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单词 Worthless
1. Without wisdom wealth is worthless.
2. These contradictions made his evidence worthless.
3. He dismissed the opinion polls as worthless.
4. The house was full of worthless junk.
5. This contract is worthless; you've been taken for a ride!
6. Don't read worthless books.
7. The guarantee could be worthless if the firm goes out of business.
8. He said the jewels were worthless fakes.
9. He chucked his money away on a worthless plan.
10. The diseased plants are quite worthless to the farmer.
11. He left his wife for a worthless actress.
12. The information was worthless to me.
13. His parents had made him feel worthless.
14. The company's shares are now virtually worthless shares.
15. The opinion polls were dismissed as worthless.
16. This contract is now worthless.
17. Critics say his paintings are worthless.
18. Critics described the paintings as worthless rubbish.
19. The old man was cursed with a worthless son.
20. Constant rejections made him feel worthless.
21. He was worthless as a painter.
22. he was given proved almost worthless.
23. Many critics see the paintings as worthless rubbish.
24. You feel you really are completely worthless and unlovable.
25. She had been hoodwinked into buying a worthless necklace.
26. I esteem it worthless.
27. The co-defendants are charged with selling worthless junk bonds to thousands of unsuspecting depositors.
28. The diamond thief double-crossed his partners and gave them only worthless fake jewels.
29. It contained so many errors as to render it worthless.
30. Such advice as he was given has proved almost worthless.
1. These contradictions made his evidence worthless.
2. He dismissed the opinion polls as worthless.
3. The house was full of worthless junk.
4. This contract is worthless; you've been taken for a ride!
5. Don't read worthless books.
6. The diamond thief double-crossed his partners and gave them only worthless fake jewels.
7. The guarantee could be worthless if the firm goes out of business.
8. It contained so many errors as to render it worthless.
9. He was worthless as a painter.
31. To go back to the point you have just mentioned is worthless.
32. I gave good money for that camera, and it turned out to be worthless.
33. She was criticised so much by her employers that she began to feel worthless.
34. I'm glad that Alice has finished with that worthless young man.
35. They finally found a small gold coin which was almost worthless.
36. Training is worthless unless there is proof that it works.
37. I knew from where I stood that the stocks were practically worthless.
38. Action without thinking is worthless. Dr T.P.Chia 
39. It makes him feel small and worthless.
40. You of all people shouldn't be calling him worthless.
41. And so it was I lost my worthless virginity.
42. He is not entirely worthless as a witness.
43. These sentences seemed utterly worthless to him.
44. It made it so much cheaper,(http:///worthless.html) worthless even.
45. The jewellery turned out to be completely worthless.
46. You are a worthless and contemptible woman.
47. "You're worthless!" Greg spat out.
48. Because MI6 possessed no one with any technical qualifications to analyse the Oslo Report it was rejected as worthless and ignored.
49. Oratory eliminated the worthless chatter and allowed spies to focus on their precise needs, spewing to the printer only relevant messages.
50. Can it indeed be bogus and worthless poetry that has obsessed critical reviewers for nearly twenty years?
51. This would have left many people with worthless claims against insolvent companies.
52. She was too embarrassed to admit that they had conned her into buying 100 acres of worthless land.
53. The player should role-play this, insinuating that the other character is cowardly, worthless, treacherous, etc.
54. Buyers need to tell some one close to them they have made the arrangements, otherwise the policy will be worthless.
55. I am writing this article on an old Compaq bought in 1982 and worthless in the marketplace today.
56. Opportunity is useless or worthless without ability, preparation and action. Dr T.P.Chia 
57. She struggled to analyze whether this was a naive point of view; or worthless cynicism.
58. This can be seen in melancholia, where the person feels worthless as the super-ego mercilessly criticizes the ego.
59. All the seers and prophets saw the world as worthless.
60. Insulin coma received widespread backing from the psychiatric profession, but after decades of use was exposed as worthless.
61. Eventually money becomes worthless, and people are forced to barter or substitute with other sorts of currencies, like cigarettes.
62. Kromko noted lawyers and their ilk are fond of worthless boiler-plate.
63. One could well imagine a worthless volume masquerading under such a title.
64. Sacrifice does not mean the rejection of the worthless, but of the precious. Ayn Rand 
65. There was a real danger that these bonds would become worthless.
66. However, the decline in the Tokyo stock market, which has rendered many warrants worthless, may seriously damage the market.
67. When he died, all my uncle left me was a worthless plot of land.
68. Success in that direction is unlikely and, besides, warranties and indemnities from an insolvent company would be worthless.
69. You will be as worthless as a piece of dirt on the sole of my shoe.
70. Mr Clancy sold it to a trickster who paid with a worthless stolen cheque.
71. Many elderly people have been duped into buying worthless insurance.
72. Was it not buying businesses and influence abroad with worthless pieces of paper?
73. That promise is worthless and that pledge by the Opposition illustrates why the promise is worthless.
74. I wanted to pay for the coffee,(http:///worthless.html) but I found that all I had was a couple of worthless coins.
75. The knowledge of his own ingratitude convinced him that he was wicked and worthless.
76. As a member of parliament Mr Berezovsky is theoretically immune from prosecution, but he described this guarantee as worthless.
77. They're worthless, of course they are, or else why do you think the state government let you have them.
78. Imagination is the key to unlock the door to insights, ideas and inspirations, but it is worthless without purpose and meaning. Dr T.P.Chia 
79. Writers and intellectuals had been siphoned out to make way for technologists whose knowledge was worthless without the archives to activate them.
80. In his bankruptcy filing, Symington reported that his interest in the Symington Capital Corp. was worthless.
81. According to the latest official figures, 43% of all statistics are totally worthless. Ashleigh Brilliant 
82. Nor is the fact that a document is biased a reason for dismissing the document as worthless or unreliable.
83. When we are defined early on in our lives as bad and worthless we may become addicted to guilt.
84. He had cheated his clients by selling them worthless stocks.
85. Yet the whole magazine is like this, an expensive, well-meaning, worthless blast of hot air.
86. The dramatic move - effectively devaluing our currency - exposed the Prime Minister's general election pledges of economic recovery as worthless.
87. There is a preponderant objection: popularity is worthless as an index of quality.
88. I would be glad to exchange them for the same face value as the increasingly worthless and derisory folding stuff.
89. Out on the stairs a piece of paper as worthless as Chamberlain's prohibited the use of body oils.
90. They had a mass of worthless artefacts from crowns to Papal tiaras that they hired out.
91. There will be no surer way of rendering the divisional championship worthless than introducing a tiny club super-league.
92. Is everything I did for Miss Elizabeth worthless and am I foolish to expect more of her?
93. Instead of being enchanted, we inevitably become disenchanted with programming which only offers a choice between formulaic sitcoms or worthless docusoaps.
94. He thought praying and other religious acts were worthless and hypocritical in the absence of active service to the needy.
95. I'm afraid this banknote is a forgery; it's just a worthless piece of paper.
96. More than that, it had served to prove yet again that Sweetheart was quite justified in calling him worthless and good-for-nothing.
97. It cherishes that which it deems valuable and cheapens what it deems close to worthless.
98. Luck is what happens when hard work meets opportunity. Opportunity and luck are worthless without ability and action. Dr T.P.Chia 
99. During the Industrial Revolution, many Birmingham goods were cheap to buy, but does cheapness justify the pejorative term worthless?
100. The car was a worthless wreck after the collision.
101. Key point: anonymous agents are interchangeable and virtually worthless.
102. The ringleader of this circus of worthless pawns.
103. I'd been brainwashed into believing I was worthless.
104. They spurned the worthless rags.
105. You know,(http:///worthless.html) brigandage don't abduct women who were worthless.
106. One's life will be worthless if he is unambitious.
107. Why do you read that worthless rag?
108. Henceforth, the north wind is worthless to the northerners.
109. It was oppposed as worthless and even heretical.
110. Such a worthless trashy flirter becomes a teacher?
111. Soaring hyperinflation has rendered the Zimbabwean dollar worthless.
112. He was overheard to say to Her: "Why do You bring here all these worthless people, who are like milk diluted with five times its own quantity of water?"
113. EXAMPLE: The reports of huge profits being made in the sales of the worthless product were just flimflam invented to stimulate investment by naive people.
114. A useless or worthless byproduct, as from a manufacturing process.
115. But until we commit to treating content as a critical asset worthy of strategic planning and meaningful investment, we'll continue to churn out worthless content in reaction to unmeasured requests.
116. Wilsom tried to put one over on me yesterday by selling me a worthless car.
117. Two unpaid internships that made me feel absolutely worthless among a crowd of ivy league graduates.
118. The peddler tried to fob off a worthless article on little Tom.
119. I saw a pink rice cooker, flow lines and colors is very romantic, I bought it, while not worthless, but they can stave off hunger for my love cold.
120. At best, jury-rigged silencers are nearly worthless. At worst, they can particially block the gun barrel causing it to overpressure and explode.
121. If the shell resource is worthless outstanding increase in listed companies will be greatly reduced premium.
122. My ex - husband was eager apprise me of the fact that my thesis was appraised as worthless.
123. Increasingly, as these small and middle-sized fish run out, smaller and hitherto commercially worthless ones are scooped up in fine-meshed nets.
124. Yet the dirty-restaurant badge becomes as worthless as a cereal box detective badge when other foreigners begin eating there.
125. Many errors arise because of the ages, they have a high-sounding, self-righteous reasons, the lives of others as worthless, as the dust.
126. There is a whole growth industry providing solutions for singles, much of which is shallow, exploitive , and worthless.
127. You know what an absolute prat he was, how much he admired his worthless father.
128. He tried to palm off the worthless watches on some shoppers.
129. Stock cost is fictitious, can devalue at any time, worthless even.
130. The best squadron in each wing won a yellow pennant on a pole that utterly worthless.
131. They will suck your energy from you the energy you call money and will put it to evil ends and give you worthless dross in return.
132. The government instructed the valuer to assume that the business would have -otherwise gone into administration, meaning that the shares would be worthless.
133. There are some worthless articles of clothing in the old portmanteau.
133. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
134. Software rot is unavoidable, but programmers who fail to take conceptual integrity into consideration create software that rots so so fast that it becomes worthless before it is even completed.
135. You can't deny that Tom has been an ilde, worthless, dissolute and dishonourable rogue.
136. I'll take the holy vow to be worthless, to be drunken and go to the dogs.
137. What makes all autobiographies worthless is, after all, their mendacity.
138. It appears the government persuaded farmers in cooperatives to accept cash in lieu of half of their annual in-kind grain allotment-then rendered the bonus worthless via the currency reform.
139. It is not right to fob off worthless article upon a customer.
140. You can agree with Mr. Snippy but you put way more in to it than just worthless snippy little phrases.
141. To them we should say bluntly, " Your dogma is worthless. ".
142. It also has advice about how to avoid worthless educational programs and accredit accrediting agencies.
143. The American flag, on the moon or anywhere else, is worthless except as a symbol, a symbol of men achieving their ends by voluntary association, cooperating through mutual exchange in a free society.
144. At the banks, overconfidence in "risk management" methods (which were mostly worthless) and ill-considered compensation practices were serious contributing causes.
145. If, however, children grow up without love and without feelings of self-worth, they feel unlovable and worthless and expect to be cheated, taken advantage of, and looked down upon by others.
146. Despite his occasional protestations of friendship, he disliked England and thought her a worthless ally.
147. You can't deny that Tom has been an idle, worthless, dissolute and dishonorable rogue.
148. The SEC's imprimatur, he says, had become worthless after the Bear Stearns and Lehman debacles.
149. “Diploma mill” schools charge unsuspecting students thousands of dollars for worthless degrees, whereas credentialed, trustworthy schools are able to give their students diplomas to be proud of.
150. If, however, children grow up without hove and without feelings of self-worth, they feel unlovable and worthless and expect to be cheated, taken advantage of, and looked down upon by others.
151. What a fool she was to bargain away her best vase for this worthless tablecloth!
152. Without a good glossary, translators can turn a complex technical manual into a worthless document.
153. If the concept of efficiency is worthless even for each individual, it is a fortiori in far worse straits when the economist employs it in an additive way for all of society.
154. An office that is used to promote worthless land or securities by mail or through telemarketing.
155. For Bank of China in particular the financial hit could be severe: 18% of shareholders' equity, were the entire investment to prove worthless.
156. Elizabethan schoolboys were taught adoxography, the art of eruditely praising worthless things.
157. According to the story, a hedge fund called Lancer would buy restricted stock in a worthless shell company, as well as a few shares on the open market at a higher price in order to show a gain.
158. They will suck the energy from you - the energy you call money and will put it to evil ends giving you worthless dross in return.
159. Do not let that person think of as worthless you, refuels!
160. By contrast, modern currency , as fiat money, is intrinsically worthless.
161. NARRATOR: The Allies introduced a new currency, the Deutsche Mark, to replace the worthless German money.
162. When you pick up the Helm of Seeing, you finally understand why the blind troglodyte would find it worthless.
163. Narcissists may seem cocky and self-centered, but on the inside they feel worthless and ashamed.
163. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
164. Hay is of less value than wood . Stubble is useless and worthless.
165. During the Major Depressive Episode, patients feel so depressed, helpless, and hopeless that they consider life is worthless or meaningless. These feelings may even lead to suicide.
166. No matter how big a bucket is, if there is no aged vintage wine in it, it's worthless.
167. In the former case, she'll have a high time for a little while, ending in a divorce court or in her having a worthless young "rounder" on her hands and no money to pay the bills.
168. Businessmen and rich landowners had put their money in Confederate bonds, now completely worthless. Confederate war debts would never be paid.
169. That chair may be worthless even to a junk dealer.
170. What? I am nobody and worthless? I demur at your words , brat short man interrupts.
171. They could talk of nothing but officers; and Mr. Bingley's large fortune, the mention of which gave animation to their mother, was worthless in their eyes when opposed to the regimentals of an ensign.
172. The worthless books should be weeded out from your library.
173. For the first time, it was being borne in upon her how silly and worthless had been her earlier reading, as a whole.
174. Deposits which were formerly considered worthless can now be extracted.
175. It's a good thing that you have finished with that worthless young man.
176. When all topsoil is gone, nothing remains but a worthless desert.
177. If anyone considers himself religious and yet does not keep a tight rein on his tongue, he deceives himself and his religion is worthless.
178. When a method called the cyanide process was invented, men made fortunes buying dumps of rock abandoned as commercially worthless and putting them through the new method.
179. Rampant inflation has rendered the once proud Zimbabwe dollar nearly worthless.
180. When we have come to believe in the voices that call us worthless and unlovable, then success, popularity, and power are easily perceived as attractive solutions.
181. Their proposals are all worthless and designed out of sinister motives.
182. Quit your worthless job and dedicate your life to the study of the Moroccan flute.
183. People frenziedly bought these luxuries with the money they had today, fearing that tomorrow's prices would be higher and the money worthless.
184. The worthless books in a library should be weeded out.
185. Worthless cars abandoned on parking lots were currently a plague at every big city airport.
186. These materials are now valueless ( worthless ) to us.
187. God will never attack you; he will never say you're worthless or unlovable.




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