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单词 Put out
(1) Silks and satins put out the fire in the kitchen. 
(2) Put out the light.
(3) Far water does not put out near fire.
(4) She put out her hand to shake mine.
(5) A downpour of rain put out the children's bonfire.
(6) The cattle were put out to pasture.
(7) It's rude to put out your tongues at people.
(8) They used special high-pressure hoses to help them put out the fires.
(9) It took two hours to put out the fire .
(10) It's about time this old sewing machine was put out to pasture.
(11) She was rushing around madly trying to put out the fire.
(12) The French news agency put out a statement from the Trade Minister.
(13) During this freezing weather( ), the food put out by householders is the only form of sustenance that the birds have.
(14) A lot of translation is put out to freelances.
(15) A lot of proof-reading is put out to freelancers.
(16) We put out to sea at high tide.
(17) Have you put out clean towels for the guests?
(18) They put out their sheep to grass every day.
(19) The trees are beginning to put out shoots.
(20) A coast guard boat put out through the waves.
(21) They have already put out a new periodical.
(22) We put out the washing.
(23) Paula had put out her luggage for the coach.
(24) He put out his hand to Alfred.
(25) She was most put out by his rudeness.
(26) It was suicidal trying to put out that fire.
(27) He put out his hand toward her.
(28) Only the shell of the factory was left after the fire had been put out.
(29) The most direct financial incentive to prevent rubbish is to charge people by the amount of rubbish they put out.
(30) High winds have hindered firefighters in their efforts to put out the blaze.
(1) She put out her hand to shake mine.
(2) The cattle were put out to pasture.
(3) They used special high-pressure hoses to help them put out the fires.
(4) The most direct financial incentive to prevent rubbish is to charge people by the amount of rubbish they put out.
(5) It took two hours to put out the fire .
(6) High winds have hindered firefighters in their efforts to put out the blaze.
(7) It's about time this old sewing machine was put out to pasture.
(8) She was rushing around madly trying to put out the fire.
(9) The French news agency put out a statement from the Trade Minister.
(10) During this freezing weather, the food put out by householders is the only form of sustenance that the birds have.
(11) They were so old; they should have been put out to pasture years ago.
(12) The milk you put out in the saucer was quickly lapped up.
(13) All repairs are done on the premises and not put out.
(14) Put out the trash.
(15) Would passengers please put out cigarettes before the commencement of the flight.
(31) The fire was soon put out.
(32) I did not blame him for feeling put out.
(33) The doctor asked him to put out his arm.
(34) He looked really put out.
(35) We put out from Liverpool.
(36) He put out food for the birds.
(37) This magazine is put out every Friday.
(38) We'll put out the bait and see what happens.
(39) They quickly put out the fire.
(40) She put out an imperious hand to stop him.
(41) He looked rather put out.
(42) The government will put out a new statement tomorrow.
(43) The laundry service was put out to competitive tender.
(44) She felt put out that she hadn't been consulted.
(45) They put out a half-hour programme on young refugees.
(46) The county has put out the welcome mat for international investors.
(47) Seeing the look of disapproval on the doctor's face,(Sentence dictionary) I put out my cigarette.
(48) Firefighters have been called to put out the fire in the city centre.
(49) Cleaning and laundry services have been put out to tender .
(50) She has not put out a new album this year.
(51) Police have put out a description of the man they wish to question.
(52) The blame of the accident attached to the boy who put out the street lamps.
(53) We thought the tree was dead,but it put out new branches again this spring.
(54) The government has put out a statement denying these rumours.
(55) It took firefighters several hours to put out the fire .
(56) We were a little put out at not being invited to the wedding.
(57) Twenty-five people have replied to the invitation, but I've erred on the side of caution and put out 30 chairs.
(58) In the spring the plant began to put out new leaves.
(59) The house burned for hours before the blaze was put out.
(60) They were so old; they should have been put out to pasture years ago.
(61) They put out millions of pairs of shoes a year.
(62) Make sure you put out your savings at a high rate of interest.
(63) We put out the dustbins on a Wednesday morning before the van comes.
(64) The milk you put out in the saucer was quickly lapped up.
(65) The contract for building the houses will be put out to tender.
(66) The fire brigade have put out a blaze in a local post office.
(67) Police have put out a warning to people living in the area.
(68) If we put out, say, twenty chairs, would that be enough?
(69) Never use water to put out fires in electrical equipment.
(70) Forest Service crews often discover campfires that have not been put out completely.
(71) The company put out a report on commercial spin-offs from its research.
(72) He had already put out feelers with local employers but they hadn't been interested.
(73) The call put out by the Prime Minister enkindled our blood.
(74) He seemed a bit put out at not having been invited.
(75) Education departments in all the prisons are being put out to tender.
(76) Pausing only to put out her cigarette,(/put out.html) she left the room.
(77) She was rather put out when they turned up two hours late for dinner.
(78) Barry had his nose put out of joint by Lucy's aloof sophistication.
(79) From all sides, people bore down on the houses on fire to help put out the flames.
(80) The horse was retired from racing and put out to stud .
(81) I'll try to put out some feelers to gauge people's reactions to our proposal.
(82) Another Spaniard, Emilio Sanchez, put out Jens Woehrmann in three sets.
(83) Mother put out the fire and decided to bed down for the night.
(84) Yesterday afternoon the White House put out a new version of events.
(85) As the spring is coming, all the trees are beginning to put out green buds.
(86) Our whole schedule was put out of joint by the designs arriving a week late.
(87) A lot of the work is put out to freelancers.
(88) I wasn't going to put out just because he'd paid for dinner.
(89) He crossed to the bedside table and put out the light.
(90) John's nose was really put out of joint when Jane was promoted and he wasn't.
(91) All repairs are done on the premises and not put out.
(92) Put out the trash.
(93) A skilful ball from John put out the opposing team's batsman.
(94) Would passengers please put out cigarettes before the commencement of the flight.
(95) The girls helped her to put out the cups and plates.
(96) The rescue services are still trying to put out the fires.
(97) The ornaments had been put out of reach of the children's prying fingers.
(98) I wonder what she was so much put out by.
(99) He put out a hand as if to touch her.
(100) Please put out the light before you go to bed.
(101) Firemen tried to free the injured and put out the blaze.
(102) The boys felt tired, so they put out the fire and crept into their tent.
(103) The government has put out some feelers to gauge people's reactions to the plan.
(104) So I put out an advert for a guitarist.
(105) Norma put out the light and went to sleep.
(106) But if the smoke is put out?
(107) Stephen waited and then put out his bedside light.
(108) Some grunts came up and put out the fire.
(109) I watched him put out his cigarette.
(110) Nothing could put out that fire.
(111) She put out steak pie and peas.
(112) She put out the candles and followed him.
(113) Could they not be put out to stud?
(114) We put out a placement brochure every spring.
(115) President Clinton has put out the welcome mat.
(116) I put out my cigarette and went back inside.
(117) If you put out the candle you were finished.
(118) So the end needle selection cams on punchcard machines should be put out of work.
(119) Market traders were put out when it was announced they would be losing their pitches to accommodate the big top.
(120) Ruth nodded her agreement and he put out his hand and pulled her to her feet.
(121) He put out a hand and caressed her hair, her head, with tenderness and, she thought, curious detachment.
(122) The girl put out her hand for one; he gave it to her.
(123) So the wife took her bone pipes and a bone fish-hook, she stepped into the boat and put out to sea.
(124) The publisher Moxon went so far as to put out an edition of the Shelley forgeries, with an introduction by Robert Browning.
(125) She was rather put out about being described as plain.
(126) Listeners were finally put out of their misery just before midday when broadcasters finally admitted to the April Fool.
(127) Charles stayed until the last clerk had put out his lamp and gone home.
(128) Nina put out her hand remembering that he, too, had suffered a loss.
(129) I decided not to put out a special homecoming issue and my sports editor cried.
(130) Luke put out his hand and touched the tiny fingers of his baby daughter.
(131) Originally Abba's record company were going to put out their record in December.
(132) She put out glasses, salt and pepper, mustard, and paper napkins.
(133) And officers had to call in the fire brigade to put out the blaze.
(133) try its best to gather and build good sentences.
(134) The king surmised the girls were dancing their shoes to bits and put out a general announcement to the kingdom.
(135) Put out new plants in May or June in a warm, sunny position in well-drained soil.
(136) She wanted Fen to put out his hand again - this time to pull her closer - into that bunk with him.
(137) Who were the country gentlemen who were so put out from pursuing their time-honoured pastime?
(138) Accounts of Beria have been heavily influenced by the version put out by Khrushchev, who won the struggle for the succession.
(139) Tim was looking through an old photograph album she'd put out, with pictures of previous Christmases.
(140) Most of these babies, put out to wet nurses, failed to survive infancy.
(141) It took firemen several hours to put out the fire.
(142) Tomorrow he would tell his wife to put out a shirt of softer cotton.
(143) The youths made considerable progress in learning their trades and most of those who were put out as apprentices retained their situations.
(144) Rolly single-handedly attempted to apprehend the youths, put out the fire and administer first aid to barman Wheeler.
(145) A number of local authorities, for example, put out refuse collection to private tender.
(146) They want to engineer products that put out a strong signal with minimal interference.
(147) She stumbled and he put out his hand to steady her.
(148) I could psych out the captors, and I could put out orders that would frustrate them and keep them off balance.
(149) The minister was not put out by the note of impatience in Cohen's voice.
(150) He used to sleep in the church during air raids so that he could put out the fire bombs.
(151) The need to sift and correct the information put out by companies adds cost and uncertainty to the market's pricing function.
(152) After an investigation, police put out an arrest warrant on Mesa.
(153) They go in and put out the fire, no matter where it is.
(154) Fire engines have been sent for, to put out the fire.
(155) A man can no more diminish God's glory by refusing to worship Him than a lunatic can put out the sun by scribbling the word 'darkness' on the walls of his cell. C.S. Lewis 
(156) He'd left his sausage and the square of treacle tart she'd put out for his pudding.
(157) He then requested flares for landing and then put out an SOS that they were on fire.
(158) Not surprisingly they take the easy way out when food is put out for them each day.
(159) I have often put out some dried grass or leaves and had badgers make use of my offerings the very same evening.
(160) He discovered burning matches close to his barn and put out the fire.
(161) In response the Society rejected the need to compel local authorities to put out aspects of their legal services to competitive tender.
(162) Nobody has issued a fatwa or put out a contract.
(163) I think it's understandable if Trevor was put out by this favoured treatment Sinatra got.
(163) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
(164) Something outside her, mysterious and huge, put out a kindly exploring hand and touched her.
(165) He put out his hand and touched my wrist and I shuddered with delight.
(166) Richard arrives and takes Charlie on the town, where he gets drunk and has his lights put out by two locals.
(167) A very limited edition single was put out by Red Rhino, to promote the album it was actually unable to release.
(168) Most of the equipment must be locked away in storerooms and sheds at night and put out again every morning.
(169) This became worse and worse and eventually he had to be put out of his misery.
(170) I put out my cigarette and went back into the house.
(171) He also put out the word that he had mined the forests.
(172) As time goes by, Herta seems more and more put out - by my impotence.
(173) Planes skimmed the treetops as they flew in with tanks full of water to put out the fire.
(174) He put out the cigarette just as the matron thundered past us down the aisle, looking for the perpetrator.
(175) For that reason tropical plants usually put out flower buds and flower by slow growth one to three months later.
(176) The President crossed the line when he put out the word he wanted Castro dead.
(177) They could be people passing buckets of water to put out a fire.
(178) If Rhoda put out a note for half-cream milk, Wendy would deliver full-cream.
(179) Another way to serve it is to put out the whole log and let people cut off pieces.
(180) The explosion was quite dramatic, but the rain eventually put out the fire.
(181) Impatiently she put out the cigarette and got up to move restlessly about the room.
(182) No given chore was enough to put out the licking fire that seemed always to burn in her.
(183) Glancing round Nutty saw some skinhead joker put out an enormous boot and trip Hoomey as he came by.
(184) When you fall forward, fully conscious or not, you put out your hands to break your fall.
(185) A long time ago, when they opposed him, he put out the hand and moved the few steps to them.
(186) I think the band ought to put out a record once a year.
(187) And seven members of the shadow cabinet put out statements warning Mr Ashdown that voters would neither forget nor forgive.
(188) Roger stepped forward and Martin put out his arm to restrain him.
(189) The agreement was cancelled because it should have been put out to competitive bidding.
(190) No wonder calls are growing for the show to be put out of its misery once and for all.
(191) Catherine put out her hand and shook her shoulder ... Slowly the girl toppled to the ground.
(192) He put out his hands and Officer Johnson clicked on the handcuffs.
(193) Finally let me record an item put out by Reuters News Agency which did not receive much publicity.
(193) Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
(194) Seated, she put out one foot like a dancer, instep curved forward.
(195) She would put out the lamp in a little while, she promised herself.
(196) I put out my hand and touched a soft, heavy curtain.
(197) It took fire-fighters four hours to put out the blaze.
(198) Alice hurriedly put out the cigarette and got up to empty the ash tray.
(199) He also put out a city-wide A.P.B. on their man, warning that he was armed and dangerous.
(200) So as a sideline I managed to persuade them to put out an album of the more acoustic stuff.
(201) When she said I was interfering, I was a bit put out.
(202) At low output all three channels put out some very convincing sounds.
(203) As nothing happened, he put out his hand, and felt a cold, hard surface.
(204) Can he compare these facts about the national health service with the fictions put out by the Labour Front Bench?
(205) Sometimes humans put out bowls of milk for us and we do all the housework for them.
(206) Their intelligence agency, the Kempeitai, put out feelers to nationalists like Ngo Dinh Diem.
(207) By midnight, its masters had thrown in the towel, and put out the computer's original forecast.
(208) We have put out to tender the contract for prison escort services, an approach which has worked well in other countries.
(209) Put out the fire and the Gruncher dies in five seconds.
(210) Bill put out his pipe and stood up to leave.
(211) Edgar put out the ageing Donald's eyes and consigned him to prison.
(212) But it is all confusion.... Fire engines have been sent for, to put out the fire.
(213) He put out his hand to stop her as she went by.
(214) She put out her hands on either side, intending to lean back and stretch in the sun.
(215) But now he had ignited a fire within her that could never be put out.
(216) He joined a 20-member crew, digging ditches and helping to put out hot spots.
(217) It took firefighters over two hours to put out the fire.
(218) That gave it a high spot on her list of things to put out of commission. 0314.
(219) Mary got up to go after them, but I put out my arm to restrain her.
(220) Five children perished before firefighters could put out the blaze.
(221) And did I not, at fifty, put out a whole new crop of leaves myself?
(222) The match was put out for new offers and Kasparov is due to make an announcement in London on March 22.
(223) Always put out an open fire before going to bed.sentence dictionary
(224) These constraints put out of the question any prospect of training fully fledged navigators for the thousands of landing craft crews.
(225) Ken put out his foot and tripped me up.
(226) The Belgian Communists have put out a new periodical.
(227) Chandler : " Then put out fire by peeing, never get invited back. "
(228) The most liberal publication in the city was the news bulletin put out by the United States Information Service which reprinted articles from American newspapers, some of them about China.
(229) After being put out, service has received very good market repercussion.
(230) Her parents felt put out when she brought some classmates to stay over.
(231) To see a doctor for oneself, the elder brothersand his wives have put out all savings.
(232) Put out the hand skiving machine, and fix it on a worktable.
(233) She put out her foot and looked at her shoe reflectively.
(234) The cruel serf - owner put out the serf's eyes.
(235) Health facilities should be the focus for assistance when disaster strikes but, if they are damaged or put out of action, the sick and injured have nowhere to get help.
(236) I put out my hand and hold on to a parking meter.
(237) Quiet Miss Mira was put out of court by impetuous Mrs. Simcoe and her female aides - de - camp.
(238) The President directed the State Department to put out a statement.
(239) They are listening to a news bulletin put out by Radio Beijing.
(240) There were carryings - on in the refugee camp when the light had been put out.
(241) No untrained person should try to put out a fire larger than one in a wastebasket.
(242) Make sure you put out your savings a high rate of interest.
(243) Finding a ship crossing to Phoenicia, we went board and put out to sea.
(244) Tom Thumb put out his headand then popped it in again. Tom Thumb was a mouse.
(245) Out work: Operations put out to another company for reasons of specialism or capacity.
(246) Gillett and Hicks hired Barclays Capital to put out feelers internationally to find a buyer.




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