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单词 Clause
1. We should add this clause to the contract.
2. They have added/deleted/amended a clause in the contract which says the company can make people redundant for economic reasons.
3. The sentence consists of a main clause and a subordinate clause.
4. The penalty clause specifies that late delivery will be fined.
5. The new clause was accepted without amendment.
6. The intention of the clause is clear.
7. There is some ambiguity in this clause.
8. The completed action is in the main clause.
9. A confidentiality clause was added to the contract.
10. The contract contains a confidentiality clause.
11. What's the exact wording of the clause?
12. A penalty clause was written into the contract.
13. This clause in the contract was held unreasonable.
14. He decided to line out that clause.
15. The penalty clause was hidden in the small print.
16. We added an opt-out clause to the agreement.
17. His manager inserted a new clause into his contract.
18. A clause in the contract had been left purposely vague.
18. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
19. This last clause is a thinly-veiled threat to those who might choose to ignore the decree.
20. There was a penalty clause which said you had to pay half the cost if you cancelled your booking.
21. The third clause of the contract specifies steel sashes for the windows.
22. There's a clause in the policy that I'd like to discuss.
23. In English, a clause acting as the subject of a sentence counts as singular.
24. They put a clause in the contract stipulating that the work should be finished by next month.
25. There is a clause in the contract forbidding tenants to sublet.
26. In the complex sentence, 'I'd like to go the beach, if it's warm enough', 'I'd like to go to the beach' is the main clause, and 'if it's warm enough' is the subordinate clause.
27. In the sentence 'The woman who I met was wearing a brown hat', 'who I met' is a relative clause.
28. The sentence 'Although he's quiet, he's not shy' begins with a concessive clause.
29. In the sentence 'They often go to Italy because they love the food', 'They often go to Italy' is the main clause and 'because they love the food' is a subordinate clause.
30. In 'the man who came', 'who' is a relative pronoun and 'who came' is a relative clause.
1. We should add this clause to the contract.
2. They have added/deleted/amended a clause in the contract which says the company can make people redundant for economic reasons.
3. The sentence consists of a main clause and a subordinate clause.
4. The penalty clause specifies that late delivery will be fined.
5. The intention of the clause is clear.
6. The third clause of the contract specifies steel sashes for the windows.
7. In English, a clause acting as the subject of a sentence counts as singular.
8. They made a clause - by - clause rebuttal of the letter.
31. This has, in fact, turned out to be a wonderful escape clause for dishonest employers everywhere.
32. The final clause in the contract will be left untouched.
33. A clever lawyer might find ways of getting round that clause.
34. The clause in the contract is insusceptible of another interpretation.
35. They joined with the monarchists to insert a clause calling for a popular vote on the issue.
36. They made a clause - by - clause rebuttal of the letter.
37. A clause in the agreement provides that the tenant shall pay for repairs to the building.
38. Clause 4 of the constitution is thought to be the most important section.
39. What did he say to you? You cannot use 'say about', but you can say something about:I want to say something /a few words / a little about my family. Say can also be used with a clause when the person you are talking to is not mentioned:She didn't say what she intended to do.
40. I'm afraid you guessed wrong. Wrongly is used before a past participle or a that clause:My name was wrongly spelt.
41. He has a clause in his contract which entitles him to a percentage of the profits.
42. Under Clause 5.8, the company is responsible for the health of its employees.
43. The sellers tried to rely upon the exemption clause.
44. I ask the Minister to support the new clause.
45. Clause 9 provides an interesting exemption clause.
46. The new clause seeks to address that specific problem.
47. The House of Lords held the clause unreasonable.
48. They are generally not subordinate in dependent clause pairs.
48. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
49. The policy is subject to the war exclusion clause.
50. The example below uses an independent and dependent clause.
51. Thematic choice involves selecting a clause element as theme.
52. However, the clause did not make this clear.
53. The clause on state language provoked heated discussion.
54. There is only a solitary enabling clause.
55. Some lawyers believed this act violated the establishment clause.
56. I was told that this clause would be removed from the contract.
57. Clause 9.2 of Precedent 2 contains a standard clause preventing sub-contracting.
58. I am concerned about clause 3 and its effect on local authority housing.
59. Every clause had been argued over, it was all agreed.
60. Tulsa signed Self, 34, to a five-year contract that includes a buyout clause.
61. The Court of Appeal held that the oral statement overrode the exclusion clause which therefore did not form part of the contract.
62. Clause 79 provides for discount where there is only one or no resident in the property.
63. A second new clause setting out the panel's role was approved without a vote.
64. A clause in the contract states when payment must be made.
65. The exclusion clause was of no effect for this breach of an express term.
66. If an exparte injunction is to be sought the purchaser should ensure that the exclusivity clause is clear and precise.
67. Then it would be possible to set matters right and return to the correct position of Clause 9.
68. The law includes a clause which allows a delay of one and a half years for its application for some users.
69. Here was the escape clause the board was looking for.
70. That clause limits the domestic lawmaking power of Congress to issues involving interstate commerce.
71. In many cases it may be impossible to predict with certainty whether or not a particular clause will be effective.
72. Our new clause 17 would establish their entitlement to rebates, which would benefit them greatly.
73. A detailed clause by clause analysis of the Bill by a standing committee of between 1-50 M.P.s.
74. The new clause provides him with an opportunity to prove that he is a caring individual.
75. Second, the text shows that it was important to know whether the general clause applied or not.
76. The clause should also state the earliest date upon which the option may be exercised.
77. It is for this reason that a seller will usually be unable to rely on an exclusion clause printed on a receipt.
78. It therefore appears that an exclusion clause can apply,[] even to cases of fundamental breach and breach of fundamental term.
79. In particular, the Czechoslovakian agreement carries a cultural clause which covers conservation, training and special events alongside the audiovisual sector.
80. Repudiation of a claim under this clause can cause serious problems.
81. He has inserted a clause into his contract which bans screenwriter Joel Silver from the set while he is working.
82. An important preliminary point is that the dividing line between an exclusion clause and a disclosure clause may be thin.
83. Clause 7.4 of Precedent 3 is a simple example of such a clause.
84. She knew she would feel a good deal less proud when she told Alice about the penalty clause.
85. This clause must state the company's nominal capital, and how the capital is divided into shares.
86. Is it beyond the wit of Byers and his legal eagles to include a sunset clause in the final version?
87. The burden of proof is on the person seeking to rely on the clause.
88. It was held that clause 13 dearly imposed that fiduciary relationship upon the buyers.
89. The wider and more drastic the clause, the more care must be taken to bring it to the buyer's attention.
90. The defendants were liable to a penalty clause in the main contract if the work was not completed on time.
91. Courts ruled that prayer in school violates a clause of the First Amendment.
92. To be sure, this Court has construed the Commerce Clause to accommodate unanticipated changes over the past two centuries.
93. Subsequently, the Government inserted a clause of their own which went some way to meet Lord Scarman's amendment.
94. Decided cases suggest that the burden of proving a clause reasonable will often be difficult to discharge.
95. The clause was criticized by some as giving implicit authority to the army to stage further coups should they be deemed necessary.
96. Clearly, the Delaney clause makes little sense in the modern age, but regulatory activists refuse to even discuss its repeal.
97. Clause 6 is a clause which sellers often try to impose.
98. However, when a subordinate clause follows a main clause this additional processing load does not occur.
99. This clause was construed by both Evershed J and the Court of Appeal to include acting as a consultant.
100. How if at all did the existence of the penalty clause affect the consideration given by the plaintiff?
101. The most notable is the relative pronoun that, which can only be used with a restrictive relative clause.
102. The owners of the dredger required it to complete a contract which contained an onerous penalty clause.
103. The agreement included a clause setting up a joint committee to oversee air quality.
104. If one party freely consents to a clause, a court is unlikely to hold it unreasonable.
105. The clause among the Fourth Lateran Council decrees that proposed regulated taxes for the churches and provinces of Christendom suggests as much.
106. This means that, even though an exemption clause on its wording apparently provides a defence, it may nevertheless be ineffective.
107. The newly inserted clause in the lease required a tenant to vacate the premises on 90 days notice.
108. A general exclusion clause which excludes liability altogether is thus very unlikely to be reasonable under s 3.
109. Mr. Wilson: The new clause and amendments are primarily concerned with consumer interests.
110. The clause is relatively mild[Sentencedict], requiring international agencies to commit themselves to support eradication efforts.
111. All those cases turned on the effect of particular words in the rent review clause.
112. Much of the vagueness of the due process clause disappears when the specific prohibitions of the First become its standard.
113. The dependent clause functions as a substitution item in a frame, the frame being the rest of the sentence.
114. They risk eviction under a new clause being introduced in the tenancy condition from next month.
115. In the sentence "Can you tell me what time it is?" 'Can you tell me' is the main clause, and 'what time it is' is a subordinate clause.
116. It is important to remember that a classic type of restraint of trade clause frequently mentions two quite separate time periods.
117. The interrelationship of this clause with the rent review clause should be considered.
118. The Equal Access Act was challenged in several cases, raising questions about its constitutionality as violative of the establishment clause.
119. However, most leases incorporate a rent review clause which provides for the periodic raising of the rent.
120. Equally important is the last sentence of the clause which excludes prior representations and extraneous material, such as sales catalogues.
121. The discussion centred around the flexibility clause which is unlikely to be removed.
122. The choice of electricians or estate-agents in the elliptical clause affected the plausibility of its interpretation in the following way.
123. If the parties wish to give an ordinary word some special meaning, an express definition clause should be included.
124. Where the seller is successful in adding his additional clause, the guarantee obviously acts as an exclusion of liability.
125. There is a sound reason for rewording that clause, because that is too frequent an occurrence in day-to-day life in prison.
126. As a result, Parliament may insert what is known as an exclusion or privative clause to achieve this result.
127. The burden of proving that a clause satisfies the reasonableness test is on the party who seeks to rely on the clause.
128. There is a good argument for amending clause 28 on Report to enable institutions such as those in Croydon to bid direct.
129. A restrictive clause in the title deed limited the land use to mission purposes.
130. Also, they commonly appear as subordinate elements in a sentence where the main clause indicates the speaker.
131. A relative clause counts as dependent whereas an adjective modifying a noun clearly does not.
132. Commercially, such a rent review clause may work to the disadvantage of either party.
133. Frye wrote the words independent clause and subordinate clause on the board.
134. The main clause elements are subject, predicator, object, complement, and adjunct.
135. He insisted on a clause in his contract assuring him that his duties would not interfere with rehearsals for the opera company.
136. Television's response to the struggle around Clause 28 reflected the status the campaign achieved in the political arena.
137. Clause 12 of Precedent 1 deals with the point in the correct way to avoid this problem.
138. In a case decided seven years ago[], the court had limited the free exercise clause of the First Amendment.
139. Devlin brought the conflict clause to the attention of his supervisor, Veronica Parker, then SunTran assistant manager.
140. In both those cases the express words used and the relevant clause could be compared with other express words used elsewhere.
141. The metal employers' federation says half its members may resort to the escape clause.
142. Voters also heavily endorsed a clause on the ballot paper calling for the convening of a constituent assembly to reform the Constitution.
143. The introduction to the heads will specify that the clause is binding on both parties and is not subject to contract.
144. It also contained a clause which effectively provided for its continued validity should the Soviet Union be dissolved or reconstituted.
145. Ministers are seeking a compromise that would reassure rebel peers who rejected a bill abolishing the clause last week.
146. The News of the World said he has a get out clause in his contract.
147. At his own suggestion, Reg said Singh had personally removed that clause from my contract with his nail clippers.
148. It is the simple or formulaic use of the trust clause which is of the greater significance.
149. The clause was not framed as an obligation on the vendor to negotiate with the purchaser in good faith.
150. This clause allows provinces to be exempt from court rulings for five years.
151. By applying heightened equal protection analysis to this case, the Court frustrates the liberating spirit of the Equal Protection Clause.
152. Critics say that clause will stifle free political debate-for example, about an Afrikaner homeland.
153. His contract of employment contained a restraint of trade clause.
154. Furthermore, unless all students are required to recite the Pledge, there is no violation of the free exercise clause either.
155. A clause which does not expressly mention conditions will not normally exclude liability for breach of condition.
156. The model may be the context for interpreting the clause, but the interpretation need not be a full one.
157. Clause 70 of the previous Bill required the undertakers to install monitoring apparatus to monitor water level and quality for infectious diseases.
158. Such a clause may provide for the president of the professional body to appoint such a person.
159. Mike Widmer, Caldaire's managing director, believes a Government promise to waive the clause could be a significant breakthrough.
160. Clause 7 raises the question whether the asylum seeker wishes to submit any variation or amplification of the notice of appeal.
161. This is fair comment; and the last clause in particular is, surprisingly, manifestly true, explain it how we may.
162. Later, I had cause to be grateful for that clause.
163. Chapter 10 deals with the position where one of the terms is an exclusion clause.
164. In addition to these state law rights, teachers are given rights under the due process clause of the U. S. Constitution.
165. Inevitably, there has been an increased distrust of party politics in the lesbian and gay communities since the Clause debacle.
166. Prost has a clause in his contract that excludes Senna from joining the Williams team.
167. Having regard to future possibilities as well as present realities, an exclusion clause would be indispensable in the new system.
168. In the Hallidayan model, thematic choice is expressed by placing one of these elements in initial position in the clause.
169. The film strives for a surface kind of cynicism, only to invoke the Love Conquers All escape clause in the end.
170. The committee considers the amendments and votes on each clause one by one.
171. The abortion counselling clause was included in an appropriations bill for labour, health and human services.
172. Also, the Delaney clause forbids any consideration of the many benefits of man-made pesticides and food additives.
173. Clause 4 simply gives more details of this filter system for checking qualifications and licences.
174. A clause in their Florida agreement requires the Sox to find a team to replace them in Sarasota.
175. These are words of closed, classes which have grammatical functions in the phrase, clause or sentence.
176. Who are they to be denied any chance of having future pension rights secured under new clause 4 and amendment No. 17?
177. Those issues appear in various parts of the agreement, and expert determination is applied to those issues by one expert clause.
178. In Committee, we shall consider every detail of the Bill and we promise to consider carefully every clause.
179. The court in interpreting the clause, leans against the seller.
180. The courts were generally reluctant to construe an exclusion clause as covering cases of breach of fundamental term or fundamental breach.
181. Some, although few, home contents policies have a reverse indemnity clause which may cover costs and damages in some cases.
182. In interpreting the clause, their lordships observed that this was a limitation of liability clause and not a complete exclusion clause.
183. The district court recognized that the Alabama statute violated the establishment clause as construed by the Supreme Court.
184. This clause provoked considerable anger amongst the gay community and some concern amongst local authorities.
185. If an expert clause is unclear, it may have to be clarified by the court.
186. Serious difficulties can arise when a contract is varied without proper consideration of the effect of the variation on the expert clause.
187. He even produced the document I had signed to that effect, bringing to my attention the relevant clause.
188. These trust deeds usually contain an expert clause about the remuneration of the trustee appointed under the deed.
189. As a defence, the Council pleaded an exemption clause printed on the back of the ticket.
190. For all practical purposes a specific exclusion clause which is rendered unenforceable under these circumstances can be regarded as void.
191. An exemption clause may, contrary to appearances, have little or no effect.
192. He would act alone, but he would take care to provide himself with an escape clause.
193. It is encouraging that the National Union of Journalists has now inserted an anti-ageist clause into its code of conduct.
194. The question of unfair dismissal figures too often in employment law to leave the operation of Clause 8 to chance.
195. We might then expect that final rather than initial position in the clause is where prominence can be achieved.
196. That clause in the Fort Laramie Treaty was still critical a century later.
197. What clause do you require in the contract?
198. This was a clause he never could comply with.
199. After I read this clause(), I feel it needs some clarification.
200. As for him, the marriage clause did not dwell in his mind.
201. Such legislation is virtually immune from restriction under the commerce clause.
202. At present, there are three strands to commerce clause theory.
203. I'll dictate a new clause and put in a three - or - four - year reversion.
204. A final source of congressional power is the spending clause.
205. In an adjective complement clause construction the clause occurs after an adjective.
206. His test would contain only the kindly opening clause of my remark.




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