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单词 Surgical
(1) He is in the surgical ward.
(2) A biopsy is usually a minor surgical procedure.
(3) All surgical instruments must be sterilised before use.
(4) The doses used for surgical anaesthesia vary between 2 and 10 mg / kg.
(5) With surgical precision he cut four inches off the legs of the jeans.
(6) Surgical waiting lists were reduced by the simple expedient of striking off all patients awaiting varicose vein operations.
(7) The hospital has a medical ward and a surgical ward.
(8) Surgical training takes at least nine years[sentence dictionary], or 11 in the case of obstetrics.
(9) It's a routine/standard surgical procedure.
(10) All surgical instruments must be sterilized before use.
(11) Surgical techniques are constantly being refined.
(12) This surgical procedure has a high probability of success.
(13) Hospitals lack even basic drugs for surgical operations.
(14) Liposuction is a minor surgical procedure .
(15) surgical excision of part or all of the stomach.
(16) The delicate surgical operation took five hours.
(17) Acupuncture anesthesia is rapidly gaining ground in surgical operations.
(18) He pioneered the surgical technique called frontal lobotomy.
(19) In his case a simple surgical operation is indicated.
(20) One of the members of the surgical team leaked the story to a fellow physician who, in turn, confided in a reporter.
(21) surgical supplies/instruments/gloves, etc.
(22) He performs the surgical operations at the Red Cross Hospital.
(23) The doses used for surgical anesthesia vary between 2 and 10mg/kg.
(24) A surgical strike was carried out on the enemy's military headquarters.
(25) His surgical instruments were a knife and a pair of pincers.
(26) The surgical specimen, however, proved to be benign.
(27) We found medical equipment, surgical instruments, weap-ons, clothing, documents.
(28) This wasn't a surgical strike, this was a massacre.
(29) Abortion can be surgical, part-surgical or entirely non-surgical.
(30) The new figures cast doubt on the government'sclaim to have achieved a surgical strike against military targets.
(1) He is in the surgical ward.
(2) A biopsy is usually a minor surgical procedure.
(3) All surgical instruments must be sterilised before use.
(4) The doses used for surgical anaesthesia vary between 2 and 10 mg / kg.
(5) With surgical precision he cut four inches off the legs of the jeans.
(6) Surgical waiting lists were reduced by the simple expedient of striking off all patients awaiting varicose vein operations.
(7) The hospital has a medical ward and a surgical ward.
(8) Surgical training takes at least nine years, or 11 in the case of obstetrics.
(9) Acupuncture anesthesia is rapidly gaining ground in surgical operations.
(10) He performs the surgical operations at the Red Cross Hospital.
(31) Surgical procedures have many risks inherent in them.
(32) Histology of the surgical specimen showed no cancer.
(33) All the most basic supplies-disinfectants, syringes, surgical gloves-are lacking.
(34) I recognized Rod Holloway, wearing a surgical gown.
(35) If it isn't a surgical operation will be needed.
(36) It was an operation executed with little surgical precision.
(37) The General Surgical Theatre was working late.
(38) Sometimes it is a surgical operation,[] sometimes not.
(39) Until recently surgical resection was the most usual treatment.
(40) The attack was carried out with surgical precision.
(41) Surgical specimens Two surgical specimens were examined.
(42) Setting - Four surgical wards at two Sheffield hospitals.
(43) They were helping the teenage son get into a community college while they nursed his sister through a long surgical convalescence.
(44) On her head, a zipper of black surgical threads struggled to keep a still-raw wound in place.
(45) Surgeons and their surgical teams, dressed in watertight garb, also found the low temperatures more comfortable.
(46) Nest time use surgical spirit weeks in advance to toughen your feet.
(47) They can not read the waivers that they sign preceding surgical procedures.
(48) The majority of patients in a surgical ward will undergo some sort of operative procedure during their stay in hospital.
(49) An immediate surgical consultation was sought and the patient was managed jointly with the surgical team.
(50) For those, we tried heater probe thermocoagulation or surgical intervention.
(51) Are clinicians reluctant to put older people on surgical waiting lists because they are in some way discriminating against older people?
(52) The position of the surgical instrument in the real skull is determined by the sensors in the mechanical arm.
(53) There he was handed a smock and a scalpel and one of the new surgical stapling devices.
(54) To a junior nurse it may appear that surgical nursing is negative in its aims.
(55) When cancers did respond, radiotherapy was particularly useful in dealing with secondary growths which were too widespread for surgical relief.
(56) Certain situations may be particularly worrying for nurses new to the surgical ward.
(57) Persistent colonic dilatation may constitute an indication for surgical intervention.
(58) From its size, the knife must have had a very specific use and may even have been a surgical instrument.
(59) Urgent surgical treatment by direct suture ligation is the treatment of choice, but the prognosis for most patients is extremely poor.
(60) I look forward to the day when a statistically perfect model is available for assessing the quality of cardiac surgical care.
(61) Value added tax has been put on spectacles and surgical boots, which we would never have dreamed of doing.
(62) More and more heart patients are surviving thanks to improved surgical techniques.
(63) Also, surgical morbidity related to biliary drainage remains high in these alcoholic and often debilitated patients.
(64) For larger hooks, a good pair of curved surgical forceps can not be bettered.
(65) A change in management was recorded if manometry changed either medical or surgical treatment.
(66) Control subjects Twenty five surgical control patients, admitted for bowel resection for malignant and non-malignant conditions,[] were studied.
(67) A patient who signs a consent form for a surgical operation can not later sue the surgeon for battery.
(68) This summary is intended to be an Overview of the care a patient may receive whilst on a general surgical ward.
(69) Research in the laboratory, in physical therapy, and in new surgical procedures received high priority.
(70) Particular care needs to be taken over: i. accidents or surgical procedures where anaesthetics and appropriate pain relief must be given.
(71) An independent investigator outside the surgical team was not used.
(72) Lengths of stay are being cut dramatically for just about every serious medical illness and surgical procedure.
(73) The course is aimed at trainees from all surgical specialties.
(74) Do our surgical colleagues stop doing total hip replacements for pain because of the incidence of possible fatal embolism?
(75) The pace of work on the surgical ward may appear to be extremely rapid.
(76) The surgeon uses the tiny camera to guide the surgical instruments in freeing the kidney.
(77) As far as surgical procedures go, the rule is the less the better.
(78) This quantitative difference may also account for the beneficial effects seen after surgical interruption of the left stellate ganglion.
(79) Although not completely pain free, they often prefer this management to any type of surgical procedure.
(80) The true incidence of this varies and is greatly influenced by the experience and skill of the surgical team.
(81) Current surgical techniques also involve reducing the cornea curvature in a bid to correct short-sightedness.
(82) So far, research has centered on two highly experimental surgical procedures.
(83) This is a genuine surgical emergency if it occurs and the unfortunate victim has to be whisked off to hospital.
(84) Most surgical patients, regardless of the extent of their operation, are at risk of some degree of problem with breathing.
(85) She said she had assisted in midwifery, accident and surgical cases.
(86) A high proportion of nursing actions on a surgical ward are directed towards the prevention of problems.
(87) An ophthalmologist is an doctor who diagnoses and treats eye disorders by medical or surgical means.
(88) Successful surgical and medical treatments are both followed by an appreciable rate of recurrence.
(89) Sebaceous cysts there'd been, requiring surgical removal, and ulcerated varicose veins.
(90) You may however see a chest drain on a general surgical ward.
(91) The most extreme example of this was in the surgical treatment sometimes meted out to women.
(92) This month scientific advisers will consider whether extra controls are needed to protect food and prevent accidental transmission through surgical operations.
(93) You will need surgical spirit or white spirit for cleaning the needles.
(94) From the age of three he was subjected to surgical procedures meant to enhance his undersized external genitalia.
(95) Then she was hired to work at the hospital, sterilizing surgical instruments and assisting elderly patients.
(96) Many surgical waiting lists comprise large numbers of simple, low cost, procedures.
(96) try its best to gather and build good sentences.
(97) It is a surgical steel scraper that removes oral debris in a couple of strokes.
(98) Like most epileptics who are surgical candidates, Neil is highly motivated.
(99) The operation was performed by a surgical team led by Mr Alan Wood.
(100) You are advised to consult other texts for full details of these and other surgical operations.
(101) These patients, apart from fearing the surgical procedure and the effects of malignant disease, often have severe psychological problems after surgery.
(102) Before the availability of endoscopic bile duct intervention surgical treatment was the usual approach to management.
(103) Our results show that poorly controlled surgical pain significantly reduces tissue-oxygen tension.
(104) Now, when the surgical girls mentioned him, it was usually between their teeth.
(105) An effective choice of emergency surgical procedure may require considerable surgical expertise.
(106) Most of these studies, however, comprised patient populations treated by varying surgical techniques,() in the period before our study.
(107) I have pricked my first blister, squeezed out the fluid, and dabbed it with surgical spirit.
(108) New surgical techniques mean a hospital stay of less than 48 hours.
(109) Controversy exists over the influence of medical or surgical treatment of gastro-oesophageal reflux on Barrett's oesophagus.
(110) And many women who have had surgical removal of the ovaries find that the difference in desire can be quite sudden.
(111) It is more like something surgical - the unpleasant shape of stumpy enigmas.
(112) Tumours of this size are not identified clinically except incidentally in surgical specimens removed because of benign prostatic hyperplasia.
(113) In another study, prolonged oesophageal transit in a group of patients with gastro-oesophageal reflux disease persisted after a surgical antireflux procedure.
(114) The best example is a surgical incision, which is sutured and heals without complication of infection.
(115) FemRX Inc., which is developing surgical products for women had its first stock offering last week.
(116) But podiatrists vary widely in surgical training and experience, so be sure to ask.
(117) Areas where this need can arise usually occur when a surgical procedure or accident has resulted in loss of bone.
(118) They came into the hallway before opening it and taking out rubber surgical gloves.
(119) But within 10 minutes Dalton had restored parity with surgical precision from 15 yards.
(120) Restorative proctocolectomy is the procedure of choice for most patients who require surgical treatment for ulcerative colitis.
(121) The following summary of nursing responsibilities for the care of surgical patients may appear complex at first glance and impossible to remember.
(122) Paramedics treated the driver of the second car for shock and applied a surgical collar to the policeman.
(123) The authors draw attention to what seems to be a large regional variation between rates of surgical treatment for glue ear.
(124) They base their recommendations on an analysis of 19 randomised controlled trials that examined the effectiveness of surgical interventions for glue ear.
(125) By contrast, surgical abortion is most effective and most often done later in pregnancy.
(126) Stripped to the waist, the contours of their musculature were faintly graven with decades-old surgical scars.
(126) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
(127) In the epinephrine group, the only case who failed to achieve initial haemostasis received surgical intervention.
(128) In one female patient, the body ulcer was later identified as a gastric lymphoma and surgical resection was done.
(129) I have assessed the risk of eye contamination during outpatient surgical procedures performed under local anaesthesia.
(130) This time we had the welcome addition of a sheepskin backrest, an inflatable neck support and a selection of surgical collars.
(131) Training will be provided for you to operate the heart / lung bypass machine and prepare heart valves for surgical implantation.
(132) But when enterococcus spreads into surgical wounds or the bloodstream of very ill patients with weakened defenses, it can turn deadly.
(133) The new drugs were widely acclaimed, as so many other medical and surgical procedures had been.
(134) They all wear masks and are gowned in surgical green, a dreadful color unmatched in any growing thing on this earth.
(135) Crohn's disease causes chronic gastrointestinal symptoms which may require prolonged medication and surgical intervention.
(136) I put my hand over my nose and mouth like a surgical mask just in case I inhaled any of Senga.
(137) You may come across central venous pressure lines on a general surgical ward.
(138) Either by gradually losing their pumping capacity or by sudden seizure, they cause much disease and some heroic surgical intervention.
(139) Our knowledge and ability to treat pelvic-floor disorders has benefited enormously from the availability of newer diagnostic and surgical approaches.
(140) Wound tissue oxygen tension predicts the risk of wound infection in surgical patients.
(141) Indications for surgery are not clearly defined and there is no agreement on the ideal surgical procedure.
(142) We were going to be inserted into it - with what they call surgical precision.
(143) Problems of fluid balance can occur rapidly in surgical patients.
(144) But I fear that if this pill is licensed, access to surgical abortion may be reduced.
(145) Discharge Many surgical patients will have anxieties about leaving hospital.
(146) There seems to be no place for a dying person on the surgical wards.
(147) Surgical resection proved impossible after he had a cardiac arrest on the operating table.
(148) It had come out of the blue: a brief note from her, saying that she had to undergo a surgical operation.
(149) The hospital had just finished a fairly full surgical schedule in late morning when the casualties began to arrive.
(150) Displays of early surgical instruments give a chilling glimpse of the pain the sick must have endured before anaesthetic was invented.
(151) Workers in surgical masks are running a hydraulic compressor and tractor-trailer drivers are warming up their big rigs.
(152) For example, some surgical implants may have a greater durability or offer greater freedom of movement to the patient than others.
(153) It is difficult to maintain a consistent level of surgical anaesthesia with ether and it is in addition highly explosive.
(154) Shock occurs to varying degrees in all surgical patients, due to alterations in the normal control mechanisms of the body.
(155) The refrigerator, squat and gleaming like a surgical sarcophagus, had held a sinister fascination for her ever since.
(156) Allied businesses such as specialist surgical gloves also offer strong growth potential worldwide.
(157) Erosions and ulcerations were generally present. Surgical specimens Two surgical specimens were examined.
(158) Surgical therapy has been attempted by section of various neck muscles or the accessory nerve.
(159) The hospital telephonist eventually gets hold of the surgical registrar.
(160) The treatment of choice for rectal and rectosigmoid cancer is complete surgical resection.
(161) Other crucial questions - for example,[http:///surgical.html] does surgical intervention prevent problems at school and of language - are still unanswered.
(162) So the endothelins may have a major role in atherosclerosis and the reocclusion that often follows surgical opening of occluded arteries.
(163) These drugs are much more potent and are practically surgical in their effects.
(164) In patients with severe haemorrhage and low surgical risk, surgical intervention was carried out immediately.
(165) This appears convincing since the decline in mortality rates antedated for the most part the advent of efficacious pills and surgical procedures.
(166) Epithelial and lamina propria mononuclear cells were isolated from surgical specimens from control, Crohn's disease, and ulcerative colitis patients.
(167) This is all she can give me, in her surgical yashmak.
(168) Please page the surgical resident for emergency room.
(169) Fever in surgical patients commonly represents bacterial infection.
(170) In surgical operation, the hypertrophic part of ligamenta ...
(171) The opening in a bone made by surgical fenestration.
(172) Pulmonary aspiration is a dreaded surgical complication.
(173) Surgical face mask as a nappy!
(174) One member of the surgical team administers the checklist.
(175) The main treatment of choice was surgical wide excision.
(176) Non-immune people should wear a surgical or N-95 mask, if available, when within 1 meter (3 feet) of a coughing person.
(177) Objective To investigate the post operation nursing characteristic of cardiac valvular disease after surgical treatment.
(178) The cost of the surgical operation figured out at about $ 30,000.
(179) Many surgical complications and disease processes inhibit normal nitrogen anabolism.
(180) A suprapubic transurethral cystotomy apparatus and method of forming a surgical opening therewith.
(181) The hydroxyethyl starch 130/0.4 (HES 130/0.4) is commonly used as a plasma volume expander in the surgical patients.
(182) Methods Surgeries were performed on 26 eyes in 22 cases with aponeurotic ptosis, and preoperative examinations and surgical findings were observed and analysized.
(183) Results None of 36 patients with pneumono - aspergilloma receiving surgical treatment died of operation.
(184) Radical surgical therapy is the main procedure of choice but it can not control the latent micro-metastatic foci.
(185) Purpose:To evaluate the present opinion on the diagnosis, timing of repair and surgical approach of vesicovaginal fistula resulting from gynecologic and obstetric surgery.
(186) Objective:To study the micro anatomical characteristics and surgical significance of the cistern of posterior communicating artery.
(187) The complications of duodenal ulcer that require surgical management are hemorrhage , perforation, obstruction,[http:///surgical.html] and intractability.
(188) Objective:To investigate the surgical treatment of meatal adenoid cystic carcinoma.
(189) In a surgical first, Houston doctors transplanted nerves from a living donor to her infant son.
(190) Objective To study the approach of diagnosis and surgical wardship of reproductive malformation.
(191) Objective:To explore the early diagnosis and surgical treatment of congenital mesenteric hiatal hernia.
(192) Objective To investigate the clinic results of surgical treatment on atlanto-axial instability through home designed CUF screw fixation system.
(193) With the improvement of surgical medical technique, there is a continuous increasing demand for biological substitute material.
(194) Gastric carcinoid tumors are rare tumors in gastrointestinal tract. Endoscopic polypectomy and surgical excision are the major strategy for treatment.
(195) The recent development of surgical and pathophysiologic methods for the treatment of articular cartilage abnormalities has created a need for the accurate, noninvasive evaluation of chondral lesions.
(196) Objective To investigate the reason of anastomotic stoma after bilioenterostomy and to improve surgical management level.
(197) Objective To study the clinical characteristics and effects of surgical treatment of children with thalamic tumors.
(198) This should allow the robots to crawl around the GI tract and obtain detailed images, dispense therapeutics or, with the right surgical tools, perform biopsies.
(199) Think how much easier it would all be if there were some swift surgical procedures to whisk away all the ugly memories and mistakes and leave only the fun trips and special holidays.
(200) Mostly because abortion, labor, surgical operation or not clean sexual behavior come cervix uteri's damnification, the pathogen penetration comes the infection.
(201) Aim: To investigate the clinical characteristics and surgical approaches of clival chordoma.
(202) Objective To study the diagnosis and surgical operation in the treatment of temporal lobe epilepsy with hippocampal atrophia .
(203) Objective:To investigate the correlation between surgical outcomes and body mass index(BMI) in patients who underwent high tibial osteotomy for osteoarthritis of the knee with genu varum.
(204) Objective: To study the early diagnosis of cystic neurinoma at the craniocervical junction and surgical treatment.
(205) Objective: To determine indications of ileocecectomy in the surgical management of appendicle diseases and find evidence for clinical treatment.
(206) Objective To explore applying a new surgical way that use sternocleidomastoid muscle flap to treat facial paralysis in late period.
(207) It occurs in the laceration and contusion as well as in the clean surgical incision.
(208) Methods:The angioarchitecture of the matrix unguis was studied by corrosion - cast, scan electromicroscopy and surgical microscopy.
(209) By contrast, in the surgical group, just one failure occurred and that was a conersion from myomectomy to hysterectomy at the time of the initial operation.
(210) Following neuroplasty through a Kocher-Langenbeck surgical approach, both patients' neurologic function improved.
(211) Conclusion GMMF is an ideal surgical method for reconstruction of sacrococcygeal soft tissue defects.
(212) The table is supplied for surgical operation of chest . abdomen, E . E . N . T . gynaecology and obstereics orthopaedics department.
(213) Purpose:To determine whether preoperative embolization is a valuable adjunct to surgical excision of hemangioblastoma.
(214) Objective To explore the clinical, pathological, radiological characteristics and surgical experience of pilocytic astrocytoma.
(215) Objective:To evaluate the clinical effect and the surgical technique of laparoscopic dismembered pyeloplasty.
(216) Conclusion Surgical debridement for pyoderma gangr enosum can accelerate the repairing of the ulcer, alleviate pain and shorten the course of disease.
(216) Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
(217) Objective To study the plastic surgical treatment of neurofibroma and giant neurofibroma.
(218) Surgical disease, or the surgical response to disease is of similar antiquity.
(219) Objective To evaluate clinical feature and surgical treatment feasibility of anterior callosal glioma with microscope technique and prognosis of the patients.
(220) Objective To create an animal model of osteochondral defect in temporomandibular joint(TMJ) by arthroscope to minimize the surgical injury.
(221) Objective : To investigate the various surgical treatment manners of liver echinococcosis and their adaptations.
(222) With the decline of acute rheumatic fever, calcific aortic stenosis has become the most common indication for surgical valve replacement in the USA.
(223) Differences may be expected because of variation in hip anatomy and musculotendinous attachments, as well as subtle differences in surgical approach.
(224) After appropriate physical examination and image study, emergent surgical reduction should be considered because of the high incidence of failure of closed reduction.
(225) Objective To lengthen the survival time and improve the QOL of the patients of Non-small Cell Lung Cancer(NSCLC) with carcinomatous pleuritis by the new surgical treatment strategy we have developed.
(226) Conclusion Enterobiliary fistulas need surgical operation. The operative method should be determined according to the types and the size of fistulas, pathogenesis and disease condictions.
(227) Next, the doctor injected estrogen to Adele, has conducted a series of surgical procedures, and finally made her have a normal Nver Shen.
(228) Conclusion Positive surgical treatments can take satisfactory effects on acromegalic cardiomyopathy.
(229) Methods: One stage surgical procedure of femoral shortening and derotational osteotomy to correct all deformities.
(230) Objective:To summarize the experience on clinical diagnosis and surgical treatment of plasmocytic mammitis .
(231) The neuroanatomic foundation and the effects of this type of surgical cross-innervation raise several concerns.
(232) Objective To evaluate the surgical characteristics, methods and clinical effect of pediatric valvoplasty through an analysis of valvoplasty in children in the age from 15 h to 14 years.
(233) It can be treated with endovascular embolization or surgical ligation if an active bleeder can be identified.
(234) Objective To explore the combined surgical treatment for the first and second branchial arch syndrome, so that a more short and effective therapy method could be obtained.
(235) Objective To summarize the experience of the surgical treatment of toxic multinodular goiter ( TMNG ).
(236) Objective To discuss and summarize the surgical management and issue in Autogenetic Costal Cartilage Harvest for Total Auricular Reconstruction.
(237) APC conducts monopolar electro surgical high frequency current to tissue via an ionized argon gas stream(argon plasma) to coagulate the tissue.
(238) Surgical treatment includes in utero transfusion, in utero transplantation, drainage of fetal effusion, fetoscopic surgery, opened fetal surgery and the ex utero intrapartum treatment.
(239) Early surgical correction is the only therapy and it can be undergone orchiectomy or orchiopexy according to the conditions of the ectopic testes.
(240) Objective To summarize the experience of surgical therapy of biliary fistula after hepatobiliary operation.
(241) Objective: approach the method of surgical treatment for severe rigid non - angular cervical kyphosis.
(242) Objective : To improve the ability of management on vascular surgical principles in renal allotransplantation.
(243) Surgical construction of an artificial excretory opening from the colon.
(244) Objective : To explore the diagnosis and surgical management of spontaneous chylothorax.
(245) The utility model relates to a safety surgical knife for pachymeninx.
(246) Objective To explore the efficacy of surgical treatment for different types of cervical intervertebral disc herniation.
(247) All patients underwent an elective osseous surgical procedure on the forefoot.
(248) Methods Plastic surgical techniques were applied to the early treatment of finger injury in 45 patients, using a variety of skin flaps in the repair of skin coloboma.
(249) BACKGROUNDTo evaluate the experience of diagnosis, orientation and surgical treatment of esophageal diverticulum.
(250) Objective To discuss the possibility of surgical repair of congenital cleft lip and alveolar process cleft in neonate stage.
(251) ObjectiveTo summarize the experience in surgical technique and clinical results of treating ischemic mitral regurgitation ( IMR ).
(252) Surgical Treatment of Congenital Atresia of External Auditory Meatus ( Analysis of 13 ears ).
(253) Results 18 clincal data on submaxillary type cyst of sublingual gland were cured by surgical operations.
(254) Moat patients of supinator syndrome often get satisfactory effects after conservation treatment, and the ones who are failed can get the improvement from surgical treatment timely.
(255) Objective: To improve the surgical methods of antebrachial flap with a pedicle of the posterior interosseous artery.
(256) Methods Analyze 20 cases of fibromembranous gastric carcinoma by MSCT proved after surgical and pathological findings in retrospective method.
(257) Sentinel node (SN) biopsies might be useful for performing minimally invasive surgery without interrupting surgical curability.
(258) Objective To explore the surgical technique for excision of mid-superior petroclival region tumor through subtemporal transtentorial approach.
(259) Adhesions resulting from a surgical procedure can cause pain, especially with movement of viscera.
(260) The surgical planes in the left colectomy are between the colorectal mesenteries and the continuous prerenal fascia.
(261) Objective : To discuss the indication and surgical skills of anaplasty.
(262) Some patients claimed that the treating sexologist had explicitly told them that surgical castration was the only available option to them and that refusal would mean lifelong detention.
(263) Objective:To evaluate the effect of early surgical treatment for primary lower limb varicose veins complicated by thrombophlebitis.
(264) Surgery is the main treatment for ureteral polyps and a correct choice of the surgical approach should be decided by the lesion size, numbers, position and loss degree of renal unit function.
(265) There were no new lesions, worsening hydrocephalus, evidence of increased intracranial pressure, or necessity for surgical resection or other therapy for subependymal giant-cell astrocytoma.
(266) We compared CFU (colony forming unit) deposition onto the"critical area", which consisted of three connected areas around surgical site on patient body.
(267) The most efficient antibiotic cannot compensate for inadequate and poor surgical technique.
(268) Objective: To evaluate different means in the diagnosis of cervical hyperextension injury with surgical treatment consideration.
(269) AB STRACTDanshen films, biodegradable in coelom, were prepared for uses in promotion of surgical anastomosis in gastrointestinal tract.
(270) In medical field, it is used to manufacture membrane oxygenator which would substitute for men's lung in surgical operation.
(271) Objective It is to explore the surgical treatment on Wilson's disease (WD) accompanied by hypersplenism and observe the adaptation and contraindication for splenectomy.
(272) Before long, they may be used in applications as diverse as surgical implants and bulletproof vests.
(273) Objective To explore the diagnosis, surgical means and surgical time of vesicovaginal fistula.
(274) To explore CT classificatory method of bronchiectasis, which can guide surgical treatment.
(275) PRK was the first surgical procedure developed to reshape the cornea, by sculpting, using a laser.
(276) Conclusion Sleeve-resection and anastomosis end to end of cervical trachea is a good surgical method to reconstruct and restore the airway for treatment of cervical trachea lesions.
(277) Conclusion Periosteum flap of occipital bone pedicled with the blood vessel could be used in the surgical procedure of occipito-cervical fusion.
(278) Conclusion: The imaging anatomic classification of posterior ethmoid sinus has the instructive significance for basicranial surgery and the surgical approach via saddle area.
(279) Non-immune people should consider wearing a mask, surgical or N-95 if available, when unavoidably exposed to crowds of people(), such as on public transport.
(280) Generally understanding the clinical manifestations surgical treatment of pulmonary bulla .
(281) Conclusion Surgical treatment with cardiopulmonary bypass is safer and more effective for some cases of severe pulmonary valve stenosis than percutaneous balloon pulmonary valvuloplasty.
(282) In surgical treatment, the double tongue-shaped flap type of pyeloplasty designed by us was specially undergone.
(283) All patients were cured by surgical operations. Conclusion The excessive development of the sublingual gland and the developing defect of mylohyoid muscle should result in ...
(284) In developing countries, tibial shaft fractures are frequently stabilised using Surgical Implant Generation Network ( SIGN ) nails.
(285) Urinalysis and complete blood count should be done on all patients suspected of having surgical infection.
(286) Objective To find a best surgical operation in which can resume palatopharyngeal's anatomical morphology and postpoperated physiological function.
(287) In this case the placing of the plate and its explantation are two different surgical procedures.
(288) Bronchoplasty and pulmonary artery reconstruction extended the surgical indications for lung cancer(/surgical.html), which reveal farthest excision of pulmonary tumor and farthest preservation of normal lung tissues.
(289) Results: None of recurred after the surgical removal except some of the sensory deficit and dyskinesia.
(290) To assess the resources for essential and emergency surgical care in the Gambia.
(291) In cases where only the anterior table is involved , the surgical indication is mainly for cosmesis.
(292) Sterilization: Any surgical procedure intended to end fertility permanently ( see contraception ) .
(293) After serial examination and surgical an osteochondroma of th patella was proven.
(294) Methods A retrospective review of 14 patients with intracranial tuberculoma was conducted including the clinical manifestations, diagnosis and surgical outcomes.
(295) Started production and sales of surgical eyeless needles of 18-8SS drilled-end type.
(296) Acute inflammation of the vermiform appendix is the most common surgical lesion within the abdomen.
(297) We conclude that. Surgical treatment is effective in patients with vesical endometrioma who are unresponsive to hormonal therapy.




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