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单词 Look to
1, Fools look to tomorrow, and wise men use tonight. 
2, Who will look to his board and lodging?
3, Children look to their parents for guidance.
4, Would you look to the children, please ?
5, Does it look to you like gold?
6, Our firm must look to the future .
7, You should look to your health.
8, The country must look to its defences.
9, Look to it that this doesn't happen again.
10, We look to you for help.
11, Look to it that you are not late again.
12, We look to you for support.
13, We must look to our defences.
14, The area has a very seedy look to it.
15, I look to my parents when I need help.
16, We can look to the future with considerable optimism.
17, I look to be with my parents soon.
18, Look to it that you are here in time tomorrow.
19, Look to see whether the road is clear before you cross.
20, There look to be about fifty people present - I haven't counted heads yet.
21, She felt a sudden impulse to look to her left.
22, Don't think too much about past troubles?look to the future.
23, Look to it that all the windows are closed before you go out.
24, Look to it that you make no more similar mistakes.
25, Look to your manners.
26, It doesn't look to me as if the Socialists will win the election.
27, We need to look to ways of improving our marketing.
28, I look to you to support me in this matter.
29, The more women look in their glass,(http:///look to.html) the less they look to their house. 
30, Nowadays there are a number of rival products on the market and the older, established companies are having to look to their laurels.
31, With so many good new actors around the older ones are having to look to their laurels.
32, There are so many good new actors around that the older ones will soon have to look to their laurels.
33, From here they look to me like persimmons.
34, They all look to him for wise words.
35, Look to your everyday life for ideas and inspiration.
36, Other senators look to her for direction.
37, So look to the future and suss out the science of beauty.
38, He felt a sudden sharp impulse to look to his left, but controlled it, his eyes never leaving the Empress.
39, None the less you set store by a certain orderly look to things.
40, Kate Robinson and former Olympian Peter Breen, fourth last year, look to squeeze on to the podium.
41, Fossils fascinate him too, and he says that he might even look to a career in palaeontology.
42, I don't think women should look to men to put things right and solve their problems.
43, They could; and should have won this match and the players have to look to themselves.
44, The companies look to reach a definitive merger agreement by May 17 and see closing by July 31.
45, You don't look to me like some one desperately struggling to nurse a company-patient back to life.
46, They therefore look to social stratification to see how far it meets these functional prerequisites.
47, If mortgage rates rise,(http://) homeowners should look to blame Lisbon rather than Halifax.
48, There was something odd about her too-a slight stumble in her walk, a lopsided look to her face.
49, We look to authorities, the government and technical experts to provide answers through rules, laws, technical specifications, knowledge.
50, He suggests that companies should use a balanced scorecard which measures the following: Financial: How we look to our shareholders.
51, While the locals are reassured by international aid and the presence of specialists, they also look to other sources of succour.
52, We are soon, however, encouraged by society to look to the future for our happiness.
53, But if they are looking for strands of hope, they should look to Hostetler.
54, The vegetation had a dank and wintry look to it still, quite different from the lowlands.
55, It is unreasonable to look to the school to supply all the musical needs of the parish.
56, Judicious negotiators will at this stage look to the future to assess likely changes in the balance of power.
57, Korda had seen that producers would have to look to television as an alternative source of revenue.
58, They look to Goldie to support them, but her head droops, and she adds no comment but a snore.
59, Runners are more conservative, instead of their heads they look to their shoes to give them the competitive edge.
60, They are great mentors because they look to others to teach them.
61, All-enclosing bodywork will give it a futuristic look to contrast with the retro-styled roadster and cafe racer.
62, In the first instance the potential buyer must look to see if the program offers the following capabilities.
63, It had a faintly woolly look to it, like a poodle.
64, North West side Brigade stand in the way of North Down's success - and they look to be formidable opposition.
65, Stochastic theories look to the statistics of the situation and ask what type of statistical processes will generate the observed result.
66, On the face of it these trivial little improvements, or plus points ahead of the norm look to be insignificant.
67, So consequently I can never look to see what is in front of me for long.
68, Has anyone noticed that Nicolas Cage has gotten a sort of stoned-out, glazed look to him of late?
69, From a distance the braces look to be giant bleached drumsticks of a creature long dead.
70, There is no doubt that future historians will look to a more complex structure of data.
71, Second team bowler Robert Powell is also called up as Builth look to halt their recent decline.
72, Others felt that the trade unions can do very little and that people don't look to them.
73, If they're married, they look to improve their lot and that of their family.
74, There was a certain bucolic look to the faces of the cart drivers.
75, If we wish to change the Effort Performance Reward equation to induce better performance then we should look to the reward system.
76, Some will look to selective internment, of loyalists and republicans, to give relief.
77, In some societies there is disagreement about this question,() and many look to an authority source to provide the answer.
78, But with few others to look to, I formed with Nico the sort of fast association of fresh recruits.
79, Thus, the general principle is that one must look to the particular taxing statute.
80, This morning a special meeting was held to look to the future.
81, Observant readers will also notice a new look to the columnists who grace the back end of our editorial pages.
82, Sometimes they have an ugly yellowish look to them, as if the ulcer is filled with pus.
83, If we look to laws external to the family we can begin to develop a body of substantive analyses guided by theory.
84, If we think those ancient people were silly, we should look to ourselves in modern times.
85, Few more hours, if all goes well, we look to be out of here and heading for home.
86, Even in Blaisdon, fruit growers are beginning to look to more reliable crops.
87, One might at least look to the best examples there may be today.
88, The accusations about the internment camps look to many analysts like a possible pretext for war.
89, The only thing I was looking for by the end of the day was to look to my wife to relieve me.
90, The message from brokers is apply for shares, but do not look to hold them for the long term.
91, But there are substantial legal problems as major financial institutions literally pick up the pieces and look to their future.
92, And people no longer look to the parties to provide them with parades, marching bands, and Thanksgiving turkeys.
93, The importance of the mandarins made them look to Western eyes rather like aristocrats.
94, Karen Lansdown picks out her favourites Heaven sent Look to the skies for stunning accessories.
95, To give a harmonious look to the room, the living and dining areas have been decorated in the same style.
96, The overall cutback in the funding of federal urban programs would require cities to look to state governments for aid.
97, Finally if you have questions about organization design, you should look to Chapter 10.
98, From the fence I surveyed the area, sneaking a look to see if Shelly was lying in the window.
99, Those attending will look to you, the chairman, to limit or control the amount of time spent on various topics.
100, I look to the current discussions, and also to the United States, to give the ground that is needed.
101, Equilibrium is everything to sportsbook operators, who look to make money by taking a commission on bets.
102, Ina and Jason Dungjen look to be second for the third straight time.
103, While people look to the Tories to make money, they look to Labour to spend it to more social purpose.
104, Now seeking means to combat the Chemicals Age, we look to our forbears for help.
105, Equilibrium is the goal for sportsbook operators, who look to make money by taking a commission on bets.
106, Blackburn now look to be the only only team capable of catching scum.
107, Look to turn right,(Sentencedict) across a busy junction at the end of the motorway.
108, A small pastry hat manifested itself low on my brow, giving the missing barmy look to my regalia.
109, Governing bodies may sometimes wish to look to independent consultants for advice in these matters.
110, I look to see Peter yearningly.
111, She gave an oblique look to one side.
112, Those job seekers look to catch out companies.
113, One look to Calvary can dispel your doubts.
114, Look to the old man — he is fainting.
115, In addition, look to be led reputably even, under of 98% lead reputably do not touch.
116, Look to let a space more fully, host demolished the partition between kitchen and living room, those who replace is a small glass stage, be master and contemporary carefree life interest .
117, Their women are handsome, and have tall, slim, well-knit figures; and with their free and easy movements, and natural independent airs, they look to me like swarthy Englishwomen.
118, If a build keeps breaking at a particular point, for instance, you can readily identify what discipline to look to for the cause, because your process is consistent and well-defined.
119, But with my name, and with my little means, what am I to look to?
120, Take a look to the unique, modern and earth friendly Shiner's furniture and you definitely will like it!
121, This is an illustration of how the night sky might look to a dweller in the core of galaxy NGC 4261, which harbors an 800-light-year-wide disk of dust and 1.2 billion-solar-mass black hole.
122, "The task force will look to ensure that our concerns are being raised at all levels with governments and international organizations," Shiner said.
123, Now, if you look to the bottom left hand corner of the IBM Cognos Upgrade Manager UI you will see these 2 greyed icons and links.
124, Again they meekly look to the cabinet to lead a coup.
125, Look to see whether the road's clear before you cross.
126, Extremely short descenders will give a strange look to a text typeface.
127, Pass, pass, pass and look to pick holes in United's suddenly creaky back four.
128, So we have to look to you to keep your fence in repair.
129, With a just God as our guide, let us honor those who have been lost; let us rededicate ourselves to the ideals that define our nation, and let us look to the future with hearts full of hope.
130, The government will also look to change the data protection and patent laws to conform to the internet age.
131, As service providers and enterprises look to meet the need for high-speed connectivity services, Ethernet has emerged as a viable metropolitan-area network (MAN) and WAN technology.
132, For truly great men , look to this age alone.
133, I look to Luda, this representative youth wisdom end peak character, in the heart exudes one kind of mixed feeling.
134, The globes a more gothic - type look to them , sort of like a censer a way?
135, Amative behavior of the undergraduate is civilized, but look to whether affect sight can, need not regard regular body contact as treason and heresy.
136, "Look to your going, " the Sheriff warned him, "for there is a most pestilent rogue loose in Sherwood who will rob you of every groat if he find you.
137, Van Persie will captain the Gunners in their second Group F clash as they look to build on the solid point picked up in Dortmund two weeks ago.
138, The free people of the world look to us support in maintaining their freedom.
139, Those who look to behaviorism in teaching will generally frame their activities by behavioral objectives e . g.
140, Whether they want to or they must, many professionals are driven toward making the transition from trusted advisor to rainmaker. So they look to the sales profession for tips on how to do it.
141, Nominally, all the councils look to Mullah Omar for guidance. In reality each province and district has its own dynamics.
142, You must look to encapsulate or decompose security requirements into a set of security services that will act pervasively throughout the SOA implementation.
143, Baseplate can be unscrewed to offer an even closer look to the space frame.
144, This presents some fresh challenges to management as they look to recruit architects from a fairly small labor pool.
145, To study the elemental form of English humour, you must look to the school - boy.
146, But none of these explanations can elide the fact that as multinationals increasingly look to the Chinese domestic market for growth, they are competing with Chinese companies.
147, Gentlewoman calls out lackey, swift end gives dish of hamburger to look to this individual.
148, Scholars have said now,look to the end of Romans, chapter 9-11 the latter part of Romans, that's where you'll see what the real point of Romans is, and it's not about individual salvation.
149, Spencer Wellesley Percy, Queen City Hoops: When talking about "most promising," I look to the age category.
150, Look to the rue anemone, if you will, or to the pea patch, of to the stubborn weed that thrusts its shoulders through a city street.
151, The video website that fumbles hard begins to turn to the look to be achieved formerly again, the item that makes for Internet only becomes the cheese that they won't be reaved exclusively.
152, Courts often look to legislative intent for guidance in interpreting and applying a law.
153, Nowadays people look to technology as an alternative source of satisfaction.
154, The Lakers look to snag a new win-streak high tonight at Seattle against the SuperSonics.
155, Second, they look to post-structuralist thinkers, like Michel Foucault and Jacques Derrida, who argue that social relations are determined by discourse and language.
156, Finally, the white side of the 5-on-1 reflector set bounced light from the strobe back up under her hat and added a little bit of a beauty look to the headshot below.
157, Adding the MemberField annotations to the Cabin class (Listing 4), for instance, will render a better look to the form (see Figure 8).
158, Artest and the Lakers play their first road game of the season Tuesday night, when they look to win their 10th straight over the Oklahoma City Thunder franchise.
159, Now lay aside all those thoughts and look to the future.
160, On a day when Japan's once all-conquering car exporters reported dramatic falls in output, the world's second biggest economy could only look to the other side of the Pacific ocean for its salvation.
161, But do look to see where you're going -- safety first.
162, The curl like convenient cover lets COCO look to lead prostitution energy of life slightly, not quite modern avant-courier , and the messy hairstyle of wine red makes COCO more enchanting and moving!
163, HMV could look to aspirational, tastemaker sites such as Pitchfork and Popjustice to recommend music.
164, Has a look to hit bow tie's waiter again, the hoary-headed gentleman, the elegant old woman, the Venice person's spirit takes in everything at a glance in here.
165, Many instead look to complementary medicine as a way to prevent or relieve aids treatment side effects, some of which are not easily treatable with conventional medicine.
166, Stop a little while, the mother goes down to look to hutch, can't help big Jing.
167, The Lakers look to snag a new win-streak high tonight at Seattle against the SuperSonics. They then play Portland(), Miami and the Trail Blazers again.
168, If we would just look to history it would be self-evident that there is nothing left to win in Afghanistan, and everything to lose.
169, Look to the right (scroll right) and you can spot one in this twilight panorama across the Bosporus Strait and along the skyline of the historic city of Istanbul.
170, Before you cross a street, you must look to the right first and then the left.
171, The former Cruzeiro No 1 is only tied to the outfit until June 2007 which means Milan may look to cash in before he becomes a free agent.
172, If you don't consider yourself to be a creative person, then you either need to get out of information architecture or look to others in your organization who can help you think creatively.
173, 'Ay, ay ,'said Silver,'like enough; you wouldn't look to find a bishop here, I reckon.
174, That is why we look to the depths of history and recall this country's century - long vacillation.
175, Upholstery fabrics in the family room tie the look to the kitchen.
176, The naval commander-in-chief Vladimir Vysotsky raised questions over the deal in September when he said that Russia might look to Spain or the Netherlands to buy the ship-building technology.
177, Infant milk powder in the area a " good-for-nothing nature of the industry", but to look to the future, Sudan, "CL" and "empty formula", and the industrial salt, red duck, and so on.
178, Spacefaring countries on both sides of the Atlantic look to extend humanity's presence to the moon.
179, Drogba has been on fire this season as Chelsea look to complete hat-trick of Premiership titles.
180, Now look to the right at the bottom and turn on "Show Legacy Precomputed Effects", now even more possibilities just pop up out of nowhere.
181, Paul won the broad jump, but he had to look to his laurels.
182, Round shoulders had Jo, big hands and feet, a flyaway look to her clothes, and the uncomfortable appearance of a girl who was rapidly shooting up into a woman and didn't like it.
183, Alternatively, Barcelona will insert a right to buy clause and look to recoup as much of their initial outlay as possible should Juventus choose to sign him in a year's time.
184, New developments are forcing long - established firms to look to their laurels.
185, Look to the lashing on the knife and see if it has been cut.
186, This attitude combines a lack of class consciousness, a somewhat jaunty optimism and an inquisitiveness which in combination look to the European like naivete.
187, Former us; look to the future; is a whwhviasoeverdonnot know babull crapy.
188, If tempo is high then players will look to move the ball around quickly and get it further upfield sooner.
189, Whole Grain Pasta or Bread: we look to foods rich in carbohydrates as a sort of “comfort food”, but in this case they are good for us, too.
190, Magazines no longer look to their subscribers as the major source of revenue.
191, They spend too much time indoors and too much in the direct sun, and their skin has a pallid, blotched, flabby, exhausted look to it.
192, The Reds stalwart believes it is too easy to point the finger at the manager when things don't go to plan and feels the players must look to take responsibility too.
193, It's not for nothing that interior decorators the world over look to the English country garden for glorious inspiration.
194, Look to Zhong Xiang, still be engorge really one Jing.
195, Look to the east (or left) of the moon to find Spica, Virgo's brightest star.
196, Fondant icing adds a smooth professional look to cakes and our expert is here to show you how to prepare a cake for fondant in this free cake decorating video.
197, Such, pure, abstract opposite quantity and specific, wraparound absolute magnitude, the public does not look to give the correlation between both, can't help wanting to ask: Grow fast...
198, Investors battered by scandals over stock - options and golden parachutes sometimes look to family - run companies for salvation.
199, The wonderful vision of this psalm encourages us to look to the joyful day when we shall all be united as one in the city of our God.
200, This provided a suitably memorable look to the bounty hunter skilled enough to capture Han Solo.
201, On the one hand, real estate finance businesses to reduce interest expenses; On the other hand, to relax the policy, prior to swing buy a house, may look to buy from.
202, NEW YORK (Reuters) - As unemployment in the United States edges above 10 percent, anxious investors will look to earnings reports from major retailers for signs of life in the beaten-up consumer.
203, Miraculously preserved though she is, she may look to the untrained eye like a roadkill squirrel, and she belongs to a time – 47m years ago – too remote to contemplate.
204, Western newspapers no longer look to their subscribers as the major source of revenue.
205, Ideally, you should look to leverage your strengths, stick to doing what you love and find team members who can cover the parts of the change/ project management cycle that you don't enjoy.
206, When it comes to managing people, lab tech and postdoc underlings are going to look to the leader of the lab, i.e., the new junior faculty member, to set the standard for that lab.
207, A modern chronicler of hell might look to the lives of chronic - pain patients for inspiration.
208, While Banfield are reluctant to sell, reports in Argentina suggest they don't expect to hold onto Rodriguez much longer and will look to cash-in following this summer's World Cup.
209, Enthusiasm: Children are impressionable and look to adults for guidance.
210, HONG KONG (Reuters) - European and American fashion designers feeling the pinch from the credit crisis can look to the growing ranks of China's nouveau riche to boost sales.
211, Look to have the feeling of armour of European mediaeval knight It'seems that.
212, NBA player Yi Jianlian and former NBA player Wang Zhizhi look to be in top form.
213, Look to the rue anemone, if you will, or the pea patch, or to the stubborn weed that thrusts its shoulders through a city street.
214, Yet again we look to George Lucas as a bellwether.
215, It is uncannily similar in taste and look to New England clam chowder served in bread bowls.
216, The point of this story is that, like most Americans living on the West Coast, residents of Oregon’s 1st Congressional District look to Asia for trade, travel and sometimes practical jokes.
217, Company customers for the supply of beads films, Sequin , films and other connectivity products, intends to look to contact me.
218, Sitting, one leg crossed over the other-the vulnerable look to his shin, exposed like bare bone between the roll of his sock and the cuffed edge of his pants.
219, Newspapers no longer look to their subscribers as the major source of revenue.
220, To find the answer, look to the recent Olympics shellacking Russia took at the hands of the Canadians in hockey.
221, Now lay aside all these thoughts and look to the future.
222, No matter how much you feel the pull of the past, make a determined effort to look to the future.




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更新时间:2024/7/6 2:08:10