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单词 Cycad
1. Unlike the cycads, they produce both pollen and egg-bearing cones on the same tree.
2. Fusarium was isolated from most of the rotten cycad varieties.
3. Cycad Leaf - A healthy essential food which supplies PLEO rb its daily needs. The taste is different from the Conifer Leaf and can also be used as daily food for PLEO rb.
4. Some scholars even thought the cycad from the southeast of Yunnan, the southwest of Guangxi as well as that from Panzhihua in Sichuan the same as this species.
5. South African cycad ; the farinaceous pith of the fruit used as food.
6. Another group of plants adopting a similar strategy to the cycads arose at about the same time.
7. Two important aboriginal foods are the fruit of the cycad palm, and a large nutritious yam.
8. A green park, it is the lungs of Nanning, the biggest cycad garden around the world.




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