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单词 Circ
1. The ring sum of two circs is a circ.
2. Other documents and materials as prescribed by the CIRC.
3. Other prudential requirements stipulated by CIRC.
4. Meet other prudential conditions as regulated by CIRC.
5. The CIRC will conduct assessment and issue its review opinions in terms of assets scale, corporate governance, internal control, credit-worthiness, research capability, market status, etc.
6. The fundamental circ matrix is one example of a reduced circ matrix.
7. In January this year, CIRC promulgated Guiding Opinions on Pushing Forward Business Structure Adjustment to Further Exert the Protection Function of Insurance.
8. If the CIRC authorizes or entrusts its local offices to implement administrative licensing, the legal time limit of administrative licensing shall not be prolonged.
9. The fundamental circuits relative to a spanning tree is a basis of the circ subspace.
10. In January thellos year, CIRC promulgated Guiding Opinions on Pushellong Forward Business Structure Adjustment to Further Exert the Protection Function of Insurance.
11. The CIRC or its local offices shall make the decision to or not to grant an administrative license in the legal time limit.
12. Article 21 If the CIRC authorizes or entrusts its local offices to implement administrative licensing, the legal time limit of administrative licensing shall not be prolonged.
13. Experiment shows that by adding CIRC ECC (error correcting circuit), the BER (bit error rate) can be decreased from 10 -3 to less that 10 -8 . Finally, the reason for error is analysed.
14. A circ is an undirected graph having only vertices of even nonzero degree.
15. Article 21 The statutory capital verification organization mentioned in Item 4 of Article 11 of the Regulations refers to an accounting firm complying with the requirements of CIRC.
15. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
16. The local agency shall finish preliminary examination within the legal time limit and submit the preliminary examination opinion and the application materials to the CIRC.
17. Kristeligt Dagblad: Fanogade 152100 Copenhagen O ; tel.39 - 27 - 12 - 35 ; f .1896 ; circ .15 , 300 ; Editor - Erik Bjerager.
18. The establishment, modification and revocation of a coinsurance group as well as the formulation and amendment of its articles of association shall be reported to CIRC for archival filing.
19. For insured who is minor, the actual Overseas Accidental Death benefit cannot exceed the amount that is regulated by CIRC.
20. Stock exchanges shall handle relevant procedures upon the strength of the letter of confirmation issued by the CIRC department in charge of overseeing the management of insurance funds.
21. Thus, we must strengthen the publicity of the law for bill of exchange, develop the counterplea limitation system and perfect the legislation of bill of exchange to ensure the circ.
22. Plan 4 is only for minor Insured. The actual Overseas Accidental Death benefit cannot exceed the amount that is regulated by CIRC.
23. As to the dissolution of an insurance brokering institution as a result of merger or split-up, it shall be reported the CIRC .
24. You can find time and place in the Reception Period Schedule on the CIRC website.




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