单词 |
ordinand |
释义 |
or·di·nand /ˈɔːdənænd $ ˈɔːrdn-/ noun [countable] a person who is preparing to become a priest 将任圣职的人,圣职候选人Examples from the Corpusordinand• Ramsey lost neither his sense of humour nor his power of mimicry when he became an ordinand.• Where there are ordinands or members of staff with professional musical skills, they are used for teaching.• The overall picture, however, is of a lack of systematic training in church music for ordinands.• Milner-White recommended ordinands to go to Cuddesdon, his own old college; and so he advised Ramsey.• Its effectiveness is revealed only after the ordinand has been ordained.• Its purpose was to survey the quantity and quality of training in church music currently being given to ordinands in Britain.or·di·nand nounChineseSyllable priest Corpus a to who a is preparing become person |
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- there is no love lost between somebody and somebody
- there is no mistaking
- there is no mistaking sb
- there is no mistaking somebody
- there is no mistaking somebody/something
- there is no mistaking something
- there is no mistaking sth
- there is no percentage in doing
- there is no percentage in doing something
- there is no percentage in doing sth
- there is no question of
- there is no question of doing
- there is no question of happening
- there is no question of sb doing sth
- there is no question of somebody doing something
- there is no question of something happening
- there is no question of something happening/somebody doing something
- there is no question of sth happening
- there is no sign of
- there is no sign of sb
- there is no sign of somebody
- there is no sign of somebody/something
- there is no sign of something
- there is no sign of sth
- there is no telling
- Netstat
- Cover-up
- Unspotted
- Liberia
- Chester
- Anastomoses
- Stock issue
- Advertising expense
- Cleveland
- Cylinder block
- 圣人在上,能使天下万物各止其当然之所,而无陵夺假借之患,夫是之谓各安其分而天地位焉。能使天地万物各遂其同然之情而无抑郁倔强之态,夫是之谓各得其愿而万物育焉。
- 圣人垂世则为持衡之言,救世则有偏重之言。持衡之言,达之天下万世者也,可以示极。偏重之言,因事因人者也,可以矫枉。而不善读书者,每以偏重之言垂训,乱道也夫!诬圣也夫!
- 圣人处世,只于人情上做工夫,其于人情,又只于未言之先、不言之表上做工夫。
- 圣人处事,如日月之四照,随物为影;如水之四流,随地成形,己不与也。
- 圣人处事,有变易无方底,有执极不变底,有一事而所处不同底,有殊事而所处一致底,惟其可而已。自古圣人适当其可者,尧舜禹文周孔数圣人而已。当可而又无迹,此之谓至圣。
- 圣人处小人,不露行迹,中间自有得已处。高崖陡堑,直气壮頄,皆褊也。即不论取祸,近小丈夫矣。孟子见乐正子从王欢,何等深恶,及处王欢,与行而不与比,虽然,犹形迹矣。孔子处阳货,只是个绐法,处向魋,只是个躲法。
- 圣人妙处在转移人不觉。贤者以下便露圭角,费声色做出来,只见张皇。
- 圣人学问只是人定胜天。
- 圣人尝自视不如人,故天下无有如圣人者,非圣人之过虚也,四海之广,兆民之众,其一才一智未必皆出圣人下也。以圣人无所不能,岂无一毫之未至;以众人之无所能,岂无一见之独精。以独精补未至,固圣人之所乐取也。此圣人之心日歉然不自满足,日汲汲然不已于取善也。
- 圣人平天下不是夷山填海,高一寸还他一寸,低一分还他一分。
- 圣人心上再无分毫不自在处。内省不疚,既无忧惧;外至之患,又不怨尤。只有一段不释然,却是畏天命悲人穷也。
- 圣人悬虚明以待天下之感,不先意以感天下之事。其感也,以我胸中道理顺应之;其无感也,此心空空洞洞,寂然旷然。譬之鉴,光明在此,物来则照之,物去则光明自在。彼事未来而意必,是持鉴觅物也。尝谓镜是物之圣人,镜日照万物而常明,无心而不劳故也。圣人日应万事而不累,有心而不役故也。夫惟为物役而后累心,而后应有偏著。
- 圣人悲时悯俗,贤人痛世嫉俗,众人混世逐俗,小人败常乱俗。呜呼!小人坏之,众人从之,虽悯虽疾,竟无益矣。故明王在上则移风易俗。
- 圣人感人心,于患难处更验。盖圣人平日仁渐义摩,深恩厚泽入于人心者化矣。及临难处仓卒之际,何暇思图,拿出见成的念头来,便足以捐躯赴义。非曰我以此成名也,我以此报君也,彼固亦不自知其何为而迫切至此也。其次捐躯而志在图报,其次易感而终难,其次厚赏以激其感。噫!至此而上下之相与薄矣,交孚之志解矣。嗟夫!先王何以得此于人哉!
- 圣人把得定理,把不得定势。是非,理也;成败,势也。有势不可为而犹为之者,惟其理而已。知此,则三仁可与五臣比事功,孔子可与尧舜较政治。
- Repulsion句子
- Omnipresence句子
- Transmigration句子
- Bailiff句子
- Plotting句子
- Wishy-washy句子
- Quarters句子
- Pitched battle句子
- Connubial句子
- Pitfall句子
- Pith句子
- Pithead句子
- Pithily句子
- Hitherto句子
- Summer camp句子