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单词 Pull up
1. Please pull up a chair and join the conversation.
2. Pull up a chair and dig in!
3. It's a long pull up to the summit.
4. She's going to pull up alongside us.
5. It was a long pull up the hill.
6. Why don't you just pull up all the plants and have done with the idea of having a garden.
7. The tutor hopes that he will pull up his bad habits in his study.
8. If you study hard, you'll soon pull up your French.
9. He waited several minutes for a car to pull up alongside.
10. It was a hard pull up to the mountain hut.
11. He was advised by his doctor to pull up and take it easy.
12. We're going to pull up stakes and move to Montana.
13. They had to pull up, possibly go to a motorway services or somewhere like that.
14. The 1P signaled me to pull up the collective.
15. Pull up a chair, and sit down right here.
16. You pull up on the frontage road and park.
17. The woman would pull up the sheet to her neck.
17. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
18. Anyway, I pull up a chair by the bed and say hello.
19. I heard a car pull up in front of the apartment and heard the door slam shut.
20. He would meddle with fishing nets, pull up anchors and tow boats, tease dogs and tow swimmers.
21. A dog suddenly ran across the road and I had to pull up short.
22. This brake can't be banked on if we have to pull up suddenly.
23. I daren't let Bill loose on the garden he'd pull up all the flowers.
24. Peter pulled up, but to his horror the glider chose to pull up as its method of collision avoidance.
25. From my window I saw a tan Mercedes sports car pull up to the moving steps which were being fitted into place.
26. He'd come on strong towards the end of his round to pull up within a shot of us.
27. Then an observer in nearby Mineola saw the Waco dive at a house and pull up just before crashing into its roof.
28. The jockeys then completed nearly a circuit at a gradually increasing pace before deciding among themselves to pull up.
29. This time, gently stretch upwards for 10 counts, trying to pull up a bit further with each count.
30. Back at work the next day, the cars may pull up to docking stations and pump electricity into offices or factories.
1. She's going to pull up alongside us.
31. Fifty-One Julie Craig heard the car pull up in the driveway and hurried across to the landing window-to look out.
32. Pull up your leg muscles and feel how solid that left thigh is becoming!
33. The pilot, who was later court martialled, was unable to pull up from a dive and ploughed into the ground.
34. Pull up the tape, tying the cords neatly, and spread the gathers evenly.
35. It turned in at the gate and came chuntering up the track to pull up beside them.
36. As you stand, pull in the tummy and pull up, out of the hips.
37. We pull up at the door of the drum player's house in a middle-class suburb of La Paz.
38. Later, you pull up your pants and wait for the pain to go away.
39. Here, pull up your pant legs and let me see if your knees are hurt.
40. But an attempt to pull up a second core failed when the corer snagged and then broke off its cable.
41. The pilot maintained that he tried to pull up but automatic systems prevented that.
42. Pull up a chair from your childhood, the kind from school with a little desk attached.
43. Let's pull up stakes and get out of here.
44. The magician told Aladdin to pull up the stone.
45. Let's pull up these plants by the roots.
46. Buddhism will pull up the tree by the root.
47. Sometimes, you pull up stakes and go home.
47. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
48. Don't try to pull up the plant!
49. When you look at a YouTube video, pull up a Netflix stream, watch a video on a site, or any kind of standard internet video, it's probably unicast—it's going to you on demand, from start to finish.
50. If you want to impress your date, pull up Hello Vino to make it look like you know whether to order a zinfandel or a malbec.
51. Pull up on the Move controller and witness an amazing flashy dunk.
52. I saw lobster to swallow the bait, hurriedly filed a fishing rod, see a lobster was I pull up the surface of the water, as I day, lobster loosen big pliers, fell back to the water.
53. Fingers are pretty nifty. They let you a latte a keyboard, even pull up your pants.
54. You are suppoised to pull up at the traffic light.
55. After five hours, we at last pull up to our inn, along the steep, narrow main drag of Angangueo at dusk.
56. I got sick on the way out though, and I was really cold, even in my winter ski jacket, so at about 4pm we decided to pull up anchor and head home early.
57. If that's the problem , maybe you should pull up stakes.
58. Affected by this, steel futures lasted nearly a month's small rise spot trading price pull up momentum actively rapidly.
59. He told the children not to pull up the young plants.
60. You should pull up the children about their table manners.
61. An implicit form of full-zipper, sewing fine, even the zipper pull up, the images are so you do not feel there is connected, as a complete pattern can be seen turner's careful.
62. The sudden appearance of the boy directly in front of the car caused the driver to pull up short .
63. Chopper Pull up, everyone! Get your altitude above 5,000 feet!
64. Enter "PC hamster cage" in the Google search field and you'll pull up multiple versions of monitors turned hamster cages.
65. Sarah: Let me pull up a comfortable chair and you can tell me the Barrymore saga.
66. Men pull up stakes in the Russian village of Muslyumovo, literally disassembling an older home so that it can be moved from the heavily contaminated region to a new location.
67. You can even pull up your favorite comedienne and get a few laughs for free.
68. Could you pull up his calendar for the last day you saw him?
69. Grace: Yeah, but now I really need to pull up my GPA.
70. Morning breaks in Nairobi's Central Business District, and men in red Coca-Cola lab coats arrive at Rosinje Distributors as red trucks pull up from a local bottling plant.
71. And when investment banks start losing money, they pull up stakes and evacuate from the corporate lending market to cut their exposure.
72. The evening was just cool enough to make it worth while to pull up the counterpane.
73. I decided to attempt disarranging the target troop in order to pull up a gap by feinting from a delusive direction in the manner of the wolf.
74. If you're truly a monster, try doing leg lifts with a medicine ball hanging from your feet. Or hang from a pull up bar and raise your legs in front of you all the way up to the bar.
75. Pull up a lawn chair or hammock under your favorite shade tee and relax!
76. Loading dock. Trucks pull up to the back of the loading dock to unload.
77. To eke out a full-time living from their honeybees, about half the nation's 2,000 commercial beekeepers pull up stakes each spring, migrating north to find more flowers for their bees.
78. The coolie is told to pull up the weeds in your yard, but to spare the precious tufts of grass just beginning to sprout, and in which you see visions of a longed-for turf.
79. " And they are going to pull up the weeds.
80. To eke out a full-time living from their honeybees, about half the nation's 2,000 commercial beekeepers pull up stakes each spring.
81. The reason he wrote the word down was because he was trying to convince other Englishmen to pull up stakes in the old country and help swell the European population in the settlement.
82. Also, like parafeed, hum is reduced by the effective voltage division between the "pull up" resistor and the anode resistance.




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