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单词 sinful
释义  Related topics: Religionsin·ful /ˈsɪnfəl/ adjective  1  RRBAD BEHAVIOUR OR ACTIONSagainst religious rules, or doing something that is against religious rules 〔宗教上〕有罪过的 → wicked Dancing was believed to be sinful. 跳舞曾被认为是不道德的。 a wicked, sinful man 邪恶、不道德的人2  BADvery wrong or bad 有严重过错的,极不应该的 a sinful waste of taxpayers’ money 对纳税人钱财的可耻浪费 —sinfully adverbExamples from the Corpussinful• The context was always a plea for tolerance of something which he had been taught to regard as sinful.• They were not just inconvenient and disruptive, but sinful.• We are both exalted and fallen at the same time: sinful and yet given unique status in the universe of things.• sinful behavior• They believe that humans are sinful by nature.• When she declined his advances, he entrusted her to a matron of a sinful house.• Veal marsala is a sinful pleasure that I allow myself only a few times in a decade.• Though the sinful propensities remain in us till our dying day, they need not be dominant.• Therefore, it was not sinful to exploit the poor.sin·ful adjectiveChineseSyllable   Corpus something is rules, religious that doing against or




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