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单词 Mud bath
1. The Mud Bath is particularly recommended for relieving tension and stiff muscles.
2. We suggest a nightly bath or mud bath following dinner to help trigger the detoxification of the body for the continued ascension.
3. They like bath and prefer to take mud bath to remove parasites on the fur.
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4. This is when Mila relies upon taking a mud bath and spreading a nice thick coat of French green clay mixed with water and essential oil of eucalyptus.
5. Why is the mud bath so useful upon a bad ascension day?
6. However, many ascending humans live a lifestyle that does not have the luxury of many days off to be spent in a mineral pool or at a mud bath.
7. This system has become so efficient that in a recent trip from Hawaii to the mainland so little of their epidermis died that they did not require a mud bath to recover from the trip.
8. It rained throughout the festival and with more than 170, 000 revellers walking around and camping on the grounds, it didn't take long for the site to turn into a mud bath.
9. It is for this reason that they can state that ongoing detoxification rituals are imperative to ascension; the main ritual being the one of the daily bath or mud bath .
10. Mila and Oa would then use French green clay and a mud bath in their hotel to pull off the dead skin cells for a rapid recovery from long plane travel.
11. It was raining for the whole day yesterday and so what should have been a tranquil bath for the capital of China turned the city into a mud bath thanks to the abundance of dust particles in the air.




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