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单词 First generation
1. The first generation of peas were all tall.
2. The first generation of digital TV sets cost over $2000 each.
3. This was also the first generation to take full advantage of the decentralized workplaces made possible by information technology.
4. Urban workers, most of them first generation migrants from the countryside, are peculiarly vulnerable at such a time.
5. But the life of a first generation feminist can be plagued by disconcerting lapses.
6. Conversely, many younger people will be the first generation in their family who can expect to inherit substantial amounts.
7. The overall picture is of the first generation harbouring little interest in sport, apart from horse racing!
8. Although the first generation of women priests had to fight to assert their identity, those problems have been ironed out.
9. Levebre and her friends were among the first generation of radical feminists.
10. They were the first generation to be born in cyberspace.
11. She was part of the first generation that really pushed the whole idea of reconciliation.
12. Machine language, is the first generation of computer language.
13. This was the approach used in the first generation of bibliographic search engines, such as IBM's STAIRS.
14. Others received a first generation anti - sidecounted first - generation antipsychotic drug, molindone.
15. Others received a first generation anti - phsycoty drug -- molindonefirst - generation antipsychotic drug , molindone.
16. Though the first generation of Navy jets lacked the performance of most land-based fighters, tailhook aviators mastered the wider flight regimes and higher landing speeds on carrier approaches.
17. It is another nail in the coffin of deterrence even if the first generation of cruise will be slow for such a role.
18. The fact that service companies make up most of the first generation of 1990s downsizers-turned-upsizers supports this analysis.
19. It builds on work undertaken by the researcher on the first generation in Leicester, thus providing a basis for intergenerational comparison.
20. In form and style they set the pattern for the first generation of purpose-built station buildings.
21. Effect of moisture and low-energy impact on carbon-fibre reinforced first generation and toughened epoxy resins.
22. The big winner in a system of intergenerational transfers is the first generation.
23. Conclusion Do our best to try to remove the accumulated water and sullage in these tyres before the first generation of larva emergercing in early spring.
24. Objective To compare the clinical efficacy and adverse reactions of first generation antipsychotics(FGA)and second generation antipsychotics(SGA).
25. Due to the limited social influence of the press in the early days, the first generation of journalists were on the fringe of the society, confronted with severe approbatory crisis of profession.
26. Staphylococcus was highly resistant to penicillin, ampicillin, Oxacillin sodium, the first generation cephalosporins, and erythromycin.
27. To get the first hand information about insemination of the first generation seeder, penman does dynamic insemination experiment on field.
28. To investigate the resistance of Rattus flavipectus and R. norvgicus to the first generation rodenticide after Bromadiolone (a second generation anticoagulant rodenticide) were used for 4 years.
29. Both Mr. Gong and the appeal's other main organizer, Wan Tao, a security consultant in Beijing for International Business Machines Corp., were part of China's first generation of hackers.
30. Enterprise development process: OnHing Paper Holdings Limited was founded in 1973 in Hong Kong and was a supplier of the first generation multifunctional information recording paper in Asia.
31. She was wife of the premier of the Changsha State, the Marquise of Dai of the first generation. Xin Zhui was her name.
32. I was 14 when I first read Neuromancer, one of the first generation to grow up hooked in to the computer-generated realities that Gibson so presciently explores.
33. The paper proposes some improvement ideas for the first generation adaptive communication system and the design method for the second generation adaptive communication system.
34. Field distribution pattern of the first generation of rice stem fly ovum was preliminarily studied.
35. The advantage of this soon becomes clear: for such a cacheable page, a roundtrip to the portal server is no longer required after the first generation of that page.
36. The first generation under - child policy has reached the age of childbearing.
37. First generation DVD players were made at a time when writable DVDs didn't exist.
38. In micrographics, a measure of the remoteness of the copy from the original material, the first microfilm representation being the first generation microfilm.
39. Objective: To evaluate the activity in vitro of the first generation cephalosporin cefathiamidine on the bacteria isolated from recent clinic.
40. European Command. General Smith is a graduate of the United States Air Force. Trained as a fighter pilot, Smith would fly many of the Air Force's first generation jet fighter aircraft.
41. Others received a first generation of anti - side cutted first - generation antipsychotic drug, molindone.
42. And we usually use vacuum tube to the computer such as the first generation computer.
43. In this paper, the continual measure on spectral response of multialkali photocathode in the first generation image intensifier is presented and experiment apparatus and results are illustrated.
44. Those intense days, said Silverstein, now 37, were "a crucible" that bonded that first generation in a culture of idealism.
45. Cetirizine for the first generation of anti-drug hydroxyzine amine derivatives.
46. Others received a first generation antipsychotic first - generation antipsychotic drug, molindone.




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