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单词 Congestion
1. Parking near the school causes severe traffic congestion.
2. Congestion frequently reduces traffic to walking pace.
3. Increased congestion and traffic delays are expected.
4. The congestion in the city gets even worse during the summer.
5. Traffic congestion in large cities seems to be an insoluble problem.
6. Traffic congestion fluctuates according to the time of day.
7. This spray helps to ease nasal congestion.
8. Nose drops often relieve nasal congestion.
9. The route was designed to relieve traffic congestion.
10. The plan should ease traffic congestion in the town.
11. The manifesto includes tough measures to tackle road congestion and environmental pollution.
12. Plans to introduce congestion charging were dropped until after the election.
13. The problems of traffic congestion will not disappear in a hurry.
14. There are cues that signify congestion.
15. It causes no widespread congestion or great traffic problems.
16. Traffic congestion during peak commute hours is terrible.
17. Congestion of the head is most marked.
18. Reducing congestion around major airports would also cut emissions.
19. Action against traffic congestion in urban areas.
20. And I looked, dry hacking cough and head congestion.
21. Lost revenue for you, and more congestion and pollution for us!
22. We will reduce airport congestion by increasing the capacity of our air traffic control.
23. It has focused on congestion, vocational education and the freight sector's public image.
24. There has been alarm at the growing congestion and pollution caused by the rapid growth in car use.
25. Attempts to restrict parking in the city centre have further aggravated the problem of traffic congestion.
26. The government will have to grasp the nettle. If they don't, the traffic congestion is going to get out of control.
27. It's a moot point whether building more roads reduces traffic congestion.
27. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
28. New measures have been introduced to try and ease traffic congestion in the city.
29. The council is considering banning vehicles from the town centre to relieve congestion.
30. Voice over Meanwhile the closure has led to severe traffic congestion in the area.
1. Parking near the school causes severe traffic congestion.
2. Congestion frequently reduces traffic to walking pace.
3. Increased congestion and traffic delays are expected.
4. The congestion in the city gets even worse during the summer.
5. Attempts to restrict parking in the city centre have further aggravated the problem of traffic congestion.
6. Traffic congestion in large cities seems to be an insoluble problem.
7. Nose drops often relieve nasal congestion.
31. It would be bad for public transport and for congestion.
32. Boxer was forced to reduce pace at this point by the congestion of traffic in and out of the Barracks.
33. To combat chest congestion, Angol took an over-the-counter medication which contained a substance on the Olympic banned list.
34. This is helpful to those who suffer from catarrh or sinus congestion.
35. Unlike the motor car, cycling creates no congestion and no pollution and it provides the rider with essential healthy exercise.
36. Whitelegg said that any less severe measures would fail to break the cycle of dependence on road transport and consequent congestion.
37. The tolls, which varied with the level of congestion and the time of day, were displayed on road-side signs.
38. Downed power lines resulted in traffic congestion because of intersections without traffic lights.
39. He wants to see grade-separated interchanges, and not freeways, become a major part of the congestion solution.
40. Sure, some motorists still gripe about traffic congestion along the 3. 6-mile line from El Cajon to Santee.
41. Of course something must be done to reduce road congestion: revenue taken from road-users urgently needs to be invested in roads.
42. The industrialized world now contributes about $ 1 billion per year through bilateral aid programs to relieve urban congestion.
43. For similar reasons bad posture can be to blame for congestion and erratic circulation in the lower part of the body.
44. If she carried on lying down all the time, she might develop congestion of the lungs, bronchitis, even pneumonia.
45. Cold extremities with hot head and back; face purple during congestion, high fever.
46. And he recognises that motorcycles can make a real contribution to reducing congestion.
47. Time allowed 00:19 Read in studio Cyclists have brought a city centre to a halt in a protest over traffic congestion.
48. Several hundred thousand newly arrived cars and trucks have turned Tirana into a cacophony of novice drivers, congestion and accidents.
49. She is asthmatic, and said she is greatly troubled by episodes of congestion and coughing.
50. Transport academics argue that road pricing would make drivers pay for the cost of congestion.
51. And advances in technology have made congestion no longer a total waste of time.
52. This hopefully will cause them a fixture congestion around April/May with us hopefully been able to pick up the pieces.
53. We will tackle the problem of congestion and environmental damage by enabling local authorities to provide better quality transport.
54. They hanker for the climate, the friendly slower-paced lifestyle and lack of congestion ... and a new start at 40.
55. Traffic warning: Drivers can expect delays and congestion when the Gateshead viaduct is closed for six months for re-waterproofing.
56. The car, with all its hidden costs in pollution, traffic accidents and congestion, will continue to be more popular.
57. On a busy road, though, an extra car adds to congestion and so reduces the benefits other motorists are enjoying.
58. Increasing traffic congestion is a major influence on town planning.
59. Traffic congestion and pollution have turned Bangkok into an urban nightmare.
60. Better public transport means fewer drivers on the road, less congestion and quicker journeys for professional road users.
61. The front runners will, therefore, be zones charges by distance or time and congestion metering.
62. Congestion and land hunger were particularly acute in Lewis, because of the rapid population increase.
63. Solve rush-hour traffic congestion by making people pay to drive in the peak hours: more toll roads and higher fees.
64. Houllier had matches in hand, but fixture congestion threatened to erode this advantage.
65. Cars were pouring out of the factory gates when he reached them and two buses added to the congestion.
66. They will also generate 50,000 new vehicle journeys a day, adding to pollution and local traffic congestion.
67. Parking problems: Councillors will try to resolve parking problems in Lingdale High Street which have brought complaints about traffic congestion.
68. The motorway, used by sixty five thousand vehicles a day, has done the job of easing traffic congestion elsewhere.
69. We will improve public transport, reduce traffic congestion, and encourage pedestrianisation and cycling schemes.
70. The boroughs also express fears that redevelopment will mean worsening traffic congestion and the loss of homes and jobs.
71. There was traffic congestion when the Milk Race passed through city centre.
72. The proposal was designed to alleviate growing problems of congestion and pollution.
73. The 27-mile autoroute, intended to relieve congestion on the M6, is the first of several proposed privately owned toll roads.
74. Parking problems and traffic congestion have prompted one local councillor to describe the International Air Tattoo as a shambles.
75. Congestion makes things worse: cars stuck in traffic jams pollute three times as much as those on the open road.
76. Traffic police intend to eliminate congestion caused by illegally parked vehicles.
77. So what are greater congestion, higher accident rates, and worse air pollution compared to the freedom to drive?
78. Amsterdam has substantial parking problems and suffers chronic congestion and pollution.
79. Congestion of the mucosa is a variable sign.
80. Energy consumption, congestion and pollution have increased.
81. RED can greatly alleviate the congestion status of networks.
82. Oil lighterage at sea might help alleviate the situation of port congestion and tap the potential of logistic development for national crude oil import.
83. The rest of the European powers were in a state of intensifying congestion.
84. Objective:To study the anatomical factor of the pelvic congestion syndrome after tubal ligation and put forward the preventive measures.
85. This paper proposes an approach to design a rate based flow control mechanism in order to regulate the Available Bit Rate (ABR) traffic and effectively control congestion of the networks.
86. An urban traffic incident is prone to cause nonrecurring traffic congestion and secondary incidents, which severely affects traffic operation and traffic safety in the urban road network.
87. EXAMPLE: I needed to be at the airport early, and as I got into a taxi I was worried that I might be in hot water if traffic congestion was worse than normal.
87. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
88. On the basis of the estimated packet arrival rate and the status of network congestion in router, the buffer was managed using rate-based random early detection(RED).
89. It is difficult to concentrate on anything else when you are plagued with sneezing, itchy water eyes, itchy nose and throat, congestion, coughing, and postnasal drip.
90. Usually the nasal and upper labial congestion are adaptive adjustments to the abnormal breathing pattern.
91. On the sixth morning of his hospitalization, his bowel congestion finally relieved, he awoke pain-free and cheerful and announced, half joking, "Today, I almost feel like living."
92. Some changes such as secretions, bulbar conjunctival congestion, corneal edema, anterior chamber inflammation and crystal body nubecula did not appear.
93. Such congestion will lead to a shakeout, with the strongest and best - organised companies winning.
94. The drug combination is also available with phenylephrine to address nasal congestion.
95. Then, it elaborates power transmission service and its supplemental service. It also explains specially transmission congestion management.
96. An adrenergic drug, C9H13NO2, that is a powerful vasoconstrictor and is used to relieve nasal congestion, dilate the pupils, and maintain blood pressure during anesthesia.
97. And with Philipp Degen and Andriy Voronin linked with switches to VfB Stuttgart and Dinamo Moscow respectively, there could be further congestion at a snowbound John Lennon airport in the coming week.
98. Cellular network operators tend to heavily over-provision their network in order to handle times of peak load and congestion.
99. Sildenafil has well-known adverse effects of headaches, hypotension, hyperemic nasal congestion, flushing, atrial fibrillation, and changes in pulmonary blood flow.
100. Bad weather so many trucks into snow, icy roads even more unable to move the truck so the truck traffic congestion in some areas more than 40 km.
101. An application class and packet priority-based queue management and adaptive packet drop mechanism in the routers for Internet congestion control is put forward.
102. City business hours have to be staggered to relieve traffic congestion.
103. traffic congestion and pollution.
104. Tincture of mullein relieves chest congestion and dry, bronchial coughs.
105. The congestion and environmental damage caused by heavy lorries are an increasing nuisance.
106. But decongestant sprays or drops can worsen congestion if used more than two or three days.
107. All patients had either a recent hospitalization for HF or corroborative evidence of HF, such as pulmonary congestion or left-ventricular hypertrophy.
108. Try other natural remedies such as stinging nettle to relieve congestion.
109. You can look for signs of buffer congestion with netstat -s, which prints a list of network counters.
110. The changes of autopsy were mainly hemorrhage in respiratory system and congestion, hemorrhage and edema in parenchymatous organs.
111. These macrophages are sometimes called "heart failure cells" because of their aociation with pulmonary congestion with congestive heart failure.
112. These authors also have described meningoal congestion as a common finding, but no evidence of encephalitis.
113. Objective To evaluate the relation between conjunctival congestion pain and eyewash in patient after lasik.
114. Every year, nearly 37 million Americans suffer from the sinus pressure, nasal congestion, cough and postnasal drip that accompany sinusitis.
115. We all know the truck traffic from the port causes congestion and pollution.
116. Results Trollius Beverrage could light- en the throat pain, itch, dryness and better the congestion, dropsy, secretion of the chronic pharyngitis subjects. It hadn t bad effect.
117. The results show that this real-time decision support model can take place of traffic engineers' management works and raise the efficiency of congestion management.
117. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
118. This paper develops a congestion control method for wireless networks based on multi - reject ARQ algorithm.
119. However, the resulting average queue length is quite sensitive to the level of congestion and to the parameter settings of RED.
120. Then, elaborates power transmission service and its supplemental service. It also explains specially transmission congestion management.
121. The country continues to urbanize and get wealthier, which means more appliances, high-rise buildings, congestion and pollution.
122. Pulmonary congestion occurs when the lungs are filled with fluid.
123. The results indicate that this fuzzy algorithm, to a certain extent, can replace the traditional control methods, thereby enhancing the efficiency of congestion management.
124. It involves using a mild saline solution to flush out the thickened mucus and allergens causing your sinus congestion.
125. Such as, blepharospasm, conjunctival congestion and edema, corneal epithelial exfoliation and opacification.
126. These technologies involve congestion control and avoidance 、 queue management and RTP protocol.
127. Congestion could be countered by persuading more drivers to get on their bikes.
128. The paper describes the analytical models of all kinds of transmission control protocol ( TCP ) congestion controls.
129. The system marginal price represents the system load situation and thus reflects the congestion status of transmission equipment in a certain extent.
130. Results The typical X-ray signs of PPCM were as follows: heart enlargement, diminished heart pulsation and pulmonary congestion.
131. A longrange controllable variable speed limit sign has been designed according to traffic regulations to alleviate traffic congestion problem.
132. Forth, a scalable RTT (Round Trip Time) estimation algorithm is proposed for multicast congestion control to improve the accuracy of RTT estimation in large scale multicast applications.
133. Traditional congestion control algorithm is inapplicable for small buffer high speed networks.
134. We all know the truck traffic the port causes congestion and pollution.
135. In this paper the interruptible electricity contract is led into multi - period power transmission congestion management.
136. Before using the three methods below of liquefying mucus, PLEASE EVALUATE the extent of your congestion.
137. The end-to-end TCP congestion controls cause the throughput of TCP connection inversely proportional to the connection round trip time (RTT).
138. Eery year, nearly 37 million Americans suffer from the sinus pressure, nasal congestion, cough and postnasal drip that accompany sinusitis.
139. Although TCP congestion control is appropriate for applications such as bulk data transfer, it is not suitable for real-time applications.
140. Unfortunately in the congestion cost allocation to congested lines, the shadow price method and the marginal and incremental method existed have some defects.
141. When transmission constrained, actual ex-post price is sometimes greater than ex-ante price, because of high congestion price.
142. A nasal spray or drops would ease your symptoms, but don't overuse them or further congestion could result.
143. Results The right lung showed obvious hyperaemia, congestion and edema and with extensive blood extravasation and destruction of tissues, but only edema was seen in the left lung.
144. This paper proposes a new congestion control algorithm for wireless sensor networks that it can assign a fair and effective transmission rate for each node.
145. The article proposes a congestion control model based on public transportation system.
146. Link Access Procedure for Frame Mode Services (LAPF), as defined in ITU Q. 922, is an enhanced LAPD (Q. 921) with congestion control capabilities for Frame Mode Services in the Frame Relay network.
147. Secondly analyses the economic principle of urban road traffic congestion toll, point out urban road traffic congestion toll is necessary and feasible sometimes.
148. Do you agree the traffic congestion problem has improved after the "Motor Vehicle First Registration Tax" implementation?
149. Zefter reeled as if she were intoxicated, overwhelmed by the clamor and congestion.
150. A novel alternate routing algorithm is proposed on the basis of balanced load of links and tabu-search and the optimization of solution search and the link load variance and congestion realized.
151. Only the arguments about congestion and social friction seem to weigh against liberal immigration policies.
152. Port congestion surcharges, if any, at the time of shipment is for opener's account.
153. A new Dynamic Allocation bandwidth strategy for Multicast Congestion Control (DAMCC) was put forward.
154. I have never allowed the excuse to be pleaded of congestion at our ports.
155. In transmission management, transaction curtailment is the last resort for relieving congestion to maintain system reliability.
156. TCP-friendly single rate multicast congestion control for streaming media applications called the Binomial congestion control at Receivers for Multicast (BARM) is proposed.
157. The pathologic changes of myocardial tissue included edema and congestion in mesenchyma , and inflammatory cells infiltration.
158. Without decent backhaul, cell towers will run into the same kind of congestion problems you run into at home when you're trying to torrent more than your internet connection can handle.
159. The Lotus Sametime client uses what is referred to as jitter buffer management to compensate for any delays that occur in audio transmissions caused by network congestion and disruptions.
160. Proptosis, restrictive movement of the involved eye, eyelid or conjunctive congestion, decreased eyesight and palpable orbital masses were the main clinical findings.
161. To ease roadway congestion, a new byway is under construction, and plans are in place to clean up the sewage-tainted waters farther offshore.
162. Because SS7 has more intelligent capabilities than User-Network Interface protocols such as ISDN Primary Rate Interface, SS7 can help ease congestion across the Internet.




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