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单词 Uniform
1. They are uniform in size and shape.
2. The uniform was trimmed with gold braid.
3. I've got a thing about men in uniform.
4. The hat is part of the school uniform.
5. Can you fancy him in uniform?
6. I don't like the color of our school uniform.
7. I've had a thing about men in uniform.
8. The general's uniform was trimmed with gold braid.
9. The rows of houses were uniform in appearance.
10. I love a man in uniform!
11. I didn't recognize you in your uniform.
11. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
12. She was wearing a buff uniform.
13. He was still wearing his school uniform .
14. They wore the standard uniform of the well-to-do American out of office hours.
15. The rest of the clan thinks the uniform is only fit for a barbarian or a man of the lowest class.
16. She was wearing the regulation uniform of tunic, hat and tie.
17. He looked so manly in his uniform.
18. Soldiers wear mufti on leave, not uniform.
19. The uniform fitted her perfectly .
20. A man in a uniform stopped us entering.
21. He was togged out in full uniform.
22. Lamp that guy in uniform.
23. He cut quite a dash in his uniform.
24. The soldiers were in full uniform for the review.
25. Grade A eggs must be of uniform size.
26. His uniform was crumpled, untidy, splashed with mud.
27. Growth has not been uniform across the country.
28. His face blanched as he looked at Sharpe's blood-drenched uniform.
29. The police divested the pretended officer of his stolen uniform.
30. She stood up to brush the crumbs off her uniform.
1. The uniform was trimmed with gold braid.
2. The hat is part of the school uniform.
3. I don't like the color of our school uniform.
4. I love a man in uniform!
5. I didn't recognize you in your uniform.
6. He was still wearing his school uniform .
7. His face blanched as he looked at Sharpe's blood-drenched uniform.
8. The rest of the clan thinks the uniform is only fit for a barbarian or a man of the lowest class.
9. She was wearing the regulation uniform of tunic, hat and tie.
10. The police divested the pretended officer of his stolen uniform.
11. She stood up to brush the crumbs off her uniform.
11. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
12. The soldiers were in full uniform for the review.
13. The headmaster elaborated upon the idea for a new school uniform.
14. He really cuts a dash in his smart new uniform.
31. That uniform makes them look absurd.
32. Francic is easily distinguished by his uniform.
33. His uniform bore the insignia of a captain.
34. Along each wall stretched uniform green metal filing cabinets.
35. I wear my policeman's uniform with pride.
36. He had his portrait painted in uniform.
37. He thinks that wearing school uniform depersonalizes children.
38. The police were identifiable by their uniform.
39. Nurses have to wear a uniform.
40. She started off to school in her new uniform.
41. He sewed the badge neatly onto his uniform.
42. All these sticks are of uniform length.
43. He looked very grand in his ceremonial uniform.
44. He cut a dashing figure in his uniform.
45. Grizzled veterans in uniform gathered at the war monument.
46. He was in uniform three years.
47. The windows in the house are all uniform.
48. The school uniform is quasi-military in style.
49. She was wearing the regulation school uniform.
50. He was attired in a plain, mud-flecked uniform.
51. We must be dressed in uniform at school.
52. How long was he in uniform?
53. He looked very handsome in his uniform.
54. That uniform makes the guards look absurd.
55. The stripes on her uniform proclaimed her seniority.
56. Babur says the uniform makes him look naff.
57. They've done away with the uniform at our school.
58. She's already outgrown her school uniform.
59. He was on duty and in uniform.
60. Turn in your uniform before you leave.
61. He was wearing a brown uniform.
62. She gets turned on by men in uniform.
63. The earth turns around at a uniform rate.
64. I feel so drab in this grey uniform.
65. The limousine was driven by a chauffeur in uniform.
66. Pat can't resist men in uniform.
67. The walls were a uniform grey.
68. Chips should be cut into uniform size and thickness.
69. Young people unconsciously conform to a dress code but reject any kind of uniform.
70. They can mix and match their uniform, wearing either a sweatshirt or blouse with trousers or a skirt.
71. I never wear grey because it reminds me of my hateful school uniform.
72. He hastily stripped off his old uniform and began pulling on the new one.
73. The middle button of his uniform jacket was strained over his belly.
74. He recalled the humiliation of having his hair shorn and exchanging his clothes for the prison uniform.
75. The cost of your uniform will be deducted from your wages.
76. I was accepted for the job and rigged out in a uniform.
77. I've got to get changed first. I've got to put my uniform on.
78. Drips of water rolled down the trousers of his uniform.
79. The headmaster elaborated upon the idea for a new school uniform.
80. He dishonored the uniform and did not deserve to be a marine.
81. The revamp includes replacing the old navy uniform with a crisp blue and white cotton outfit.
82. She was small and fragile and looked incongruous in an army uniform.
83. I've always thought he looked very manly in his uniform.
84. Small businesses are demanding that they receive uniform treatment from the banks.
85. You stick out like a sore thumb in that uniform.
86. The shoulders of his uniform were piped with signs of his rank.
87. All school uniform should be clearly marked with the child's name.
88. Photographs show him wearing the scruffy T-shirt and jeans that were the student's uniform of the time.
89. As in so many offices that you see,(/uniform.html) the walls and furniture are a uniform grey.
90. Temperature becomes uniform by heat conduction until finally a permanent state is reached.
91. He really cuts a dash in his smart new uniform.
92. He took off his uniform and put on a sweater and trousers.
93. Mark's is the uniform of the young male traveller — green Army trousers, T-shirt and shirt.
94. The boss keeps back $50 a month towards my uniform.
95. The price rises will not be uniform across the country.
96. A major has a crown on the shoulder of his uniform.
97. Philippe was in uniform, wearing a pistol holster on his belt.
98. We like our staff to show their individuality rather than wear a uniform.
99. She will probably take great pride in wearing school uniform.
100. The young soldier cut a fine figure in his smart new uniform.
101. No-one gave the woman in the grey uniform a second glance./uniform.html
102. I recognised the uniform of a police constable.
103. My father attended in his dress uniform.
104. This Stirlander bowmen wears a green and yellow uniform.
105. The result was a beautifully rich, uniform colour.
106. Amin, Wasswa said, was in army uniform.
107. Very fetching undress uniform I shouldn't wonder.
108. They were wearing paramilitary uniform and red berets.
109. I look like a real dork in this uniform.
110. Wearing an immaculate white uniform, he takes my briefcase.
111. He clings to his uniform like a second skin.
112. This was done by uniform, demeanour, and voice.
113. The causes of social distress are not uniform.
114. Their political affiliation was by no means uniform.
115. He climbed in the Communist ranks to colonel, without ever bearing arms or wearing a uniform.
116. Select ears of corn that have uniform rows of kernels and dark brown silks at the husk end.
117. It has no officer corps and has never developed a uniform central system of recruitment and management.
118. You wear a uniform to play baseball, you wear a uniform to play soccer.
119. This halberdier wears the blue and white uniform of the city with distinguishing features in red.
120. The working class is more uniform in origins than ever before because downward mobility has declined.
121. Leafless by early November, the pencil-thin twigs are a uniform fiery red, rising as high as seven feet.
122. This measurement was for his new uniform, she assured him, while his colleagues wolf-whistled and clapped.
123. I was not, for once, wearing my battledress trousers, but had put on my uniform skirt with my battledress top.
124. He was in a blue uniform coat that was thickly encrusted with gold loops and edged with black astrakhan fur.
125. The same day teachers will get the chance to wear their school's uniform for a small contribution.
126. A crucial point about epidemics is that not all members of a given population behave in a uniform way.
127. Rather than just evolving in a gradual, uniform manner, the earth may actually be caught up in a repeating cycle.
128. In these patients, even when the number of glands was normal, their distribution was not uniform.
129. In spite of the heat, parties in full dress uniform were sent to scour the countryside.
130. With 2m men and women in uniform, a 60,000-strong force is just a drop in the ocean.
131. Mark's idea of getting her to change gear was to slip on a nurse's uniform.
131. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
132. When the uniform was off, the results were by no means as exciting as she could have wished.
133. Furthermore, the detectives are no longer in that basic symbol of police identity - the uniform.
134. A man in a uniform was a good catch in these parts.
135. He saw a woman in the rich blue of a nursing uniform at the wheel.
136. Yet out of uniform she looked like a fashion model.
137. On a uniform rod, unit weights can be balanced equidistant from the fulcrum.
138. A series of uniform regulations would be promulgated to allow the central government to exert overall budget control.
139. The new commander of uniform operations will be Chief Supt Tom Whitton.
140. She may be dressed in a different uniform, and therefore must explain her role to the patient.
141. The attendants were a uniform dun and grey, steel rings of keys at their waists.
142. He fixed the fragile blossoms in a buttonhole of his braided uniform, then leaned down and kissed the woman.
143. I woke before six and dressed in casual uniform and went to my office to get things ready for the day.
144. We will examine ways in which the uniform scope of regulation could be eased to safeguard traditional local products or practices.
145. This third and largest courtyard, St George's Square, is in a uniform neo-Classical style by Pacassi.
146. They wore camouflage uniform and, from the looks of them, had been living long in the jungle.
147. Koju and the uniform revved the engine and drove belligerently in front of us.
148. She stood up and brushed some crumbs off her uniform.
149. Next week she will bury her father in that uniform.
150. She ironed the uniform every chance, keeping it crisp and fresh.
151. Maura pulled her to her feet and began to brush down Margaret's uniform, which was covered in grey dust.
152. The book is, however, not disjointed and the chapters are uniform in presentation and carefully edited.
153. The officer corps, comprising about one-half of the men in uniform, is rapidly shrinking.
154. Though uniform standards will not be enforced, the agreement calls for joint monitoring of pollution.
155. But a constable in uniform may arrest anybody found committing any of the offences under section 12, 13 and 14.
156. He was wearing uniform but his battledress jacket was unbuttoned and his tie was loose.
157. At one school during a parents' coffee morning the conversation drifted around to the subject to school uniform.
158. This is because every diode is individually calibrated and balanced to ensure uniform printing across every single line.
159. To produce a sail he had ripped apart his military uniform.
160. Harvey was dressed in a khaki uniform with colonel's insignia on the collar.
161. The Kamajor militia and other loyal forces have been put in army uniform and brought under its command.
161. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
162. On the other hand, the ward staff should adopt a uniform standard and method throughout the hospital.
163. It was the official uniform of motherhood and she looked like the angel of terror and memory sweeping down from the sky.
164. In 1991 the state adopted an update of the Uniform Plumbing Code to prevent such a disaster from happening.
165. A uniform call for special deposits, it was argued, could upset their foreign business very substantially.
166. Already a six-footer, he is noted for keeping his uniform neat and clean, and for excellence in sports.
167. All the troops in a regiment wear a uniform which has its own distinctive pattern or mix of colours.
168. It is a uniform bright yellow and has a large lyre-shaped caudal fin.
169. He purchased a ceremonial naval uniform, complete with sword belt, sword, and Colt. 45 pistol.
170. A few men wore evening dress, but many more were in the hated grey-green uniform.
171. The huts would look like they used to and inside there'd even be staff dressed in period uniform.
172. Probably not, although there is no uniform law on this question applicable to the entire nation.
173. Some worshipers wear designer jeans and expensive, crocodile-skin boots, the uniform of many traffickers.
174. She watched as the jagged tears in the sky mended, cobbling themselves together in a uniform grey.
175. The uniform was worn for the first time at Easter.
176. There must be an old Navy uniform and a few ball bearings somewhere on Treasure Island.
177. The judicial antipathy to relaxing the rule has been far from uniform.
178. Clinton called for uniform educational standards without regard to income level.
179. Sociological perspectives Earlier we stressed how sociology's development as an academic discipline has not been uniform all over the world.
180. Instead of metal serving-dishes there was an officer's uniform laid out there, complete with peaked cap and well-shined high boots.
181. Procedure became uniform in the third century, while early in the fourth the differences of form were abolished by Constantine.
182. Earnings between £43 and £325 a week - the upper earnings limit - will now attract the uniform 9 percent.
183. Rebecca West refers to a photograph of him taken at this time in army uniform as a private of the Worcestershire Regiment.
184. It is said that the seafloor is a desert, a vast and uniform wasteland, all but devoid of life.
185. The great body of water remains at a uniform 5.6 o C throughout the winter, which prevents the formation of ice.
186. He was dressed in that uniform with its fancy red flashes when he came to Claudia's aid.
187. Surely the uniform of an officer cadet was something to be proud of.
188. Female speaker We've got extra foot patrols in uniform and plain clothes to prevent an attack and to pick up information.
189. Yet adopting uniform rules should not be the ultimate goal.
190. For example, edges tend to activate the visual system more than areas of uniform brightness.
191. Such techniques can greatly accelerate the development and propagation of new and uniform strains and varieties of plant.
191. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
192. Compatibility between components was ensured by using a structurally uniform global database, the blackboard.
193. And a couple of Action Man dolls in uniform, their limbs splayed at odd angles.
194. Here, a border guard and two customs officers, all in uniform, came aboard to inspect our documents.
195. Edward had no uniform, which was the biggest draw, but he had cash, and what the girls called style.
196. He had dressed that morning in his civilian clothes, reckoning that military uniform was unsuitable for the work of the day.
197. She went to a different school from us, a convent school(), where they had to wear uniform.
198. He was in the uniform of a captain in the Green Howards, the ribbon of the Military Cross on his battledress.
199. Doctors, psychiatrists, police and civil servants have now joined a public chorus calling for tough, uniform national laws.
200. He was wearing some kind of uniform, navy blue with bright blue buttons.
201. Yeske has mixed feelings about the trust accounts known as Uniform Gifts to Minors Act accounts.
202. Hardy's Wessex volumes, which are uniform, do include one or two first editions.
203. When you listen to the radio, the music deadens your rhythm and causes you to create uniform sentences.
204. Such uniform crops are breeding grounds of potential disaster due to vulnerability to pests or disease.
205. A thin man in army uniform came in, walking with a limp.
206. He was wearing a shabby green uniform and a crumpled forage cap, and he carried an automatic rifle.
207. This attempted to establish uniform expenditure targets that, if substantially exceeded, would initiate penalties.
208. Janir stood out in center field wearing his cleats, his uniform and the new glove we had bought and oiled.
209. The investigation of the flow past obstacles or of boundary layers requires a uniform flow with minimal velocity fluctuations.
210. Two boys one in an army uniform snarled at a conductor on the platform.
211. I went to Oxford in 1961 with my beatnik uniform, sandals and black sweater.
212. You will now have a red, white and blue carnation - ready to wear on your uniform.
213. He wore a brown uniform and carried a cornet in shining yellow brass.
214. All grades are wholesome but U. S. Grade A is assigned to products which are of uniform size and free of blemishes.
215. Shoe makers aggravate the situation by not agreeing on uniform sizes.
216. She dressed in an unvarying uniform of black ski pants and pink mohair pullover which became grubbier as the weeks passed.
217. In the other areas the larger cities and conurbations proved difficult to incorporate in a wider uniform pattern.
218. Very soon Margarett had young men in uniform sitting for portraits and amorous officers competing for her attention.
219. This obviously limits competition in product design and innovation and facilitates uniform pricing of the resulting products.
220. Oceanic lithosphere, however, is young and effectively of uniform age relative to continental lithosphere.
221. He says that the Gemini squad will be seen in uniform, but there are also more covert operations.
221. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
222. Fairfax, who was wearing his army uniform, soon lost patience.
223. The recent arrivals were not in uniform, but were all armed and presented a fierce aspect.
224. Hans Ebert stood outside, in full dress uniform, his equerry three paces behind him.
225. Although the surface of the ocean basins is relatively uniform it is punctuated in places by volcanoes.
226. In uniform and in plain clothes, roughly 50 were on different shifts asking each shopper for more information.
227. We all wore these aprons as a uniform and to protect our own clothes while we were working.
228. She had a startlingly dashing necklace and wore some sort of a uniform cap in a jaunty way.
229. In the crusade for civil rights, the federal government sets a uniform standard that overrides local prejudices.
230. Sociologist David has studied school uniform policies since 1998.
231. The ginkgo powder has the characteristics of faint yellow color, uniform texture and good soakage.
232. Most of these products were from natural sources, liable to putrefaction and of non - uniform quality.
233. The vertical distribution of temperature and salinity uniform from top to bottom.
234. Sans serif: A typeface without series and constructed from strokes of nearly uniform thickness.
235. She wore a pink nylon smock similar to a nurse's uniform.
236. The photoconductive surface coatings for scanning by charging roll charge uniform charge.
237. Power response is uniform, with smoother variations on and off - axis.
238. Uniform ads across territories are often criticised for bland and soulless.
239. Teaching Practice Management System practice session for school uniform management platform to provide online courses.
240. In a scanning microscope also shows that, stomatal particle size distribution is not uniform corrosion.
241. Through uniform design arrangement and results, building regression equation, get optimum conjunction rate.
242. She's tired of stumping up for school fees, books and uniform.
243. All specimens were instrumented with pedicle screws using a uniform technique.
244. Q : What do you say to a Scouser in a uniform?
245. school - joining packs including uniform lists, medical questionnaires, guardianship requirements, curricular options and first day activities.
246. Results: Rheum Palmatum of different regions in and microscopic aspects have andanthraquinone contents are not uniform.




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