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单词 nit-picking
释义  ˈnit-ˌpicking noun [uncountable] informal  ARGUEwhen someone argues about small unimportant details or tries to find small mistakes in something 吹毛求疵,挑剔 Soames was getting impatient with his daughter’s constant nitpicking. 索姆斯对于女儿的不断挑剔失去了耐心。 —nitpicking adjective —nitpicker noun [countable]Examples from the Corpusnit-picking• And finally, the bottom line, is the budget approved without long delay and nit-picking?• I've had enough of your constant nit-picking. Why can't you say something encouraging?• Most businesses, especially small businesses, can not afford to squander vast sums of money on such refined legalistic nit-picking.ˈnit-ˌpicking nounChineseSyllable  details tries argues someone small Corpus or when unimportant about




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