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单词 Liberation
1. Leaving school was such a liberation for me.
2. She is into women's liberation.
3. They unbound all the political prisoners after liberation.
4. Dawkins ends his discussion with a call for liberation.
5. The oppressed long for deliverance and liberation.
6. All his life was submerged in the liberation of the people.
7. They consecrated their lives to the liberation of their motherland.
8. The break-up of their marriage was an enormous liberation for her.
9. Before liberation he had to pull a rickshaw to earn a little money.
10. The Animal Liberation Front has claimed responsibility for releasing the monkeys from the laboratory.
11. His book, Animal Liberation[], sparked off a revolution in the way we think about animals.
12. They are fighting for a cause - the liberation of their people.
13. The perspective of liberation theology is historical.
14. On Wednesday, the newspaper Liberation published excerpts.
15. This liberation usually took place about daybreak on Wednesday.
16. Intellectual liberation leads to political freedom.
17. So is study of the liberation struggle.
18. When the inner spirit has liberation, inspiration is born! RVM 
19. The people are still struggling for liberation from a brutal, oppressive regime.
20. With inspiration, liberation and determination, you can reach any destination. RVM 
21. Once the feverish atmosphere of the Liberation had subsided the practice aroused feelings of shame.
22. Man's dearest possession is life. It is given to him but once, and he must live it so as to feel no torturing regrets for wasted years, never know the burning shame of a mean and petty past; so live that, dying, he might say: all my life(), all my strength were given to the finest cause in all the world--the fight for the Liberation of Mankind.
23. The speech praised those who had displayed gallantry in the liberation of their country.
24. The more conservative politicians were trying to deradicalize the liberation movement.
25. The freedom to wear trousers became a symbol of women's liberation.
26. Up in the mountains we had the most wonderful sense of liberation.
27. It ' s the lunatic fringe of the Animal Liberation Front which smashes the windows of butchers'shops, not ordinary members like us.
28. We should help those who are still struggling for liberation.
29. Both the Sandinistas and Frelimo came to power after a liberation struggle against highly repressive regimes.
30. Whatever his motives, Salah was careful to underplay the contribution education might make to the emancipation and liberation of women.
1. Leaving school was such a liberation for me.
2. She is into women's liberation.
3. It ' s the lunatic fringe of the Animal Liberation Front which smashes the windows of butchers'shops, not ordinary members like us.
31. A new response is growing from women theologians and from radicals seeking liberation for many oppressed people.
32. Note from Heron's Liberation Front demanding ransom for return of Gnome.
33. Over time, the AK-47 rose above its use as a weapon to become a symbol of defiance and liberation.
34. When they are moved into the private sector, they often experience the same sense of liberation.
35. The duty of the people of the West Bank was to await liberation through armed struggle.
36. It was one of the great hongs, trading houses, that had been booted out by Mao after Liberation.
37. Now women participating in the liberation struggle are finding new roles.
38. Liberation has turned sour producing anomie and alienation, severely undermining any sense of collective responsibility or response.
39. It was, in his mind, the first step toward his liberation.
40. The social resources for liberation from social entrapment, often in local milieux, are information and power.
40. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
41. Free inquiry within the liberation movements, then, led to a deep questioning of problematic assumptions in the modern political worldview.
42. There are those who can embrace this as a sort of liberation from convention and hypocrisy.
43. In this sense athletics offer a metaphor of the entire dilemma of liberation.
44. My father spent his first Christmas after liberation in jail because the Communists had marked him as uncooperative.
45. Women participate in the national liberation struggle and have never considered they should be struggling to liberate themselves from men.
46. The struggle for liberation will carry on long after I am dead.
47. What is the connection, between your activities as a writer and the activities of the political liberation movement?
48. Theresa tipped the can over; the squirrel, looking ragged, scooted toward liberation.
49. She had crossed the border soon after liberation by herself to check out the situation.
50. First, the liberation of the capital had, in his mind, a symbolic significance which went beyond purely military considerations.
51. The detente coincided with the magnificent spring offensive possiblY the military high point of the national liberation struggle.
52. But my favorite has to be the Animal Liberation Front dorks who staged a daring raid on a mink farm.
53. The loss to the liberation movement through gagging, imprisonment, intimidation and exile was enormous.
54. The ruling royal family have been embezzling oil revenues and have been ousted from power by the Safran Peoples' Liberation Party.
55. Women's liberation is the liberation of the feminine in the man and the masculine in the woman. Corita Kent 
56. After the Liberation she was offered a job in De Gaulle's cabinet in Paris.
57. The idealistic arm of animal protectionism also includes its fair share of extremists, such as the now infamous Animal Liberation Front.
58. What is the seal of liberation? Not to be ashamed in front of oneself. Friedrich Nietzsche 
59. Rather than national liberation, it seems to be liberation from nationalism that must be the goal for the 21st century.
60. Specifically she develops two areas, feminist theory and liberation theology, as potential candidates to regenerate the social group work movement.
61. The new era of riots overlapped the nonviolent phase of the black liberation struggle.
62. The pressures that force these two processes do not cease after a national liberation movement attains power.
63. The nucleus of each village was for the most part made up of the Frelimo guerillas who had fought in the liberation struggle.
64. But it is a prerequisite to economic liberation, social justice and environmental sustainability.
65. Of what use is your wealth and kingdom if you don't have the liberation and freedom to be what you want to be. RVM 
66. As an aside the research revealed that just under half of the women questioned did not support the women's liberation movement.
67. Elean: What is the programme of the liberation movement in relation to this specific question of male supremacy and the position of women?
68. The clarity of vision in those early years of women's liberation has gone.
69. Achieving efficient liberation of the smallest grains requires crushing them to a very small particle size.
70. By the beginning of 1946 the national consensus that he had presided over at the liberation was visibly disintegrating.
71. The broader tradition is a typically nationalist one, seeing national liberation through war as honourable and singularly justified.
72. His marriage turned upside down, William feels a great sense of liberation.
73. Those who peopled them have either been driven out in a bloody liberation war or yielded their political supremacy to majority rule.
74. Another region which suffered badly both during the liberation struggle and in recent years is the North-eastern region in the Zambezi valley.
75. If equality means entitlement to an equal share of the profits of economic tyranny, it is irreconcilable with liberation.
76. The prospect of liberation rose like a new dawn before Polly's eyes.
77. Their lifestyles focused on the social networks around the pubs and clubs that had emerged in the wake of Gay Liberation.
78. It may seem odd, but this deviant definition of homosexuality contributed greatly to the rise of gay liberation.
79. It means that women should seize communication power for their own emancipation and the liberation of all oppressed groups.
80. Even so-called liberation movements nearly always resulted in net losses for women.
81. For that reason, modern nation-states are free to unleash devastating reprisals against their captive nations who attempt liberation.
82. It is run by a generation of elderly men who have not been able to move on from the liberation struggle.
83. It was a curious but inspiring sight: here were people who lived, ate and slept liberation.
84. This happened just before I went to the first gay liberation meeting in London.
85. That stereotype speaks less for women's liberation than a society which treats children as a disruptive influence, a social nuisance.
86. In it also are relevant lessons about liberation and the meaning of freedom, as the preschoolers were learning last week.
87. The liberation of the entire Church awaits the outcome of this issue.
88. But a great noise outside heralds the arrival of the Liberation Army.
89. The Women's Liberation or Feminist Movement was influential in bringing women's issues into public consciousness.
90. This was tolerated as long as they did so out of a sense of liberation at being at home, i.e. through choice not force.
91. They pant after liberation.
92. This movement has led to many Liberation theologies, Black, Feminist and even Environmental.
93. I would like to suggest that history has served its purpose so far as the liberation movement was concerned.
94. A woman who fought her way to the top of a liberation movement which traditionally had been the preserve mainly of men.
95. Far from being accidents, these things characterized the very foundation of what it supposedly meant to experience gay liberation.
96. In the first two years after the liberation, eight hundred thousand northerners moved south.
97. The mayor, Pietro Giubilo, had to quit in the face of corruption allegations involving companies linked to Communion and Liberation.
98. A week before the election a splinter group of the Moro National Liberation Front had taken several nuns captive.
99. Fukuyama is unlikely to attach much weight to Liberation theology, which he would no doubt classify as a doomed subspecies of Marxism-Leninism.
100. The bold declarations of liberation were framed as sweeping and uncompromising rejections.
101. The major unresolved issue for the General now was the pace of the liberation and the transition to Gaullist administration.
102. It was only in 1977 that I became even vaguely aware of gay liberation.
103. Another wildfire movement was liberation theology, expressed in Base Ecclesiastical Communities.
104. It could even be argued that their liberation is still incomplete today.
105. He or she begins to whisper, and in the voice is hypnotism, liberation, energy, possibly even truth.
106. During the liberation war he served in the Grey Scouts, a mountain reconnaissance team that fought determinedly to preserve minority rule.
107. They were arrested after a spate of attacks by the Animal Liberation Front.
108. Lesbian and gay liberation is perceived as doing so, because liberation. as opposed to rights, threatens the position of the heterosexual family.
109. Was this celebration, six years after the Liberation, a reminder of less happy times?
110. The facts of male homosexuality are also endlessly misrepresented and confused by the homosexual women who often speak for gay liberation.
111. Since liberation all its memorable sites have been restored.
112. People's Liberation Army comrade, eats the rice water!
113. Women gained political liberty after the Women's Liberation Movement.
114. Liberation is basically freedom from obsession, freedom from dualism.
115. Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas gathered leaders of the Palestine Liberation Organization in the West Bank to discuss Israel's decision to end a 10-month moratorium on settlement construction.
116. But in Carmichael's speeches and in his landmark 1967 book, Black Power: The Politics of Liberation in America, he persuasively argued that the term implied black inferiority.
117. Tens of thousands of anti-government protesters have crowded in Cairo's Tahrir ((Liberation)) Square, chanting and waving flags as they rally for President Hosni Mubarak's immediate resignation.
118. Soldiers from the People's Liberation Army rehearse a musical drama titled "The Road of Revival" in Beijing.
119. Qatar peninsula television reported 22, Mr Qaddafi's also calls for people from Libya to "liberation" from tripoli.
120. Arroyo has had to make compromises with Muslim family leaders throughout the region while soldiers pursued elements of the Moro Islamic Liberation Front, deeply ensconced in the province.
121. After the liberation, has served as the central directorate for Special Products.
122. Those 20 minutes fully displayed the heroism of the People's Liberation Army.
123. From this time on, "Nora left" becomes 20th century China females to awaken and to seek own liberation thew.
124. They noted with satisfaction the upsurge of the national liberation movement.
125. On February 3 rd 1949, the People's Liberation Army marched into the city of Beijng.
126. ObjectiveTo analyze the various types of antihypertensive drugs in Hangzhou sanatorium of the People's Liberation Army.
127. They are believed to have been from a small group called the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine.
128. In Sri Lanka, in January, President Mahinda Rajapakse formally scrapped a cease-fire agreement that had been signed in 2002 with the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam.
129. Viewing the history of American Blacks' liberation struggle, it is Frederick Douglass' Legitimate Reform Strategy that has represented the right way to American Blacks' liberation.
130. The only just wars are non - predatory wars, wars of liberation.
130. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
131. May it be of help to you in your own journey of liberation.
132. Fortunately, they can be beaten, as indicated by the liberation of the Procyon people from these malevolent, self centered, self-serving... life draining entities.
133. Marxism and liberation theology condemn religion for supporting the status quo and legitimating the power of the oppressor.
134. Keeping abolishing the streetwalker system is one the standards to measure women's liberation and social civilization.
135. Ma Xiaotian,() deputy chief of the General Staff of the Chinese People's Liberation Army; Director of the President's Office Chen Shiju and Assistant Foreign Minister Cheng Guoping.
136. It to the disassimilation work, the private property, the communism inspection, actually only is promulgating the human (worker) the survival reality and its the liberation way which oppresses.
137. The unaccomplished tasks of the Xinhai Revoluntion, which were winning complete independence and liberation, and making China strong and prosperous, were carried on by the Communist Party of China.
138. The women's liberation movement in the nineteen sixties and seventies also changed American life.
139. The Sudanese government has blamed rebels from the Sudan Liberation Army ( SLA ) for the attack.
140. Marxism holds that the extent of women's liberation is a measure of the natural scale of universal human emancipation.
141. The ANC is the oldest liberation party in Africa and will celebrate its centenary in 2012.
142. Nanayakkara said the rebel Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) made the explosion to distract the attention of the security forces, who are engaging the LTTE in the north.
143. More than 1,500 people gathered around a statue of 19th century liberation hero Simon Bolivar on Sunday and posed nude for a U.
144. The government in Colombo has sought to dismiss them, to claim that they are pawns of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE), or even to claim that some do not exist.
145. Art, representing the freedom and liberation of spirit, is the spiritual carrier and main expression of culture, among which the Chinese traditional music is the most free and superorganic one.
146. You have new methods now being brought back into seminary education, like feminist analysis,or literary criticism, or liberation theology,or African American approaches, or Latino approaches.
147. After the liberation of Malaya, there were a few letters from him.
148. The talks hit a snag in December when the government said it would conduct a legal review of agreements reached with the Moro Islamic Liberation Front(MILF) over the previous three years.
149. The NCP official blames the south's ruling party, the Sudan People's Liberation Movement, of incompetence as a governing party.
150. "Socially engaged Buddhism" tries to blend individual liberation with responsible social action in order to build an enlightened society.
151. Yet, more than any other event, the salt march, exemplifying his tactic of non-violence, gave India's struggle for liberation its Gandhian stamp.
152. August the first is the Army Day of the Chinese People's Liberation Army.
153. Nasser's 1956 triumph endured in Arab memory as a moment of cathartic liberation.
154. When the women's liberation movement appeared, at first only a few housewives gave it open allegiance.
155. Before liberation, grandpa worked for the Central Work Committee of the Communist Party.
156. While in China, Mullen will meet with numerous Chinese officials, including Chief of the General Staff of the People's Liberation Army Chen Bingde, who visited Washington in May.
157. Although women's status have alterd considerately , their complete liberation if far from being realized.
158. Freeing from an enemy prison is another kind of freedom or liberation.
159. The war of liberation began in protest to the Mondros Armistice and the Treaty of Sevres, under the command of Mustafa Kemal Pasha.
160. The liberation of electrons from a hot wire is called thermionic emission.
161. Economic independence would develop in the context of the liberation of all oppressed people.
162. Paikiasothy Saravanamuttu, the executive director for the Center for Policy Alternatives, says the attacks were a bold move by the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam,[] or LTTE.
163. The result thus attained is the liberation of the notion, which in chemism and mechanism was present only in the germ, and not yet evolved.
164. City industries have sprung up like mushrooms after rain since liberation.
165. When you go to war for oil, you call it liberation.
166. Unwholesome one- pointedness is also possible, but it will not lead to liberation.
167. Who would begrudge the Iraqi people their long - awaited liberation?
168. China's socialist modernization is the contemporary practice of going beyond the capital logic and symbolic logic. It is to prepare conditions for the ultimate liberation in the communist society.
169. Having murdered about 10,000 of their citizens, and tortured many more, Argentina's military rulers embarked on an almost kid-glove "liberation" of "their" Islas Malvinas.
170. Jiaoping mining area is the new-built coal industry base in Shaanxi province after liberation.
171. The deputy chairman of the joint chiefs of staff of the People's Liberation Army is on the new, 21-member National Energy Commission, as is the minister of state security.
172. The Regulations of the Chinese People's Liberation Army on the Military Service of Officers in Active Service shall be revised in accordance with the present Decision and repromulgated.
173. The rise of feminist theology studies are closely linked with the feminist movement, the theology of the black people, and the liberation theology in Latin America of this period.
174. He was speaking at a grand rally marking the 80th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing.
175. Measures for the motivation and organization for blood donation by active-duty service personnel shall be worked out by the competent department of health of the Chinese People's Liberation Army.
176. Heavy fighting was reported in parts of the northeast, as government troops close in on the last-remaining holdouts of ethnic Tamil rebels, known as the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam.
177. People arrive to attend ceremonies marking the 65th anniversary of liberation of the notorious Auschwitz-Birkenau Nazi death camp in Poland.
178. In the peaceful conditions of the first 17 years following Liberation , choral music thrived in China.
179. He had seen the results for himself in the camp at Dachau, which he was one of the first to enter after liberation.
180. In the s , the feminist movement , or women's liberation, produced additional economic and social changes.
181. The Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam once controlled a large area of the north and east.
182. Betty Friedan is often called "the mother of the modern women's liberation movement."
183. PLO ( Palestinian Liberation Organization ) delegation is to visit China next month.
184. Liberation! Come, come! Shina, Shina! The Sage Things spread! Poison, poison! Having conquered! Hulu, hulu, the Death! Hulu, hulu, Hrih!
185. The women's liberation movement adopted the designation as its own.
186. Thus in wars of national liberation patriotism is applied internationalism.
187. Palestine Liberation Organization. The umbrella group of political and militant groups headed by Yasser Arafat, whose Fatah faction is the biggest single component.
188. The gun system has been deployed by the People's Liberation Army ( PLA ) for some years.
189. Last year, China's defence ministry appointed its first ever spokesman, while last month foreign journalists were invited for a rare tour of a People's Liberation Army base.
190. The Philippine military said rebels of the Separatist Moro Islamic Liberation Front were responsible.
191. Hang on,[http:///liberation.html] can we stick with that point about women's liberation movement?
192. In Sri Lanka, heavy fighting between the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam and government forces led to deliberate and indiscriminate attacks on civilians.
193. Comrade commanders and fighters of the Chinese People's Liberation Army!
194. It is a moral contest in which Satan is vanquished, and the liberation of his subjects is the consequence of his own subdual .
195. Sri Lanka's military and police won one of the Asia's longest modern wars and declared victory over the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam on May 18.
196. As he pursued his empire's geopolitical interests, Alexander I managed to rally support from Prussia and Austria, presenting Russia's invasion of Europe as liberation.
197. Before liberation there was no was no heavy industry in China by and large.
198. Baghdad trains Palestine Liberation Front members in small arms and explosives.
199. It is found that T-M is storable and thermostable, and has slow and low liberation of heat in the curing process.
200. Participates in the Chinese People's Liberation Army third field army 24 forces to teach the group.
201. The "Anti-footbinding" movement was an important milestone for the women's liberation as it released durance of women for the last centuries.
202. Nowadays, those who oppose women's liberation go against the stream.
203. Years after, Northmour was killed fighting under the colours of Garibaldi for the liberation of Tyrol.
204. Muslim sages tomb in west side of the liberation of North - po.
205. In 1948, Luoyang liberation analysis of Luoyang City County District home.
206. Since 1982, after the new liberation of thought, Gide began to be noticed by Chinese elites once again.
207. To mark the 60th anniversary of the People's Liberation Army navy, a total of 52 navy vessels and aircraft were shown taking part in manoeuvres off the eastern port of Qingdao.
208. Clarion calls to liberation had been mocked when we stood by.
209. The crowds outside heralded the arrival of the Liberation Army.
210. Du Bois held oriflamme of pan-Africanism high and devoted himself to African Negroes liberation, so that he was the thesaurus of pan-Africanism in a long time.
211. When Victor Huet's son Gaston trudged 200 miles back to Vouvray, France, after the WWII liberation, he found his father's vineyard in devastation.
212. The Moro Islamic Liberation Front (Milf) said the plan was "unacceptable" and would not give the southern region of Mindanao enough autonomy.
213. Two People's Liberation Army soldiers with bayoneted rifles looked at us curiously.
214. That boy insists to participate in people's the Liberation Army.
215. SOON after the liberation of Tripoli, the Libyan capital, this correspondent met a woman sporting a niqab, or face veil, along with a floor-length black dress and black gloves.
216. The General Secretary of the Palestine Liberation Organization, Yasser Abed Rabu, accused Mr. Netanyahu of trying to derail the peace process.
217. From the harbor at Dalian naval shipyard in northeast China, the first aircraft carrier of the People's Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) will soon set sail for the first time.
218. Since the party's preferred historical narrative casts it as the only begetter of China's liberation and subsequent rise, this awkward complication is hard to overlook.
219. For at least some of those with soul-destroying morning commutes, liberation may indeed be at hand.




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