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单词 Tendency
1 There is a tendency towards regional cooperation.
2 He has a tendency to forget things.
3 There's a growing tendency for women to marry later.
4 Greg's tendency to be critical made him unpopular with his co-workers.
5 He complained that there was a tendency to equate right-wing politics with self-interest.
6 Our life is a movement, a tendency, a steady, ceaseless progress towards an unseen goal.
7 They have a tendency to show off, to dramatize almost every situation.
8 Apparently some people have an inborn tendency to develop certain kinds of tumour.
9 There's still a tendency to see the issues in black and white.
10 The tendency towards masochism is however always linked with elements of sadism.
11 She has a tendency to generalize from her husband to all men.
12 The party threw out the Trotskyist Militant Tendency.
13 He has a tendency towards pretentiousness.
14 His tendency to utter acrimonious remarks alienated his roomates.
15 The tendency precipitates into observable motion.
16 She has a strong natural tendency towards caution.
17 They tried to stop the tendency of inflation.
18 History has an inbuilt tendency to repeat itself.
19 Substances have no tendency to expand unless heated.
20 There is a tendency to externalize all religions.
21 She has a tendency to dramatization.
22 Industry showed a tendency towards increasingly centralized administration.
23 Most children eventually outgrow a tendency toward travel sickness.
24 Prices have an upward tendency.
25 Prices continue to show an upward tendency.
26 He has a tendency to oversell himself.
27 There is a tendency for farm sizes to increase.
28 This material has a tendency to shrink when washed.
29 The decline of literature indicates the decline of a nation ; the two keep in their downwad tendency
30 The decline of literature indicates the decline of a nation ; the two keep in their downward tendency
1 There is a tendency towards regional cooperation.
2 There's a growing tendency for women to marry later.
3 Greg's tendency to be critical made him unpopular with his co-workers.
4 He complained that there was a tendency to equate right-wing politics with self-interest.
5 They have a tendency to show off, to dramatize almost every situation.
6 Apparently some people have an inborn tendency to develop certain kinds of tumour.
7 There's still a tendency to see the issues in black and white.
8 The tendency towards masochism is however always linked with elements of sadism.
9 She has a tendency to generalize from her husband to all men.
10 Prices have an upward tendency.
11 Prices continue to show an upward tendency.
12 Substances have no tendency to expand unless ( they are ) heated.
13 she showed any tendency to coquetry he would be apt to straighten her tie, or if she " took up " with him at all, to ...
31 Some people may inherit a tendency to alcoholism.
32 The tendency still persists.
33 Pornography is defined by its ` tendency to deprave or corrupt '.
33 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
34 Substances have no tendency to expand unless ( they are ) heated.
35 If she showed any tendency to coquetry he would be apt to straighten her tie, or if she "took up" with him at all, to call her by her first name.
36 When body temperature is beginning to fall there is a natural tendency to fall asleep.
37 A natural tendency in times of recession is to batten down the hatches and think about our own needs.
38 The drug is effective but has a tendency to cause headaches.
39 None of us know him well because he has a tendency to retire into himself.
40 Her vocal range was, to say the least of it, limited, and she had a distressing tendency to sing flat.
41 There is an increasing tendency for women to have children later in life.
42 These blooms have a very pronounced tendency to hang their heads.
43 These plants have a tendency to grow in the more rural areas.
44 Julie has a tendency to burst into tears at the slightest provocation .
45 There is a tendency for unemployment to rise in the summer.
46 I have a tendency to talk too much when I'm nervous.
47 When it comes to dealing with daily obstacles, people have a tendency toward catastrophizing.
48 Music with a tendency towards contrivance and lack of substance.
49 The work has a tendency to pile up if I'm not careful.
50 He is spoiled, arrogant and has a tendency towards snobbery.
51 They have a tendency to try to sidetrack you from your task.
52 Our best intentions are sometimes subverted by our natural tendency to selfishness.
53 The tendency on the part of the children is to blame their parents for everything.
54 Researchers believe that the tendency for diabetes is present at birth.
55 There is a tendency in films to make the equation between violence and excitement.
56 She's one of those authors who has a tendency to overwrite.
57 When it comes to dealing with the delicate question,we have a tendency toward catastrophizing and awfulizing.
58 The later model has an unfortunate tendency to collapse after a few weeks' use.
59 Sweaters made of wool yarns may have a tendency to pill.
60 There is a tendency to shut museums or shops at a moment's notice.
61 No one knows whether a child's tendency towards fatness is inherited or due to the food he eats.
62 There is a tendency for this disease to run in families.
63 Students have a tendency to misbehave themselves at exam time.
63 Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
64 she showed any tendency to coquetry he would be apt to straighten her tie, or if she " took up " with him at all, to ...
65 Tendency to mania; has highs and lows.
66 The disorder has no familial tendency.
67 But the underlying tendency is to place faith in the police process.
68 Unlike sharks, bony fish as a rule have a marked tendency to be flattened in a vertical direction.
69 With further respiratory tract infections there remains a tendency to impaired hearing, but this is transient.
70 The tendency to categorize black sportsmen and women differently from the rest is faintly racist and, I believe, totally unnecessary.
71 What is wrong is the tendency to generalise negative attitudes and to blame the victim.
72 The result is a tendency to increase the amount of erosion on the coast.
73 They thus exhibit a strong tendency to drag their feet as doomsday draws nearer.
74 A typical example is the tendency to blame yourself for instance, for smoking for many years before developing lung cancer.
75 She told herself sternly that she must shake off this tendency towards romantic fantasy.
76 But the tendency for the theoretical concerns also to shift focus and expand is evident in regionalism seen as theory.
77 I remember November 5, 1953, when a tendency to clear up had rather a disastrous consequence.
78 The goal with the Louisas of the world is to help them learn how to go against their natural tendency.
79 When this is done, there is a tendency for other artists to be compared with the leader to their disadvantage.
80 There is the natural tendency, too, for players to circle the wagons in the locker room.
81 They have a marked tendency to zoom up into a steep climbing attitude if they are allowed to do so.
82 This can help them overcome their tendency to listen for the words rather than the message.
83 About my tendency to repeat things ... kids arriving late in class and how they affected it.
84 Probably the most obvious suspect behind our tendency to drop out of community affairs is pervasive busy-ness.
85 Tuck stitch has a tendency to drop stitches and the tuck brushes are there to prevent this.
86 In the psychosomatic sphere it might cause headaches during or because of coitus or a tendency to nausea whenever coitus was performed.
87 He shows no urge to rub shoulders with the lower orders but, if anything, a tendency to keep his distance.
88 Others may decry competitions for their tendency to emphasize technique over artistry, conformity over originality.
89 More serious still is her unfortunate tendency to bend the truth.
90 There has in fact been a recent tendency for this type of mobility to decrease in most of the advanced industrial societies.
91 The tendency to make this adjustment, either deliberately or more often unconsciously, is not greatly different for different political groups.
92 What we certainly can see is a tendency towards synthesis and dynamic development, a typical feature of Minoan civilization.
93 Adjustment to full employment could in principle occur without any tendency towards inflation.
94 In considering the right to live issue(), there is a tendency to fight shy of the emotive word of murder.
95 Excess flab causes heart disease, strokes, cancers, arthritis and a tendency to find Jo Brand funny.
96 Both criminal law and contract exhibit a tendency to convert such presumptions into irrebuttable rules of law.
97 There is a tendency to start on the second stage of commercially produced baby foods at this point.
98 There has been a tendency for newspapers to represent both existing political parties and emergent ones.
99 Governments have a tendency not to solve problems, only to rearrange them. RONALD REAGAN 
100 This part is also characterised by minimal linguistic analysis and a tendency for barren description rather than interpretation.
101 The drawbacks of this relationship are its stolid dullness and its tendency to focus power in a small circle of people.
102 In any case, Goblins have a marked tendency to bounce so casualties are probably fewer than one might reasonably expect.
103 I had a tendency to run around in circles getting more and more worked up.
104 He attacked the lobby system of political reporting and the increased tendency for critics to hunt as a pack.
105 That tendency, plus the high dividend yields(), usually produces a strong performance.
106 Carbohydrate foods - it used to be thought all carbohydrate foods - do indeed have a tendency to produce a rebound hunger.
107 The tendency in the Council is therefore always to lean towards a choice of legal base requiring unanimous voting.
108 But the fact remains that Wolf and the tendency Wolf represented made an inward-looking discipline possible and, ultimately, respectable.
109 Varieties and eventually species would be formed despite any tendency for interbreeding with the main body of the population in the centre.
110 The tendency to keep falling into the subjectivity trap usually brings with it a tendency to confuse goals with methods.
111 There was, however, a clearly marked tendency for this organisation to become more complex as time went on.
112 If their tendency is that they are likely or intended to stir up racial hatred, that is sufficient. 4.
113 Readings were only normal when I was walking, perhaps because of the tendency of exertion to increase body temperature.
114 However, the main drawback with this type of search engine is its tendency to catalog too much information.
115 As there was a tendency for it to rain outside this gift idea was doubly welcome!
116 This goes with the tendency to concentrate discussion on the intrinsically good, rather than the intrinsically bad.
117 Without doubt Bukharin was correct in the above, in so far as there was and is such a tendency at work within capitalism.
118 The tendency of second homes to be clustered in specific pleasant rural locations is probably the characteristic that exaggerates their significance.
119 The longer-term tendency may be for the joint boards to develop into fully fledged special purpose authorities.
120 Another clue is the tendency of chemicals to react together in combinations of exact numerical ratio.
121 Others have a tendency to cause constipation, and this in turn can produce incontinence both of urine and faeces.
122 Springing was provided only on the bolsters and above the axle boxes giving a comfortable ride but a tendency to roll.
123 The other,(http:///tendency.html) related mistake is the persistent tendency of Malthusians to underestimate human ingenuity.
124 Mary's natural tendency to fly into a temper probably did not increase their chances very much.
125 The tendency of recent legislation also provided cause for concern.
126 The persistent tendency to cover up for our lack of effectiveness by using vague language must be strongly resisted.
127 There is a very strong tendency to take literally what needs imaginative interpretation.
128 The tribal warfare between groups of chimps is both a cause and a consequence of the male tendency to build alliances.
129 Sometimes agreement is apparent rather than real because of the tendency to conform and fall in with majority opinion.
130 Class Status derives from the tendency of people to accord positive and negative values to human attributes and to distribute respect accordingly.
131 Perhaps more depressing than actual shortages of provision is the tendency to alienate the old in contemporary society.
132 The tendency to ethnic absolutism and the one-party residue have reinforced one another in the Yugoslav successor states.
133 There is a tendency for people to approach this matter as though it were one entirely for the shipyard concerned.
134 For example, large companies created ex nihilo, as in joint ventures, have a remarkable tendency to flop.
135 The person prone to depression has a tendency to interpret events negatively.
136 Evolution in bilateral animals has usually consisted in a tendency towards more effective integration of segments.
137 Among the Volunteers, the tendency was to ascribe their difficulties to personality deficiencies in the field staff.
138 Life begins at 40 - but so do fallen arches, rheumatism, faulty eyesight, and the tendency to tell a story to the same person, three or four times. Helen Rowland 
139 The tendency for anyone unused to such enormous forces is literally to be thrown over the handlebars.
140 This results in a tendency for rural constituencies to have smaller electorates than urban constituencies.
141 There is a prevailing tendency to discuss the theory of the double tax charge without quantifying it.
142 This probably exacerbated his tendency to long periods of nervous exhaustion, which caused his absence from his parish while he recovered.
143 A tendency towards rather flighty behaviour in the breed is being overcome by careful selection.
144 Now, under the influence of Orphism, the tendency to reinstate the more sensuous aspects of painting grew stronger.
145 If you concentrate on the gold, you counteract the tendency to get too empathetic.
146 In fact the reformism of the symptomatic tendency has been criticised by other feminists almost from the outset.
147 But they were much more readily negotiable through association, which was already a basic general tendency in most other social activities.
148 He had a tendency toward hero worship and often gushed embarrassingly in correspondence with his heroes.
149 This proliferating self-examination, however, has often been seen as an unlikeable, irresponsible tendency in contemporary literature.
150 And many studies are flawed by the tendency of researchers to look for information that confirms their own beliefs.
151 The singer evinced one bad habit in the Mahler group, a tendency to scoop into opening phrases.
152 Even my highly regrettable tendency to react positively whenever the fridge door is opened was proof against that.
153 But broadly speaking the tendency around the middle of the century was toward a more motet-like treatment of the parts./tendency.html
154 On the other hand the very same development increases their tendency to close their eyes to the future.
155 This tendency to associate - designed to warn us of impending danger-can in fact work against us.
156 Large dogs with fully developed human intelligences, although a tendency, when examining anything, to sniff it.
157 When legislation touches freedom of thought and freedom of speech, such a tendency is a formidable enemy of the free spirit.
158 In the last years of his reign a tendency towards the creation of specialized departments within the ministry had become visible.
159 There was a tendency to acquiesce in low expectations of disadvantaged children and to define their needs in emotional rather than educational terms.
160 There is sometimes a tendency for a generalist service to expand into specialisms with which it is in daily contact.
161 There was considerable debate within this school about the overlapping concepts of motive, determining tendency and set.
162 This inherent tendency towards corporatism seems less inevitable in the late 1980s but we will return to it below.
163 They fretted at Reno's tendency to give negotiations one last chance when the going got rough.
164 No one responds to a prompt hint, or suggestion unless he already has some tendency to behave in a given way.
165 There was a tendency to radicalism in the labour movement.
166 And it is certainly true that these earnings differentials have had a tendency to diminish in the past.
167 A tendency to accumulate sticky mucus on the cornea removed by blinking.
168 Mitchell was by nature cautious with people although the island seemed to contradict this tendency in him.
169 There is a tendency for illnesses to become more prolonged, less intense and for the recovery to be slower.
170 With its warhead replaced by a Mercury capsule, the rocket had an alarming tendency to fail during flight.
171 Within the set of large companies there is a tendency towards dominance by the very largest.
172 The general tendency among long-time employees, said the study, is not to think of leaving.
173 This tendency remains for small integer values of k, reducing as k increases in size.
174 It is supposed to save money and impose some market discipline on bureaucracy's natural tendency to swell.
175 They were not entirely satisfactory and had a tendency to derail on the very sharp corner at Pitlake.
176 If not countermanded by personal courage or other organizational forces, this tendency becomes habitual and self-perpetuating.
177 The only problem is that some have a tendency to shake the bars if you hit a bump mid-corner.
178 There was no immutable tendency for it to settle at the particular level where all willing workers had a chance for employment.
179 Her speech is badly slurred, and the tendency is to dismiss her as a drunk or a druggie.
180 Our tendency to reward failure has literally crippled our efforts to help the poor.
181 A comparable tendency is to be found in the theatre.
182 The neo-populist view points to a variety of factors which counteracted the tendency of commercialization to foster differentiation.
183 From this theoretical perspective there is no underlying tendency towards equality.
184 There will, therefore,( ) be a built-in tendency for inflated numbers of women to receive this diagnosis.
185 Top company executives say they are well aware of the tendency of big companies to become more bureaucratic.
186 Sodium has a strong tendency to lose an electron and become the positively charged ion Na.
187 Its contribution was to concentrate on factors of the criminal justice system that control the natural human tendency towards deviance.
188 George had a tendency to be detained or shot at for sketching coastal installations in strategic areas.
189 The tendency of great things to be accomplished in dreadful spaces should give architects and decorators pause.
190 The tendency for earlier generations to lean so heavily on providence had been connected with the brevity and insecurity of life.
191 As a result, the tendency for waste - especially hazardous waste - to cross borders is especially marked.
192 At best, he is summarising our human tendency to dualism.
193 Monkeys have a minor version of our tendency to use the left brain for listening carefully to rapid sound sequences.
194 These counteract the tendency for the body to contract under its own gravitational pull.
195 This biological tendency is so strong that children can even invent a new language.
196 Normally, some records are accessed more frequently than others, and this tendency can be used to decrease average access time.
197 A general tendency towards making artillery lighter and more mobile can also be seen in the later decades of the century.
198 There is a tendency to look back at a time when people were more peaceful and law-abiding.
199 He had always fought against a tendency to put on weight.
200 That tendency was an asset for them as producers, but as managers was a liability.
201 Transcription has the unfortunate tendency to make things seem simpler and more clear-cut than they really are.
202 Allied to this is the tendency to work closely with those schools which share this unstructured and flexible approach to referrals.
203 I was also concerned at the tendency of some to downplay the effects of excess weight on health.
204 But the social forms that the manifestations of the tendency take are very various and both historically conditioned and culturally determined.
205 Besides, his own party's do-or-die tendency will now be vigilant against any hint of gradualism.
206 With its tendency to glorify brute force it outrages moral standards and inflames the passions.
207 This tendency has to be limited by a number of mechanisms which the course has evolved.
208 Controlling for the other variables, Thaler and Rosen found a clear systematic tendency for wage rates to rise with increasing risk.
209 The tendency of bureaucrats to take a dim view of whistle-blowers is particularly marked in the military.
210 He was brilliant, with a tendency to arrogance; perhaps that explained why he got along so well with Lleland.
211 This is another reason for the tendency to take a much broader view.
212 I have already mentioned that right-handed pilots seem to have a natural tendency to turn left.
213 Our awareness of the euphemism is shown by our tendency to laugh at what we regard as false pretension.
214 I love sleep. My life has the tendency to fall apart when I'm awake, you know? Ernest Hemingway 
215 The record shows a tendency to make a couple of kinds of particularly costly mistakes.
216 The need for reregulation superimposed upon any underlying tendency towards competitive freedom is clearly evident.
217 If any one common factor did stand out it was her tendency to play parts older than herself.
218 The tendency of Down's children towards stubbornness and inflexibility needs to be countered from an early age.
219 These can include either a loss of control or a tendency to freeze in the face of attack.
220 Law students tend to become more concerned with matters of proper procedure and exhibit an increased tendency to reason by analogy.
221 There has also been a tendency to impose new curricula and policies without sufficient preparation of teachers and administrators.
222 Indeed, while fundic argyrophil cell densities declined with age in men, no such tendency was evident in women.
223 But some accidents happen because of their egocentric tendency to think of themselves as invulnerable.
224 Laing feels the problem is exacerbated by the tendency today for the corporate world to live in the short term.
225 His manner was mildly flirtatious and he had a tendency to glance in my direction, showing off, I suspect.
226 The tendency is to see it as a simple transfer of new equipment from one location to another.
227 The tendency to achieve planned targets by whatever means is well known in other Eastern block countries.
228 Finally, the superego again acts as regulator over the tendency towards maximum inclusive fitness.
229 Lots of hair on its face and a tendency to hang on.
230 All our limitations are bound up in our intellectual mind with its boundaries and imperfections and its tendency to emotional distortion.
231 Nothing is more lethal for certain kinds of meme than a tendency to look for evidence.
232 They have a tendency to be a bit too loud, too indiscreet, for certain company.
233 This is just another example of the ever-repeated tendency of the long established religions to produce dissentient sects.
234 This tendency to look abroad for inspiration is not new, of course.
235 There is also, he says, a tendency to assume that all teenage employment is an enriching learning experience.
236 People with analytical minds have a great tendency to be negative.
237 Bunions tend to run in families, but the tendency is aggravated by shoes that are too narrow in the toe.
238 You have a tendency to romanticize your life.
239 But a redeeming tendency is emerging , too.
240 There is a tendency for unstressed vowels to disappear.
241 Neutering also decreases aggression and the tendency to chew.
242 There is a natural tendency for services to proliferate.
243 To combat this tendency,( ) Carlson rotated his top executives.
244 Petticoat influence is an unhealthy tendency.
245 Postmodern realism reflects the tendency of the development of postmodernism.
246 Section 2 analyses the resources of wireless telephone and development tendency domestic and international.
247 Jacques Lacan, as a post - psychoanalyst, the post - modern tendency of whose theory is remarkable.
248 Today there is a tendency for people to opt out of social activity.
249 Its essence is to remake a kind of unequal economy and culture tendency and politics hegemonism.
250 Democracies may thus have an innate tendency to run up budget deficits.
251 It also introduces working principle and developing tendency of the shearer with AC electric traction.
252 The automation of waterworks is a tendency in the construction of waterworks.
253 And the mind has a tendency to focus on pain because it's usually a warning signal.
254 Moving - block signaling system indicates the development tendency of urban rail transIt'signaling system.
255 Faults -- Soft coat . Any silkiness or tendency to curl.
256 The cultured cells showed a declined tendency to proliferate by MTT test.
257 Avoid a tendency to undervalue yourself and your ability to make a worthwhile contribution.
258 Both the ontological egoism by Descartes and the functional egoism by Kant reveal this tendency.
259 Avoid the tendency to overdress. You will reduce unnecessary sweating which contributes to heat loss.
260 Objective To investigate the mechanism of hemorrhagic tendency after phosphorus poisoning.
261 The tendency of a ring compound to polymerize depends upon the extent of ring strain.
262 The professor has a tendency to showboat beafore his classes.
263 There is a good tendency of solar energy photothermal and photoelectricity conversion.
264 So we have a greater tendency to make thrombi that can occlude the coronary vessels.
265 Those who have killed in self - defence and who do not show psychopathic tendency.
266 The raster scan display technology is a developing tendency of radar display technology.
267 Computer statistic analysis is the inevitable tendency that statistical modernization develops.
268 Teacher's professionalization is the requirement and natural tendency of the development of modern education.
269 Therefore it becomes a tendency to develop nonionic type waterborne epoxy curing agent.
270 Around the world, the multi - polarization tendency is getting stronger.
271 Visual sensation has the function of active selection which makes all sensations have certain tendency.
272 Many instances indicate this tendency in the spirit of the present times.
273 Her tendency to discover a touch of sadness had for the nonce disappeared.
274 Travel will entice you; however, a tendency to overspend is quite possible.
275 Fallen ones display no obvious tendency towards greater organization beyond their predisposition to swarm.
276 Some teachers have a tendency to overrate the abilities of obedient, conscientious children.
277 Mixture of black powder and magnesium have a tendency to segregate.
278 This reflects the tendency for women to outlive their husbands.
279 Permanent magnet generator direct driven ( DPMG ) by wind - turbine becomes the tendency of wind power development.
280 It is marked by a tendency to employ shapes of a deliberately nebulous character.
281 Market demand and technical development tendency of cut to length shearer are presented briefly.




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