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单词 sing
释义 Word family  noun singer singing adjective unsung verb sing  Related topics: Music, Birdssing /sɪŋ/ ●●● S1 W2 verb (past tense sang /sæŋ/, past participle sung /sʌŋ/)  1  with your voice 用你的嗓音 [intransitive, transitive]APMSING to produce a musical sound with your voice 唱,歌唱 She can sing beautifully. 她唱歌很好听。 Most children enjoy singing. 大多数孩子都喜欢唱歌。 We had a great time singing some of the old songs. 我们唱了一些老歌,非常开心。sing to My mother used to sing to me when I was young. 我小时候妈妈常常唱歌给我听。 He was singing to himself quietly. 他在轻声地哼唱。sing somebody something Come on, sing us a song! 来吧,唱首歌给我们听! I’ve never been able to sing in tune (=sing the correct notes). 我唱歌总是跑调。 She patiently sang the baby to sleep. 她耐心地唱歌哄宝宝入睡。 → singing2  birds 鸟 [intransitive]HBBSING if birds sing, they produce high musical sounds 鸣,啼,啭 I could hear the birds singing outside my window. 我听到鸟儿在窗外歌唱。3  high noise 很响的噪音 [intransitive always + adverb/preposition]CSHIGH POSITION OR RANK to make a high whistling sound 呜呜作响,发嗡嗡[嗖嗖]声 A kettle was singing on the stove. 炉上的水壶在呜呜作响。sing past A bullet sang past my ear. 一颗子弹从我耳边呼啸而过。4  sing somebody’s praises PRAISEto praise someone very much 高度赞扬某人 Mrs Edwards was singing your praises today. 爱德华兹太太今天对你大加赞扬。5  sing a different tune to say something different from what you said before 改变观点[态度],变卦 You’re singing a different tune now! 现在你又变卦了!6  be singing from the same hymn sheet/book used to say that a group of people all have the same aims or all express the same opinion on a particular subject 〔在某主题上〕目标[观点]一致,唱同一个调子 Union representatives are all singing from the same hymn sheet on the issue of pay. 工会代表在工资问题上全都是一个调子。7  give information 提供信息 [intransitive] informalADMIT to tell people everything you know about a crime when they ask you questions about it – used especially by criminals and the police 招供,交代罪行〔尤为罪犯和警察所使用〕 I think he’ll sing. 我觉得他会招供的。8 sing along phrasal verb SINGto sing with someone else who is already singing 跟着〔某人〕一起唱 Sing along if you know the words. 如果你们知道歌词,就跟着一起唱吧。 to Jess was singing along to the radio. 杰斯在跟着收音机一 起唱。9 sing out phrasal verb a) SHOUT sing out (something) to shout or sing some words clearly and loudly 高声叫喊;大声唱 ‘Freeze!’ a shrill voice sang out. “不许动!”一个尖锐的声音高喊道。b) American English to sing loudly so that people can hear you easily 高声唱,大声唱〔以便让人听到〕10 sing up phrasal verb British English SINGto sing more loudly 更大声地唱,放声唱 Sing up, boys, I can’t hear you! 唱得再响亮点,男孩们。 我听不见!→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpussing• A tall boy in a shrunk-up ivory sweater strolled by, hands in his pockets, singing.• Sing along if you know the words.• Now volleys of bird song are erupting from all around, with perhaps ten or more birds singing at once.• I could hear someone singing downstairs.• All the family sang 'Happy Birthday' as Dad came in.• Once again, Ashputtel sang her song for the birds; once again they came to her rescue.• Daryl sang in his high school choir.• Sophie sings in the church choir.• Anyone who could play an instrument or sing in tune was enlisted to take part in the concert.• Pretty soon, Vinnie was singing like a canary.• Beth ran toward the stream that sang on the other side of the woods.• But the organ music was lovely, although some of the vocalists sang rather modern stuff, a bit like rock and roll.• She played and sang so plaintively that I almost wept, the song was so sad.• She sat in a corner, singing softly to her baby.• They sat together and sang songs.• He and Stefan had worked out a performance programme so that Ingrid wouldn't have to sing two big roles on consecutive nights.• Come on, David, sing us a song!sang ... to sleep• Her lovely face in the candlelight, the soft pitch of her voice as she sang him to sleep.Origin sing Old English singansing verbChinese  sound a with to produce musical Corpus




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