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单词 Economist
1. He was recently appointed chief economist at the Bank of Scotland.
2. I lay no claim to being an expert economist.
3. Economist Jeffrey Faux says a tax cut is a bad idea.
4. Under his editorship, the Economist has introduced regular sports coverage.
5. Now it is an American economist who is sounding the alarm .
6. The report is the joint work of an economist and a sociologist.
7. He's an economist who thinks he knows all the answers.
8. According to an article in The Economist the drug could have side effects.
9. As an economist, he was able to shed some light on the problem.
10. His competence as an economist had been reinforced by his successful fight against inflation.
11. The Economist offers a grander scheme.
12. This fellow had an economist with him.
13. Cherry went to work as a home economist.
14. He is the greatest economist in the world.
15. A leading economist said the changes could cost the industry millions, and hit exploration and appraisal plans.
16. But one top economist viewed the Government's decision to spotlight manufacturing as another U-turn.
17. Gerard Lyons, the chief economist with Standard Chartered Bank, divides them into five groups.
18. The economist who gives the prime minister bad advice can bring misery and unemployment to the average family.
19. Robert Eisner, a University of Chicago economist, uses a simple calculation.
20. Nobel Prize-winning economist Milton Friedman once lamented that since everyone handles money, there are many know-nothings who think they understand economics.
21. An economist would say this is the market working: cheaper labour means more jobs.
22. The sceptical economist peter Bauer did a simple calculation, reversing the World Bank's growth-rate.
23. Kingsley said he needed to know what his economist and his godchild had been up to.
24. In view of the fact that Hobson was not a trained economist his achievements were remarkable.
25. In this respect no figure is more characteristic of the twentieth century than the highly influential economist John Maynard Keynes.
26. Their version of an improved world may be very different from that of the economist oriented towards the expansion of industrial production.
27. But Robert, on that evening, was dipping back to a famous essay by the great Cambridge economist.
28. The basis for international trade between countries can be explained in terms of the economist David Ricardo's theory of comparative costs.
28. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
29. The Service Industries For the economic historian, as for the economist, services constitute the most enigmatic sector of the economy.
30. But remember the opinion of John Stuart Mill, a political philosopher much respected by the early Economist.
1. He was recently appointed chief economist at the Bank of Scotland.
2. He's an economist who thinks he knows all the answers.
31. As Chinhui Juhn, an economist at the University of Houston, has pointed out, this is no longer so.
32. The selloff could begin this fall and continue into 1997, said Chuck Lambert, chief economist for the association.
33. The cost of each study was calculated with the advice of a health economist and a hospital finance officer.
34. Northwestern University economist Bruce Meyer discovered that the likelihood of getting a job actually triples during the last month of unemployment benefits.
35. During those six years Salgado, the economist who became a photographer, took pictures of the face of globalisation.
36. One popular blunder that almost every economist denounces is rent control.
37. The research is being undertaken on an inter-disciplinary basis and the two principal investigators are an economist and a social policy specialist.
38. John Kendall, economist at Baring Brothers, said he expected the market to continue to be firm next week.
39. Sometimes these views are based on reasoning that an economist would judge fallacious.
40. It is not therefore possible at present for the public finance economist to appeal to a generally accepted body of theory.
41. The specter that has haunted the economist has been the monopoly seeking extortionate gains at the public expense.
42. Companies are facing another tough year in 1992, Keith Wey, economist, told an association conference in London yesterday.
43. Perhaps so, but the great economist also saw it as confirming evidence of improving real wages.
44. A former secretary of labor in the Clinton administration, Reich is a Faustian political economist.
45. The Economist interviewed him in a chintzy suite at Claridge's.
46. Raquel Zelaya, a neo-liberal economist, was an advisor to the previous government.
47. Peter Morgan, an economist at Merrill Lynch in Tokyo, estimates that consumer-price inflation is just 1%.
48. The Economist called it the Consumer-Credit Snowball and pronounced it well and truly rolling.
49. One need not be a Nobel Prize economist to divine the logical extension of that trend.
50. The economist does not enter into the dubious moral arguments about the importance or virtue of the wants to be satisfied.
51. That was the warning to the conference from Peter West, health economist with Touche Ross management consultants.
52. Gavriil Popov, a radical economist, had been elected chair of the Moscow city soviet on April 20.
53. Stiglitz left this week to become chief economist at the World Bank.
54. According to one economist, at the current growth rate, China will have the largest economy in the world by 2030.
55. Henry Kaufman, the economist and investment analyst, might be expected to welcome the trend.
56. The woman's husband, a 28-year-old economist, was the most seriously injured of the victims.
57. You should have up to three years experience after your degree in economics or related subjects, preferably as a business economist.
58. Jayojit, the economist, arrives in Calcutta already at one remove from his existence.
58. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
59. One economist suggests that the numbers might increase further before they level off.
60. Kenneth Haley, an economist for Chevron, supported lifting the embargo on principle but said both sides have exaggerated the impact.
61. Well, the Levers will have a vacancy for an economist on their personal staff.
62. The economist, on the other hand, likes to set definite goals.
63. an economist arguing against the current financial orthodoxy.
64. Mr. Levy is chief economist at Bank of America.
65. He is distinguished as an economist.
66. Jong - Wha Lee is ADB's acting chief economist.
67. a disciple of the economist John Maynard Keynes.
68. She was an economist of considerable standing.
69. To this, economist people spread out a harangue.
70. "We are reaching the level that starts to be problematic for the export performance of European companies," said Marc Stocker, chief economist at BusinessEurope, Europe's biggest employers' group.
71. The economist is interested in the workings of the economy as a whole.
72. A study by MIT economist Esther Duflo finds similar results comparing South African grandmothers' and grandfathers' usage of their old-age pension funds.
73. It was 79 - 82 that made me a convinced saltwater economist.
74. In fact, it has claimed the number one spot for two years running on the Economist Intelligence Unit's ranking of the most liveable cities.
75. Thomas Mayer , an economist at Deutsche Bank , points to anotherlesson from Japan's fiscal travails.
76. Janet Zhang, an economist at Beijing-based research firm Dragonomics, says the price effect is especially marked in 2011.
77. John Maynard Keynes, the great 20 th - century economist, would have appreciated the absurdity in these mixed messages.
78. "The price of low inflation in New Zealand is some workers losing their jobs, with no prospect of any new ones over the coming few years," BERL economist Ganesh Nana said.
79. Network interventions might be effective against obesity too, says economist Scott Carrell of UC Davis.
80. "I worry that the risk of runs is still very much there," says Phil Suttle, chief economist at the IIF, referring to the restrictions on the Fed.
81. Industrial Bank funds operations center political commissar, chief economist, said Lu.
82. First suggested by Milton Friedman , an economist, in 1955, the principle is compellingly simple.
83. Given massive inventory surpluses, the last thing the market needs is an infusion of newly-built dwellings, according to Diane Swonk, Chief Economist at Chicago-based Mesirow Financial.
84. Jong - Wha Lee is landers the Manila - based lender's acting chief economist.
85. This led in 1980 to a bet between a prominent ecologist, Paul Ehrlich, author of "The Population Bomb", and Julian Simon, an economist at the Cato Institute, a free market think-tank.
86. Chinese officials and businesses cite a much-noted analysis by UBS economist Dong Tao who said the busty plastic doll is sold for $20, but the Chinese manufacturer only earns 35 cents from that.
87. "When consumers are spending money, there's more jobs, " said economist Kit Yarrow.
88. Chris Briem , an economist at the University of Pittsburgh , thinks commuter tax would help offset costs.
88. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
89. An official at the People's Bank of China ruled out a new international monetary order, while Zhang, who is a financial economist, called the idea "a load of rubbish."
90. Perhaps, most important to me as an economist, the West was not only the builder but also the most skillful mover and shaker in today's international institutions.
91. The theory dates back to the economist Adam Smith and the principle of specialisation.
92. 'We expect the headline inflation rate to ease to below 2% by March end as prices of manufactured products continue to soften,' said Manoranjan Sharma, chief economist at Canara Bank.
93. "The weakness reported in nondurable inventories adds some downside risk to our forecast for second quarter GDP growth," said Daniel Silver, an economist at JPMorgan in New York.
94. The human capital theory caused the economist and sociologist's widespread attention immediately.
95. If you think in terms of slogans like “free trade good; protectionism evil”, you find it outrageous that a credentialed economist might actually consider trade sanctions on China justified.
96. Kelvin Lau is the regional economist at Standard Chartered Bank Hong Kong.
97. Debbie Goldman, a research economist at the Communication Workers of America, recommends "narrow, targeted legislation that says the Universal Service Fund can be used for broadband.
98. Every state is doing the choice of trade policy in terms of their countries interest, and either free trade or protected trade is taken is always the hot issue argued between economist and politician.
99. Dear Economist: London and New York, which one should I plump for?
100. I have great confidence that President Bush's policies will grow the economy and create a job for every American who wants one, including his politically tone-deaf economist.
101. But Frederic Neumann , an economist at HSBC, sees tentative signs that spending is picking up.
102. Then, the financial jest with acerbic only zealous those past economist, what had become American at one's leisure today is newfangled.
103. The wholesomeness of industrial society during this epoch was captured by the American economist and Nobel Laureate, Paul Krugman, in his memorable image of a picket fence.
104. Writing in Kommersant newspaper the economist Dmitry Butrin said that Putin's relative success in fighting poverty over the last decade had been reversed.
105. But while the dust cloud remains in place over Europe's largest airports, "that is all but impossible," The Economist reported.
106. But Andy Xie , a Shanghai - based independent economist, says such fears are overblown.
107. One Washington economist, Margo Thorning, said Bernanke and his colleagues may eventually try that tactic again.
108. "The Fed is not going to see inflation as a threat, so they can keep interest rates low longer," said David Wyss, chief economist at Standard and Poor's in New York.
109. Later in the year, however, oil prices could ease since supplies from both OPEC and non-OPEC sources are expected to increase, said Sara Banaszak, senior economist at the American Petroleum Institute.
110. "It's not a lack of liquidity that's holding the economy back," said Michelle Girard, senior U.S. economist at RBS Securities in Stamford, Conn.
111. That will exacerbate China's need to increase its exports, said Cornell University economist Prasad.
112. The Turner-Brown proposal is a modern version of an idea originally floated in 1972 by the late James Tobin, the Nobel-winning Yale economist.
113. The price support is meagre and awkwardly designed, according to Bob Cropp, an economist at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
114. I had two offers: one from an ad agency and one from the National Industrial Conference Board, where one of my professors was chief economist.
115. Perfect competition is defined by the economist as a technical term.
116. "You have another wave of anxiety, another tightening of credit, " said Robert Barbera, chief economist at the research and trading firm ITG.
117. This writer's famous twins included the comedian Ben Stiller, the economist John Maynard Keynes and the painter Georgia O'Keeffe.
118. Veblen was not only a famous economist and sociologist in the 20th century but also a rationalistic representative in the philosophical genres of higher education.
118. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
119. Per Bylund economist, writer, and founder of web site Anarchism. net.
120. The Economist unashamedly treats Africa as an aggregate , its many countries, cultures notwithstanding.
121. Labor economist Harley Shaekin argues the cost needs to be viewed in perspective.
122. She is a professional economist and therefore schooled in the arguments against that sort of state intervention.
123. Cliff Waldman, an economist for the Manufacturers Alliance/MAPI, said high unemployment will keep consumers anxious and keep household and business demand subdued even as a global recovery takes hold.
124. The impact of the global financial crisis and ensuing recession on Africa will be three-fold, according to World Bank Chief Economist for Africa Shanta Devarajan.
125. Any tyro collector entering the fray at Frieze should first read The $12m Stuffed Shark by economist Don Thompson.
126. Company formation typically dips slightly in recessions, says Brian Headd, a Small Business Administration economist.
127. "As the country ages, sales of consumer durable goods don't go up," says Hiromichi Shirakawa, chief economist at Credit Suisse in Japan.
128. People and things that lie idle start to lose their productive value. Then you're into all sorts of troubles, " says Karen Ward, senior global economist at HSBC Holdings (HBC) in London.
129. Pavan Sukhdev, a Deutsche Bank economist working with UNEP, is doing just that — or rather, as Sukhdev prefers to describe it, he's "rediscovering" some long-lost economic principles.
130. There are no such things as incurable, there are only things for which man has not found a cure. Bernard Baruch, American economist.
131. New York University economist Williams Easterly says this is one example of development gone wrong.
132. Economy deepens the coact that wants economist and mathematician theoretically.
133. "A cat may look at a king," he wrote, "and sometimes a historian can challenge an economist.
134. The times calls philosopher and economist alliance, build economic philosophy.
135. Esther Duflo of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology ( MIT ) received more recommendations than any other economist.
136. Korinna Horta is an economist with the US non - profit organisation Environmental Defense.
137. When liberal economist John Kenneth Galbraith started using the term in the 1950s, his targets were not just any widely held wrong opinions, but those that were the product of inertia and convenience.
138. In the long term , as every economist knows, inflation brings devaluation.
139. Asean has become "an important source of capital in its own right", says Cyn-Young Park, principal economist at the Asian Development Bank's office of regional integration in Manila.
140. "We're at a very early stage of the upturn, and I think it's going to gradually build steam, " said David Huether, chief economist of the National Association of Manufacturers.
141. Accordingto British economist Angus Maddison , the answer is the year 1913.
142. Postponing new hospitals and roads causes far less aggro than sacking town hall or Whitehall workers ( Economist ).
143. China international finance corporation chief economist Kazak continues the inscription to approve this forecast.
144. Societe Generale chief economist, political commissar of the Lu said.
145. The Economist interviewed Mr Han in Zaozhuang at the mid-point of the Beijing-Shanghai high-speed rail line.
146. David Beckmann became president of Bread for the world in 1991. before that, he worked on poverty issues at the world bank. he is an economist and a Christian clergyman.
147. Since then, says Steve Sorrel, an economist who produced a report about the rebound effect for Britain's Energy Research Centre, there has been little research into just how big the rebound effect is.
148. John Canally, economist at LPL Financial in Boston, said the areas most vulnerable to shadow inventory are California, Florida, Arizona,[] and Nevada.
149. Chief economist Francois Bourguignon says research at the bank is a complex process that requires compromises.
150. In 1926 US economist George Taylor coined the theory of the hemline index.
151. He is a painter, prophet, sculptor, inventor, musician, medical scientist, biologist, geographer, architect, military engineer and economist who possesses deep thoughts, wisdom and versatility.
152. Vilter's economic thoughts were deeply affected by Liszt, a German economist.
153. I'm not an economist and I do not offer an overarching economic strategy.
154. The CFTC's economist plans to state at the hearing that the agency doesn't believe financial investors are driving up grain prices.
155. The cognoscenti know that this honor, which is awarded once every two years to an economist under 40, is a little more difficult to win than the annually awarded Nobel Prize.
156. Now Timur Kuran, a Turkish-American economist based at Duke University, has written an equally brave book on "how Islamic law held back the Middle East".
157. The Economist proved no better than anyone else at predicting this turnaround.
158. Regarding this, promotes education bank fund operation center chief economist Commissar Lu to analyze pointed out.
159. It is impossible for an economist to resolve completely the issue of climate's effects on development.
160. "We're in a dangerous spot, " said Andrew Tilton, an economist at Goldman Sachs. "The big threat is more capital losses."
161. Purchasing power parity was developed by Swedish economist Karl Cassel.
162. The union negotiators were Fisher, executive vice president Billy Hunter, attorneys Jeffrey Kessler and Ron Klempner, and economist Kevin Murphy.
163. Robert Shiller, a Yale economist who has presciently issued warnings about overpriced equities and houses, has already suggested that farmland might be the subject of the next bubble.
164. The paper cites the oft-quoted saying by the economist and philosopher John Stuart Mill: "Men do not desire to be rich, but to be richer than other men."
165. Chinese ag economist plows ahead with his push for genetically modified seeds.
166. Veblen was not only a famous economist and sociologist but also a rationalistic representative in the philosophical genres of higher education.
167. Douglass C. North is a well - known American economist, the winner of the Nobel Prize on economy.
168. Justin Lin Yifu , Chief Economist , Senior Vice President, World Bank.
168. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
169. "It is quite possible the big increase reflects foreclosed properties and short sales," said Mark Vitner, senior economist at Wells Fargo in Charlotte, North Carolina.
170. That is why The Economist continues to believe that the least bad policy is legalise drugs.
171. Regrettably, the illuminating ideas in The Economist are often obscured by stilted prose.
172. Economist Dev Kar says Greece got into trouble by having too many government employees, spending freely on retirement pay and misleading investors.
173. Any tyro collector entering Frieze should first read The $ 12 m Stuffed Shark by economist Don Thompson.
174. Harvard economist Clayton Christensen predicts a major shakeup in the software industry, cautions Apple, and explains why the recession is good for innovation.
175. Andrew Leigh, an economist at Australian National University, thinks not.
176. Efficiency and fairness are the problem with past dynasties economist and vexed sociologist all the time.
177. "The question is whether there is a role for the market in the delivery of social programs," said Bharat Ramaswami, a rural economist at the Indian Statistical Institute.
178. "Judging by the coincident index, there is a chance that March was the bottom for Japan's economy," Susumu Kato, chief economist at Calyon Capital Markets Japan.




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