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单词 Usefulness
1. Badly written questions limit the usefulness of questionnaires.
2. The index adds appreciably to the usefulness of the book.
3. There are doubts as to the usefulness of this approach .
4. The theory is of limited usefulness.
5. The docks have outlived their usefulness.
6. The advisory group has outlived its usefulness.
7. The machine had outlived its usefulness .
8. The building has outlived its usefulness.
9. The report is of potential usefulness to the government.
10. He has outlived his usefulness.
11. There are doubts about the usefulness of these tests.
12. This old system has outlived its usefulness.
12. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
13. We were doubtful about the product's usefulness from the start.
14. I was persuaded of the usefulness of his new device.
15. The attitude of the parents toward the usefulness of what is learned must colour the way children approach school.
16. His interest lay in the usefulness of his work, rather than in any personal credit.
17. The most predictable usefulness ratings were those for PEBs.
18. I question the usefulness and validity of this explanation.
19. The test's usefulness in measuring intelligence is limited.
20. All this has no doubt limited the perceived usefulness of union membership to workers.
21. Its usefulness presupposed markets where the lord's agents, or the beneficiaries of lordly gifts, could exchange it for consumables.
22. This survey also allowed us to analyse the usefulness of investigations in iron deficiency anaemia in outpatients.
23. So far, this discussion has examined the usefulness of psychological tests in selection procedures in terms of their predictive validity.
24. As a commuter service, the ferry has outlived its usefulness .
25. The UN is an organisation which has long since outlived its usefulness.
26. The findings led to a widespread belief that psychological tests were situation specific and therefore limited in their usefulness for personnel selection.
27. Indeed, they see incineration as a solution to toxic waste whose usefulness should be employed on a greater range of materials.
28. In his view peace conferences were a waste of time; the old elm had outlived its usefulness.
29. However, just entering the data isn't the end of the graphics tablets usefulness.
30. So Britain is poorly equipped to even consider making any comparisons of the productivity or usefulness of research.
1. Badly written questions limit the usefulness of questionnaires.
2. The index adds appreciably to the usefulness of the book.
3. There are doubts as to the usefulness of this approach .
4. The theory is of limited usefulness.
5. The advisory group has outlived its usefulness.
6. The report is of potential usefulness to the government.
7. He has outlived his usefulness.
8. I was persuaded of the usefulness of his new device.
31. In 1974 congressional committees began raising questions in public about the security and usefulness of the atomic weapons.
32. The answer lies in the usefulness of the belief to the individual members.
33. It undertook feasibility studies to determine the usefulness of various techniques as applied to frescos and plasterwork.
34. By contrast, the over-hyped Times Guide to 1992 now seems to have outlived its usefulness.
35. He expressed his scepticism about the usefulness of techniques such as the envoy.
36. But everyone gave the spy plane, nicknamed the Dragon Drone, high marks for simplicity and usefulness.
37. Until then much of the usefulness of these accessories lies in their exploitation of an underused resource rather than a dramatic step forward.
38. Daniels said a number of programs that were being recommended for elimination had outlived their usefulness while others had never been successful.
39. This observation illustrates the usefulness of endosonography in the staging of low grade gastric lymphoma.
40. Voters' assessments of media usefulness varied more with their political interest, and in a complex way.
41. The Internet has a wealth of information for gardeners, but in widely varying degrees of usefulness.
42. It is worth being clear in your own mind about the possible usefulness of Blake's grid.
43. Many chemicals employed in industry have little therapeutic usefulness but may produce poisoning in man when they are used.
44. These notations, or are themselves of interest, of course, but their usefulness for present purposes is vitiated by two factors.
45. It also includes discouraging cultural traits that have outlived their usefulness and may be otherwise harmful to society.
46. Make an abacus and write a report about its usefulness in terms of place value and computation.
47. The inflexible central scheduling of over-the-air broadcast transmissions severely limited the usefulness of educational television programs in individual classrooms.
48. Its usefulness overstated, its flexibility limited, it may even increase teacher workload, despite claims to the contrary.
49. The table indicates which categories each of the six companies found useful; the categories are listed in descending order of usefulness.
50. In 4.2 I gave reasons for doubting the existence or if not the existence the usefulness of infallible beliefs.
51. It is also true that many of the comments made about the usefulness of arithmetic do not address this central theme.
52. The usefulness of most Web sites is directly proportional to the benefits it offers to the people who visit it.
53. Their usefulness depends on the task you have in hand.
54. Thames Valley Police say the trials are as much to gauge public reaction to the batons as to assess their usefulness to officers.
55. Its usefulness in this disease has been questioned, and a maximum efficacy was obtained in one report at lower plasma concentrations.
56. But gradually a mutual respect, based on agreed boundaries for each other's territory and mutual usefulness, built up.
57. When we turn to human development there is even more doubt about the usefulness of the critical period concept.
58. But then at Boots we pride ourselves on our usefulness to mums.
59. This study aimed to assess the usefulness of endosonography in the surveillance of these patients.
60. We are beginning to think that this factory has outlived its usefulness as our main supplier.
61. We no longer allow the old to starve when their usefulness to the community is ended.
62. And when they have outlived their usefulness, they are slaughtered or sold cheaply for lab experiments.
63. I agree with my hon. Friend about the usefulness of a national lottery.
64. In terms of physics it is quite ordinary, but in terms of its usefulness to people on Earth it is unique.
65. Because I think the Net fundamentally undermines the continued existence of the nation-state, which is already past its economic usefulness.
66. However, this initial, albeit restricted, study has demonstrated the usefulness of vitrinite reflectance data in other than strictly maturation-related applications.
67. Diagrams for development are being selected for their usefulness to both the teaching-learning process and course assessment requirements.
68. A wartime usefulness was found and implicit criticisms were not developed.
69. This was not primarily because their rebellion allowed Gloucester to demonstrate his usefulness to the king.
70. Statistics have some usefulness in the study of public health issues.
71. However, the restrictions imposed on these special rates tend to limit their usefulness for many advertisers.
72. In order to enhance his credibility Fedora was allowed to expose John Vassall who by then had outlived his usefulness.
73. Even the message on the answering machine has outlived its usefulness,[] providing no current or future information.
74. Of course, closely tired to new product development is, or should be, evaluation of its usefulness and effectiveness.
75. I question, personally, whether these inspectors have not outlived their usefulness.
76. In general, therefore, it constrains the increasing tendency for usefulness to mean more and more information.
77. The notation is basically numerical and non-expressive, the latter aspect being felt to limit the scheme's usefulness in computerized databases.
78. He weighed the risks of taking it against its usefulness in covering distance faster than a pair of legs.
79. Yet, as education began to spread, women all over questioned its usefulness and validity.
80. Even in this case, some work needs doing to the back of the bevel to bring them to optimum usefulness.
81. The employers felt that designated counsellors had outlasted their usefulness.
82. The planning department of this sixth company questioned the usefulness of determining key environmental issues, particularly given the effort involved.
83. Although the Stuart-Meredith growth charts have survived for 30 years, their usefulness in contemporary society is limited.
84. Usefulness: To separate plasm and dregs.
85. Simplicity, tastefulness, and usefulness are our tenet.
86. In fact, men are outliving their usefulness.
87. Usefulness includes the fact the negatives have been calibrated.
88. I hope l shall never survive my usefulness.
89. It is of the greatest usefulness.
90. Gynaecologists still debate the usefulness of the postcoital test.
91. There is usefulness to the parachute.
92. Well , uselessness can be turned into usefulness.
93. Lack of usefulness, worth, or effect; worthlessness.
94. Man early learned the usefulness of weapons.
95. But doesn't this dilute the meaning and so the actual usefulness, of the damping factor rating?
96. They affirmed the usefulness of modern enterprises from political, military and financial and other aspects, and explained the reasonableness and rightfulness in developing modern enterprises.
97. OBJECTIVE:To observe the factors that influence the fluctuation of serum concentrations of valproic acid and to improve the effectiveness and usefulness of monitoring the serum concentration.
98. The actual pedestrian traffic operations during the Olympic Games proved the usefulness and effectiveness of the proposed methodology and egress plan.
99. What is more, some experts doubt the usefulness of CRP for patient screening in the clinic.
100. The range is easy to understand and to find, but its usefulness as a measure of dispersion is limited .
101. A detailed portrait of the routine of cellblock life, "The Shawshank Redemption" might change a few minds about the usefulness of incarceration in terms of rehabilitation.
102. Memorisation of information by frequent repetition (rote learning) plays a role in many education systems. Does the usefulness of this method outweigh the limitations?
103. They point the way to usefulness and happiness in life,[http:///usefulness.html] to courage and peace in death.
104. All the value any feature of it had for me now was the amount of usefulness it could furnish toward compassing the safe piloting of a steamboat.
105. However, investors are skeptical about the usefulness of such market indicators amid the international credit crisis.
106. Only after the fifth injection general reaction was found in 43%, which included iritis and complaints of numbness in the fingers and toes, which might decrease its usefulness.
107. AIM To study the usefulness remote mail pathologic service of the pediatric renopuncture tissues.
108. Objective:To investigate the usefulness and effectiveness of insulin pump for the treatment of Diabetic ketoacidosis(DKA) .
109. But the lab bench is not a farm field, and many scientists question the usefulness of these early experiments.
110. There are always been some skepticism about the usefulness of subsidies on fertilizers.
111. The usefulness of zero-pole redisposing in model 941B vibration sensor is investigated.
112. Objective To determine the usefulness of positron emission tomography(PET) with fluoro 2 deoxyglucose (FDG PET) in lung cancer.
113. Conclusion Transcranial color Doppler has important usefulness in the diagnosis of diabetic cerebrovascular disease.
114. Objective To assess the usefulness of magnification mammography in breast tumor.
115. An error approach algorithm for multiple vehicle target detection is suggested and its usefulness in eliminating the false target is confirmed by computer simulation.
116. Objective: To evaluate the usefulness of low-field MRI in diagnosing intradural extramedullary tumors in the spinal canal.
117. A bank's decision must be based upon the relevance and usefulness of promotional campaigns.
118. For the field to establish itself as a grand unifier of the applied sciences, it must demonstrate the usefulness of grouping widely disparate endeavors.
119. In the project, the SSBD was applied to a harmonic drive system and a new-type inverted pendulum system, demonstrating the usefulness and effectiveness of the proposed scheme.
120. Here is an example of the usefulness of the concepts of angular impulse and angular momentum.
121. We cannot sustain a system that bleeds billions of taxpayer dollars on programmes that have outlived their usefulness, or exist solely because of the power of a politician, lobbyist or interest group.
122. Thiwill(1)present a classification of malabsorption and (2)outline the usefulness and potentials chaper pitfalls of common tests of intestinal function.
123. Essentially, one can use the SDR to confirm information gathered from the physical inspection, but that is largely where its usefulness stops.
124. Additionally, the lack of a common understanding of the relevance of information between technical and business users affects the usefulness of delivered information.
125. Objective To examine the usefulness of keratoplasty with the patients of symblepharon after burns.
126. However, the decision usefulness depends on the timeliness of financial reports.
127. The usefulness and ultrasonographic findings in the diagnosis of congenital hypertrophie pyloric stenosis were discussed.
128. Countercharge system has its usefulness in practice and profound procedural meaning in theory as well.
129. The present study is the first to report on the usefulness of puromycin for production of enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) transgenic piglets after somatic cell cloning and embryo transfer.
130. A payment or entitlement , such as one made under an insurance policy or employment agreement, or public assistance program. Or, more generally, something of value or usefulness.
131. All the value any feature of it had for me now was the amount of usefulness it could furnish toward compassing the safe piloting of a steamboat. Since those days, I have pitied doctors from my heart.
132. Glass stone is a major defect harmful to the diaphaneity and appearance of glass and reduces the usefulness of glass products.
133. But the usefulness of the cards may vary according to the mosquito species and the geographical region,[http:///usefulness.html] van den Hurk says.
134. Any isolation strategy, when taken beyond its logical usefulness, will incur additional operational cost.
135. In order to select the right study means, the the usefulness of ISSR and SSR markers is compared on Elymus species genetic diversity analysis, firstly.
136. Pa Dien of the University of North Carolina that the conclusions of the poor countries in the "limited usefulness" and "potential harm than benefit.
137. Objective To study the usefulness of remote mail pathologic service of the renopuncture tissues .
138. Industrial liquid waste, when properly treated, can equal fertilizers in usefulness.
139. Objectiv To evaluate the usefulness of dot immuno-gold filtration assay(DIGFA) for the diagnosis of Paragonimus infection.
140. The "usefulness" of the final product or the likeliness of success of a project, whether it's a bridge to nowhere or a bankrupt solar-panel company, "inevitably becomes a subordinate consideration."
141. Simulation results show that the methods based on wavelet transform is practicable for getting usefulness signal(), setting out noise and break signal.
142. Purpose:To explore the usefulness of ureteroscopy in the treatment of urethrostenosis or urethratresia.
143. After Japans defeat in 1945, both Tojo and Kishi were found guilty as Class-A war criminals, but Kishi evaded the gallows for reasons unknown—probably his usefulness to a war-ravaged nation.
144. As greater clinical correlation is obtained, the usefulness of thyroglobulin determinations will increase.
145. Objective To investigate the usefulness of serum inhibin B for successful testicular sperm extraction (TESE) in patients with non-obstructive azoospermia .
146. Availability, cost, and predictive value limit the usefulness of antibody testing.
147. A team at the Chemnitz University of Technology in Germany, led by Matthias Rosenberger, has transformed the usefulness of the test by feeding its results into high-capacity computers.
148. He wonders about the usefulness of measures of well-being that, in his words, "are affected more by the arrival of St Valentine's Day than a doubling of unemployment".
149. It offers more usefulness than thought possible in a pocketknife this size.
150. This feature is also a UX and marked as experimental; however, its usefulness was enough for me to take the risk and use it in my internal application.
151. Finally, several simulation cases are illustratedthe usefulness and computational efficiency with the real-time simulation system.
152. How journaling file systems will evolve in the future is unclear, but their usefulness is clear, and they are the new file system standard.
153. While its easy to see the usefulness of touchable handheld devices, others have questioned how exactly touchscreen computers - such as the upcoming Windows 7 OS - would be useful to consumers.
154. Smallest space analysis, a statistical technique for creating a spatial representation of data, is examined to assess its usefulness for analyzing use-of-space data.
155. The Army finally recognized the usefulness of German Shepherd Dogs during the First World War.
156. It has been of extreme usefulness in minimizing fire hazards associated with petroleum processing.
157. However, if the patent is likely to lose its usefulness in less than 17 years, amortization should be based on the shorter period of estimated useful life.
158. Unfortunately, most of their equations involve too many " to be determined coefficients ", thus restricting their usefulness.
159. By measuring the number of calls and the time needed to resolve them, the IT manager can judge the usefulness of the position.
160. It was the failure of AI to produce usefulness that did cybernetics in.
161. After its usefulness in other domains was realized, it was redesigned as a general scientific data visualizer.
162. Objective To evaluate usefulness of head shadow-metric lateral film (HSMLF) in the diagnosis of maxillary-anterior embedded dentes(MAED).
163. Effective treatments for PDN are available, but many have side effects that limit their usefulness,[sentencedict .com] and few studies have sufficient information on treatment effects on function and QOL.
164. Objective To investigate the usefulness of ultrasonic probe through bronchoscope to diagnosis the diseases under bronclic mucous.
165. Reform measures that have made a positive impact on decision usefulness include the method for presenting financial statements and the method for presenting long-term liabilities.
166. Empirical Study on Usefulness of Cash Flows Information Abstract In capital market, cash is king.
167. It is a good auxiliary teaching unit because of selecting maternal easily, manufacturing simply and inexpensiveness but usefulness.
168. Objective To evaluate the clinical usefulness of Tono - Pen tonometer.
169. Objective : To document the surgical technique and usefulness of computer assisted surgery for spinal osteotomy.
170. It is expected that the aloe-emodin liposomalization may increase its usefulness in cancer therapy.
171. He says until rigorously designed studies are conducted, the usefulness of ozone therapy for the treatment of herniated disc pain remains unknown.
172. The usefulness of the algorithm in determining a precise diagnosis of the mechanism of injury and the specific ligamentous and bony injuries is seen in three examples.
173. It put forward a terse and easy to be operation definition of city brand: it is city name or symbol which contain the special character of the city and usefulness of the consumer.
174. Experimental results confirm the viability and usefulness of the approach in minimizing spurious operations during the register assignment phase of the behavioral synthesis process.
175. With the lapse of time, the usefulness of insurance gradually became manifest when the insureds were able to recover losses caused by natural disasters and accidents.
176. Utilize bluffing ; bluff with the best - balanced frequency to maximize its usefulness.
177. Finally, the servo test bench and airborne antenna pedestal for parametric modeling and simulation to illustrate the usefulness of this analysis platform.
178. The paper finally draws some conclusions regarding the usefulness and limitations of quantification of environmental impact in project appraisal.
179. Article 29 The partitioning of a decedent's estate shall be conducted in a way beneficial to the requirements of production and livelihood; it shall not diminish the usefulness of the estate.
180. Even if these findings lead to the development of an earthquake warning system, Ian Main, a seismologist at the University of Edinburgh, UK, warns that its usefulness will be limited.
181. Transillumination has been improved in its usefulness in the diagnosis of breast diseases by the addition of computerized infrared light scanning techniques.




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