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单词 Subdued
1. Richard seems very subdued tonight.
2. He seemed a bit subdued to me.
3. The reception was a subdued affair.
4. The subdued talk in the room faded down.
5. She was in a subdued mood.
6. The country was subdued by the enemy.
7. She was dressed in grey and looked suitably subdued.
8. The audience are strangely subdued, clapping politely after each song.
9. You're very subdued. What's wrong?
10. His soothing words subdued her fears.
11. Napoleon subdued much of Europe.
12. His fever has been subdued.
13. Breakfast was a very subdued affair.
14. The housing market is fairly subdued.
15. I felt strangely subdued when it was all over.
16. 'Oh,' she said in a subdued voice.
17. The conversation around them was resumed,() but in subdued tones.
18. She was a bit subdued to start with, but after a while she livened up.
19. He seemed a bit subdued at lunch - is he all right?
20. Her voice was subdued when he talked to her son.
21. There is a subdued atmosphere in the school at exam time.
22. Price had seemed rather subdued after the meeting.
23. Glenn Close is looking smart, stylish and subdued.
24. Hinds seemed more subdued, distracted.
25. Lininger and Amlee are more subdued in their assessments.
26. The subdued light made Mary appear pale.
27. San Francisco is more sophisticated, but consequently more subdued.
28. Lighting should be subdued, and diffused through floating plants.
29. Other requirements: Light: Requires subdued light from above.
30. The president spoke with passion for an hour, in marked contrast to his subdued address to the parliament yesterday.
1. Richard seems very subdued tonight.
2. He seemed a bit subdued to me.
3. The reception was a subdued affair.
4. The subdued talk in the room faded down.
5. She was in a subdued mood.
6. The country was subdued by the enemy.
7. She was dressed in grey and looked suitably subdued.
8. The audience are strangely subdued, clapping politely after each song.
9. His soothing words subdued her fears.
10. Breakfast was a very subdued affair.
11. I felt strangely subdued when it was all over.
12. There is a subdued atmosphere in the school at exam time.
31. His cologne reads subdued but intense sensuality.
32. He felt the urge to apologize, then subdued it.
33. Nature at her most awesome had been subdued.
34. The rehearsals continued, subdued but in an orderly way.
35. We drive on in subdued silence.
36. Charles led a more subdued and private life.
37. Inflation remained subdued in September.
38. Other requirements: Light: Subdued light, though it is very indifferent to any other conditions.
39. Then, with the body subdued, one might at last grapple with the real problems.
40. The water level can be raised slowly by adding water from the breeding tank, and subdued lighting provided.
41. A few hundred yards away at Conservative Central Office the mood has been more subdued(), though not defeatist.
42. He felt the urge to apologize, but then subdued it.
43. The dazzle effect of grids can be subdued by establishing a hierarchy of one set of parallels over another.
44. She had used make-up skilfully to mask her bruise, and with the subdued stage light it was scarcely visible.
45. Another kid might be contrite or repentant or maybe subdued.
46. Investment is expected to remain subdued and a period of destocking is possible as firms respond to lower demand.
47. The atmosphere is subdued and clannish(http://), like the aura inside an exclusive club.
48. A puff of powder, a dab of lipstick and a squirt of ozone-friendly aerosol to keep my hair subdued.
49. The old Gary Beaner continues to live on as a receptacle for Pale Eagle, but in a more subdued fashion.
50. About a dozen mallard ducks were sleeping on the sand or quacking in a subdued manner under the dock.
51. On the other hand, blue and green are subdued and bring calm to a garden.
52. On either side her head gleamed coiled braids of dark-gold hair, almost pale copper in the subdued light of the room.
53. A subdued man said bye and thanks to a wry cast.
54. Though Ryan draws her colors from the full color spectrum, the individual hues are subdued.
55. They are subdued as they walk down the passageway from the visitors' locker room to the court.
56. Generally it grows well in subdued light, as its habitats are murky, clay-saturated rice-fields and rivers.
57. After 29 songs, he earned a rather subdued standing ovation.
58. Do you react by becoming rather subdued and leaving the protagonists to fight it out?
59. The sonar room was heavily insulated against all outside noise and dimly lit by subdued yellow lighting.
60. Over the last few months he had become rather withdrawn and mistrustful; a subdued version of his former self.
61. In fact, the embossed, gold-plated tailpiece looks almost subdued in these surroundings.
62. But the panic... was soon subdued on reflection, and shamed by the counsels of the brave and intelligent.
63. But be prepared to entertain yourself: The expensively appointed restaurant usually is subdued and was deathly quiet on a recent visit.
64. The short-term outlook on the high street, however, remains gloomy with subdued consumer demand.
65. He looked tired, a little subdued, and suddenly she was stunned by an almost overwhelming shock of tenderness.
66. There were objects in glass cases, lengthy labels in tiny print, subdued lighting and great echoing halls.
67. At breakfast time the general atmosphere among the residents was still subdued, but much less strained than the previous evening.
68. Where Dorati is elegant, Saccani is lyrical, where Dorati is sometimes joyful, Saccani is more subdued.
69. The fields and woods were shut in under it, emptied and subdued.
70. The cheval glass opposite: in the subdued light, she saw herself - surely not a woman, but a freak?
71. From the library there was a broken murmur of voices, subdued and spasmodic as a funeral gathering.
72. Even the female mourners, who followed the bier, were few in number and boringly subdued.
73. Her husband's reaction to Lowell's bit on the side had been subdued.
74. Aunt Tossie, now in the full regalia of her widow's weeds, was eating heartily but in a subdued way.
75. The statute was promulgated during Lent, in the hope that abstention would find the peasants in subdued mood.
76. But she also looked, Meredith noticed, very pale and rather subdued.
77. A cluster of ex-dividend stocks trading without the benefit of dividend payments helped keep dealing subdued.
78. They were in any case somewhat subdued by Yussuf's misfortunes.
79. When grown in subdued light, the leaves become greenish-brown or bronze colour with greenish blotches.
80. Another was knocked down and, while half conscious and thoroughly subdued, was sprayed in the face with Mace.
81. None of the men made any attempt to escape when they struggled, subdued and shaken, on to the bank.
82. Some children placed on the drug became more subdued, less obstreperous.
83. The young are particularly vivid, their colors and patterns changing systematically with growth to the more subdued beauty of the adult.
84. Of course not. Who wants to talk things over after being physically subdued and humiliated?
85. Only Corrary was still subdued, remembering his brother lying in a makeshift grave far from his home Rorim.
86. They have a great ability to survive in subdued light.
87. The sight of her filled Liz with a subdued and dreary panic.
88. Even the extremities of her limbs were tingling pleasurably, a subdued kind of electricity running through her entire body.
89. The cellist took up his bow, and drew across his instrument a few subdued notes of Bach.
90. A couple of very good oriental rugs were pools of subdued colour on the polished wood floor.
91. Although an aging populace and a more subdued economy contribute to this trend, other factors fuel it, too.
92. The marines arrived, subdued the sailors, and took them back to the base.
93. King Godfred made extensive forays into Frisia, and subdued the Abotrites and Wiltzes.
94. Chris could come along with them, suitably subdued by the scholastic environment, Louise hoped, to be quiet for a while.
95. The van's windscreen gleamed darkly in the subdued car-park light.
96. Nick just seemed subdued, rather pale, still quite shocked by the crash.
97. State national guardsmen subdued the riot, without a call for federal troops.
98. Colours are subdued, with dark and light blue, brown, and pink predominating.
99. Far below, the tiniest candle-flame sending out the smallest light, flickering, subdued.
100. Polygamy, subdued but never forsaken under Soviet rule, has returned with a veneer of respectability.
101. Neil Fraser looked tired and on edge, his wife was subdued and made an excuse to leave them early.
102. For some one who had just completed an incisive experiment, Stafford seemed remarkably subdued, even irritable.
103. The lighting was subdued.
104. The civil trial provided a more subdued sequel, since Fujisaki refused to allow television cameras into his courtroom.
105. Other requirements: Light: Requires subdued light from above. Too bright light will harm the plant.
106. Share issues were subdued in the early 1980s but rose strongly after that as the market improved.
107. Lesley-Jane looked strained and peaky and her performance was once again subdued.
108. Then there's nothing but the implacable, soul-less beat, and a subdued babble of shudders and metallic gasps.
109. Usually rather subdued piping or twittering calls, flocks often keeping up a conversational twitter.
110. Who wants to talk things over after being physically subdued and humiliated?
111. Inside the church, where the lighting is subdued but not dim, the central dome is supported on eight piers.
112. Brutal repression broke the strike, and mobilization for the war initially subdued the labour movement.
113. Finally, she appeared in court in 1976, subdued and generally apolitical.
114. Julius Caesar subdued Gaul in 50 B.C.
115. He had subdued the religious sects, cleaned up Saigon.
116. Confessedly defeated, he was properly tame now and subdued.
117. David's dad, an orthopedic surgeon, oddly subdued.
118. Like Indra, Vishnu is said to have subdued serpents.
119. The Greek dye was subdued in me, I suppose.
120. Li's pock - marked wife was also waiting for him in a subdued , humble way.
121. Tasteful, subdued lighting sprang up around an elegant interior lounge.
122. This summer, there are vibrant paisley patterns and lush, tropical prints, as well as quirky sea-urchin pairs in turquoise, pink and lime, and a more subdued, blue-and-white turtle-print.
123. The vainglorious presence of Marilyn Monroe is placed alongside the subdued countenance of Mother Theresa, Che Guevara glares vehemently in opposition to the pacifistic visage of Mahatma Gandhi.
124. Colours and beauties so far subdued were, at least, the birthright of all.
125. At today's subdued press conference, there was a beefed-up security presence, with the Iraqis anxious to avoid a repeat of the Bush incident.
126. A similar test for night - blindness should be arranged in subdued light.
127. His brief and subdued remarks to the A-bomb survivors were received with respectful, but brief applause.
128. Offered both in today's subdued colors and a vivid, 80s-inspired palate, the Bugaboo 86 Parka is the perfect balance of then and now.
129. Colour: Subdued color includes lilac, Song Shila , pink, herb yellow, elegant white, Jin Sha is lubricious.
130. Inflation has since continued at a much more subdued rate, and the current exchange is valued at approximately 195.2 Forint to 1 $USD.
131. Confessedly defeated, he was properly tame now and subdued. Aleck forgave him with her eyes.
132. Regular pay, which excludes bonuses, has picked up a bit but the most recent rate of 2.3% is still subdued by historical standards.
133. An exaggerated vertical scale is useful, however, when dealing with low dips and subdued topography.
134. During lunchtime, when surveillance tended to be less intense, the Texas 7 subdued nine supervisors, four officers, and three uninvolved inmates. Then the group split up.
135. Since life rarely depends on me, my great skills are subdued, unused.
136. Thus the children of Ammon were subdued before the children of Israel.
137. The rebellious dragon was quite humbled and subdued, and became a most creditable younger brother.
138. When the housing boom came to an end, building cost inflation came down and growth in rents was subdued for a few years. These outcomes helped hold down overall inflation rates during this period.
139. The only contemporary of Louis Armstrong who could hold a candle to the legendary trumpeter, cornetist Bix Beiderbecke had a smooth tone and constructed elegant and subdued solos.
140. Together with the increase in hourly earnings, the leveling in hours worked signals the first increase in wage income in nearly a year, even though gains may be subdued.
141. The sound of their motors filtering back in a subdued gentle rumble.
142. Morel subdued, afraid to seem too jubilant in presence of his wife.
143. Rich, ripe fruit characters of plums and subdued raspberry are the dominant fruit characters in this flavoursome red wine.
144. Once we have subdued wrong conceptual thinking by pacifying the mind then we will recognize the nature of the mind. Every practice then becomes right.
145. For example, axes, tick marks, and gridlines have been subdued to allow the data in the plot area to stand out more.
146. At an unknown moment, its inhabitants were subjected by the Medes, who ruled the first Iranian empire until they were subdued by the Persian leader Cyrus the Great in 550 BCE.
147. Cliff Waldman, an economist for the Manufacturers Alliance/MAPI, said high unemployment will keep consumers anxious and keep household and business demand subdued even as a global recovery takes hold.
148. His taunting inclination subdued for a moment by the old man's grief and wildness.
149. They were finally subdued and burried alive under Mount Aetna.
150. In Australia, shares fell sharply across the board although trading was subdued.
151. While economic growth is likely to resume from the middle of this year, the actual rate of growth will be subdued, perhaps at only half the pace of the previous cycle.
152. This gave to his wife's mind its subdued and tactful turn.
153. EDENVALE Sparkling Cuvee displays a subtle yet fragrant aroma of ripe apples and subdued tropical fruits with zesty citrus overtones.
154. Even though the durable goods orders report showed some strength, analysts expect manufacturing growth to slow as demand remains subdued.
155. Indeed, inflation has remained subdued so far, a signal likely to be reinforced by German price data due on Tuesday.
156. So Moab was subdued day hand of Israel. And the land had rest fourscore years.
157. In the mobile environment contrast ratio takes on critical importance, as the lighting in vehicle and outdoor environments is not the typical subdued office lighting.
158. Anne's character was milder and more subdued; she wanted the power, the fire, the originality of her sister, but was well endowed with quiet virtues of her own.
159. He shook his head with a subdued " h'm. "
160. The Scots subdued the environment with simple spades and strong arms.
161. Both the colour and pattern of this printed silk are very subdued and in good taste.
162. So the children of Ammon were subdued before the children of Israel.
163. Bright "raspberry-pink" legs (they look "full of blood") would point to Slaty -backed, but, in winter, Heuglin's Gulls legs are usually pinkish (with only subdued yellowish-tones (but yellowish feet!
164. Oswald was subdued after a scuffle with a second policeman in a nearby theater.
165. Mr Lee says slower growth implies a lower return on assets and thus subdued profits.
166. On that day God subdued Jabin, the Canaanite king, before the Israelites.
167. The subdued moonlit glare helps to bring out more of the lunar landscape.
168. Dobrynin, subdued,(http:///subdued.html) said he would report this to his leaders as a " direct quotation ".
169. Excellent are well-trained mules, thoroughbred Sindhu horses and noble tusker elephants. But better still is the man who has subdued himself.
170. Initial estimates of online business over the Thanksgiving holiday and weekend were also subdued.
171. A sound like quiet, subdued weeping spread softly , pervading every corner of the moonlit night.
172. But more often they were a subdued pointillistic chronicle of the day's dark news: ...middle-aged man jumped off bridge where the body fell to the flower bed: died on the spot.
173. Subdued his flesh with a sharp chain and a hair-shirt, slept on the ground and scourged hi flesh with iron disciplines.
174. Micro has the last laugh, no tears subdued without Shame.
175. The current level of interest rates is also counterbalancing the negative impact of subdued economic growth on credit demand.
176. I had found the spell of the picture in an absolute life-likeliness of expression, which at first startling , finally confounded, subdued and appalled me.
177. Gloom intermingled with light; and his voice subdued with emotion.
178. A subdued impassioned murmur was audible in the room beyond.
179. At the same time, Fed policy makers "expect continued moderate growth, a gradual decline in the unemployment rate and subdued inflation over the next several years, " Bernanke said.
180. He faced the press, initially, in a somewhat subdued mood.
181. Sympathetic nervous stimulation also occurs in moola bandha but at a subdued level.
182. During lunchtime, when surveillance tended to be less intense, the Texas 7 subdued nine supervisors, four officers, and three uninvolved inmates.
183. The chase finally ended when she was subdued with a stun gun after climbing a chain-link fence.
184. Topographical detail visible in daylight is printed in subdued colours.
185. The demeanour of the black - uniformed men suddenly became more subdued.
186. While the rate of growth in deals is strong, absolute levels of activity remain subdued.
187. Desperation was conveyed in her works but had been subdued esthetically, which entails the distinction of her tragic sense and endurance of her novels.
188. It was eventually subdued by the homeowner who pinned it to the floor in a headlock and forced it out of the house.




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