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单词 Energy department
(1) The Energy Department plans to solidify the deadly waste in a high-tech billion-dollar factory.
(2) Before full authorization, the Energy Department needs Congressional approval.
(3) The Energy Department has poured millions of research dollars into solar, including $ 65 million this year.
(4) Energy Department officials say nuclear fuel rods have been safely transported for decades.
(5) The Energy Department also sees a slowdown in economic growth after 2010, when baby boomers will start retiring.
(6) Stephanie Mueller, the Energy Department press secretary, said the department was committed to supporting renewable energy.
(7) The United States Energy Department says they also held 55 % of known reserves.
(8) Now the Energy Department has a new goal: $500 by 2012.
(9) The Energy Department report is being released the same morning that cabinet officials from China and the United States will meet in Washington to discuss economic and commercial issues.
(10) His directive will ask the Energy Department to meet all deadlines in setting energy standards but to evaluate them in priority order and finish some ahead of schedule.
(11) According to a new United States Energy Department report, the most important of these for clean energy is dysprosium.
(12) The United States Energy Department says they also held fifty - five percent of known reserves.
(13) According to a 2009 report by the Energy Department, 43 of the 61 significant Arctic oil and gas fields are in Russia.
(14) Energy Department leaders say that, however understandable the local concerns, they are getting in the way.
(15) She has served the Energy Department as deputy undersecretary for defense nuclear nonproliferation and assistant secretary for nonproliferation and national security.
(16) I wanted the Energy Department to be able to intervene in the Public Service Commissions rate hearings and to be able to get information on, and inspect, nuclear power facilities.
(17) The Energy Department has a policy of not commenting on companies that do not apply.
(18) The Energy Department is putting $4.6 million into Agrivida, and similar sums into other start-up firms, many of them intent on finding gasoline substitutes.
(19) Over the years, documents show(http://), the board has repeatedly complained about the inadequate qualifications of many Energy Department officials.
(20) He has tried to work similar magic at the unwieldy Energy Department.
(21) Obama was to sign a presidential memorandum Thursday directing the Energy Department to get moving on energy standards for appliances, including a first batch he will order to be finalized by August.
(22) In addition to signing the document, Obama also planned to visit the Energy Department to talk to employees and make a pitch for how his economic jobs plan would help the energy sector.
(23) Spending cuts approved by the House would end America's reign as a scientific leader if they are enacted into law, a former Bush administration Energy Department official said yesterday.
(24) The projects, which will be operated by subsidiary Exelon Generation Co., could power nearly 184, 000 homes, according to Energy Department figures.
(25) "The 60-watt lamp is the most-sold bulb in America, " said James R. Brodrick, the manager for solid-state lighting at the Energy Department.
(26) It obtained a cache of P-1's after Libya gave up its nuclear program in late 2003, and the machines were sent to the Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee, another arm of the Energy Department.
(27) The U.S. government has also sent experts from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and the Energy Department to help Japan deal with the emergency at the crippled Fukushima nuclear power plant.
(28) But these small companies face formidable legal, financial, marketing and management obstacles, the Energy Department report said.




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更新时间:2024/7/9 5:27:18