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单词 Infeasible
1. While some basic variables remain infeasible, the rule for selection of the variable to leave the basis needs modification.
2. Your price is feasible ( infeasible ).
3. The chairman dismissed their suggestion as infeasible.
4. The plan drafted by your team is infeasible.
5. It is infeasible to directly deposit copper coating on carbon fiber of hydrophobic nature and inertia.
6. A primal - dual inexact infeasible interior - point algorithm for the second - order cone program ( SOCP ) was presented.
7. The negotiation drafted by your team is infeasible in operation.
8. This paper presents an improved (infeasible) simplex method for linear programming, in which some of vertex points, corresponding to the iterative process, can be out of the feasible domain of (LP).
9. This paper presents a primal-dual infeasible interior point algorithm for differentiable convex programming problem with box constraints, and prove that algorithm enjoys the global convergence.
10. A primal - dual inexact infeasible - interior - point algorithm is presented for solving the second - order cone programming problems.
11. This algorithm use infeasible to increase search space and avoid to choose penalty factor.
12. Likewise, it is also infeasible for VTS center to improve the management of VTS simply by enhancing the grade of management and hardware level.
13. Similarly, software experts are suggesting and developing approaches that may be technologically elegant but financially infeasible from a business perspective.
14. So vast an increase in the rest of the world's relative GDP is infeasible.
15. The improvement strategy for power distribution network reconfiguration can solve the infeasible solutions problem effectively.
15. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
16. In infrastructural arrangement, free - standing projects are often financially infeasible due to large project risks.
17. Attention should be given to hearing courses, with the hearing without textbooks is infeasible.
18. However, when the order of ARMA model is very high, to compare every candidate model's criterion value is computationally infeasible.
19. The current sequential quadratic programming ( SQP ) type algorithm may fail if the QP subproblem is infeasible.
20. The fault-finding research fellow fascinated by fantasy devised a fatal but infeasible plan.
21. Because of the existence of label signal conflict, the process of 'using a reader-writer to send requests and receiving label replies for calculating the label number is infeasible.
22. Since these settlements have disadvantages, the feedback reactive power compensator is infeasible.
23. Small disturbances of design variable are likely to make the design infeasible and useless.
24. This paper proposes an approach based on interval computation to identify the infeasible paths.
25. A training data consists of a discretepoint and whether this design point is feasible or infeasible.
26. Thus, noncontinuous emission limitations were appropriate only when continuous controls were infeasible.
27. With these variables the time constraints among activities of network plan can be automatically satisfied during the whole computing process. Thus, infeasible solutions can be avoided.
28. A monetary policy expansionary enough to stabilize NGDP growth may be politically infeasible.




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