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单词 rakish
释义  rak·ish /ˈreɪkɪʃ/ adjective  1  if a man looks rakish, or wears rakish clothes, he dresses nicely and looks confident and relaxed 〔外表或穿戴〕帅气的,潇洒的 SYN stylish a rakish uniform 帅气的制服2. at a rakish angle DCif you wear a hat at a rakish angle, you do not wear it straight, and this makes you look relaxed and confident 〔帽子〕潇洒地歪戴着3. old-fashionedSYBAD BEHAVIOUR OR ACTIONS a rakish man has a lot of sexual relationships, wastes money, and drinks too much alcohol 放荡挥霍的,纵情酒色的 —rakishly adverbExamples from the Corpusrakish• I don't think I should have risked anything quite so rakish.• A man stood, rakish and upright, and stared at the fences.• A black, felt bowler sits on his head, tilted slightly forward at a rakish angle.• There was Philippa Mannering looking avid in a beautifully cut check suit and a brown beret at a rakish angle.• Saker always has paler crown and is less slender and rakish, but may otherwise be hard to distinguish.• Brothels, bars, gambling, rakish clothes and tough-guy postures became his style.• What a rakish figure did I cut.• a rakish suitOrigin rakish 1. (1800-1900) Probably from rake “to slope backward” ((17-21 centuries)); because of the sloping masts of pirate ships. 2. (1700-1800) → RAKE12rak·ish adjectiveChineseSyllable  rakish looks wears if a Corpus or rakish, man




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