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单词 Bonds
1. They underwrote the coal mine's bonds.
2. The agreement strengthened the bonds between the two countries.
3. He invested his money in stocks and bonds.
4. Loose his bonds and set him free.
5. Bonds do not exist for those to whom naught is dear or not dear.
6. Spread the risk by diversifying into dollar bonds.
7. I decided to invest in some government bonds.
7. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
8. He managed to free his arms from their bonds.
9. We divested ourselves of all stocks and bonds.
10. The bonds were sold through a stockbroker.
11. In each methane molecule there are four CH bonds.
12. Returns on with-profits bonds have improved.
13. Most of it will be financed by government bonds.
14. Can these bonds berealized at short notice?
15. I invested some money in savings bonds.
16. The bonds were redeemed in 2002.
17. The bonds have a Moody's AAA rating.
18. Little money will issue from the bonds this year.
19. They surrendered the lucrative bonds for no reason.
20. The bonds may no longer be negotiable.
21. The company will call its bonds next month.
22. The bonds are convertible into ordinary shares.
23. Shares and bonds can bring one quite a considerable additional income.
24. The co-defendants are charged with selling worthless junk bonds to thousands of unsuspecting depositors.
25. The truth is that junk bonds were misnamed, and therefore misunderstood.
26. The world can be changed by man's endeavor, and that this endeavor can lead to something new and better .No man can sever the bonds that unite him to his society simply by averting his eyes . He must ever be receptive and sensitive to the new ; and have sufficient courage and skill to novel facts and to deal with them . 
27. My father put all his money into stock market bonds.
28. Thousands of pensioners were persuaded to mortgage their homes to invest in speculative bonds.
29. Many Americans felt it was their patriotic duty to buy bonds to support the war effort.
30. There are tangible signs that the republic's successfully breaking its bonds with Moscow.
1. They underwrote the coal mine's bonds.
2. The agreement strengthened the bonds between the two countries.
3. He invested his money in stocks and bonds.
4. Loose his bonds and set him free.
5. My father put all his money into stock market bonds.
6. I've just won a prize on the Premium Bonds . Let's go out and paint the town red!
7. A group of ten international banks is to underwrite and sell the bonds.
7. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
31. You should hang on to those bonds, they'll appreciate considerably.
32. The trade agreement helped to strengthen the bonds between the two countries.
33. This new glue bonds a variety of surfaces in seconds.
34. I've just won a prize on the Premium Bonds . Let's go out and paint the town red!
35. She longed to escape from the bonds of children and housework.
36. The insurance company will take warehouse stocks or treasury bonds as surety.
37. Government bonds are a sound investment because they combine good profits and high security.
37. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
38. A group of ten international banks is to underwrite and sell the bonds.
39. It is said that the bonds will be retired in the near future.
40. The Central Bank is authorized to sell government bonds on the open market.
41. The molecules in regular liquids are held together by relatively weak bonds.
42. P is ahead 15 percent, bonds up 8 percent.
43. One doomsday scenario: No Bonds, no stadium.
44. They attempt to build them up by selling bonds.
45. The cowboys traded bonds, corporate and government bonds.
46. Usually, a state like Connecticut sells tax-exempt municipal bonds.
47. These loans would be transformed into mortgage bonds.
48. This allows hydrogen bonds to reform.
49. The home loans underpinned mortgage bonds.
50. Simply buy and hold good bonds until maturity.
51. A lot of people got burned buying junk bonds.
52. The coupon payment terms can also differ between bonds.
53. Winnings from betting, football pools, and premium bonds.
54. The allure of foreign bonds is readily apparent.
55. Only Young Broadcasting sold bonds today.
56. Barry Bonds has denied the allegations.
57. Selling municipal bonds in Atlanta was unthinkably wretched.
58. These bonds are comparable to floating-rate term loans.
59. The resulting products usually contain carbon double bonds.
60. Stay away from long-term municipal bonds.
61. National Savings stamps or certificates, premium bonds. 4.
62. All the people in my company are good at forming special bonds with suppliers and customers.
63. If investors decide not to buy more telecommunications bonds, the bonds may not rise much higher, Patel said.
64. It was the best week for bonds since the week ended Dec. 1.
65. Chase Manhattan stopped underwriting and trading municipal bonds about five years ago.
66. Carbon has four electrons that it uses to form chemical bonds.
67. Bonds go into a monthly prize draw paying 4.25 per cent overall.
68. The rosy outlook for equity prices over the near-term meshes with my bullish forecast for 30-year Treasury bonds.
69. This is an unusual fund that mixes stocks(http://), bonds and cash from markets all over the world.
70. When the federal government runs a deficit, it borrows the extra money by selling more Treasury bonds to the public.
71. However, for income-seeking investors, corporate bonds are a much more attractive bet.
72. An index of four Brady bonds compiled by Finex rose 0. 43 points, or 0. 7 percent, today.
73. The scheme uses the magic of futures and zero coupon bonds to achieve that, meanwhile you collect a 3 percent dividend.
74. The higher the current market rate of interest, the lower will be the market price of existing bonds.
75. We also believe that certain settings and certain kinds of support can help parents form these bonds and nurture their children successfully.
76. When small atoms bond together through ionic or covalent chemical bonds, the compactness of the bond makes it extremely strong.
77. The bonds will be used to build a downtown sports arena.
78. Other conservative buys include real estate investment trusts, utility stocks and tax-free municipal bonds.
79. To be sure(), bonds continued to benefit from a two-day rally in the U. S. Treasury market.
80. Why would you expect the yield on treasury bills normally to be rather lower than on government bonds? 2.
81. The bonds will be priced to yield 75 basis points above the 7 percent gilt due 2001.
82. The city is not liable for payment on the bonds even if the borrower defaults, Gittings said.
83. National Savings For a more guaranteed but potentially less bountiful return, there are a number of fixed-rate bonds.
84. Bonds peaked in January, and suffered a big decline since then.
85. They stock up on financial assets such as government bonds, and the government realizes profits by spending its borrowings on buying commodities.
86. A mutual fund is a portfolio of stocks or bonds that is jointly owned by a large number of investors.
87. Between the two extremes come the various financial assets such as bonds and shares.
88. In the extreme case where no interest at all is payable they are sometimes referred to as zero coupon bonds.
89. Rising equity prices hurt bonds by tempting some investors to shop for better returns in the stock market.
90. Simply repaying the bonds used to build the facility accounts for nearly 60 % of the cost of producing power there.
91. As we will discuss later in more depth, bonds are IOUs that pay a specific rate of inter-est.
92. Complex human behaviour is seen as established sequences or chains of S-R bonds.
93. Ionic bonds form most strongly between elements like sodium and chlorine.
94. Interest rate risk is the main form of market risk for bonds paying fixed coupons.
95. The current market price of such bonds will be determined by demand and supply.
96. It is from this period that the first two political bonds of the mid sixteenth century come.
97. Earlier in the day,(http:///bonds.html) bonds received a boost as the central bank said it would buy government bonds outright.
98. Nintendo, a video-games maker, pulled its issue of convertible bonds.
99. Other guaranteed income bonds are paying an average of around 5 percent on £5,000 left tied up for a year.
100. Bonds can be as cruel as torture if applied with enough viciousness.
101. The Japanese company has invested its borrowings in government bonds.
102. Indications the economy may be picking up steam hurt bonds by sparking concern inflation may accelerate, eroding bonds' fixed payments.
103. The issuing of bonds and bills will also depend on the government's monetary policy.
104. Gutsy investors who bought into airline bonds reaped returns of nearly 30 % on average, according to Salomon.
105. Unsecured loan stocks are corporate bonds that are not secured by either a fixed or a floating charge.
106. These include savings certificates, index-linked accounts, savings bonds for children and pensioners and premium bonds.
107. Even if Ranieri had secured a change in the law, however, investors would have stayed clear of mortgage bonds.
108. The most striking thing about the boom in issues of convertible and warrant bonds in 1987-89 was how many firms were involved.
109. Vodafone's shares fell on fears that hedge funds that had bought the bonds were short-selling Vodafone.
110. Virginia -- $ 119. 4 million of Series 1996 general obligation refunding bonds, via competitive bid.
111. For example, the strong bonds allow the atoms in diamonds to vibrate at very high frequencies.
112. To reassure investors, some utilities have taken to selling bonds with insurance, once an unusual tactic for utility bonds.
113. These byproducts also break some of the bonds that hold gum tissue together.
114. The gain from leverage arises because the interest payments on bonds are tax-deductible whereas the dividend payments on shares are not.
115. Bills of exchange: Treasury, local authority and certain commercial bills. Government bonds with less than a year to maturity.
116. There was a deep financial connection between the two: Both drew heavily on the willingness of investors to speculate in bonds.
117. Financial stocks dropped on concern that Treasury bonds yields are headed up, squeezing banks profit margins.
118. He sort of slips the surly bonds of fact every now and then.
119. Glu115 also forms hydrogen bonds to His118 and to Asp84, and Glu238 hydrogen-bonds to Glu204.
120. So the easiest way for insurers to win regulatory bouquets is to sell equities and buy bonds.
121. The Ginnie Mae 8 percent bonds prepaid at a constant prepayment rate of 9. 8 percent in December.
122. Bonds are investments issued by governments or companies who wish to borrow money.
123. Seizing this opportunity, Dineh quietly loosed his bonds and fled through the night. At daybreak the Utes woke up.
124. Voters in 1997 approved $ 27.9 million in bonds for open space, and $ 15.6 has been spent.
125. Trading Bonds for a pitcher is an unacceptable risk because pitchers break down so frequently.
126. Otherwise, they claimed, the child would fail to develop bonds and attachments with his new carers.
127. And when there are children they will be tied together by that strongest of all bonds.
128. All archaebacteria thrive in intense heat,(sentence dictionary) and most derive their energy from breaking chemical bonds.
129. Yields on bonds move in an opposite direction from prices.
130. It is now known that contact and reassurance are more important than food in providing bonds of attachment and affection.
131. Health-care bonds anywhere are risky these days, especially with changes brewing in Medicare and Medicaid.
132. He explained to me that it must be stronger because it contained stronger bonds and more of them than any previous material.
133. New York State plans to sell $ 115 million in bonds this month and $ 140 million in commercial paper in March.
134. You know, stocks and bonds. Commercial bankers just make loans.
135. The city will assume responsibility for convention center permit issues when bonds are issued to finance expansion of the facility.
136. The real difference between approving or rejecting the bonds comes down to where those road projects are going to go.
137. Glaxo, meantime(), is selling $ 500 million of 6. 125 percent 10-year bonds.
138. These voters have stock dividends and municipal bonds on their minds, too.
139. This is like sending Barry Bonds to the plate with the game on the line and having him bunt.
140. Fuji Bank and its securities company bought more than a third of the new bonds sold.
141. In 1793 the government gave permission to convert entailed property into treasury bonds.
142. Yet another was convicted for demanding a 5 % pay-off on all bail bonds paid at the jail.
143. Distortions due to the formation of hydrogen bonds are usually smaller than those due to co-ordination to metal ions.
144. For starters, he or she should get over the idea of bonds as an alternative to stocks.
145. Zero coupon bonds are sold at, substantial discounts from par but pay no current interest.
146. Steady rates would diminish the risk that ever-more homeowners will refinance the mortgages underlying the bonds.
147. This is the point where everyone believes interest rates will rise, and therefore no one wants to buy bonds.
148. Financial stocks dropped on concern that Treasury bonds yields are headed higher, crimping banks and other lenders' profit margins.
149. But municipal bonds issued by towns where incinerators are under development are likely to be threatened by the elimination of the subsidies.
150. Milken devised a way to transform the bonds of the most stable companies to junk: leveraged corporate take-overs.
151. In fact, breaking one of the bonds, by pulling an electron out of it, requires a lot of energy.
152. They were no longer trading mortgage bonds, but the raw material for mortgage bonds: home loans.
153. Signs the economy is recovering hurt bonds by sparking concern that inflation may accelerate, eroding bonds' fixed payments.
154. And because of the natural bonds of familial affection that prevail.
155. Now, three-fifths of insurers' assets are bonds - a quarter of them government bonds.
156. No longer did Salomon Brothers traders buy bonds at twelve and then make the market believe they were worth twenty.
157. Energy must be supplied to break the bonds between atoms to produce free radicals.
158. Furthermore, interest on the bonds of state and local governments is exempt from the Federal income tax.
159. As part of the merger, affiliates of Trump Hotels would also sell $ 750 million in new bonds.
160. His ashes were scattered on the course and his bonds given to the Club.
161. We will get some money that normally camps out in stocks going over to the bonds for a while.
162. The fortunes of Levi Strauss have been restored by junk bonds arranged by Salomon Brothers.
163. Even after allowing for inflation, they should have made 16.1 per cent from holding Treasury bonds.
164. An increase in the number of locally-issued debt could push yields higher by crowding out demand for government bonds.
165. Low interest rates boost bonds by making it cheaper to borrow funds in the money market and invest it in bonds.
166. The public facilities authority raises capital by issuing taxable bonds to investors, whose money pays to renovate the stadium.
167. Bonds soared, as the 10-year government bond yield fell 9 basis points to 8. 24.
168. Remember, though, that firms also borrow money by selling bonds.
169. That makes a difference when it comes to refinancing the bonds, or locking in lower payments when bond market rates fall.
170. Yields of 10-year bonds fell in six of the 12 major government debt markets tracked by Bloomberg Business News.
171. Parental reactions are turbulent, and the usual pathways for the development of close parent-infant bonds are disrupted.
172. It is the price of the bonds that determines the net asset value of bond funds.
173. The ruling party is considering introducing a bill to allow national construction bonds to be used.
174. For aging family members who live on their own, family bonds do seem to hold up.
175. The company is selling bonds on Wall Street and is restricted from discussing the future much while the offering is active.
176. Bidders are now required to post six-figure performance bonds, to be forfeited upon failure.
177. This moral hazard sent them lending billions to property developers and investing billions in junk bonds.
178. It had planned to sell the bonds today, underwriters said, but decided to wait because yields have risen recently.
179. These were tax exempt bonds issued by state and local governments to provide financing for private sector investment in plants and equipment.
180. Jacksonville, Fla. -- $ 60 million of water and sewer revenue bonds, via a PaineWebber Inc. group.
181. In the West, such bonds have been broken by industrial capitalist society.
182. Where taxes are concerned, savings bonds are better than certificates of deposit.
183. Ginnie Mae and mortgage bonds funds, less than 4 percent; and general bond funds, 6. 05 percent.
184. In particular, preferred shares offer a fixed dividend, like bonds and unlike ordinary shares.
185. In the past, these bonds have been issued primarily as a part of bankruptcy reorganization plans.
186. The proceeds from the newly issued bonds were generally invested by investment bankers in U. S. Treasury securities and placed in escrow.
187. And the shift from bonds to stocks would drive down the price of bonds and raise interest rates.
188. That will be paid off by using cash flow, or replacing it with medium or long-term bonds.
189. With bonding authority, you can sell bonds for projects and then pay off the bonds with a local property tax.
190. At the time fallen angels were the only junk bonds around.
191. He might prefer a building society deposit or a National Savings instrument or government bonds or equities.
192. Primary structure refers to the joining of the amino acids through peptide bonds to form polypeptide chains.
193. Seizing this opportunity, Dineh quietly loosed his bonds and fled through the night.
194. The bonds of brotherhood are treacherously betrayed by ungovernable selfishness and egotism.
195. Since Uncle Sam lets firms deduct interest payments to bondholders, he tilts the field to-ward bonds.
196. The repatriated funds will have to be invested in Government bonds for a number of years.
197. Carbon atoms can form bonds not only with themselves but with the atoms of important atmospheric gases, oxygen and nitrogen.
198. The company cut its financing costs by 63 million francs, by converting 836 million francs of convertible bonds to equity.
199. Ohio -- $ 120 million of general obligation bonds, via a Banc One Capital Corp. group.
200. He managed over $ 500 million in municipal and corporate bonds for Mackenzie.
201. Occasionally some corporations feel so confident about their longevity that they try to sell super-long-term bonds.
202. Savings include cash, money in bank and building society accounts, national savings certificates and accounts, premium bonds and shares.
203. The yield on junk bonds did not compensate for their risks, for two related reasons.
204. Protein residues in contact are also shown, with hydrogen bonds as dotted lines.
205. One day King told him to find prices on four bonds for a very large customer, Morgan Guaranty.
206. They learn styles of communication meant to create strong bonds between parents and children.
207. The electronic communication has forged bonds among staff and third-grade families that are the strongest at Logan, said Principal Francine Schaffer.
208. The silicon ingots are highly perfect single crystals and on the atomic scale the cutting has to proceed through breaking bonds.
209. Aficionados such as Cohen, known popularly as hams, have been forging bonds across the airwaves for decades.
210. Furthermore inside his organization his prescience produced bonds of intense devotion and trust.
211. It is clear that deep discount bonds represent liabilities of the issuer since they contain an obligation to make cash payments.
212. Junk bonds were used to finance leveraged buyouts and takeovers, with the aim of extracting value from existing bondholders and shareholders.
213. Anyone can buy be-cause anyone can borrow using junk bonds.
214. The rate of interest on the bonds is quoted net of basic rate tax.
215. The frequency of coupon payments can differ between bonds; for example, some bonds pay coupons quarterly, others pay annual coupons.
216. The strong bonds in diamond are also responsible for many of its non-abrasive uses.
217. Yields on benchmark 30-year Treasury bonds dropped to 6. 06 percent from 6. 15 percent on Friday.
217. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
218. Over the years Merrill Lynch, the municipal bond sellers, unloaded most of the bonds for Citron.
219. Demand for junk bonds has been strong because investors continue to pour cash into corporate bond funds.
220. The type and irregularity of fracture bears a complex relation to the breaking of bonds in directions that cut across crystallographic planes.
221. There are no main-chain hydrogen bonds to the metal ligand side chains.
222. The Fed delivered a Goldilocks economy -- not too hot, not too cold -- and stocks and bonds soared.
223. Yield spreads of junk bonds over Treasuries have narrowed a touch, though they remain wide.
224. The jeans maker's bonds are trading above par, even in a badly depressed market.
225. They seem at first glance to be the same, using stocks and income from bonds and stock dividends to grow.
226. San Francisco voters already have approved writing $ 100 million in bonds to help finance the project.
227. The capital account records purchases and sales of assets such as stocks, bonds, land, etc.
228. Still, demand for most junk bonds is still strong, because investors keep putting cash into high yield funds.
229. The money comes directly from the investment-banking firm, and indirectly from the investors to whom that firm sells the bonds.
230. The mountain community is held together by deep historical and religious bonds.
231. Since interest rates fluctuate from day to day, the prices of seasoned bonds also fluctuate.
232. To be sure, some investors feel the impact of a weaker yen on bonds may be limited.
233. While real estate seems still to be undervalued compared to stocks and bonds, this is a year for careful selection.
234. Bonds probably felt the Giants owed him this consideration, keeping his streak alive for a couple games by artificial means.
235. Bonds with greater duration experience greater price movements as yields fluctuate.
236. We believe that part of this development is a process by which parents form bonds to their children.
237. Under the reorganization plan, El Paso Electric will repay creditors using proceeds from an underwritten public offering of mortgage bonds.
238. Since then, despite deep and life changing bonds being formed, some relationships have at times threatened to go badly wrong.
239. Treasury bonds for March delivery dropped 7 / 32 to 120 1 / 8.
240. Because of adverse tax consequences, consider owning these bonds in a tax-deferred account.
241. The one-time gain reflected a drop in financing costs after the conversion of 836 million francs in convertible bonds.
242. Because of the need for both liquidity and profitability, banks tend to hold bills and bonds of varying maturities and yields.
243. By then junk bonds were 25 percent of the corporate bond market.
244. Lower prices for Treasury bonds helped put a damper on stock prices, traders said.
245. Bonds of this type are formed by electrostatic attractions between ions of opposite charge.
246. The $ 53 billion fund raised cash and bought long-term bonds aggressively.
247. Some investors assert that the lack of a spending accord, for now, will buoy bonds by choking off economic growth./bonds.html
248. Nevertheless, utility bonds are one of the few Southeastern sectors priced below national levels.
249. Beneath them in their corporations are thousands of people who now make their living in mortgage bonds.
250. Spreads between corporate junk bonds and Treasury bonds have risen to their widest since the recession of 1990-91.
251. And the faster corporate bonds are issued, the speedier will be the development of an active secondary market.
252. Insurance companies that issue these fixed rate bonds were expecting a Labour victory and were planning to increase rates today.
253. The interest rates on junk bonds are higher because they are considered more likely to default. 12.
254. At Wharton he examined fallen angels, the bonds of one-time blue-chip corporations now in trouble.
255. Calculate how your portfolio is divided among stocks, bonds and supersafe investments such as money-market funds and certificates of deposit.
256. Demand for most bonds is high because investors keep putting money into corporate bond funds.
257. Dumbfounded bankers learned that the government would not pay out on its bonds.
258. Enzymatic catalysis involves the breaking and making of different chemical bonds.
259. A trader could buy or sell as many bonds as he thought appropriate without asking.
260. At Salomon, Parseghian headed trading of collateralized mortgage obligations, the custom-made bonds cut from bundles of home mortgages.
261. Lower rates make stocks more appealing than bonds and bank deposits.
262. Over the years the two men had developed deep bonds of friendship.
263. For clarity, the three hydrogen bonds mentioned in the text are not illustrated.
264. Bonds irritates many writers because of his rudeness, and he turns off some fans with his refusal to sign autographs.
265. Lower interest rates also make the rate of return on bonds more attractive than bank deposits and new bond issues.
266. When the public buy the bonds or bills they will draw money from their banks.
267. Fund managers aim to mix a cocktail of bonds that offer a return higher than the interest on a building society deposit.
268. The fund manager can, therefore, select the mix of bonds which offers the most attractive yield and capital growth potential.
269. Of the accepted bids, 85.8 percent included bonds which were issued at a 35 percent discount in exchange for bank loans.
270. Debt would be sold for cash at a discount or converted into 17- to 25-year bonds.
271. Most bonds pay interest semiannually at a rate equal to one-half of the annual coupon rate.
272. The central bank also bought about 200 billion yen in government bonds outright.
273. Stocks and bonds finance tangible assets such as factories and machinery.
274. The plan also would make it less attractive to financial institutions and Wall Street firms to own tax-exempt municipal bonds.
275. Another disadvantage of yield to maturity is that investors do not typically hold bonds to maturity.
276. Bonds began falling late yesterday after talks aimed at crafting a seven-year deficit reduction plan broke off.
277. Also, premium bonds stay valid for every draw instead of the stake being lost.
278. Obon is for closing off unfinished business, for restoring bonds, for healing and remembering.
279. A state might replace its tax-exempt bonds paying 6 percent interest with bonds paying 5 percent interest.
280. A fall in bond yields, which move inversely to bond prices, make stocks a more attractive investment compared with bonds.
281. For bonds and other financial assets, this means a reduction in their rate of interest.
282. This dissolves hair by breaking the sulphur bonds of the keratin, the protein from which hair is made.
283. But they were not so dire as to scare investors into dumping government bonds.
284. He paid the pill by cashing in some bonds.
285. And then look at the way he speculates in government bonds: huh!
286. Ceramics primarily have ionic bonds, but covalent bonding is also present.
287. That means an investor rush to redeem the bonds could delay payment.
288. The relationship between bonds and cotrees is analogous to that between cycles and spanning trees.
289. Bonds between adjacent atoms contribute more significantly than bonds between nonadjacent atoms.
290. We must, somehow, find a way to loosen the bonds of tradition.
291. With the retreat of this boundary the cohesive bonds gradually yield.
292. There was a weakening of the intermolecular bonds,(http:///bonds.html) primarily in the amorphous region of the polymer.
293. Billy Bonds has never been one to avoid a scrap.
294. Most government bonds are marketed to big institutional investors such as banks.




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