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单词 black hole
释义  Related topics: Astronomy, Physicsˌblack ˈhole noun [countable]  1. HAHPan area in outer space into which everything near it, including light, is pulled 黑洞〔指宇宙中包括光线在内的一切事物都会被吸入的区域〕2  informalBFMONEY something that uses up a lot of money 无底洞〔指极耗钱的事物〕 I’m worried that the project could become a financial black hole. 我担心这个项目会成为财政上的大黑洞。Examples from the Corpusblack hole• The downtown area is an economic black hole.From Longman Business Dictionaryblack holeˌblack ˈhole noun [countable]COMMERCE a business activity or product on which large amounts of money are spent, but that does not produce any income or other useful resultAnyone who launches a bid for the company will want to be sure there are no more black holes lurking in its books.ˌblack ˈhole nounChineseSyllable  outer everything space into Corpus area near in an which Business




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