and again in our minds, remembering with memory."
153, Sometimes, on those evenings he’s remembering, she would come back from her exhausting work (as a cleaning woman) to find the house empty, the old woman out shopping, the children still at school.
154, A should - be normal condition has a unique phenomenon, thus worthy of taking a picture for remembering.
155, The first is semantic memory, which deals with things we are conscious of remembering and stores what we have learned about the world.
156, I always make a point of remembering my wife's birthday.
157, Results The optometer has the merits of simple manipulation, exact result, small cubage, AC/DC power supply and so on. Besides, it prevents the testee from remembering eye-chart.
158, Most software is forgetful , remembering little or nothing from execution to execution.
159, You can orient yourself by remembering that the hill is due north.
160, According to the author of the Biblical book of Ecclesiastes, comfort can be found in remembering that "to everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under heaven."
161, It saves us from remembering all of life's crushingly dull moments as well as setting us free to think in abstract terms.
162, Neuroscientists have long believed that the brain's so-called episodic memory circuits are largely involved in remembering past events or occurrences.
163, Elizabeth lay there, letting the past wash over her, remembering it all.
164, Of course, I was remembering her birth, and my own elation when my longed-for baby was delivered safe and well.
165, He was remembering the verses Karen had written him after Wally Talbot's electrocution.
166, Ming - feng stood dully, remembering many things of the past.
167, First of all, it's worth remembering that Perl is a compiled language.
168, Remembering all content is to want to be nodded to diffuse with this clou .
169, He declared himself to have been totally unsuspicious of her sister's attachment; -- and she could not help remembering what Charlotte's opinion had always been.
170, "I have trouble remembering names and the most frustrating is when they are names of people I know really well, I just can't bring the name to the surface, " Sabin says.
171, Select the view, remembering that, aside from the view showing the characteristic shape of the object, there should be as many additional views are necessary to complete the shape description.
172, Snow in the wind indiscriminately Piaofei, remembering at this time has been turned into permanent memory.
173, "Simply remembering an unpleasant incident can bring back the same terrible sadness and agitation to women that they experienced at the time, " adds Dr. Legato.
174, It is the 70th anniversary of the Battle of Britain and we've been remembering our brave airmen, but it is also worth remembering those heroes such as Booth, who received no fame at the time.
175, America, it is worth remembering, was the great copyright and patent infringer when it was a developing country in the 18th century.
176, Mourners are remembering Lady Bird Johnson, the widow of former President Lyndon Baines Johnson will lie in repose until Saturday.
177, Remembering opera great Luciano Pavarotti, with thousands watching the invitation-only service from the main square in this northern Italian city.
178, I couldn't help remembering what Nisan told me, Nemutan held tightly in his left arm, as we walked out of the restaurant to the parking lot.
179, The main command prompt within bash provides both the ability to edit the command line and a history function, remembering individual command lines so that you can execute them again.
180, There is the golden dragon and phoenix flying in the air on the front top of the Dian. It was done by remembering the pioneer Yuan Ni Hsian Shei for his leadership of laying the foundation.
181, It is also worth remembering that gesture is still a crucial part of human language, even for those with normal hearing.
182, These denote the act or an instance of remembering, or something remembered.
183, Such examples is too many, went to the examination front particularly, for remembering the thing, used the exaggerative way, is to rise to enhance the result.
184, And it may be worth remembering that while John Major didn't himself go to Oxbridge.
185, Thank you for remembering my birthday. Your thoughtfulness is appreciated.
186, Before remembering wearing scarf and glove earcap , want the latex on besmear.
187, He declared himself to be totally unsuspicious of her sister's attachment; and she could not help remembering what Charlotte's opinion had always been.
188, If you're stuck with someone and feeling tongue-tied, console yourself by remembering that the other person may be feeling as agonized as you.
189, But as the old man, when he went away, asked back his foster-child's top, remembering that it was a top, so do thou in this case also.
190, Bartlett F C. Remembering: A study in experimental and social psychology.
191, Remembering opera great Luciano Pavarotti, with thousands watching the invitation-only service from the main square in this northern Italian city. The tenor died Thursday after a battle with cancer.
192, France has been remembering the three-hundred-thousand men who gave their lives during the Battle of Verdun , ninety-years ago during the First World War.
193, The book presents the psychodrama of a dull middle-aged woman remembering the riveting thoughts she once had.
193, is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
194, Methods The ability of remembering of mice was studied by the water maze method.
195, Hearing footsteps in the doorway, the thief cut and run, not even remembering to to take his hat.
196, Remembering thee, O Sion.
197, Women with excess fat on their hips (pear-shaped), however, are apparently more likely to have trouble remembering things than those with fat on their waists (apple-shaped).
198, A Filipino woman, whether she's a friend, employee, co-worker, or lover, will greatly appreciate you remembering her birthday, anniversary, or an important promise.
199, It's worth remembering, however, that though a clean copy fresh off a printer may look terrific, it will read only as well as the thinking and writing that have gone into it.
200, He gave it to me, and with the necklace I make over to you all the duty of remembering the original giver. It is to be a family remembrancer.
201, Fighting a war while remembering to take Wolfsbane Potion to avoid the nastier effects of his monthly transformation into a werewolf will be tricky.
202, In remembering historic events, the mistake you tend to make is anachronistic.
203, But at last he got to like trains, because when he heard steam whistle, instead of remembering the unhappy, he thought of the excitement and the waving hands of the tourists.
204, He was a yea and nay man not worth remembering.
205, When use bath product, bath is suckled or remembering to let first is bath shows rub to knead bubbly, come so, just but will before the old useless cutin of purify is taken away thoroughly.
206, So - called intelligent behaviour demands memory, remembering being a primary requirement for reasoning.




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