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单词 Remembrance
1 The remembrance of past sorrow is joyful. 
2 The very remembrance of my former misfortune proves a new one to me. 
3 He smiled at the remembrance of their first kiss.
4 On Remembrance Sunday we honour those who died.
5 A service was held in remembrance of local soldiers killed in the war.
6 Remembrance is a form of meeting, forgetfulness is a form of freedom.
7 He sent us a small remembrance of his visit.
8 Do you have any remembrance of your childhood?
9 This watch is a remembrance of my father.
10 All remembrance of him has escaped from my mind.
11 He razed her from his remembrance.
12 The cenotaph stands as a remembrance of those killed during the war.
13 Christians eat bread and drink wine in remembrance of Jesus.
14 A church service was held in remembrance of the victims.
15 They wore black in remembrance of those who had died.
16 Lances of remembrance pierced her heart, and she flinched.
17 Then we planted a remembrance tree.
18 So respect, remembrance was for herself, and today herself needed rest.
19 Between them they have 90 years of selling Remembrance Day poppies.
20 Her exalted moment of remembrance expired, she sighed in her relief and in her certainty of purpose.
21 Lais shrugged away her discomfort at the remembrance of what Bennet thought of her.
22 If you want to build a chapel of remembrance, don't site it in a Woolwich shopping precinct.
23 As a gesture of remembrance, the city has filled in many of these indentations with red plastic.
24 I give you endless brand-new good wishes.Please accept them as a new remembrance of our lasting friendship.
25 Grief and tragedy and hatred are only for a time. Goodness, remembrance and love have no end.
26 The flower arrangement from the Society is beautiful and will give pleasure and remembrance for a long time.
27 It lies against a stone wall, shielded by birch and fur, overlooking a garden of remembrance, containing more memorials.
28 His daughter Marie, a nurse, was killed in the Enniskillen Remembrance Day atrocity in 1987.
29 Miss Fogerty was torn between telling the truth and the remembrance of her promise to her headmistress.
30 Jack Daniels was there, too, escorted by Delia in remembrance of our former raven-cage-raising and raven-catching parties.
1 He smiled at the remembrance of their first kiss.
2 On Remembrance Sunday we honour those who died.
3 A service was held in remembrance of local soldiers killed in the war.
31 Prayer On Remembrance Sunday, ministers w ill be asking their congregations to remember their fellow countrymen who have died in war.
32 Along its high white granite walls, hundreds of funeral wreaths were coalescing into one great hanging garden of remembrance.
33 Many crematoria include scattering or burying the ashes in a garden of remembrance in their fee.
34 By 1978, Holocaust remembrance was becoming a national tidal wave.
35 Another unusual feature is the oil paintings hanging in the church, a remembrance of the old Romish customs.
36 The ribbons bore the words remembrance, rebirth, renewal and rebuilding.
37 He shuddered at his remembrance of royalty's puzzled look when he removed this ostentatious headgear.
38 Sethe was deeply touched by her sweet name; the remembrance of glittering headstone made her feel especially kindly toward her.
39 His method was to include the remembrance of moods and apprehensions as well as images and incidents.
40 Soon Jedwabne and numerous other names steeped in blood disappeared from the map of permissible remembrance.
41 He had clung to the remembrance of things past.
42 I have no remembrance of the process.'
43 Those Remembrance Day poppies say it all.
44 Today is a day of remembrance of my grandma.
45 The poppy is a popular Remembrance Day symbol.
46 This is a day of remembrance of my mother.
47 It's been a day of remembrance in Pakistan.
48 This is a day of remembrance for our country.
49 I have no remembrance of what happened afterwards.
50 Remembrance is a form of meeting. Forgetfulness is a form of freedom.
51 Aged persons often call to remembrance the scenes of their youth.
52 Britain's Duke of Edinburgh, right, and Prince William, left, seen(),() during the annual Remembrance Sunday ceremony at the Cenotaph in London.
53 Seemingly dull feelings and sentiments actually gave his remembrance day endure suffering.
54 I will survey and discuss the students' understanding from three aspects: forcing spread form, stark and rigescent moral request, thinking much of the remembrance in moral study.
55 Memorial Day is a day of remembrance of those who have died serving our country.
56 They called each other cousin in remembrance of their schooldays'friendship.
57 In 1991, the Canadian government proclaimed December Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women.
58 The adoption of remembrance-guided search method emphasizes local optimum value in each remembrance segment, which avoids the blindness of global search.
59 An act of remembrance is an act of honour - to those who sacrificed all, who bore the sufferings of war, who had the wisdom to build the peace.
60 Both papers say they wore their Remembrance Day poppies despite being warned by the Chinese this would stir up unhappy memories of the Opium Wars.
61 An ex-service woman places a Cross of Remembrance in the Field of Remembrance at London's Westminster Abbey on November 11, 2010.
62 Within the path of the Flower People is the remembrance of how to create sweet perfume and sweet music in the energy flow of self or a group of others.
63 Kahlil Gibran urged his listeners to "let today embrace the past with remembrance, and the future with longing."
64 I invite you to join me on this journey of reaffirmation, remembrance, reform, and revitalization!
65 In Munich this past weekend, a traditional carnival season parade overlapped with the International Holocaust Remembrance Day, observed every year on Jan. 27.
66 ex-servicemen march past The Cenotaph during the Remembrance Sunday service in Whitehall, London.
67 On the couplet , Mr Bao wrote : " Eternal remembrance to Ziyang. "
68 Tis like a child's beloved corse 15 A father watches, till at last Beauty is like remembrance, cast From Time long past.
69 Chinese officials apparently asked the UK delegation not to wear Remembrance Day poppies because they were a symbol of China's humiliation at the hands of Europe in the opium wars.
70 We also believe that Lord's Supper is administered in remembrance of Christ.
71 You needn't. It's my personal affair. Today is a day of remembrance of my grandma.
72 This program, for his first world tour, was presented in remembrance of the 70th anniversary of the Spanish Civil War for audiences in New York, London and Tokyo.
73 Only hope to have more beautiful color in the future remembrance!
74 Remembrance Day in Australia is dedicated to Australians who died as a result of war, particularly from World War I onwards.
75 Upon entering the physical universe, you relinquished your remembrance of yourself.
76 It is a day of remembrance, but for the first time, it's also a national day of service.
77 In recent times, the golden wattle has been used as a symbol of remembrance and reflection.
78 In the cities there were strict curfews , empty hotels, abandoned streets and office buildings, looters, trigger-happy patrols, and all the rest. (War and Remembrance, by Herman Wouk.
79 This music box is a remembrance of an old friend.
80 By now, with the help of various counselors, I'd navel-gazed a giant gaping hole in my bellybutton, dissecting my own personal history the way a Proust scholar had Remembrance of Things Past.
81 Somecall it Remembrance Day (eg. Canada, Australia, United Kingdom), somecall it Armistice Day (eg.
82 And call to remembrance your look when you were young.
83 A serviceman from 4th Battalion, The Rifles, died in an explosion near Sangin, in Helmand province on the morning of Remembrance Sunday.
84 Still her boys reverent remembrance of a most vehement chastisement she once bestowed on them.
85 Germany marks Remembrance Sunday, commemorating the victims of the world wars and the Nazi rule, on November 19.
86 The remembrance rankles still in the bosoms of millions of the countrymen. They pant for an opportunity of revenging that humiliation.
87 Wwhat we gave up on earth?What we got hold of on earth?And what will call to remembrance after years elapsed?
88 Every year, Dec. 26 remains a somber day of remembrance in Aceh and throughout Indonesia.
89 A slice of petal, a postcard, the beautiful remembrance when being old!
90 This ceremony, which touched a chord across the Australian nation, re-established Remembrance Day as a significant day of commemoration.
91 Qingming is not just a day of remembrance. It sees a combination of sadness and happiness.
92 Pumpkin pie is often served in remembrance of the first settlers.
93 But most also wanted the prime minister to visit Yasukuni, Tokyo's militarist shrine, on remembrance day.
94 My soul hath them still in remembrance , and is humbled in me.
95 He held onto the bracelet ever since, a remembrance of the fallen American airman.
96 Some countries observe November 11 th as Armistice Day or Remembrance Day.
97 This is a day of remembrance of my mother. On this day I pray and seek a saint's blessing.
98 Today is Remembrance Day.
99 They increase the cares of life; but they mitigate remembrance of death.
100 Society now defaults to a relentless Proustian remembrance of all things past.
101 Israel's Holocaust Remembrance Day determined based on the Jewish calendar, this year's anniversary of the sunset from May 1 start to the end of 2 sunset./remembrance.html
102 Boulez calls the piece a ceremony of remembrance and extinction and the way in which these musics appear and gradually dissolve is very moving, very simple, very still.
103 In the Commonwealth countries — including India, Malaysia, Botswana, Ghana and Kenya, among many others — the day is referred to as Remembrance Day.
104 Times Square and buglers across the country will play the military funeral tune "Taps" on Saturday in the first national day of remembrance for the World War Two generation.
105 Today, on Remembrance Sunday, the United Kingdom commemorates the end of the first world war, which brought four years of intolerable carnage to an end.
106 Earlier this year, Nobel Peace laureate Elie Wiesel sang Germany's praises for observing remembrance for Holocaust victims.
107 If the stars should appear one night in a thousand years, how would men believe and adore; and preserve for many generations the remembrance of the city of God which had been shown!
108 Today, the Banzai cliffs, as they are known, have become a place of remembrance for of the countries of the world.
109 Proust featured the painting in his surrealist novel Remembrance of Things Past.
110 For this reason I salute English Heritage which, in time for Remembrance Sunday, has just finished cleaning and restoring the Royal Artillery Memorial.
111 ''As we approach Remembrance Day it is hard to believe that 40 per cent of our children do not know when it is.
112 Oh, miserable remembrance! He had forfeited all right to bind up his brother's wounds.
113 Don't allow time to weaken the wine of friendship , nor distance to disjoin the hands of remembrance.
114 I have no remembrance of having said anything of this kind.
115 My remembrance, is just like the mizzle , moistens ur body and ur soal.
116 The back and forth makes it clear: The day of remembrance has become a day of fighting and a stage for political battles. Not just in New York, but throughout the United States.
117 "The perfume of the soul is remembrance", wrote George Sand.
118 He could not get the hang of television, and horrified the country by appearing at the Cenotaph one Remembrance Day in a short, scruffy coat.
119 In 1991, the Canadian government proclaimed December 6th National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women.
120 And let there be in the song a remembrance for the autumn days, and for the vineyard, and for the winepress.
121 On this sacred day of remembrance, I can say with confidence that, together, we're on the path of success in Afghanistan.
122 Remembrance and Poppy This site has downloadable material for students and teachers to find out about Remembrance Day.
123 When I call to remembrance the unfeigned faith that is in thee, which dwelt first in thy grandmother Lois, and thy mother Eunice; and I am persuaded that in thee also.
124 It's hardly to chatted my classmate on the Internet, I'm very happy to heard that she will be a mather. we asked each other, with a few words, call to remembrance our life in college.
125 This product is pen and seals, combining with the suit products expo theme to carefully build, diaphanous, and has a remembrance.
126 Vice President Joe Biden attended a wreath-laying ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery outside Washington. He said the day of remembrance is mixed with sorrow and incredible pride.
127 The International Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Slavery and the Transatlantic Slave Trade honours the millions of Africans violently removed from their homelands and cast into slavery.
128 Freytag was pleased with the hussar's honesty, and bade him to keep the watch in remembrance of his having once had its owner for a prisoner.
129 I am afraid I have no remembrance of our days together.
130 And call to remembrance the works of the fathers, which they have done in their generations: and you shall receive great glory, and an everlasting name.
131 When applied to the first day remembrance of the resurrection of Christ in the new covenant, there is nothing to stamp because the eschatological goal has already been achieved.
131 try its best to gather and make good sentences.
132 With remembrance and best wishes for a Happy Holiday Season.
133 Ex - servicemen march past The Cenotaph during the Remembrance Sunday service in Whitehall, London.
134 Ten years later, in 1931, the two days became separate holidays and Armistice Day was renamed Remembrance Day.
135 He said the day of remembrance is mixed with sorrow and incredible pride.
136 Nothing is more fatal to happiness than the remembrance of happiness. --------Andre Gide.
137 Remembrance Day 2 Learn about how the first Remembrance Day in Canada came to be and who initiated this holiday.




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