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单词 Crabs
1. We looked for crabs in the rock pools along the seashore.
2. We walked along the beach collecting small crabs in a bucket.
3. Crabs normally catch food with their pincers.
4. Children were looking for crabs in the rock pools.
5. Crabs and lobsters have eyes on stalks.
6. Lobsters, crabs, prawns and oysters are all shellfish.
7. The fish and crabs scavenge for decaying tissue.
8. He often crabs without cause.
9. We searched among the rocks for crabs.
9. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
10. Land crabs breathe air and cannot swim.
11. The local people regard these crabs as a great delicacy.
12. Some crabs employ an aggressive form of autotomy.
13. These crabs are found nowhere else in the world.
14. Scavenging crabs move in to feed on dead tubeworms.
15. He uses crabs for bait, the caption informs.
16. Hunger feels like pincers, like the bite of crabs, it burns, burns and has no fire.
17. The fishing was great; you could pick up crabs off the beach.
18. The small boy with us is collecting crabs from the swamp; soon he has enough to fill a big taro leaf.
19. The heron gobbled up land crabs which, without the herons, had become a pest on the islands.
20. Small hermit crabs are readily available where there is ocean water and their value as scavengers makes them worth considering.
21. These shells provide a home for the crabs and protect them from predators and the elements.
22. The giant king crabs choose nights when the tide is highest and the moon full.
23. As we walked along the seashore we saw several different sorts of seaweed and lots of tiny crabs.
24. As we walked along the seashore we saw lots of tiny crabs.
25. We take two dozen blues and a dozen of their predators, the small green crabs that are never far away.
26. At first we could see nothing so crouched on our haunches, edging forward like crabs, feeling the soft woollen carpet.
27. What soothes me is lying on my belly at the edge of the water, watching hermit crabs.
28. Con: You have to blame the gym sauna for poor hygiene when you give him crabs.
29. Not until I understood the inextricable connection between mussels and crabs was I able to see both crabs and mussels at once.
30. It houses sea snails, cockles, mussels, large fish, squid, cuttlefish, octopuses, shrimps and crabs.
1. We looked for crabs in the rock pools along the seashore.
2. We walked along the beach collecting small crabs in a bucket.
3. The fish and crabs scavenge for decaying tissue.
31. Upending rocks in the muddy cove, I uncover fighting green crabs that rise up startled and scurry off into the muck.
32. When they can catch them, the crabs will nip off bits of red plume from tubeworms.
33. This crab is preserved in a rather soft clay, which makes it more fragile than the other crabs in this book.
34. Her island was peopled with plumed parrots, preening dodos, psychedelic land crabs.
35. Although the crabs' distant ancestors came from the sea, these are land crabs.
36. Marshes also provide life-saving cover for female crabs that have shed their shells in preparation for mating.
37. The king crabs have a nearly circular carapace, beneath which powerful legs helped the animal to swim and catch prey.
38. Plus sea urchins and crabs dropping from the beaks of high-flying gulls who swoop down to feast on them.
39. A loud bang sent all the crabs scuttling across the sand.
40. Crabs are among the first animals to colonize the new vent sites.
41. Or are the few crabs that we see so voracious that any new recruit stands little chance of survival?
42. I suggest keeping crabs in a species only set-up,(http:///crabs.html) with a chemical buffer to create alkaline conditions.
43. Weldon studied crabs in Plymouth harbour that were being forced to live in water that was muddied by human activity.
44. Like most of the true crabs they can be very destructive in the reef tank.
45. I shine my pocket torch on to hundreds of crabs skittering into the sea.
46. It's the water's coat-of-Joseph and its Nessus-shirt only the hardy survive: odd pink bivalves mottled crabs, incorrigible lugworms.
47. On its vertical face, clinging beneath overhangs, jammed three or four deep into cracks, are a million scarlet crabs.
48. Crabs injected with it go limp at first, then have convulsions and die.
49. Rag, lugworm, whites, peeler crabs, whelks, shrimps, cockles and even odd razor-fish can be collected.
50. To actually see crabs scuttling across the floor and live sponges and even real live fish was astonishing.
51. It is fair to warn anglers that thousands of crabs soon make short work of rag and lugworm.
52. These rocks also stirred with novel species of eyeless shrimp, white crabs, translucent sea anemones and large, pink fish.
53. We slice green apples from my tree, scrub mussels and crabs, extract periwinkles from their shells.
54. In the confusion, many crabs lose their foothold, tumble into the water and are swept away.
55. It is a reflex born of predation by voracious crabs that nip at the tender tubeworm plumes with their claws.
56. There was less interest in the crabs and squat lobsters, which I claimed as my niche and shared amicably with others.
57. Either by design or accident, Joe first boiled the crabs, then chilled and served them to an employee.
58. It is so tiny that it can live inside an empty clam shell whence it emerges to seize minute soldier crabs.
59. The octopus kills its prey, mainly small crabs, by biting them and injecting highly toxic saliva into the wound.
60. After his lying here smelling this bad for three days filling up with crabs, any rites at all is sacrilege.
61. Fish tucked into crevices peer out, while crabs scavenge over the reef and probe soft corals for food.
62. Soft-shelled crabs are blue crabs taken after the hard shell has been discarded and the new one is still soft.
63. Then, as though at some pre-arranged signal, both crabs wriggle free from their homes and exchange shells.
64. A Small Hermit Crabs will not damage inverts, but larger ones will.
65. Perhaps this is why the horseshoe crabs developed the habit.
66. He imagined its slow approach, its dumb search along the sandy bottom among seaweed and snails and crabs.
67. Fishes, crabs, octopus, are part of nekton.
68. Eating crabs has brought John out in spots again.
69. The coastal waters teem with fat crabs.
70. Gourmets know that autumn crabs andan unbeatable combination.
71. We used to catch crabs.
72. He loathes the sight of crabs.
73. Look at the lobster and crabs.
74. Compassionate and perceptive(/crabs.html), Crabs do best in nurturing professions.
75. There are a lot offish and crabs in it.
76. Crabs scuttle along the muddy bank.
77. Autumn Lake crabs, yellow fat, you misrepresent a package.
78. General over the foreshore crab gait to people familiar with the characteristics for the majority of crabs.
79. Head chef Dicky Tong utilises the freshness of lobster flesh and the tastiness of crabs and creates out-of-the-box dishes with his creativity. It is a dining experience that you can't miss!
80. Mature Christmas Island red crabs probably moult only onceayear, as their growth rate slows.
81. The baby crabs develop in coastal sea grasses, eventually coming onto land to repeat the life cycle.
82. Ants don't carry calendars around with them any more than fiddler crabs possess real wrist watches.
83. To investigate the distribution species of fresh water crabs in 34 counties and its harbouring metacercariae of Paragonimus in Fujian Province.
84. When he was uneasy when Hou, there may be two reactions, like a hermit crab is like hides under the shell where the other is the same as the crabs with pliers Luanyao people.
85. Mitochondrial DNA as an ideal genetic marker has been successfully applied to the study of population and evolutionary genetics of crabs.
86. Result Eating raw crab rate was 37.66% according to the investigation table, metacercaria infection rate was 7,93% in dissected crabs.
87. I look around at the wriggly worms, crabs and tadpoles, and none of them can compare with me.
88. In the physical, crabs and lobsters are bottom-feeding kingdoms that assist in the transmutation of decay upon the ocean floor.
89. I often go to the beach to catch shrimps and crabs.
90. We are Singapore based trading company. We driedcucumber and live crabs.
91. These the Crabs, having resumed and screwed on their claws, placed cheerfully upon their wrists, and walked away rapidly on their hind-legs, warbling songs with a silvery voice and in a minor key.
92. It is the creepy-crawlies that are out there in really big numbers; almost 40 per cent of identified marine species are crustaceans and molluscs – things like crabs, shrimp, squid and sea-snails.
93. I want to have crabs and they just don't give me.
94. The crabs are moving from the deep ocean, up the continental slope to the shallower shelf areas.
95. Louisiana is the nation's leading producer of shrimp, oysters, crabs, crawfish and alligators.
96. Yet fighting counterfeit crabs — like fighting any fake product here — is a Sisyphean task.
97. Marine biologists exploring this coastline over the last eight years as part of the Census of Marine Life have found more than 500 species of crabs, shrimps, lobsters, and other Decapoda.
98. Like most crabs, this species is an omnivore. Its prey includes mollusks (clams and snails), sea worms, small crustaceans , small fish and occasional plant material.
99. Water crab samples were collected generally to diagnose species. Then species and infection rate of Paragonimus metacercariae caught in water crabs were examined.
99. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
100. Wangjing area I live, where to buy good river crabs.
101. Hermit crabs covered in reddish-brown oil are shown on the coast at Dauphin Island, Ala. , Tuesday, June 1, 2010.
102. What about a shore bird like the red knot, which is not federally listed but is in steep decline from the overharvesting of its predominant food source, horseshoe crabs?
103. Well-known crabs include the hermit crab, edible crab (Britain and Europe), blue crab, Dungeness crab, fiddler crab, and king crab.
104. CrABS were collected from 24 villages in 12 towns and P. westermani metacercaria were detected.
105. Undeterred by formidably sub-zero winter temperatures, Lars and his crab safari team regularly dive off the side of an inflatable Zodiac to a depth of 25 metres in search of crabs.
106. The three daughters of a workshop leader at British Columbia's Hollyhock retreat take a break from beachcombing for crabs.
107. The crabs the children catch can be named in an instant by Zheng Qinghai. The majority are common to the region, but the endemic species of Taiwanese fiddler crab is facing extinction.
108. Not during the onset of edible seafood are: abalone, shark's fin, swordfish, red Han, Pacific saury, eels, birds, thieves, crabs, shrimp, clams, snails ... and so on.
109. Ninety crabs were individually placed in a brightly lit arena, and had the option of scuttling to two dark shelters.
110. She had taken the hemp rope Zhao Yong used for catching crabs and was stuffing it into her mouth and swallowing it!
111. The crabs breed on a strict timetable: Unwaveringly, females spawn before sunrise during the last quarter of the moon, according to the Christmas Island National Park website.
112. The floristics trait of intertidal crabs of the islands in the south of Zhejiang was reported in this paper according to the investigation conducted during 1990-1997.
113. Negroes are prostrate everywhere and morays and crawfish and spider crabs arearound and over their bodies.
114. This fear was not groundless for he himself had really seen it happen to other moulting crabs.
115. These eels are carnivorous, but harmless, with a wide ranging diet, eating shrimp, crabs, bony fish, and frogs. It is nocturnal, so it feeds at night. Usage.
116. Children splashed gleefully in the shallow water, trying to catch crabs.
117. Further discussion should be focus on the distribution and zoogeographical significance of freshwater crABS in Fengxin County that located in the middle section of Jiuling Mountain.
118. Mullet, crabs, ray and other minnow are get together in the dock outside the Alabamian.
119. They are the same kind of deep-water crabs with big red claws that you might find at the seafood counter.
120. P . S . As I know, deep fry the crabs and then cook with beer and other spices.
121. To find out, biologists kept crabs in a dark room for two months.
122. Thousands of fish and a dead whale were found dead in the west Mississippi River, Louisiana, US. Species include crabs, sting rays, eels, speckled trout and red fish.
123. These crabs see you puckerin ', they gonna bitchify you in a heartbeat.
124. The best place to take to the beach is St. George Island State Park, where it remains in its natural state of ghost crabs, salt-dwarfed pines, wild rosemary and reindeer moss.
125. Reaching 5 feet (1.5 meters) long, wolffish have conspicuous dentition suited to a diet of hard-shelled mollusks, crabs, and sea urchins.
126. Heat oil in a wok, deep-fry the crabs until medium-well cooked, remove.
127. Each spring, millions of horseshoe crabs migrate from the waters of the continental shelf to the shallower waters of Delaware Bay to spawn.
128. Shih, H. -T. , 1988. A preliminary report of crabs collected in the intertidal zone at the mouth of Tatu River ( Crustacea : Decapoda) . Bachelor's thesis, Department of Biology, Tunghai University.
129. The findings of classical conditioning have been extended and replicated in all sorts of animals including crabs, fish, cockroaches and so on.
129. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
130. Dress the mud crabs. Chop into pieces . Rinse and coat in cornflour.
131. Tip: edible crabs as part of the muscle, Crab, ovary and testis.
132. There are many places along the Delaware Bay and the New Jersey shore to see the rising tide of horseshoe crabs and their avian attendants.
133. Once the money's inserted, the crabs drop down to the drawer with an unceremonious plop — something that doesn't happen to, say, bananas in other vending machines (see the video).
134. Wash and finely chop chillies and fermented black beans, set aside. Rinse and dress the crabs, remove the innards. Chop into pieces, coat in some caltrop starch.
135. The ladies went anyway and managed to suss out wild rice and "unrivalled T-steaks and soft-shell crabs," but they were right to be afraid.
136. This is the first report of sex reversal induced by injection of androgenic gland(AG) extract in brachyuran crabs.
137. Place crabs flat coat with frying batter evenly , shake off and then set aside.
138. The Christmas Island red crabs moult their shells regularly during their early growth phases to match their increasing body size.
139. In addition to bird, the Nam Sang Wai also different types of plants and organisms such as red eucalyptus, reed, red head diving duck, blue duck and fiddler crabs, and so the first potential.
140. Schools of various vibrantly colored fish such as damsels and sea breams swim in the area as well as moray eels, a variety of underwater crabs, lobster and conger eels.
141. A servant was washing the steps, and some crabs began to disport themselves in the little pools, and a pig that was loitering about began to mouth the crabs.
142. If I walk in the mud, it covers up my feet. I look around at the wriggly worms, crabs and tadpoles, and none of them can compare with me.
143. Depth and particle size were primary and secondary environment variables that influence the community structure of brachyuran crabs in the present geographic region.
144. In the mangrove forest, we saw many animals and plants such as fiddler crabs and kandelia.
145. Horseshoe crabs gather at dusk to mate along the shore of the Delaware Bay in Cape May, New Jersey.
146. Red of June means the river crabs produced June of lunar calendar.
147. Healthindustrial leaders of the beach palm beach lying quietly in many shells, conch. a few crabs.
148. Other edible crabs that are diversely valued depending on countries include some Sesarma, Cardisoma and Thalamita species (SECA/CML, 1987).
149. Climate suitability of seawater crabs culture in Jiangsu littoral was studied.
150. Deep-fry crabs in hot oil until golden yellow and done. Drain.
151. Heffernan said he would consider putting them on his menu and was looking forward to getting some molting European green crabs to try in soft-shell crab recipes.
152. Related to shrimp and crabs, the giant isopod is a deep-sea crustacean that makes its home on the ocean floor.
153. Sometimes the live crabs...would escape from their basket, scuttling under the bed.
154. Diabetes for the seafood: mackerel, salmon, tuna, eel, fish, Pacific saury, lobster, oysters,[http:///crabs.html] crabs ... and so on.
155. On Friday, came reports of turtle doves falling from the sky near Ravenna, Italy, and thousands of dead crabs on the coast around Thanet in Kent.
156. Species include crabs, sting rays, eels, speckled trout and red fish.
157. These gargantuan crabs were once affected by dark energy of Heresh, but now cured by Shalassa.
158. The Chinese mitten-handed crab, Eriocheir sinensis belongs to Arthropoda , Crustacea, Decapoda. , is one of the most promising and valuable crabs for aquaculture in China.
159. Taiwanese experts started breeding horseshoe crabs because their blood detects deadly bacteria.
160. The key points of seawater crabs culture service were the influence degree evaluation of disastrous weather, forecast service of disastrous weather and countermeasures research on disaster control.
161. Other forms of crabs are also found in various places and include such species as the Alaskan king crab and the Dungeness crab.




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