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单词 Formation
1. Education has for its object the formation of character. 
2. This is the formation of a new government.
3. The slide gave close-up detail of petal formation.
4. There are several kinds of cloud formation.
5. My profession had an important influence in the formation of my character and temperament.
6. An agreement on the formation of a new government was reached on June 6.
7. This dispute led to the formation of a new breakaway group.
8. The aircraft are flying in formation.
9. He was flying in formation with seven other jets.
10. The troops broke formation and ran.
10. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
11. The soldiers advanced in close formation.
12. Iron helps in the formation of red blood cells.
13. The men were grouped in a close formation.
14. The troops advanced in battle formation.
15. One motorbike peeled away from the formation and circled round behind the rest.
16. Flying low across the river was a formation of swans-five of them at least.
17. His decision to change the team's formation for the final match was a masterstroke.
18. The fighting planes,flying in formation, one by one, peeled away to left and right.
19. He played a seminal role in the formation of the association.
20. The basin formation was associated with contemporaneous acid volcanism.
21. They effect formation of lactic acid and flavor components.
22. The formation of priests was next considered.
23. It called for the formation of a joint parliamentary commission in April, when the two-plus-four talks would also begin.
24. The obvious concern is to facilitate capital formation and to channel it into sectors and areas capable of using it most efficiently.
25. The genes code information for the formation of protein, the main constituent of our tissues and enzymes.
26. Education commences at the mother's knee, andevery word spoken within the hearsay of children tends towards the formation of character. 
27. We now know a lot more about the early stages of planetary formation.
28. The Prime Minister resigned today, clearing the way for the formation of a new government.
29. The presence of dust clouds has been taken as evidence of recent star formation.
30. The main thrust of the research will be the study of the early Universe and galaxy formation.
1. This is the formation of a new government.
2. The slide gave close-up detail of petal formation.
3. There are several kinds of cloud formation.
4. My profession had an important influence in the formation of my character and temperament.
5. An agreement on the formation of a new government was reached on June 6.
6. We now know a lot more about the early stages of planetary formation.
7. This dispute led to the formation of a new breakaway group.
8. The aircraft are flying in formation.
31. The number of lines to the inch controls the coarseness of the final dot formation.
32. Some theorists even believe that solar wind particles hitting the atmosphere may trigger cloud formation.
33. Most studies have, however, reported that cyclosporin A comparably inhibited renal prostaglandin formation.
34. And those watching Forcibles swung their empty stares around the nearly deserted bar, then wheeled their tight formation and clumped out.
35. Instrumentalists also claim that poulantzas' conception of the state as the factor of cohesion in the social formation is equally unhelpful.
36. In order to stimulate local interest and to attract more members, a revision of the constitution allowed the formation of Regional Councils.
37. Lambert who was leading on this occasion, ordered the formation to go into line astern for the attack.
38. Separate agreements were signed on military cooperation and on the formation of an intergovernmental commission on trade, economic and scientific co-operation.
39. The same triple defect probably contributes to the formation of recurrent gall bladder stones.
40. When resorption overtakes formation,[] the result is a decrease in bone density and strength.
41. In pregnancy and obesity, increased fasting and postprandial residual gall bladder volumes are associated with increased risk of gall stone formation.
42. They were not accounted for in private consumption expenditure, general government expenditure, or domestic capital formation.
43. One effective way to study formation processes is through long-term experimental archaeology.
44. Formation of regional party bloc Five regional autonomy parties moved towards forming a political bloc under the leadership of the Lombardy League.
45. This is the formation of a blood clot in a deep lying vein, which needs immediate medical treatment.
46. He sees the trajectory of his industrial social formation in contradiction to meeting fundamental human and social needs.
47. You want to see how defenses align against your particular formation and see how they respond to a particular play.
48. Where the coast has deep water offshore a fall in base level means the formation of a vertical or very steep cliff.
49. Investment in coastal shipping yet again reveals how local the process of capital formation in transport was.
50. Boro began with a 4-5-1 formation which has been successful in recent away games.
51. Irrespective of the mechanism initiating basin formation the amount of subsidence will be amplified by the weight of sediments which accumulate.
52. Hydrocarbons also contribute both to acid rain and to ozone formation.
53. This undermining of the colonial system was accelerated further by the formation in 1919 of the Communist International.
54. The commonest pre-Permian formation encountered in boreholes in sheet S is the Carboniferous Limestone.
55. Preobrazhensky was in fact trying to analyse Soviet economy without reference to the specific historical features of that formation.
56. The outcome of these behaviours in a captive colony is the formation of one-male groups similar to those found in the wild.
57. However, it is clearly sensible for a business to adopt standard contract formation procedures.
58. Neither formation provides ledges of any size or permanence, although small auk populations once nested on the chalk cliffs.
59. Distortions due to the formation of hydrogen bonds are usually smaller than those due to co-ordination to metal ions.
60. In everyday economic discourse, nothing is more frequently taken as an index of economic growth than the volume of capital formation.
61. In those days it was run like a boot camp-the army used to come and teach the girls formation marching.
62. To the formation of a league, such as was the confederation, the state sovereignties were certainly competent.
63. If there is no ovulation, then there is no corpus luteum formation and no cyclic rise in pregnanediol levels. 347.
64. This obviously is not an especially efficient way to promote capital formation.
65. This inhibition is caused by the formation of insoluble precipitates of calcium, phosphate, and bile acid micelles.
66. In the remaining seven patients the diagnosis was made after colectomy and synchronous pouch formation despite preoperative endoscopic biopsies suggesting ulcerative colitis.
67. These changes in female employment are commonly supposed to have influenced rates of family formation and dissolution.
68. As they charged, the artillery fire would break their formation and they would get mixed.
69. Least developed in the gorilla but greater in chimpanzees and australopithecines, with formation of incisive canal.
70. Just because an industry desires a convenient method of cartel formation, that does not mean it will necessarily get it.
70. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
71. It raised consciousness about historic preservation, and led to the formation of the numerous historic districts that today ring the downtown.
72. Moreover, one experimental study showed increased tumour formation with dietary calcium.
73. A study was undertaken in co-operation with oil companies to propose optimum data acquisition techniques and formation evaluation procedures.
74. Personality formation continues when and if the adolescent begins to adapt the self to the adult world.
75. This does not mean that the pace of innovation and of capital formation in the eighteenth-century economy were negligible.
76. They also signed an accord on the formation of a North-South Joint Reconciliation Committee.
77. Do we need to be concerned about moisture formation with the new cabinets?
78. Performing high-speed aerobatics in close formation, low to the ground, increased those risks many fold.
79. Having opted for a formation that he thought would beat Leicester, David O Leary saw it blow up in his face.
80. These events paved the way for the formation of financial conglomerates and made inevitable concern over the increased potential for conflict abuse.
81. The effect of octreotide on gall bladder motility may not be crucial in the formation of gall stones.
82. There tactics were strongly influenced by reliance on line formation and fire-power, as against attack at close quarters.
83. Its formation at a time when moves are well-advanced to remove customs and other technical barriers throughout the Community is well-timed.
84. Astronomy and Astrophysics Modern astrophysics studies the formation, structure and evolution of stars and galaxies and of the Universe itself.
85. It represents the sublimation of suffering into beauty, the formation of a beautiful illusion to conceal the painful truth.
86. Until the last ten years most authors thought that solution seam and stylolite formation took place during deep burial diagenesis.
87. Instead of the central board of directors foisting decisions on unwilling parties, policy formation reflects endless bargaining between diverse competing interests.
88. The great body of water remains at a uniform 5.6 o C throughout the winter, which prevents the formation of ice.
89. Hard water will, of course, affect soaping processes and consume soap by the formation of insoluble calcium and magnesium soaps.
90. Rather, they require a careful analysis of contemporary political struggles over questions of representation, symbolic boundary formation, and identification.
91. But how is it possible to reconcile a variable rate of capital formation with a fixed stock of capital?
92. Moreover, the empirical evidence on the effect of egalitarianism on capital formation is uncertain.
93. Outline the arguments for and against the late heavy bombardment of a terrestrial planet occurring after its formation. 6.
94. Pilots consulted by New Times say a group of planes flying in formation at night suggests military aircraft.
95. Methane formation continues in anthracite rank stages as shown in Fig. 1.
96. There is no legislative assembly, although the formation of an advisory assembly has been under consideration since 1980.
97. The Government plans to remove the statutory barrier to the formation of partnerships between solicitors and non-solicitors.
98. These findings suggest that factors, in addition to biliary cholesterol saturation, are responsible for the formation of cholesterol gall stones.
99. White fluorescent light increases the rate of growth of this plant while apparently not encouraging unwanted algae formation.
100. Formation of a stoma requires the patient to change his usual bowel habit.
101. Mountains stretched as far as my eyes could see, until the next cloud formation.
102. One big difference from the normal formation was that there were five defenders playing, not the usual four.
103. His work led to the formation in 1919 of the chemical engineering group of the Society of Chemical Industry.
104. Calcium supplementation increased the intestinal concentrations of insoluble phosphate, which indicates formation of insoluble calcium phosphate.
105. In this case, it is the formation of the rock through volcanic activity, which drives off any argon formerly present.
106. These results further indicate that the formation of the siderite concretions is not associated with the activity of methanogenic bacteria.
107. Again, no full account of a formation can be given without attending to individual differences inside it.
108. Traditionally, societies have specified an age as being appropriate for marriage or union formation and the commencement of family building.
109. The report is a chronicle of the history of the Party since its formation.
110. FMOs, whose formation will be encouraged under the legislation(), are privately owned corporations.
111. To a large extent, initiative in policy formation is centered in the chief executive.
112. Now, to make it even more interesting, have the cars maintain the same close spacing but constantly change their formation.
113. She wrapped herself around him like a clam in formation, her body one big muscle, straining.
114. An increase of applied pressure thus favours formation of solid carbon dioxide.
115. Increased dietary calcium increased faecal phosphate because the formation of insoluble calcium phosphate inhibits the absorption of phosphate.
116. Communication within the caring team, and the formation of nursing care plans, ensures continuity of patient care.
117. A series of such oscillations, aided perhaps by marine erosion, is probably an important cause of island formation.
118. And make no mistake about it, formation aerobatics are not for the faint of heart.
119. The influence of works such as Brittania led to the creation of private collections, and so to the formation of private museums.
120. The pathogenesis of benign stricture formation in ulcerative colitis remains uncertain.
121. The mutual assistance of harem owners in driving off non-reproductive males may be the basis of herd formation in the gelada baboon.
122. Provide a general awareness of risk issues for all engineers during their initial formation.
123. Despite an immediate reprimand from Chamorro, Godoy's statements during the strike reportedly encouraged the formation of right-wing armed groups.
124. G.J. Allman lectured in March 1873 on another Darwinian theme, the formation of coral islands.
125. Elevated muscarinic receptor seemed therefore to be associated with the early phases of memory formation.
126. The earliest finding is the platelet adhesion to collagen fibres followed by aggregation and formation of a platelet plug.
127. This can have disastrous consequences for growing horses who need calcium for bone formation.
128. However, a minority of features may be the result of waves which influence cloud formation as they move through the atmosphere.
129. The sunset scene shows a classic cumulonimbus cloud formation.
130. The ALP, BGP,[] the indexes of bone formation increased.
131. Bone formation in rejected corneal graft.
132. Formation of an alkyl ion occurs according to reactions.
133. The formation of arterial blood pressure?
134. Crossing over The exchange of material between homologous chromatids by the formation of chiasmata.
135. A new calculation method of formation retrograde condensate oil saturation has been established.
136. Thrombus formation and inflammation play a key role in the rupture of atheromatous plaque.
137. Huachanggou gold deposit locates in Guozhen Formation of Sanhekou Group of Devonian Mianxian - Lueyang suture zone.
138. The conditions promote the multiple formation of adventitious buds and regenerated rootsproliferating colonies of cells.
139. Background - Vascular inflammation and lipid deposition are prominent features of atherosclerotic lesion formation.
140. The difference of composition between dendrite and matrix glass depends on the formation temperature and mechanism.
141. Cryopeaxy, diathermy and repeat operation can render the formation of the PVR.
142. It up - stimulate the cascade of eents leading to angiotensin II formation.
143. The rock assemblages of the Bayinbuluke formation are mainly alkaline basalt - thick andesite - alkaline rhyolite.
144. In formation, morphemes are labeled root, stem, base and affix.
145. The results provide the cytological basis of promoting adventitious root formation after GL - reagent treatment.
146. The formation of a customs union is one of those trade policy changes.
147. Knowledge economy is a new and animating economic formation comparing with agricultural economy and industrial economy.
148. This investigation deals with the formation mechanism of tantalum anode oxidation membrane.
149. Tungstate competitively inhibits the utilization of molybdenum for the formation of xanthine dehydrogenases.
150. The measure was prevented from expansion of the crackle formation, to direct future manufacture.
151. The kinetics and mechanism of exciplex formation of 9,10 - dicyanoanthracene ( DCA ) by acenaphthenone ( ANO ) have been studied.
152. There are favorable condition for formation of non anticlinal oil & gas pools in the Tarim Basin.
153. Lots of researches have shown thatplateletleukocyte aggregation is very important in the formation of atherosclerotic plaque.
154. Aplastic anemia ( anemia of bone - marrow failure ): Inadequate blood - cell formation by bone marrow.
155. Reserched the mechanism of haustorial formation induced by exoge - nous cytokinin.
156. Aldol condensation is an important organic reaction which leads to the formation of new C - C bond.
157. But Eogene aquifer cannot be taken as the main objective formation.
158. From usage the name for fluid conductance capacity of a formation is permeability.
159. The nitrification of the ammonium ion, however, results in the formation of an acid residue.
160. Results: Fresh water does inhibIt'stone formation rat kidney evoked by 1 , 2 - ethanediol and ammonium chloride.
160. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
161. Cultural Darwinism Anti - Semitism and the Formation of Jewish Spirit.
162. This formation, called an accretion disk, may be very important in some stellar birth sequences.
163. Background - Doxycycline has been shown to effectively inhibit aneurysm formation in animal models of abdominal aortic aneurysm.
164. An asterism is a star formation that is not an officially recognized constellation.
165. We report a 65 - year - old patient presenting with left atrial appendage thrombus formation.
166. PFOS can also lead to Convulsion of primates and lag the conditioned reflex formation of Rodents.
167. This paper deals with development of the seed embryo and plantlet formation of Dendrobium chrysotoxum Lindl.
168. This paper reviewed the researches of alkene on physiological efficacy, construction and its formation mechanism.
169. A comprehensive method to measure the formation plane anisotropic permeability was proposed.
170. Filtration, decantation, distillation, evaporation and crystallization are physical separating Methods: Without formation of new substances.
171. A model and opinion of formation mechanism of the amor - phous Ni - P alloy have been presented.
172. The composition of and some asumptions on the formation of Archaean greenstone belt arediscussed.
173. The geological curvey finds , typically, a slow change of formation and of structure as it progresses.
174. Late Archean and Early Proterozoic were the main period for the formation of continental crust.
175. Transformation of tectonic framework plays a decisive role in all factors constraining on hydrocarbon reservoir formation.
176. Anatomy study on the protocorm - like bodies formation and development of Cymbidium hybridium was conducted.
177. Conclusion: Over - expression of Smad 7 may contribute to formation of aberrant hyperplastic epidermis in seborrheic keratosis.
178. It is important to reduce or prevent the formation of crud during solvent extraction process.
179. The crystal morphology, microstructure and hydrogen - annealed formation process has distinct impact on the sag resistance.
180. There are two main theories concerning massive star formation accretion and merger.
181. The best example of this phenomenon is the formation of adventitious embryos in carrot tissue cultures.
182. The possible causes of the formation of aphid host bio types were reviewed.
183. The film formation of ambient drying water - dispersing coatings is described.
184. Reactions in liquid HF are known that illustrate also amphoteric behavior, solvolysis, or complex formation.
185. High frequent adventitious shoot formation , plant regeneration and micro - propagation were established in trailing petunia ( Petunia hybrida ) leaf.
186. Upper Cretaceous : Including the Sifangtai Formation — Minshui Formation, corresponding to the Cenonian — Maestrichtian.
187. Computerized tomography of the abdomen showed gas formation in the upper pole of the left kidney.
188. Many genes are involved in the formation of anthocyanin pigments in the aleurone.
189. Special living method, living experience and diaspora experience are of great significance to culture formation.
190. This article mainly includes five parts: The first part of archival profession formation and establishment.
191. The Chengchuan Formation are heteropic deposits ( sandy and loessic facies ) formed contemporaneously under the wind action.
192. The crucibles of composite material can be produced in single step by liquid formation method.
193. Alkalescent granites and gold - related silication argillation are geological prerequisites for the formation of noticeable gold deposits.
194. This copper oxide layer may retard the subsequent formation of a dense and protective alumina layer.
195. With the formation of T - T Dimer, DNA cells cannot function properly and lead to ageing problem.
196. Therefore , quasar absorption lines cosmological probes of formation and evolution of galaxies.
197. This paper reports the nutritional conditions affecting yeast's ascospore formation.
198. Aquaculture, valued foods, formation foods, oversea incorporation, breed aquatics, feeds & livestock product.
199. Purpose To determine the reparative dentin formation characteristic after caries in different ages.
200. The formation and structural features of adjacency list are described.
201. C - reactive protein ( CRP ) plays an important role in the inflammatory mechanisms of atherosclerotic formation.
202. Optimization control of formation keeping of satellite constellation using aerodynamic force is studied in this paper.
203. Relative to the group a contusion injury aa dural allograft had decreased cavitation and scar formation.
204. In the MMAS grafted asea ,[http:///formation.html] there was formation of fibrous membrane.
205. Conclusion The common carotid arteries ischemia may be considered as small intracranial aneurysm formation.
206. There are various types of primary sedimentary structures and secondary deformational structures in Dakeng Formation.




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