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单词 rally
释义  Related topics: Groupings, Other sports, Sportral·ly1 /ˈræli/ ●○○ noun (plural rallies) [countable]  1  PPGa large public meeting, especially one that is held outdoors to support a political idea, protest etc 大型公众集会〔尤指为支持某政治观点、抗议等在户外举行的集会〕 About 1,000 people attended the rally in Hyde Park. 大约有1,000人参加了海德公园的集会。 We decided to hold a rally to put pressure on the government. 我们决定举行集会来对政府施压。 a mass rally (=large rally) in support of the pay claim 支持加薪要求的大型集会political/election/peace etc rally He was shot dead while addressing an election rally. 他在一个竞选集会上发表演讲时中枪身亡。 → pep rally► see thesaurus at meeting2  DSOa car race on public roads 汽车拉力赛,公路汽车赛 a rally driver 汽车拉力赛选手3  an occasion when something, especially the value of shares, becomes stronger again after a period of weakness or defeat 〔尤指股价的〕止跌回升 a late rally in the Tokyo stock market 最近东京股市的回暖4. DSa continuous series of hits of the ball between players in a game such as tennis 〔网球等的〕连续对打,拉锯战n COLLOCATIONSverbshold/stage a rallyThe students had been refused permission to hold their rally in Victory Square.organize a rallyA rally organized by democratic movements was broken up by soldiers.attend a rallyAbout 200 people braved the weather to attend the rally.address a rally (=speak to the crowd at a rally)The next evening he addressed a large anti-government rally.ADJECTIVES/NOUN + rally a large/huge/massive rallySeveral large rallies were held in December.a mass rally (=a large rally)a mass rally of striking dockersa political rallyHer parents were often away attending political election rallyThe senator was due to address an election rally that evening.a campaign rally (=a rally to support someone who is competing in an election)She will attend four campaign rallies in the state before returning to Washington.a protest rallyMinor clashes between police and demonstrators occurred during a protest rally.a peace rallyCND are organising a massive Peace Rally on the second Sunday in anti-government/anti-war etc rallyThe peace groups made plans to hold an anti-war rally.a pro-democracy/pro-independence etc rallyThousands joined a pro-democracy rally in the city.Examples from the Corpusrally• On Wall Street, across-the-board buying in the oil sector sparked a rally.• It sells buttons, bumper stickers, jewelry, license plate frames and other items at conventions and rallies.• There is also an annual rally in May for Brownies, attended by members from all over the country.• The bulk of the crowd had joined the Orthodox antigovernment rally.• Any rally will be undermined by corporate investors redeeming mutual fund holdings, Subramanian said.• the Monte Carlo Rally• a pro-democracy rally• There was a late rally on the stock exchange.• This leads to a more strategic game with long rallies.• A 30-point rally in the fourth quarter gave the New York the win.• Stansted is sponsoring one of its firemen's rally driving activities.• Andrew often speaks, as he recently did, at the rallies for Burzynski.hold ... rally• Several hundred protesters had gathered in the city, and held a rally earlier in the day.rally driver• He knows how to corner without disaster and is quite a rally driver on the sharp bends.• An auto rally driver with a penchant for crashing cars, Marko Milosevic owns a discotheque and several cafes in the town.• Former rally driver Jean Denton is battling to reduce red tape and bureaucratic burdens on small firms and start-ups.rally2 verb (rallied, rallying, rallies)  1  [intransitive, transitive]UNITE to come together, or to bring people together, to support an idea, a political party etc 集合;召集〔以支持某个观点、政党等〕rally to Fellow Republicans rallied to the president’s defense. 共和党党员都团结起来支持总统。rally to do something Surely the local business community could have rallied to raise the cash. 当然,当地的商界是可以联合起来筹集这笔款项的。 an attempt to rally support for the party 为政党争取支持的努力2  [intransitive]RECOVER/GET BETTER to become stronger again after a period of weakness or defeat 复原;恢复;重新振作 → recover After a shaky start, he rallied and won the title in style. 虽然开局不顺,但他振作精神,最后漂亮地赢得了冠军。 The Tokyo stock market rallied later in the day. 当天晚些时候东京股市止跌回升。3 rally around (somebody) (also rally round (somebody) British English) phrasal verb informal HELPif a group of people rally round, they all try to help you when you are in a difficult situation 齐心协力帮助(处于困境的人) Her friends all rallied round when she was ill. 在她患病期间,朋友们都来帮忙。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusrally• General Lee, on horseback, dashed among the fugitives and implored them to rally.• The Dow Jones index, which peaked last year at 11,722, dropped below 9,500 before rallying.• But the Bruins snoozed through the final minutes, allowing the Sun Devils to rally.• On the stock market, share prices rallied after a four-day decline.• Share rallied as investors welcomed robust earnings growth by Wisconsin-based companies that were able to meet or beat expectations.• The yen rallied for a day, but that was all.• Churchill's stirring speeches helped rally his countrymen to fight against the enemy.• The main effect of the new tax was to rally opposition to the government.• And neighbours rallied round with games.• After her return from compassionate leave following the death of her father, they had been prepared to rally round.• Recent news reports on the situation in the capital have helped rally support for the war.• Miami rallied to defeat New Orleans 28-24.• And if Dole fails them, they are not without heroes to rally to.rally to• Down 8-5, he rallied to 8-7 but had no further success.• The confusion helped Clinton unite his own party, and both Democratic liberals and conservatives ultimately rallied to his banner.• The hand gunners hopefully rally to rejoin the fray or continue to shoot at approaching enemy.• The children rallied to save the 111-year-old lighthouse.• But even in the outposts where the Vietcong had temporarily gained control, villagers had in fact rallied to support the South.• They rallied to take a 32-31 lead early in the fourth quarter.• Sighing deeply, Democratic pundits and brokers are beginning to rally to the Clinton flag.• As the threat of a military coup increased he rallied to the Protectorate.• Dallas rallied to win, 23-19, and started a four-game winning streak.From Longman Business Dictionaryrallyral‧ly /ˈræli/ verb (past tense and past participle rallied, present participle rallying) [intransitive]FINANCE if prices of shares, currencies etc rally, they rise again after fallingStock prices rallied this afternoon after earlier falls.Volvo B shares rallied 5 Swedish kronor to 398 kronor. —rally noun [countable]a powerful stock market rally→ See Verb tableOrigin rally2 (1500-1600) French rallier “to reunite”, from Old French alier; → ALLY2ral·ly1 noun →n COLLOCATIONS1rally2 verbLDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  especially meeting, a Corpus Business public is one large that




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