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单词 Financial contribution
1 Additionally, these sections have made a financial contribution to the sponsorship.
2 The non-monetary assets in the financial contribution shall be appraised by a property assessment agency with corresponding securities business qualification.
3 Trying to get a financial contribution from Mark is flogging a dead horse.
4 A financial contribution to cover transport, storage and any other associated costs will be requested by most organisations.
5 A matrix that incorporates both mission alignment and financial contribution makes this framework concrete.
6 The increase in China's financial contribution and its fulfilment of the promises show that it's willing to shoulder more international responsibility, he said.
7 The in-depth analyses on fairness of health financial contribution focus on the influential factors of Catastrophic Health Expenditure (CHE).
8 If you would like to financial contribution, please click here.
9 WHAT is an NPO registered to MIA, your financial contribution to WHAT is tax-deductible legally. We expect and welcome any proposal of cooperation that helps.
10 Success will be rewarded with remuneration reflecting your financial contribution to the business and ultimately with election as a Principal.
11 he's asking them for a financial contribution, sending him along is not just, hey Paul don't let the door hit your butt on the way out!
12 Clearly, on the company's direct financial contribution to network literature Paima difficult to recover online games.
13 They would prefer not to have to make a financial contribution, regardless of their ability to pay.
14 In some cases subject departments were also making a financial contribution to the library book budget.
15 You may be granted Legal Aid subject to the payment of a financial contribution, usually payable by instalments.
16 Under the Reagan and Bush administrations, this displeasure took the form of refusing to pay our assessed financial contribution.
17 It usefully strengthens the Library's preservation microfilming programme with a substantial external financial contribution.
18 In 1989, it set up a system under which undergraduate and postgraduate students must make a financial contribution toward the cost of their study.
19 Can Foon Yew continue to clandestinely transform itself into an English-oriented school with the financial contribution of the Chinese community, while dressed up in the garb of Chinese education?
20 Colombia ranks first in the category of "fairness in financial contribution."
21 There exist great disputes over the determination of shareholder qualification for shareholders without financial contribution in the fields of practice and theory.
22 Performance shares bribery become the new situation in the crime of bribery in recent years. performance shares are stocks obtained without actual financial contribution.
23 These new informational pages should help end users determine whether or not the add-on is worth supporting via a financial contribution.
24 We will leave the oil in the ground and save the forest and the people if you, the world, make a financial contribution.
25 Armed with this new information, the organization's management revisited its strategy and implemented operational initiatives to increase the classes' financial contribution.
26 Compensating the sales staff on commission: Commissions helped encourage the staff to focus on the corporate clients that would generate a positive financial contribution.
27 The efficiency of the rural financial system should be enhanced by means of financial innovation so as to improve the rural financial contribution to the rural economy.
28 But the price tag would be higher if the financial contribution of Mr. Cameron and others were included.
29 Kuwait has stopped short of officially recognising Libya's opposition, but this is a major financial contribution.




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