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单词 Over time
1) The rocks have eroded away over time.
2) Perceptions change over time .
3) Over time, developers subdivided the land.
4) Over time,[http:///over time.html] the technology is diffused and adopted by other countries.
5) Over time, their acquaintance developed into a lasting friendship.
6) Traditions get established over time.
7) The screws had worked loose over time.
8) The social significance of religion has changed over time.
9) Over time she internalized her parents' attitudes.
10) Over time, though, Watson's views gained in popularity.
11) The research project will be assessed over time.
12) Over time, driving just becomes automatic.
13) Over time, the protein in the eggshell breaks down into its constituent amino acids.
14) I'm afraid we're starting to run over time, so could you make your speeches short please.
15) Over time, you will get a far better understanding of the job.
16) The differences in their income should even out over time.
17) Later on, over time, diesel engines lessened this possibility.
18) Over time in unfettered markets income inequalities grow.
19) Let's consider multiple grief over time first.
20) A few cases develop gradually over time.
21) The natural fabric's color deepens over time.
22) Over time, this supermarket company had become highly diversified.
23) Over time these grew, rather than diminished, in importance.
24) If you start with one small, positive thing and repeat it during the course of your day, you will begin to move into a more positive situation: positive thoughts, feelings, opportunities and people will start showing up in your life. With practice, you will find that over time, you will change your outlook and choose to be happy, irregardless of the events around you.
25) Ideas about the social significance of religion have changed over time.
26) She used to be very impatient, but she's mellowed over time.
27) Students are encouraged to consider the way language changes over time .
28) A lot of people who lose weight gain it back over time, and end up back where they started.
29) Its use subsequently spread to other public sector analyses involving a comparison of costs and benefits over time.
30) They have created new forms of entertainment rather than providing variations on old themes that inevitably have diminishing returns over time.
1) The rocks have eroded away over time.
2) Perceptions change over time .
3) Over time, developers subdivided the land.
4) Over time, the technology is diffused and adopted by other countries.
31) The more or less chronological order of the essays allows certain themes to emerge and evolve over time.
32) Then, studying changes over time, he set out to test the main conclusions derived from cross-sectional studies.
33) Over time, the AK-47 rose above its use as a weapon to become a symbol of defiance and liberation.
34) Moreover, sunken waste containers could pose a serious threat over time as they begin to leak.
35) Over time Miles's maps have become more accurate, in part because of his earlier efforts.
36) Sometimes we have a slight loss and sometimes a slight surplus, but over time they balance out.
37) However slowly, the forms tended over time to reflect the facts.
38) Just as methods of cultivating a garden change over time, practices develop from season to season.
39) Depictions of dynamic processes can show change visually over time as well as multiple factors interacting with one another.
40) He will also have to learn something about the administrative structure of his chosen place and how it has changed over time.
41) Compared with ordinary incandescent lamps, quartz-halogen lamps have longer lives and maintain their light output over time.
42) This provides an invaluable source of information on causes of death and trends over time.
43) The lifetime perspective is extended by building simulation models of individual and family income over time.
44) The incident is passed on so that, over time, the betel nut becomes a symbol of eternal regeneration and devotion.
45) Those that start off high can become less competitive over time.
46) In wisdom gathered over time I have found that every experience is a form of exploration. Ansel Adams 
47) In this way, infants' ability to detect rhythm, grouping, melodies, and other changes over time are explored.
48) The correlation between fertility trends and relative wages and work-force participation works well over time within particular countries.
49) And departmental power can change over time, depending on economic conditions, technological breakthroughs, and government legislation.
50) Over time, M is affected by regular contact with the dead man's wife and children.
51) Over time, these arbitrage profits have become riskier, and their average size has declined.
52) This suggests that schizophrenics are facing a slow but steady neurodegenerative decline over time, the researchers said.
53) Languages seem to maintain a balance in expressiveness and grammatical complexity over time.
54) Furthermore, a careful history and physical examination permit a confident diagnosis that stands up over time.
55) The proportion of service sector jobs within the economy as a whole, however, has risen over time.
56) It certainly can not, therefore, be used to measure change over time: one of the reasons for its use.
57) In addition to being consistent over time, it is clearly desirable that indicators used within a single year be consistent.
58) This, it is said, will enable parliament and public to monitor national standards and improvement over time.
59) Of course, the rules of games do change over time.
60) But however the goals of their lowland neighbours have shifted over time, they have remained essentially predatory.
61) Over time, the surface becomes rougher and small cracks will open.
62) Over time, children who are not autonomous do not develop a healthy sense of self-esteem.
63) Figure 3 plots the percentage of listed industrial companies with potentially failing profiles over time from 1978 to date.
64) The two men wondered if most of the oil somehow leaked out of the field over time.
64) try its best to collect and create good sentences.
65) The analysis of trends over time offers another indirect method of considering age and cohort related effects upon health.
66) Over time, I have developed a certain immunity to his methods.
67) Their nature changes over time and requires couples to renegotiate their covenant with each other time and time again.
68) Is the stability over time of a portfolio beta affected by the number of constituent securities and if so why? 2.
69) This means the network could learn continuously and adapt to changes over time.
70) A regular fortnightly meeting of practitioners from different backgrounds, with a shared task, helped to develop trust over time.
71) Fama also tested for changes in the model's explanatory power over time.
72) Ideas about immorality and what constitutes dishonourable conduct change over time, but the views of judges change more slowly than most.
73) But to work over time and spatial distance, team members must communicate through some medium.
74) Deaf children's reading ability does increase over time, however, although it never reaches the levels of hearing children.
75) Over time, this range of behavior can gradually shift to higher and higher levels.
76) There are few longitudinal studies which have published data describing changes in the ability to undertake specific adl activities over time.
77) Authors have identified considerable consistency in individual authorities' spending patterns over time despite the variation between authorities.
78) This, it can be argued, is socially constructed and varies over time.
79) However, as land use patterns change over time, zone boundaries will need changing, adding to the procedural complexity.
80) The funny thing was, she said, over time, most of the women lost weight.
81) Over time, these have both adapted their technologies and developed many new product lines.
82) Much depends on the determination of workers to defend jobs and conditions, and factors like this may alter considerably over time.
83) Over time, in a certain percentage of cells, that mutation caused further errors.
84) They were found to require continual maintenance as the support environment for specific products changed over time.
85) And with currency fluctuations, salaries with appear attractive initially can become decreasingly so over time.
86) Those guidelines evolved over time as new information was acquired.
87) We might also note that what constitutes an offence in legal terms also changes over time.
88) They have looked at the commission of offences reported over time by a sample of youths in longitudinal surveys.
89) Over time action plans to remediate would also demonstrate commitment to minimise risk.
90) These patterns evolve over time, as an organization attempts to meet challenge after challenge in the best way it knows how.
91) There does not seem to be any other dependable way to do it, throughout an entire population over time.
92) There is an additional complication to this picture which is the increasing effect of demand over time.
93) Over time, integration into the global economy is more likely to bring about change.
94) The coherence is therefore not only a coherence over time but also a consistency or cohesion in action.
95) Over time,[http:///over time.html] doubleclick. net Web servers learn your browsing habits and preferences.
96) I had imagined that I could become, over time, an element within the picture rather than an observer peering in.
97) Did Cornell realize how extensive his legacy would be over time?
98) Un-learning is more difficult than learning - because we become habituated to thinking or feeling in certain ways over time.
99) The very notion of development and change over time is contained within the notion of implicit and explicit aspects of attitudes.
100) Over time, the pain usually lessens, but this may take several months.
101) With cross-sectional data it is not possible to make precise comparisons between changes in employment and economic activity over time.
102) These sums can then be varied over time to reflect changes consequent upon the damage caused to the injured party.
103) Auspex says it will upgrade the box to higher performance Sparc Mbus modules over time.
104) Over time she appointed more congenial ministers to run departments.
105) The development of antimicrobial resistance is a dynamic process requiring continual surveillance of organism susceptibility over time.
106) Sure enough, over time, stocks pay a higher return, to compensate for the higher risk.
107) Under such circumstances the frequency with which you visited the pub would be likely to decrease gradually over time.
108) An imperfect start, but one that over time will reveal a great deal about mathematics, astronomy, and science.
109) However, the criminal law is not fixed and static, it varies over time and from area to area.
110) The city keeps a four-part Municipal Performance Index, which measures both its efficiency and its effectiveness over time.
111) There appears to be substantial numbers of people who join or leave, become active or inactive, over time.
112) Over time, both parents won back their authority, he said.
113) Over time, coexistence was inevitable, involving compromise and limited mutual tolerance.
114) The ratios change over time as potassium undergoes radioactive decay and emits argon gas.
115) Forever did not mean what it once had. Forever was what changed inevitably over time. Amy Tan 
116) We think we are people with a personal identity extending over time to which we refer our experiences.
117) The mean labelling indices did not change significantly over time regardless of whether or not there were recurrences.
118) These patterns tend to stay stable over time and most patients had the same strain of Helicobacter in the stomach and duodenum.
119) The changes over time in capital and labour then govern the equilibrium path followed.
120) The reality of improvising your way through change demands revising specific strategies over time.
121) He developed statistical techniques to study the variability of wild populations and to measure changes in the range of variability over time.
122) It is particularly the case with men that they slowly over time increase their knowledge and mastery over self.
123) It may change gradually over time, as indeed may the level of damages generally.
124) Changes in the relationship between health and wealth occur over time and between regions, along with economic,[/over time.html] political and cultural development.
125) We have to attend to the dynamic tension between constitutional theory and political practice, and to change over time.
126) One would liquidate itself over time by paying claims, much of it to cover pollution and asbestos exposures.
127) Monetarists argue that the demand for money is inelastic with respect to interest rates and also fairly stable over time.
128) Over time, you should be able to recognize your own asthma triggers and develop a prevention or treatment plan for them.
129) It just happens that mutations that construct organisms which reproduce more efficiently are conserved over time.
130) Over time the structure of interest rates may change in response to changes in the inflation rate and the anticipated inflation rate.
131) Depreciation is a charge that reduces the value of assets over time, reflecting their use.
132) Performance measures are usually most helpful when used for comparisons: for example, between units performing similar tasks, or over time.
133) Thirdly, even within a particular denomination, the official figures may not be strictly comparable over time.
134) Deductions for capital investments in new equipment and facilities would be immediate, instead of spread out over time.
135) Over time, some bicameral systems have evolved toward unicameral systems.
136) Why is this so? Fat becomes rancid over time.
137) The resale value of a house appreciates over time.
138) This is the case of complementarity over time.
139) Get blood cell counts back to normal over time.
140) Over time a semblance of normalcy returned.
141) Ground rents are likely to escalate over time.
142) Over time, a plethora of distinct identities can emerge.
143) Over time, the subcutaneous tissue will harden.
144) Fat becomes rancid over time.
145) Handing over time than nor too late.
146) Diseases of retina can cause vision lost over time.
147) This harassment evolved, over time, into a tradition of prank - playing on the first day of April.
148) Good and bad luck good and bad refereeing decisions do generally even themselves out over time.
149) But even that point - scoring purpose has been adapted over time.
150) The focus of the attacks on admissibility have changed over time.
151) Custer believed the name changed over time to mean the soldiers themselves.
152) Over time, suffering from progressive destruction of joints, and even also cause kidney stones and uremia.
153) Leukocyte telomeres shorten over time and may marker of a person's biological age.
154) Over time the plants and animals change, accommodating the climatic change.
155) Over time, that could push down prices for often costly biotech drugs.
156) Table manners change over time, they follow the fashion of the day.
157) That said, US fiscal profligacy will push the dollar risk premium higher over time.
158) Over time, the disease can cause blindness, kidney disease and nerve damage.
159) Over time it will grow into a beautiful rose garden.
160) Over time, however, these quantitative changes turn into non - incremental qualitative changes.
161) Sheath of Light : Heal over time effect reduced to 8 seconds.
162) Hand - hammered from 15 - gauge copper, each sink's tempered finish develops a rustic patina over time.
163) Table manners change over time. They follow the fashion the time.
164) Fatty liver is exactly as It'sounds - a build - up over time of fat deposits around the organ.
165) Show change over time by morphing through several thematic maps.
166) Over time, diabetes can cause blindness, kidney disease, and nerve damage.
167) Once It'starts the autoimmunity going , it is like aand over time the disease develops.
168) The friendship between China and Myanmar is continuing to deepen over time.
169) A process whereby the value of an investment increases exponentially over time because of compound interest.
170) Logistical performance should be modified over time to accommodate changing marketing requirements.
171) Ashtanga Yoga over time makes us more attuned to natural cycles.
172) Under Mike Goldberg 's management, the insurance business should treat us well over time.
173) Over time the swings and racquet grip are adopted automatically.
174) Hourglass? Female , because over time, the weight can shift to the bottom.
175) These accumulated over time , along with personal experiences, to buttress 2 my own developing sense of values.
176) A graph of cash held over time would look like a sawtooth , regularly leaping upspring down.
177) Over time the natural lens of the eye the crystalline lens gradually loses its flexibility.
178) For sovereign posture applications, however, the slightest excise becomes agonizing over time.
179) Amortisation: The practice of reducing the value of assets to reflect their reduced worth over time.
180) We examined changes over time in cardiac and aortic function a murine CRF model.
181) Negativism a spouse leads to disillusionment over time as love declines.
182) Over time the church festival blended with the Mothering Sunday celebration.
183) Annul inspections are required because factory conditions change rapidly over time, creating a need for re - certification.
184) Sometimes the areola becomes enlarged over time, and a breast lift will reduce this as well.
184) try its best to collect and create good sentences.
185) Elizabeth Custer believed the name came changed over time to mean the soldiers themselves.
186) Home appreciation nationally has run about 1 % above inflation over time.
187) They were all eating nails when the boss asked them to work over time.
188) But margins in the electronics industry tend to grow thin over time.
189) Gastritis may occur suddenly ( acute gastritis ) or it can occur slowly over time ( chronic gastritis ).
190) Over time, high cortisol levels cause belly fat to accumulate.
191) Flame Strike - Conjures a pillar of fire which damages ground units in a target area over time.
192) Crusader : Lance - Damage over time effect will now stack with other allies.
193) Their findings showed that eating disorder symptoms were often stable over time.
194) Why do accounts of the same event differ and change over time?
195) This may roll out as a full consolidation, over time, between pharma, biotech and generics companies.
196) Predator : Intoxication - Damage over time effect will now stack with other allies.
197) The supplies of all factors of production grow over time.
198) Unfortunately, an organisation structure can get fossilised over time and develop into a highly bureaucratic institution.
199) Over time, there is a risk for adenocarcinoma with ulcerative colitis.
200) Impale - This will cause the target to bleed and suffer damage over time.
201) The process is a real process that will change over time.
202) Vascular depression may result when blood vessels become less flexible and harden over time, becoming constricted.
203) Burning Embers: Red - hot embers swirl around the target, causing damage over time.
204) Slew rate is defined as the change in current over time.
205) The terms adaptation, speciation, mutation are all the jargon of transformation -- of differences over time.
206) Shaman : Leg Bite - Damage over time effect will now stack with other allies.
207) Diseases of the retina can cause vision loss over time.
208) In un homogenized milk, over time, the lighter fat rises to the top.
209) The Color, Multiplier and Attenuation parameters can all be animated over time.
210) Both beginners and experts tend over time to gravitate towards intermediacy.
211) Ignoring the preferences of future generations thus could result in greatly distorted resource allocation over time.
212) So over time , we're moving towards a much more individualistic society.
213) Table manners change over time. They follow the fashion the day.
214) EVOIL ? OLIVE exhibits greater stability over time due to the addition of natural Tocopherol.
215) I think I only began to grasp its significance over time, gradually.
216) Over time electricity will dwindle and cease to be available to be harvested through any means.
217) Over time, the number of such requests have increased exponentially.




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