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单词 Fueled
1. His provocative words only fueled the argument further.
2. The economic boom was fueled by easy credit.
3. But we also succeeded, and our successes fueled us.
4. Like any big-block V-8 fueled by gasoline, this engine chugged regular unleaded.
5. Flames, fueled by gasoline and exploding ammunition, shot into the air.
6. The very existence of the Mac fanatics fueled the resistance of those whom Apple was most trying to woo.
7. Kawaja fueled speculation by publicly suggesting that barrels of the by-product were shipped out under cover of night.
8. In peacetime, the business became legitimate and was fueled by a consumer boom.
9. The new religious revival is fueled by a revulsion with the corruptions of contemporary society.
10. That would have fueled a disastrous crash that would cripple banks and securities firms and lead to a deep recession.
11. The recent price declines they say have been fueled by them unwinding those bets.
12. Strong winds and high temperatures fueled dozens of fires in parched Oregon.
13. The local economy exploded(), fueled by thousands of new auto workers.
14. The decision to sell the car was fueled by necessity.
15. Thus many Great Groups are fueled by an invigorating, completely unrealistic view of what they can accomplish.
16. The company said earnings growth was fueled by stronger worldwide sales of pharmaceuticals and nutritional products, which includes infant formula.
17. Then there were allegations that the verdict was fueled by anti-Hispanic racism.
18. But carbon has fueled industrial development, as well as its accompanying atmospheric shock.
19. They fueled the industrial revolution in both Great Britain and the United States but are today a standard third-world-manufactured product.
20. Partly, the boom in direct selling is fueled by the uncertain job market.
21. That fueled the movement among Democrats to oust their own president, Lyndon B.. Johnson.
22. The bags are required by law to inflate in a fraction of a second, fueled by hot gases.
23. Bond revenue and special funds like the highway account fueled by the gasoline tax are earmarked in advance.
24. Waiting on the runway at Osan Air Base, armed and fueled, were the F-111 fighter-bombers.
25. Tillman twisted the stopcock on the bottle of gas that fueled the stove.
26. Whether it was the very controversy surrounding the habeas issue that fueled his interest can not be said.
27. His is not the usual tale of an athlete fueled by passion, fulfilling a lifelong dream at the Olympic Games.
28. Fund-raisers used fears of destruction to raise the prodigious sums that fueled the entire machine.
29. In addition to simple rage over the hike in water bills, other issues fueled the recall movement.
30. It is a dialogue that begins with curiosity and is fueled by knowledge, leading to understanding.
1. His provocative words only fueled the argument further.
31. Aggressive fund-raising tactics and preparations for a larger electorate in this presidential election year fueled the increase.
32. And it has fueled the pens of editorial cartoonists, who have milked the story for all its satirical potential.
33. Both events ended in deaths, and, presumably, fueled a thousand conspiracy theories in the heartland.
34. The aristocrats would be the kindling for a roaring fire fueled by the fats of social exploitation.
35. Colonial Hong Kong blossomed into an economic powerhouse: a capitalistic colony fueled by international investment and global banking.
36. As many as three nuclear-powered aircraft carriers are expected to replace the two conventionally fueled carriers based here.
37. Farmers squealed that the popular porcine hero fueled a drop in pork sales as children boycotted Babe on a platter.
38. Sales in those new markets have fueled strong earnings at Duracell in the past two years.
39. It has fueled tension, misery and bloodshed even now after the Cold War has ended.
40. Spinoffs have recently become all the rage, fueled by favorable tax treatment and evidence that shareholders benefit.
41. She gave me no reason to hope, and the integrity that fueled her principles only made my position worse.
42. The tanker fueled in Bahrain.
43. Beyond that, our creative power is fueled by Spirit.
44. He fueled the motor home before going on vacation.
45. It was fueled by oil in enormous quantities.
46. Admittedly, that fall was fueled by a dividend cut.
47. They fueled up on favorable Mexican food and beer.
48. The boiler is fueled by coal.
49. Curiosity is a beast of a rover, weighing one ton, measuring ten feet long by seven feet tall (at the top of the mast), and powered by a plutonium-238 fueled electrical generator.
50. Fueled by dry cheatgrass, the Milford Flat fire had been sparked by lightning the day before and now spread quickly across the high desert.
51. It weighed 6.5 million pounds (3 million kg) fully fueled at liftoff.
52. While very strong developing country growth during the boom period may reflect underlying growth potential, the global financial conditions that fueled it were clearly unsustainable.
53. Some critics say this fueled adjustable - rate mortgage borrowing, banks'risk - taking and the housing boom.
54. Nuclear - energy fueled thermoelectric generating station, planned. Right - click for in service.
55. Momentum from the demonstration also fueled the formation of the Environmental Protection Agency.
56. [Pure Alienation] This form of hopelessness may be fueled by cognitive distortions such as mind reading, overgeneralization, or all-or-nothing thinking.
57. Its rapid recovery in 2009 was fueled by an expansion of credit of 26 percent of GDP in the first eight months of this year.
58. Gains in the regio were also fueled by a number of deals.
59. For the United States, the consumption boom was fueled by bubbles in stocks and housing.
60. Fueled by greed in having the opportunity to plunder another rich civilization, they conquered the Incan emperor and had him put to death.
61. For the United States, the consumption boom was fueled by bubbles in stocks and housing. This was accompanied by a collapse in the U.S. savings rate.
62. The company's oil equivalent production rose 4.5 percent from a year ago, fueled by the company's liquefied natural gas (LNG) projects in Qatar, it said.
63. This spending increase was largely fueled by the runup in house prices, which allowed home-owning Americans to borrow against the cost of their homes.
64. They afield appeal mainly to young people andare fueled mainly by caffeine.
65. It is little wonder that the current Iraqi regime is opposed to the MEK—a stance constantly fueled by the Iranian regime.
66. After the emirate opened parts of its property market to foreign buyers in 2002, prices climbed, fueled by speculative buyers, over-the-top development and light regulation.
67. The Internet, providing endless opportunities for porn-watching and cybersex, has fueled a surge in cases of sex addiction, experts say.
68. Fueled by Scorpio's volatility and Aquarius's imaginativeness, sex is quite out of the ordinary.
69. The disputes are fueled by the discontent of workers, many of whom say they haven't partaken of the past decade's prosperity.
70. In art, this confusion of symbols fueled the grotesque, an idea that Poe explicitly made his theme in his classic collection of stories, Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque (1840).
71. This is thought to explain in part and survival of ideologically fueled rumors.
72. In her inimitable fashion, Rowling has once again given us a teaser and fueled our curiosities.
73. At the same time, backfire, preignition and fire a gun in the start state of hydrogen fueled engine were avoided.
74. Nuclear - energy fueled thermoelectric generating station. Planned or in service can be specified.
75. But since interactive marketing programs are now fueled by measurable results, not dot-com madness, we believe that they can thrive in a recession.
76. But demonstrations fueled by the economic crisis led the Latvian government to resign last month.
77. Recently published photographs have fueled speculation the celebrity couple is breaking up.
78. The engine performance was investigated in a multipoint EFI gasoline engine fueled with gasohol blend.
79. The influence of cetane number improver on heat release rate and emissions of a high-speed diesel engine fueled with ethanol-diesel blend fuel was investigated.
80. The citric acid plant is just one of 10 similar enterprises fueled by marsh gas.
81. With the U.S. in limbo and Europe working its way to the ninth circle of Dante Alighieri’s hell, investor demand for gold has also been fueled by its value as an “alternate monetary asset.”
82. Analysts also said the recent rise could be in part fueled by short covering.
83. Ozone depletion caused by NO and H 2 O emissions rom hydrazine - fueled rockets.
84. Coal or lignite fueled thermoelectric generating station. Planned or in service can be specified.
85. Intense wildfires have been fueled by fierce Santa Ana winds.
86. Today, inflation and unemployment are soaring, debt is mounting and the banking sector that provided jobs and fueled a consumption boom has vanished.
86. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
87. Homer marvels at a "myCube, " a glowing device "fueled by dreams and powered by imagination, " according to the haughty employee behind the "Brainiac Bar."
88. Print fueled the Protestant Reformation, which did indeed destroy the Church's pan-European hold on intellectual life.
89. The trend has been fueled by a handful of small niche designers.
90. Fueled by my faith in my training, I will overcome all obstacles.
91. The fleet was fueled from Iran without argument about compensation.
92. In this paper, the physical and chemical properties of diesohol fuel was introduced, and the performance of diesohol fueled compression ignition engine with different mixing ratio was studied.
93. Still, twenty-nine-year-old blogger and journalist Haythem el Mekki says much of the worry over Islam is fueled by the West.
94. Interest in distributed storage system is fueled for its decentralized control, adaptation and self - organization.
95. Iron keeps the body's cells fueled with oxygen and, thus, energized.
96. Expansionary fiscal policies and a powerful inventory cycle, helped by a recovery in international trade and improved financial conditions, fueled a significant pickup in growth.
97. Cheap energy, specifically cheap oil, quite literally fueled this record economic expansion.
98. I know, trying to save money in a city that is fueled by the green stuff seems moronic, or does it?
99. Nine pro-independence party figures are currently in such detention, according to local press reports, which has fueled charges of a political witch-hunt.
100. In the long term, growth in emerging economies will be contingent on their ability to innovate and shift away from an externally driven growth model to one fueled in part by local consumption.
101. Fueled by cheap money, open interest in gold futures has jumped 25% in the same time period.
102. When they tested it on tumor cells in the lab, they found it fueled the growth of prostate cancer cells more potently than testosterone alone, they reported in the journal Clinical Cancer Research.
103. The recent boom was fueled by years of farcically easy credit -- for everything from big-screen TVs to houses -- that it will eventually spawn untold books and academic careers.
104. Fueled by vast amounts of money, Wahhabi ideas found their way into almost all Muslim countries, shifting the tone of Islam everywhere and giving resources to radicalized young men.
105. Educated in Britain, he set up a real-estate business that has taken off, thanks in part to the 2008 Olympic Games that have fueled a housing boom in China's capital.
106. Coal or lignite fueled thermoelectric generating station, planned. Right - click for in service.
107. The experiments were carried out on a 1.6 L automobile fueled with ethanol-gasoline blends from different base gasoline to study its performance.
108. Diamonds, the hardest-known natural substance, represent exquisite beauty to many but to some they also represent an exploitive industry that has fueled African bloodshed.
109. Fears are rising that Beijing's easy-money policies have fueled a potential property-price bubble.
110. This technology development engine is fueled by a mixture of -297 degree Fahrenheit liquid oxygen and -423 Fahrenheit liquid hydrogen.
111. The project consist in the installation of oil-heating boiler and a chip drier both fueled with residues.
112. The project consist in the installation of oil - heating boiler and chip drier both fueled with residues.
113. Fully fueled, Cassini - Huygens weighed about 5(),500 kilograms and stood 6.8 meters tall.
114. Ireland's so-called Celtic Tiger turned out to be a low-tax haven fueled by property speculators and selfish bankers.
115. The 150 - meter vessel carries a crew of 141 and is powered a uranium - fueled pressurized water reactor.
116. Bridge disasters like the Tacoma Narrows have fueled an industry in engineering innovation.
117. The local phenomenon has fueled broader speculation among officials that the fast-footed wives may be part of a larger criminal ring.
118. The addiction to a failed policy has long been fueled by the self-interest of a relatively small prohibitionist community—and enabled by the distraction of the American public.
119. The matter mushroomed into a debate on racial profiling, fueled by Obama's "acted stupidly" remark.
120. And Russia has now become a nation fueled by petro-dollars that is basically a KGB apparatchik-run government.
121. A demand that's fueled by rising incomes and falling car prices.
122. The "binge," he said, was fueled largely by over-borrowing by both individuals and companies.
123. Industrial sector activity strengthened, fueled by demand for capital equipment.
124. They appear appeal mainly to young people and are fueled mainly by caffein caffeine.




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更新时间:2025/3/14 9:58:49