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单词 Carolingian
1. The chancery had returned to Carolingian practices, but with an energy which outran its model.
2. Eriugena himself was never part of the Carolingian ecclesiastical establishment and worked directly under the private patronage of Charles the Bald.
3. Descended from the Carolingian counts and vicomtes, they possessed and exercised very ancient rights of jurisdiction over their lordships.
4. Still, the Carolingian Renaissance in the mid-ninth century touched far more than just a select clerical few.
5. The Growth and Decline of the Carolingian Empire.
6. The Carolingian empire was considered a rebirth of the culture of the Roman Empire.
7. Carolingian Frankish kingdom of Charlemagne, the national power is very strong, orthodox Roman Empire itself, and with the support of the church.
8. Under Pippin's son Charlemagne, the Carolingian realm was extended into Germany and Italy.
9. In short, Carolingian Renaissance bridged the preceding and the following, and laid a solid foundation for the subsequent renaissance.
10. On the site of a 9th-century Carolingian palace, it became a free imperial city in the 14th century. Population, 110,666.
11. Learn how to write the Carolingian alphabet from a calligraphy expert in this free video clip.
12. The result of Charlemagne's efforts is ususlly called the "Carolingian Renaissance".
13. Carolingian dynasty: Family of Frankish aristocrats that ruled nearly all or part of western Europe in 750 - 887.
14. The Carolingian Renaissance was a significant period in the development of the civilization in the Mid-Ages.
15. Even where documents are available,(/carolingian.html) historians need a lot of imagination to reconstruct any kind of Carolingian site.
16. And the areas of greatest urban expansion - Flanders and Gothia - were also those where Carolingian judicial forms had survived longest.
17. Various kinds of minuscule came into use, such as the humanistic and the Carolingian.
18. A heavier penny coinage was introduced by Offa to conform with contemporary Carolingian developments.
19. At first, they gave every appearance of being determined to exclude Lothar from the Carolingian heartlands altogether.
20. Existence as a separate entity begins with the division, in 843, of Charlemagne"s Carolingian empire into eastern, central and western parts.
21. The Convent of St Gall, a perfect example of a great Carolingian monastery, was, from the 8th century to its secularization in 1805, one of the most important in Europe.
22. A vertical element marking the crossing on the exterior of churches, beginning with the Carolingian period and thereafter.
23. The alliance of temporal power and ecclesial power in Carolingian time enhanced the political function of Christianity, and made it not only a faith, but a dominant political theory.
24. A city of west-central Germany southwest of Cologne. It was a center of Carolingian culture. Population, 84, '3.
25. After a series of infusions and changes on the stage of the Carolingian Renaissance, the three sources eventually developed into the prototype of the newly medieval civilization.
26. In the year 911, East Frank's The Last Emperor Carolingian Empire after the death of free people, Frank Kent Conrad I was elected King, Frank East Empire began the transition to the German Reich.
27. A city of west-central Germany southwest of Cologne. It was a center of Carolingian culture. Population, 84,631.




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