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单词 Early childhood
1. Her early childhood was very happy.
2. She was able to read music from early childhood.
3. My grandmother had a strong influence/effect on my early childhood.
4. All I'd cherished from early childhood had been denied me, so I simply gave up the ghost.
5. Lack of proper care and love in early childhood can induce criminal behavior in young people.
6. Events in early childhood often help to form our personalities in later life.
7. But there are several stories about his early childhood.
8. Multiple-personality disorder is usually caused by early childhood trauma.
9. The husband's educational level also influences early childhood mortality.
10. Early childhood poverty also extends beyond single-parent families.
11. The same trends are evident in early childhood education.
12. For more information, contact Barbara Griffith, coordinator of early childhood, at 410-222-5441.
13. Fetal, infant and early childhood mortality and maternity related deaths to women of reproductive age are the classes of mortality examined.
13. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
14. She remembers her early childhood in the village of Chakowa as idyllic.
15. If we want to improve early childhood education, by-passing teachers' thinking brings only superficial change.
16. Events in early childhood help to form our personalities in later life.
17. Without loving contact in infancy and early childhood, a sense of human connectedness may never materialize.
18. It can take years of therapy to undo early childhood conditioning.
19. Much of my early childhood was spent with my aunt in California.
20. We prefer that our teachers have a degree in early childhood education.
21. He had been marked out for an army career from early childhood.
22. Those who work exclusively at upper levels of the pedagogic world rarely look at the terrain of early childhood.
23. The boy had been confined in a dark narrow room from early childhood by his parents.
24. He had loved the magic and mystery of Stonehenge since early childhood.
25. In its most severe form the disease causes death in early childhood from overwhelming infection.
26. This project originated from a recognition that a major concern in early childhood education in Britain at present is the role of parents.
27. An aura of holiness and specialness also surrounds stories of the birth and early childhood of psychoanalyst and family therapist Craig Fouassis.
28. There is a great deal of evidence which indicates that experiences in early childhood are very important, and that the effects are long-lasting.
29. Most of the famous split-brain patients also had seizures from early childhood.
30. Interest is growing in several parts of the country in practitioner research in early childhood education and care.
1. Her early childhood was very happy.
2. Lack of proper care and love in early childhood can induce criminal behavior in young people.
31. People born profoundly deaf, or who become so in early childhood, may well not develop intelligible speech.
32. The first aspect - the role of narrative in learning - is introduced through a study of literature in early childhood education.
33. I lived quite a lot of my early childhood at the Thompsons' house behind a shop on Harehills Parade.
34. His early childhood was spent with his father in Chicago.
35. Sean experienced few, if any, known serious problems during his early childhood.
36. Several other individual and household characteristics could be examined for their influence upon probabilities of early childhood survival.
37. Indeed, the schemata of adulthood have their origins in the schemata of early childhood.
38. Early childhood is also a time when drama, dance and music have a significant part to pay.
39. Scott spent his early childhood living with his parents in a one-room shack in a rural area outside of Tacoma.
40. I have said from early childhood he liked histories and maps.
41. One such theme - and one of the most important - is the development of language and literacy in early childhood education.
42. Working through this despair, which stemmed from early childhood, was a long and painful task.
43. Certainly, no day of their early childhood ever ended without one or both of them being beaten up by some one.
44. Before it is all forgotten, let us reclaim the recent history of early childhood education.
45. Alarmingly, the character and quality of these early childhood programs is very inconsistent.
46. Just recently, she helped start an early childhood education program in two Washington housing projects.
47. One is a small pile of undated photographs I have from my early childhood.
48. Here, in the regressive, infantile wish for the perfect parent of early childhood lies the germ of the police state.
49. There was nothing in his early childhood to hint at the extraordinary life he would lead.
50. Fighting against threats to young children's rights to early childhood opportunities could be seen as an expression of legitimate collective responsibility.
51. The therapy involves getting the patient to tell the doctor about their early childhood.
52. From early childhood they are schooled not to inflict themselves on others.
53. As Hannah busied herself with puzzles for a few minutes, her parents filled me in on her infancy and early childhood.
54. As said previously, the socialization of behavior is a continuous process that begins in early childhood with simple imitations.
55. The federal government also has strengthened its commitment to early childhood programs.
56. Just how much is due to inherited characteristics, and how much to other biological factors or early childhood experiences is still uncertain.
57. When we apply these views to early childhood we begin to have a clearer picture of deaf children's future.
58. Early childhood educators are rarely involved in defining problems, shaping solutions, or choosing options.
59. The emotional wounds of early childhood leave ineradicable scars.
60. His unhappiness has its root in early childhood.
61. Mankind learns its first language in early childhood.
62. I have only misty memories of my early childhood.
63. Her early childhood had been very happy.
64. His literary bias showed itself in early childhood.
65. The critical period of language development in early childhood.
66. She spoke feelingly of her early childhood.
67. His memory stretches back to his early childhood.
68. I was overwhelmed with longing for those innocent days of early childhood.
69. The three-episode docudrama reconstructs the life of Leonardo from early childhood to death.
70. Therefore, this research paper is based on the reflection of Zambian Early Childhood Education Development.
71. Which of the following conditions must be medically corrected in early childhood?
72. Lack of appropriate feeding in early childhood is a major risk factor for ill-health throughout the course of life.
73. In every Early Childhood Education program the parents are an essential element.
74. In regard of this, early childhood education should be an education of life and activity(http://), which is ecological and nurturing and which is dispositional and poetic.
75. but then the possessiveness and competition, ingrained in us from early childhood, from preschool even, is like a thorn in our side which pricks every time a foreigner is seen.
76. "Initiatives such as parental leave for men and parenting classes that emphasize the role of fathers could help to maximize children's development from early childhood to preadolescence," says Serbin.
77. And Marry in Italy improved teaching methods for early childhood education.
78. Autism is a complex and mysterious brain disorder usually first diagnosed in early childhood.
79. Early childhood education ought to be vivid with life and young childrens life education ought to become the origin for thinking of children education.
80. An early childhood education software on the clock, we would like to spend an interactive way to let children know in time, cognitive clock, the clock to help children learn.
81. As a boy, Einstein was slow to talk and in early childhood was considered backward.
82. In the reforms of the early childhood education, the factors of multi-cultural education are blent into the learning environment.
83. We shall be providing professional training on teaching techniques and Early Childhood Development ( ECD ) theory .
84. Consequently, we need to increase government input, to reform school system, and to recruit teachers so that early childhood education could be compulsorized district by district, and step by step.
85. However, In 1977 the Government Republic of Zambia put up a number of policies that supported the establishment of early childhood education programs.
86. Economic losses in developing countries with the highest burden of maternal and early childhood undernutrition amount to between 2 and 3% of gross domestic product (GDP).
87. Great teachers and early childhood programs can have a big short - term effect.
88. Maternal depression was associated with early childhood underweight and stunting.
89. Recent happenings were jumbled up in her nard with events recalled from early childhood.
90. In early childhood, AE ( allergic eczema ) is frequently associated with gastrointestinal dysfunction and food allergy.
91. Early childhood elementary education and foreign experts are very concerned about the current topic.
92. During his early childhood, the Greeley family rarely had enough to eat.
93. Milk allergy is the most food allergy in early childhood and is harmful for growth.
94. Professor Nisbett strongly advocates intensive early childhood education because of its proven ability to raise I.Q. and improve long-term outcomes.
95. Although it is predominantly a teenage problem, acne can occur in early childhood.
96. Effective evaluation of early childhood education software is a measure to cope with quality problems and lack of standards for selection.
97. He had been diagnosed with von Recklinghausen's disease in early childhood and had undergone surgery for a ventricular septal defect with massive blood transfusion at the age of 4 years.
98. Advocates ensuring access to high-quality early childhood education programs and child care opportunities, recruit well-qualified and reward expert,[] accomplished teachers.
99. We can start by investing $10 billion to guarantee access to quality, affordable, early childhood education for every child in America.
100. It is urged that phenomena and strategies related to early childhood education need to be understood and developed contextually .
101. Jamaica: In Jamaica, the Bank is co-financing the implementation of the National Strategic Plan for Early Childhood Development (NSP).
102. Among the academic units surveyed, the Department of Early Childhood scored the highest level of satisfaction (3.81) whereas the Department of Music scored the lowest (2.78).
103. Many challenges faced by adults, such as mental health issues, obesity, heart disease, criminality, and poor literacy and numeracy, can be traced back to early childhood.
104. Since early childhood, she collected firewood and half burnt cinders.
105. She had six children, of whom four died in early childhood.




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