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单词 Completist
1. About the essence of mathematics, Hardy is a completist whose opinion is in favor of understanding the "doing mathematics for itself" spirit of pursuing and animadverting on logos.
2. Secondly, as a typical completist, she is intolerable give oneself domestic full-fledged member decorate a company irrelevantly .
3. Contrarily, if you are a completist, and consider yourself always right, then you only can become a distribution commissary and can't be a excellent leader .
4. About the essence of mathematics, Hardy is a completist whose opinion is in favor of understanding the "doing mathematics for itself" spirit of pursuing a...
5. Just, to this completist , adherence long period of order and stability whether already enough?
6. The goodwife of this toilet is a typical completist, according to the understanding of literal, that is to say pursues perfection.
7. Perfect thing is nothing, so don't download this if you were a completist!




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