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单词 Reach out
1) He ached to reach out and hold her close.
2) We must reach out to those in need.
3) So far, his administration has failed to reach out to hardline Republicans.
4) She set up her charity to reach out to the thousands of homeless on the streets.
5) The government needs to reach out to those on the margins of society.
6) One might reach out to other affinities.
7) You reach out and grasp the handle.
8) The men reach out their hands and eat.
9) Reach out and put the touch on some one.
10) We reach out our hands and seal our pact.
11) How hard after all these decades to reach out and compromise.
12) She'd reach out towards them both and put her hands on theirs,(http:///reach out.html) smiling with her very white teeth.
13) A reduced-power transmission would reach out to the fringe of our force and, it was hoped, not farther.
14) She had not realised they could reach out from the charmed circle of themselves.
15) It was too easy to just reach out from under the duvet and clunk the receiver up and down in its cradle.
16) Robbie had to fight down an impulse to reach out and run her fingers over the dark mat.
17) The boy is about to reach out for it when Dixie whispers urgently in his ear.
18) He ached to reach out and hold Tsu Ma close, to comfort him, but knew it would be wrong.
19) But Neil Fraser couldn't reach out and touch his wife.
20) It saved Deborah having to try to reach out of her chair and lean across the top of the machinery.
21) Reach out and slowly lift the right arm and left leg off the floor, keeping the movement controlled.
22) Instead, political interest groups reach out directly, using computerized mailing lists and modems in addition to the old-fashioned campaign techniques.
23) The dolphin was near enough for me to reach out and touch it.
24) Dallas' David LaFleur can't quite reach out to grab a pass.
25) Love is not patronizing and charity isn't about pity, it is about love. Charity and love are the same - with charity you give love, so don't just give money but reach out your hand instead. Mother Teresa 
26) Moreover they nearly always end in tragedy because the protagonists reach out in some way fur the unattainable.
27) From a decade of cobwebs and dyed glass she felt old leaf-like hands reach out and brush her.
28) The debate is a profound one and it is only just beginning to reach out to a wider audience.
29) In the limousine en route to the airport, Carter tried in a most unusual way to reach out to Park.
30) These were my unofficial board of directors, the people I could reach out to when I had tough decisions to make.
31) A closer look reveals a galaxy of gossamer threads that reach out to anchor the organism to rocks or other surfaces.
32) Ruth wanted to reach out and pull him back, as if he were moving towards a precipice.
33) It swung open as he was about to reach out for the handle.
34) The purpose of life is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience. Eleanor Roosevelt 
35) The large majority of all Amors reach out into the heart of the asteroid belt near aphelion.
36) Thirdly( ), a new church springing up may act as an incentive to older churches to reach out again with the gospel.
37) That will permit the search to reach out to 100 light years, covering about 300 stars.
38) Content with humiliation, satisfied with disappointment, I had been too selfish to reach out.
39) In his acceptance speech, Kemp sought to reach out to those voters with references to the legacy of the Rev.
40) Slowly but surely, we can help them reach out and start enjoying the pleasures of playing with a friend.
41) Infuriated, she forgot herself sufficiently to reach out and prod his knee.
42) It was exciting to reach out to her through the silence of cyberspace.
43) He felt a sudden piercing need to reach out, capture her hand and pull her into his arms.
44) Publishers must be able to reach out to the widest possible audience.
45) How does Dole reach out to a rival who has no reason to quit?
46) When all that failed, the fan club began to reach out to feel him, shake his hand.
47) Here was a gravity you could argue with; here was a horizon close enough to reach out and grasp hold of.
48) Any minute and he'd reach out a hand and grab her.
49) Something about the angle of his shoulders made her want to reach out to him.
50) They reach out for some of the techniques as a panacea for ills that run far deeper.
51) Reach out: what is not included in this lucid air?
52) Julie: Step number one.Reach out for help.
53) Online learning helps us reach out to new friends.
54) He didn't rise or even reach out his hand.
55) To reach out for you in time.
56) Indentation and claws to reach out.
57) Nixon was too shattered to reach out genuinely.
58) To reach out for another is to risk involvement.
59) We seem to have developed this incommunicable gap that no matter how hard I try to reach out to him, he's just non-responsive or I end up bursting into tears.
60) Reach out, beauteous Turkey, give me your hand, my beloved homeland!
61) Fashionistas cross the threshold and instantly reach out to touch not only the garments, but also draperies of natural silk and translucent voile, not to mention custom-carpeted floor areas.
62) So do reach out ultimately to your assigned teaching fellow, to me, to the help list, to the forums online.
63) I had done everything I knew to reach out to the Republicans in Washington; they had tried to demonize me from day one.
64) To reach out for another is to risk involvement. Reach out anyway.
65) TheOldie :Now there was a cunt you just wanted to reach out and smack that smarmy look off her face !
66) The irony of standing in Dickinson's bedroom clutching a recreated fascicle was that while I could reach out and touch her poetry,( ) her essence would forever remain just beyond my grasp.
67) His soul would reach out in its blind way to her and find her gone.
68) Use the Yahoo! HotJobs salary calculator, and also reach out to your out-of-office network to find out how people at other companies are being compensated.
69) The black middle class must now reach out with more empathy and concern to the lower class.
70) I'm going to reach out with a if you don't shut up.
71) Reach out to the community children and bring them to the Lord Jesus through VBS, CEF Day Camp, and other outreaching programs.
72) We will reach out to countries transitions from authoritarianism to democracy, and from war to peace.
73) At his inauguration last month, the president said his administration would reach out to rival states, declaring "we will extend a hand if you are willing to unclench your fist."
74) And not only to invest in your own home but to reach out and help raise kids in the broader munity.
75) President Obama says he is trying to reach out to the Iranians with diplomacy.
76) The way to be happy is to let go , and reach out.
77) They wanted to reach out and help those who needed them.
78) They have tried to reach out to these unfortunate people.
79) But your mid-life crisis is no reason to reach out to last week's one-night stand and ask them to marry you.
80) "One way or the other they're going to reach out and move on," said James Thurber of American University's Center for Congressional and Presidential Studies.
81) D . Katie tried to kill herself order to reach out for help.
82) Whereon they all did thumbs-up and "Have a good day".Meg Wilkes is right: admit frailty and hands reach out.
83) President Bush said federal and local officials will not only focus on population centers like Cedar Rapids, but will also reach out to smaller towns affected by the flood.
84) The sale of up to four Mistral-class assault ships is seen as France's most ambitious bid yet to reach out to Russia, but negotiations have stumbled over Moscow's demands for a transfer of technology.
85) Never be afraid to reach out and meet someone new.
86) The characters reach out to one another with the most delicate of antennae.
87) Let's reach out to the foreigners when they are in trouble.
88) Soroptimist clubs distribute information about domestic violence and about how victims can get help. Clubs reach out to working women -- domestic abuse often spills over into the workplace.
89) HotJobs salary calculator, and also reach out to your out-of-office network to find out how people at other companies are being compensated.
90) Recalling some long ago Sunday school admonition to 'care for the sick, feed the hungry, and clothe the naked. ' I was moved by some powerful inner urge to reach out to this unfortunate person.
91) Reach out to your support systems, and consider taking some time off-- after all, you'll never have the freedom of being between school and work again!
92) A cadre must reach out to and be one with the masses.
93) Ray Bradbury is a hero because his writing can reach out across time and space to touch readers.
94) You reach out to click on the radio button but end up clicking the whole icon!
95) Google gives high marks to a Kerala Tourism marketing drive and claims the destination marketing organization is the first to reach out to inbound travelers through such a mobile campaign.
96) "Some of them can be very successful, and others less so, so we really wanted to reach out to that group,(http://)" Mr. Penner says.
97) If the body held and you reach out for something, only the arms move.
98) As our association's slogan, like "patching love, kind-heartedness that warmth people's hearts ". Using "Shan Xin" (good deeds) to reach out to people.
99) The artist's sensitivity and warm- heartedness , along with her wisdom and somberness, reach out and touch audiences.
100) I could never make a merit of being caviare to the crowd the way my quasi-friend Pound does. I want to reach out, if it were a thing I could do by taking thought.
101) Ducat tried to reach out to other mothers of diabetic kids, but at first no one wanted to talk.
102) The wise man said just rais your hand, And reach out for the spell.
103) So we pray as we reach out with weak faltering words that the power of God will break forth in that moment of sharing.
104) Reach out catch a snow, happy smile, tomorrow can be Quzhai crystal clear icicle tree took.
105) In this new climate-of-the-possible, you will sail beyond apathy and xenophobia and reach out jubilantly to the living universe that surrounds you.
106) By day and by night It'seemed they need only reach out to touch the sky.
107) Just reach out and touch, I want you so much.
108) 27God did this so that men would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from each one of us.
109) So it makes a lot of sense to reach out.
110) You must reach out for any opportunity that comes your way.
111) I hope you'll remember and reach out for me , if you could use me.
112) Would you reach out for tomorrow, or try to turn back time?




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