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单词 Characterised
(1) 1960s Britain was characterised by a greater degree of freedom than before.
(2) We must avoid the damaging boom-bust cycles which characterised the 1980s.
(3) The group has always been characterised by an uncompromising militancy.
(4) The war was characterised by mobile offensive operations.
(5) All human behaviour may be characterised as being subject to drives aimed at achieving a goal in order to satisfy a need.
(6) These may be characterised as fragile caring units of mutual support.
(7) The industry has long been characterised by mergers between brewers, closures of breweries and sales of public houses.
(8) Sadly, his tenure has been characterised, too, by an affront to the House and to our democracy.
(9) This is characterised by a scaly and sometimes itchy scalp, but it shouldn't be red or sore.
(10) In product markets characterised by complex production processes long-term supply contracts or sub-contracts are commonly used to try and lower these costs.
(11) Events characterised by loss, on the other hand(/characterised.html), were more commonly experienced by patients with a depressive disorder.
(12) The global health scene has been characterised by major steps forward but with some disturbing retrograde features.
(13) It is characterised by unsightly lumps and bumps which collect in the thighs, buttocks, hips and upper arms.
(14) This was characterised by moderate active chronic inflammation in the lamina propria.
(15) This part is also characterised by minimal linguistic analysis and a tendency for barren description rather than interpretation.
(16) Lighter infections result in a chronic syndrome characterised by anaemia and emaciation.
(17) It is described as a psychosis, which is characterised by a distortion in the person's perception of reality.
(18) The county was characterised instead by numerous small farmers and cottagers.
(19) The rigid class distinctions which characterised British society are beginning to break down.
(20) The games have been characterised by the players' deep determination to win.
(21) In addition, a post-processual interpretation of characterised early medieval pottery is presented.
(22) The fifty-two year old Berlin artist's work is characterised by highly unconventional still lifes.
(23) And finally, these statements are characterised by a conspicuous absence of facts to bolster such assertions.
(24) Women's political life is characterised as marginal, shallow and inauthentic in comparison with that of men.
(25) The trust, which has 2.3 million members, has been characterised as a sleeping giant of the environment movement.
(26) In contrast to these two broadly defined approaches, the view taken in this book is best characterised as a discourse-as-process view.
(27) The exciting and liberating redirection achieved during the sixties, usually characterised as the creative writing movement, has lost its way.
(28) But there was also an exhilaration in the atmosphere of conspiracy and violence which characterised the last years of his childhood.
(29) Epidemiological evidence suggests that complications associated with NSAIDs are characterised by a paucity of premonitory symptoms.
(30) This is my old college, where under apartheid a celebrated anti-authoritarian spirit characterised staff and students.
(1) The trust, which has 2.3 million members, has been characterised as a sleeping giant of the environment movement.
(31) A perfectly contestable industry is one which, in addition to free entry, is also characterised by completely free exit.
(32) The result is a complex structure of wage rates, characterised by a system of wage differentials.
(33) The invention of the tank and the aircraft broke through the defensive stalemate that had characterised the first world war.
(34) An open school is characterised by open minds as well as open doors.
(35) This traditional organisation characterised by individualistic, vertical clienteles militates strongly against the horizontal group-formation typical of modern politics.
(36) Professional relationships for women are those which are characterised among other things as not acknowledging the gender of the people involved.
(37) Two members lived in local authority homes and 15 in households characterised by unemployment and chronically sick and/or lone parents.
(38) The surface phase was characterised by processes that affected the rocks during or soon after deposition.
(39) We have previously characterised the rectal mucosa associated microflora of patients with ulcerative colitis.
(40) This syndrome is characterised clinically by abnormalities of gastrointestinal and, in some cases, bladder motility.
(41) Parts of the land area have more specific handicaps and are characterised by having a declining rural population.
(42) It is characterised by formal procedures and offers the individual security(/characterised.html), stability and predictability.
(43) If you thought that science was invariably characterised by clarity of vision you may have found the quantum world unexpectedly murky.
(44) This personality disorder is characterised by a lack of guilt and an inability to keep rules or form lasting relationships.
(45) Control is exercised at the centre and it is characterised by informal webs of influence rather than formal procedures.
(46) The funding os for a one year preliminary project which will develop indicators by which the principles can be characterised.
(47) The result was the uneasy compromise between deterrent and retributive aims that characterised neoclassicism.
(48) Practices which have characterised the details of your daily living from the cradle upwards are dealt a swift and final blow.
(49) Symptomatic, primary HIV-1 infection is generally characterised by a mononucleosis-like illness, with or without aseptic meningitis.
(50) In our study, tight junctions were often characterised by discontinuity and decreased numbers of tight junctional strands.
(51) Priscillian's own teaching was characterised by a marked strain of Nestorian thought, as well as by skeins of Gnostic Manichaeanism.
(52) Local social structures are characterised by particular configurations of skill, by gender relations and by communal bonding.
(53) Normal motility of the small intestine in the fasting state is characterised by the cyclical appearance of the migrating motor complex.
(54) Zaumseil's drawings are characterised by massive, brooding organic forms with a velvety[], sensuous surface.
(55) The immediate effects of changing the system has been characterised by economic difficulties in the new federal states.
(56) It perfectly caught the air of feebleness which has characterised months of desultory chatter.
(57) In 1716-17 Baskett produced his masterpiece, a two-volume folio Bible characterised by splendid large type and fine steel engravings.
(58) The war years were however characterised by a period of judicial restraint.
(59) An economy in a slump or depression is generally characterised by high demand-deficient unemployment of both labour and capital.
(60) These discussions are characterised by an increasing scope and depth as the issues are accorded greater philosophical seriousness.
(61) However, what we are dealing with here is a magic formula of a type which has characterised legislation from Brussels before.
(62) The fragility of life is now characterised by an electricity failure or a virus in computers.
(63) Close and intimate friendships are characterised by commitment and vulnerability.
(64) Diarrhoea is characterised by a failure of the gut to reabsorb the majority of the fluid and ions from its lumen.
(65) Both are characterised by a focal or multifocal pattern of distribution, abnormal cellular proliferation, and a genetic component.
(66) The first flowering pulse of the year is yellow, characterised by lesser celandine and primrose.
(67) A mixed picture emerged, characterised by a number of adverse external factors.
(68) The light-hearted tone of Elaine Blond characterised Bloomsbury House policy of not taking minor problems too seriously.
(69) These patients were characterised by an early onset and long duration of pernicious anaemia.
(70) Individual predisposition Psychological factors Most researchers have concluded that the premorbid personality is characterised by substantial emotional instability.
(71) The desert environment is characterised by very low and unpredictable rainfall.
(71) try its best to gather and build good sentences.
(72) The month was also characterised by misty weather.
(73) The finish is characterised by hints of spices.
(74) Manager Arsene Wenger has restored the defensive stoicism that characterised Arsenal sides of the past.
(75) Osteoarthritis is a degenerative disorder of the synovial joints that is characterised by joint pain, stiffness and limited range of movement.
(76) It was characterised by neutralisation test, hemagglutination inhibition test and complete sequencing of the genome.
(77) Agate is a microcrystalline quartz ( silica ) , characterised by its fineness of grain and brightness of color.
(78) Third, advanced economies are characterised by a shift from manufacturing to services.
(79) Heraclitus believed that all things were characterised by pairs of contrary properties, for example one and the same thing may be both hot and cold.
(80) Hong Kong's financial markets are characterised by a high degree of liquidity.
(81) It is characterised by self-consciousness, persistence and massiveness, and has the functions of instruction , guidance, regulation and radiation .
(82) Neuromyelitis optica (NMO), characterised by longitudinally extensive transverse myelitis (LETM), was previously thought to be a variant of multiple sclerosis.
(83) Conclusion EAE is characterised by perivascular inflammatory cell infiltration and demyelination in white matter.
(84) Morphoea is a connective tissue disorder characterised by hardening and thickening of the skin due to an increased collagen deposition.
(85) Their research is characterised by originality, academic rigour and practical relevance.
(86) AGEP is characterised by acute onset of a pustular eruption in association with fever.
(87) They are characterised by their wide, fast and smooth nature, with sections of Tarmac measure.
(88) These injuries are characterised by pubic diastasis, either at the symphysis or through sagittal ramal fractures.
(89) Capability of a power system to regain a steady state, characterised by the synchronous operation of the generators after a disturbance due, for example, to variation of power or impedance.
(90) It is generally characterised by absent or poor data management, insufficient communication with local stakeholders and water authorities, and the lack of any integrated planning.
(91) The second one is called Simple Bridge and is characterised by the curved shape cut away from both arms and footstool.
(92) Here, indeed, in the sable simplicity that generally characterised the Puritanic modes of dress, there might be an infrequent call for the finer productions of her handiwork.
(93) His eye no longer possessed that buoyant, searching shrewdness which had characterised it in Adams Street.
(94) Based on these findings, some studies suggest moderate beer consumption may help fight osteoporosis, a disease of the skeletal system characterised by low bone mass and deterioration of bone tissue.
(95) The two suprarenal masses were characterised by small cystic areas.
(96) Cancer is a disease characterised by the rapid and uncontrolled proliferation of cells.
(97) Old Sung style: A traditional. Chinese type style characterised by the contrast of their thin horizontal and thick vertical strokes.
(98) Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia is a common disease among the aging male, which characterised by dysuria or even anuresis.
(99) Idiopathic RBD is defined as a parasomnia characterised by recurrent dream enactment with loss of the atonia which is normally present during REM sleep.
(100) The molecular interactions in CC were characterised by dilute solution viscometry, Fourier transformspectroscopy and X - ray diffraction.
(101) Chaucer's Summoner is an evil, dirty crook, characterised by his boils and smell of garlic and wine.
(102) Ebola is characterised by fever, diarrhoea, severe blood loss and intense fatigue.
(103) Such intrepidity of character characterised Luther, Cromwell, Washington, Pitt, Wellington, and all great leaders of men.
(104) Associative processing: a fast, parallel processing mode characterised by spreading activation based on memory.
(105) The molecular interactions in CC were characterised by dilute solution viscometry, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction.
(106) Urban areas are characterised by their concentration of different economic activities.
(107) Stuttering is a form of speech disorder characterised by difficulty getting words out, and involves repetitions or prolongations of sounds.
(108) To provide basic data for application of ammonium phosphomolybdate, it is characterised by means of XRD, IR, DSC and TG.
(109) Asthma is a kind of disease characterised by paroxysmal stridor with sputum.
(110) The disease is characterised by fever, seizure, rapid deterioration in consciousness and radiologic involvement of bilateral thalami and cerebellum.
(111) It was and characterised by scientists at Nerviano Medical Sciences in Italy.
(112) This method is characterised in less communication traffic, better universality and realising more comfortable environment.
(113) Toll's relatively brief history since the leveraged buyout is characterised by outstanding dynamic acquisition and organic growth, successful integration and exceptional operational expertise.
(114) Piaffe must always be animated by a lively impulsion and characterised by a perfect balance.
(115) It has very close links to industry and characterised by creativity, flexibility, agility, pragmatism and informality.
(116) Chinese type style characterised by the contrast of their thin horizontal and thick vertical strokes.
(117) In some cases administrative powers have been characterised as non - judicial.
(118) These measures characterised by simplicity and little increased cost , thus having the prospect of extended application.
(119) Subtractive synthesis is a method of subtracting harmonic content from a sound via sound synthesis, characterised by the application of an audio filter to an audio signal.
(120) An affliction characterised by the incessant need to move faster.
(121) "2009 will be characterised by bad and doubtful debts on the business side of things. 2010 will begin to move into the consumer side as unemployment begins to peak," he added.
(122) The condition, characterised by excess fat around the abdomen, high blood pressure and high cholesterol levels, can lead to more serious life-style related diseases such as diabetes and strokes.
(123) Palate characterised by healthy tannins from the fruit and the vegetal nuances typical of variety.
(124) His drama language can be characterised by strong artistic passionateness, vividness and philosophicalness.
(125) Encephalitis lethargic is an acute encephalopathic illness characterised by sleep disturbance, neuropsychiatric and extrapyramidal symptoms.
(126) Paper mills are characterised as a typical example of divergent production process. Construction of cost models therefore requires new approaches to obtain the highest accuracy.




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