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单词 Look into
1. The college principal promised to look into the matter.
2. look into my eyes you will see what you mean to me.
3. Look into my eyes,you will see what you mean to me.
4. They set up a working party to look into the issue.
5. The government will look into how to reduce unemployment.
6. look into the problem of drug abuse.
7. They took a long look into the abyss before deciding whether to jump.
8. An independent committee will look into alleged human rights abuses.
9. The Government set up a working party to look into the problem.
10. A working party has been set up to look into the problem.
11. I just want to look into that antique shop.
12. So I decided to look into private insurance schemes.
13. I was in no hurry to look into it.
14. Look into the future is far more difficult but here are ten predictions for 1992: 1.
15. A look into the Christie archives showed that the catalogue listed four soup tureens, each selling for £68.
16. His group wanted to broaden their remit to look into possible Moon landing missions.
17. Think about it when you look into my eyes, and before you go to sleep.
18. Only in the agony of parting do we look into the depths of love. George Eliot 
19. The Football Association might now look into the incident, which is captured on film.
20. He took one last look into the abyss and slid back.
21. The government has instituted a court of inquiry to look into the allegations.
22. This committee may want to exercise its discretion to look into those charges.
23. The local council set up a committee of inquiry to look into policing arrangements.
23. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
24. I ...understand how a parent might hit a child- it's because you can look into their eyes and see a reflection of yourself that you wish you hadn't. Jodi Picoult 
25. Within ten days, a special prosecutor had been appointed to look into criminal misconduct.
26. Folding her against him, he gave a long sigh, then moved her back so that he could look into her face.
27. On arriving at the Imaginary Universes Laboratory, Gedanken immediately took a look into the experimental box.
28. In the interests of road safety please could you look into this matter and take appropriate action.
29. Manzi said he was contacted by an intermediary in December who suggested he look into Industry.
30. It was such an important breakthrough, however, that other states immediately began to look into it.
1. The college principal promised to look into the matter.
2. They set up a working party to look into the issue.
3. The government has instituted a court of inquiry to look into the allegations.
31. I should be grateful if you would ask your enforcement officer to look into this matter.
32. In a parade she can do little things like look into her Daily Mirror.
33. Former Senator John Tower was the head of an independent committee, appointed by Reagan, to look into the affair.
34. Both the existing bungalow and the new house would look into the garden of the house, providing an amenity for both.
35. He was out of sight now, and he guessed the crew would have no reason to look into the hold.
36. When you look into your mother's eyes, you know that is the purest love you can find on this earth. Mitch Albom 
37. The problem for a portrait painter is the incisiveness of your observation - how deeply you choose to look into your subject.
38. Democrats want to look into the entirety of campaign finance law.
39. In 1473 the king ordered him to look into a dispute between two members of the goldsmiths' company.
40. And do UFOs make a habit of abducting unwilling victims to look into their private parts?
41. Please could you look into this matter and see what can be done to remedy the situation.
42. We look into mirrors but we only see the effects of our times on us - not our effects on others. Pearl Bailey 
43. We had planned this after a brief look into Llanberis a few weeks previously.
44. When these findings attracted media attention, Mayor Lindsay appointed a commission to look into the option of contracting out garbage collection.
45. They went up on to the platform, and took a quick look into the Porter's room.
46. Mr. Forsyth I should be happy to look into that correspondence and to consider the hon. Gentleman's point.
47. He took out a cigarette and lit it, finding it hard to look into her probing eyes.
48. Then she reached over and gently tilted my chin up so that I had to look into her eyes.
49. In June 1880, the prime minister set up a special commission to look into the park proposal.
50. Mr. King I am interested to hear that, and I will certainly look into it.
51. Perhaps, this morning, there is something at the office he must look into before the long holiday weekend.
52. Democrats want to look into the entirety of campaign finance law; Republican leaders want to focus on the White House.
53. I am hiring a lawyer to look into that trust fund, Marie had written.
53. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
54. On Jan. 14 Olszewski had agreed to look into budget proposals from the Solidarity trade union which would cause less hardship.
55. Berlusconi wants a new broadly supported government to look into constitutional reforms.
56. Will the Government look into a way to encourage car manufacturers to install alarm systems as standard equipment?
57. If you're dealing with an overseas provider, look into how it is regulated before you part with any money.
58. In 1971, the General Nursing Council convened a committee to look into the the use of visual aids in training schools.
59. Not glass to reflect bit of the world, but a crystal ball to look into soas to understand the world.
60. The road appears to get narrower as you look into the distance, but it's just an illusion.
61. It is the well you look into and are frightened by your own face in the dark water down there.
62. Health professionals want to look into the womb simply because they can.
63. Please could you look into it as a matter of urgency.
64. A parallel Senate committee also intends to look into Mr Rodham's role.
65. Please could you look into this and reassess the need for parking restrictions on this particular section of the highway.
66. Mr. MacGregor I will look into the point and will write to the hon. Lady.
67. They have agreed to look into the pensioner's plight as a matter of urgency if Miss Early gets in touch.
68. Mr. Jackson I shall certainly look into the position of the job club.
69. I was told they would look into my case and get back to me.
70. It is helpful for pupils not to have to look into bright light.
71. And if they look into you - you could be in deep water.
72. Mr Spicer also plans to look into ways of encouraging better communication between police forces and local authorities.
73. This is so despite the terrible things we learn when we look into the backgrounds of those who go beyond the limits.
74. We will look into the techniques of information gathering and analysis in Section 2.6.
75. Take a long hard, and penetrating look into the way you handle your life and the pattern of your partnerships in general.
76. By also promising to look into export practices, the G8 took a step further on logging issues than in previous summits.
77. If only he could see her, speak to her, look into her lovely face.
78. You must look into people as well as at them. Lord Chesterfield 
79. Fokin agreed to set up a commission to look into union grievances.
80. The fourth part, Review and look into the distance.
81. Look into the distance ocean resources!
82. Let us look into this witches'cauldron.
83. Now turn around and look into that mirror again.
84. The manager would look into the queer goings-on in the office.
85. The Commandant has nevertheless been compelled to look into the problem.
86. We have asked an independent surveyor to look into the situation. We will inform you of his opinions on this matter later.
87. In 2008, I sent Dr. Zamboni's peer-reviewed published research to Stanford University(), and encouraged the researchers at that institution to look into Chronic Cerebrospinal Venous Insufficiency.
88. Look into each .link file and get the path of the linked Eclipse folders.
89. Methods: To look into and analyze the difficulty point in the work of nosocomial infection management.
90. If you wear glasses, look into anti-glare coatings and clip-on anti-glare lens covers.
91. Look into most diamonds with a jeweller's loupe and you will see small "inclusions", also known as "nature's fingerprints".
92. In fact, when I am sometimes asked to look into the future and comment one-commerce and what's ahead for businesses, I think of baseball manager Casey Stengel.
93. The employer can look into making a loan to discharge the income tax liability in this situation.
94. Bill Sullivan: The president has asked me to look into creating a foreign intelligence agency.
95. Also imminent is a decision on whether to name a special rapporteur to look into human-rights abuses in Iran.
96. A look into the deeper significance of marginality may offer us one way of avoiding this trap in other areas.
97. Mr. Jackson rose ponderously from the table and began to look into the cupboards.
98. Observe and analyze the different aspects of its total usage time and the subjectivity of the different performance of the situation, look into the last level of development and evolution.
99. Objctive To look into the causes; diagnose and treatment approach of hypophosphatemia when surgical critical ill patients received TPN.
100. The eventide is calling me to take a look into your eyes.
101. This year's NPC session, Jiang bought hematoxylin Aspen wood to look into the AIDS orphans and AIDS affected single-parent children.
102. That man said so, in my memory, when I was standing in front of him, compelling him to look into my eyes toughly .
103. Look into my eyes... look deep into my big black eyes...A striking deep sea-fish called an amphipod crustacean reveals the diversity of sea creatures under the belly of Australia's deep sea world.
104. All the recent talk about the future of and giving up control over our links on Twitter to third parties made us look into alternative solutions for shortening our links over the last few weeks.
105. The following account is a true story and provides a look into the dark catacomb of lookism at its epicenter: Los Angeles.
106. Statement: Mark have made copyright protect, usurp will look into legal responsibility.
107. She had chestnut-colored hair, cut short so that it left the nape of her neck exposed, and large watery green eyes that refused to look into mine.
108. Mr Fok mentioned professionalisation just now. This is also a good direction we should look into.
109. In this article, we look into the important role that fats play in confectionery products.
110. The personnel manager promises he will look into the grievance of the office staff.
111. Pick a working title Start a blog (this is a great founder blog) Look into the legal structure Pick a mantra over a business plan.
112. The Federal Trade Commission has started to look into scams here.
113. We may want to look into that, because some of them are irresponsible and unskillful.
113. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
114. After her eye-opening look into her son's housekeeping habits, Lee Woodruff hit the stores to shop for supplies.
115. Do you cast a frantic look into the mirror every morning after the first few days of depilation to check for mini hair-growths?
116. If you are interested in the convergent approach to systems administration, look into the Cfengine software before reading ANSA and you'll understand ANSA more easily.
117. And above all else, look at her body, make turned-on sounds, and then look into her eyes.
118. If you do not have a bulletin board or a symbol out front of your church building, you will want to look into creating one at once.
119. Executives must stop focusing on labor costs, which, with automation, have become a tiny part of product costs, and look into how to right-size marketing, sales, and general overhead expenses.
120. Physicists at the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) have developed a state-of-the-art microscope that gives scientists a much deeper look into living organisms than ever before.
121. These efforts weigh on me every time I, as Commander-in-Chief, have to sign a letter to a family that has lost a loved one, or look into the eyes of a service member who's been gravely wounded.
122. Then we took a deeper look into the process how the apoptotic bodies were formed and tried to vivify the formation.
123. Then I promise you I shall look into these alchemical whims.
124. Look into the price of buying a side of beef.
125. If you feel a strong call to help you could look into becoming a foster parent.
126. But if you do, gentlemen, if you should ever look into the face of your own boy, or your own brother, or look into your own heart, you will regret it in sackcloth and ashes.
127. The doctor will look into your ear with a special flashlight called an otoscope (say: oh -te-skope).
128. I'll look into it, as soon as I've checked out some orange groves.
129. If you choose to do so, I suggest you look into home sharing agencies rather than placing a classified ad.
130. The two companies will also look into forming an alliance for NOR-type chips, Elpida said.
131. CICS will look into the WSBind file for the name of the conversion program to be invoked.
132. But she comes at a good time, and we will look into this matter forthwith. ".
133. The review will look into all available data on somatropin to reassess the benefit-risk balance of these medicines.
134. Both the supply and the demand is a pair of contradictory, from real estate market demand, home-textile look into the living needs, improve demand, investment demand and speculative demand.
135. I know how things go in F1 and if you look into the detail of the two races, I think everything is still going according to plan.
136. Shall we look into the "Letter Writer" to see what compliments are admissible?
137. The government has set up a working party to look into the problem.
138. Detectives Benson and Stabler look into the vicious stabbing of the CEO of a weapons company.
139. "They have to look into new sources of revenue, including disinvestment of state-run firms," Suresh Tendulkar, chairman of the Prime Minister's Economic Advisory Council told Reuters.
140. Now when we say royal commission here what we're asking for is the royal commission to look into the entire electoral system and to make recommendations for its improvement," she said.
141. Objective To look into the relation between genital Chlamydia trachomatis infection and infertility.
142. Separately, King Hamad of Bahrain announced days ago the establishment of an independent investigation committee to look into its domestic turmoil.
143. They will now look into breeding new plants and feed with high sources of fat and sugar, as well as dietary additives such as garlic extract.
144. Are you sure that you want me to even look into replacing our current law firm?That company has been doing nothing but 1st class work for this company for over 10 years.
145. This paper aims at look into the characteristics of kokuji and the unique Japanese culture represented by them by analyzing the common way of word-formation and tendency.
146. The government has set up a working party to look into the problem of drug abuse.
147. Instead, look into her eyes, smile and recite the sonnet while you gently stroke her face.
148. There was no time to investigate the release order that had freed them, either, but Lang promised to look into the matter later on.
149. Look into my eyes - you will see what you beggarly to me.
150. We do not have to receive a specific number of complaints before we look into a problem.




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更新时间:2024/7/6 3:09:10