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单词 Dairyman
(1) Grass and clover grow well - good for dairymen.
(2) The dairymen accumulated a war chest of $ 1 million, and spread half of it in congressional elections.
(3) As a practical man, the dairyman might laugh at love, but love has a habit of changing people's lives.
(4) She finally heard that a dairyman some miles to the south needed a good milkmaid for the summer.
(5) But soon it was clear that the dairyman did not want so many dairymaids at this time of year.
(6) He wore the clothes of a dairyman but underneath he was quite different.
(7) Dairyman Crick was discovered stamping about the house. He had received a letter, in which a customer had complained that the butter had a twang.
(8) About this time they would hear Dairyman Crick's voice, lecturing the non-resident milkers for arriving late, and speaking sharply to old Deborah Fyander for not washing her hands.
(9) Dairyman Crick, who was there with the rest, his wrapper gleaming miraculously white against a leaden evening sky, suddenly looked at his heavy watch.
(10) When evening came the dairyman gave him a quart pail full of milk for his services.
(11) The dairyman had not recognized the taste at that time, and thought the butter bewitched.
(12) 'I was going to marry a dairyman at Stickleford, who's asked me twice; but - my soul - I would put an end to myself rather'n be his wife now!
(13) Peter Stent was a seasoned dairyman , but he had never seen anything like this.
(14) The dairyman removed his hard gaze from Tess, and fixed it on his wife.
(15) One dairyman said, " It won't be long before the milkman delivers more bread than milk. "
(16) The remaining maids and the dairyman usually gave themselves another turn on the pillow, and did not appear till a quarter of an hour later.
(17) The dairyman paused, and one or two words of comment came from the listeners.
(18) 'Oh yes; there's nothing like a fiddle, ' said the dairyman.
(19) Tess, who had given ear to this, thought the words were addressed to the dairyman, but she was wrong.
(20) I had always been emphatic that I didn't know whom I would marry, but one thing was for sure --he would not be a farmer or dairyman!
(21) On Tuesday morning Jack and hired himself to a dairyman.
(22) She drank a little milk as temporary refreshment - to the surprise - indeed, slight contempt - of Dairyman Crick, to whose mind it had apparently never occurred that milk was good as a beverage.




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