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单词 Collect
1 A courier was dispatched to collect the documents.
2 The agency would collect and disseminate information.
3 She returned to collect her umbrella.
4 Will you collect all the students to the classroom?
5 Collect the books and put them in a pile on my desk.
6 As soon as he finished reading the collect letter, he flew into a rage and tore it into pieces.
7 As soon as he finished reading the collect letter, he fell into a rage and tore it into pieces.
8 I've come to collect my tickets - I reserved them by phone yesterday in the name of Tremin.
9 We arranged for a car to collect us from the airport.
10 If you collect ten coupons from the newspaper,[] you can get a free beach towel.
11 I've come to collect my book/come for my book.
12 She paused for a moment to collect herself.
13 The landlord came around to collect the month's rent.
14 I have come to collect my winnings.
15 Bezanik is diving to collect marine organisms.
16 The survey didn't collect any information about temporary workers.
17 What day do they collect the rubbish / garbage?
18 I'll collect you from the station.
19 She said she'd collect it for me after work.
20 Collect six tokens for a free T-shirt.
21 I collect rain water to water my plants.
22 Would somebody collect up all the dirty glasses?
23 She's gone to collect her son from school.
24 I'll send my boy round to collect the book.
25 You could call back to collect her at noon.
26 Collect your tickets at the box office.
27 They travelled posthaste to Rome to collect the award.
28 These china ornaments just collect dust.
29 On presentation of the relevant identity documents you may collect your property.
30 I can whip round to your place after work and collect the papers that I need for tomorrow.
1 A courier was dispatched to collect the documents.
2 Collect the books and put them in a pile on my desk.
3 On presentation of the relevant identity documents you may collect your property.
4 I've come to collect my tickets - I reserved them by phone yesterday in the name of Tremin.
5 We arranged for a car to collect us from the airport.
6 If you collect ten coupons from the newspaper, you can get a free beach towel.
7 I'll send my boy round to collect the book.
8 The winner will be there in person to collect the prize.
9 Please don't stick the stamp on; I like to collect them.
10 He gave me not even a moment to collect my thoughts.
11 They were monitoring the upper air to collect evidence of atomic explosions.
31 The dustmen collect the rubbish once a week.
32 She received a collect phone call from Alaska.
33 Methane gas does collect in the mines around here.
34 The hotel had a taxi waiting to collect us.
35 Trim the hedge and collect the trimmings.
36 I ought to collect the little 'uns from school.
37 I collect shells and interesting seaside items.
38 men were told off to collect fuel.
39 I'm fine-I just need a minute to collect myself.
40 Martin's gone to collect the children from school.
41 She appeared in person to collect her prize.
42 I'd like to make a collect call.
43 Dirt can collect in inaccessible places.
44 Why do you collect stamps?
45 What day do they collect the refuse?
46 Could you collect up the papers?
47 After she had identified the body of her husband,[ ] the police asked her to collect his personal effects.
48 His heart swelled with pride as he watched his daughter collect her prize.
49 Don't stop to collect the materials; I have prepared them for you.
50 It's amazing how people collect so much stuff over the years.
51 After the kill the men and old women collect in an open space and eat a meal of whale meat.
52 They collect blood samples for analysis at a national laboratory.
53 Your order has arrived - you can collect it from the store any time.
54 Please collect your purchases from the customer collection point .
55 He and I have a common interest: we both collect stamps.
56 Can you send one of your minions to collect this file?
57 Very few firms collect the tax, even when they're required to do so by law.
58 It was my job to collect payment for the trip.
59 Will Tom continue to collect stamps or is it only a passing fad?
60 Your shoes will be repaired and ready for you to collect on Thursday.
61 If you collect ten bonus points, you will be entitled to a discount.
62 Some tribes used to collect scalps to prove how many of the enemy they had killed in battle.
63 We will be taking active steps to collect the outstanding fees.
64 Like a telescope it has a curved mirror to collect the sunlight.
65 The church is getting up a sale to collect money for the homeless children.
66 She paused to collect her thoughts before entering the interview room.
67 There will be a messenger at the Airport to collect the photographs from our courier.
68 We need to collect more data before we can do any more work.
69 He was grateful for a chance to relax and collect his thoughts.
70 Should you lose your ticket call collect on STA's helpline.
71 I'll get a taxi from the station to save you the trouble of coming to collect me.
72 Today it is his turn to collect the children from school in the community.
73 I got there early so I had a few minutes to collect my thoughts before the meeting began.
74 The electrician will come round to collect the electricity fee for the month one of these days.
75 I'll tell you what - we'll collect the parcel on our way to the station.
76 The winner will be there in person to collect the prize.
77 If I remember correctly, you were supposed to collect the keys on your way here.
78 I felt quite dizzy with excitement as I went up to collect the award.
79 The landlady came around once a month to collect the rent.
80 They felt a glow of pride as they watched their daughter collect the award.
81 She called me collect.
82 He faked his own death last year to collect on a $1 million insurance policy.
83 Please don't stick the stamp on; I like to collect them.
84 Hendry raised his game to collect the £40 000 first prize.
85 I've taken most of the big things to the new house, but there are a few odds and ends left to collect.
86 Take the chit to the counter and collect your books.
87 A crowd was beginning to collect around the scene of the accident.
88 I have to collect the children from school at 3 o'clock.
89 The party depends on whether or not we can collect enough money.
90 He gave me not even a moment to collect my thoughts.
91 When danger threatens, collect your possessions and flee like the wind.
92 I've got to go and collect the book I ordered from the library.
93 I've been waiting in all day for your television repairman to collect the set, but he didn't come as he promised.
94 He arranges to collect the payment from the customer, thus saving the client the paperwork.
95 The state does not collect enough revenue to cover its expenditure.
96 They were monitoring the upper air to collect evidence of atomic explosions.
97 The statistics to prove or disprove his hypothesis will take years to collect.
98 I was so stunned by what he'd said I had to collect myself before I could reply.
99 Can you collect up all the dirty plates and cups?
100 You can either collect the goods or have them delivered.
101 I could feel my heart pounding as I went on stage to collect the prize.
102 I'd better collect the picnic basket.
103 Collect the matches, banger and coin. 37.
104 The purpose of evaluation is to collect and analyse information that can be used for rational decision making.
105 It seems reasonable to assume Fedorov will collect it, despite the danger.
106 In other areas, social services will collect and pay the owner the full amount of money due.
107 The government has been forced to declare an amnesty for anyone who has not paid their taxes, because there are now too many to collect.
108 The outside air temperature gauge proved very accurate - immediately we entered the red we started to collect ice.
109 Collect together sequins, tiny glass beads, tiny shells, bits of lace and braid and ribbon.
110 It is characterised by unsightly lumps and bumps which collect in the thighs, buttocks, hips and upper arms.
111 There were no drainage ditches here, the shoulders too abrupt, the slope too precipitous, to collect water.
112 Companies that donate books or equipment to schools that collect their tokens are not being entirely altruistic - after all, you have to buy the products to get the tokens.
113 Psychometric methods were used to collect and analyse the information.
114 Some visiting aircraft engineers having arrived just to collect a specific part, spend hours just browsing through the stock.
115 Celebrities including Michael Crawford and Peter Bowles saw her collect her bravery award.
116 When I went to collect them, the sheep seemed barely conscious and the men looked like corpses.
117 The authority is hoping to collect as much information as possible on the Tees course fishery in the light of the river's barrage development.
118 It contains sixteen basic rules, which include some for overall control and some which collect data.
119 Federal law allows plaintiffs to collect up to $ 100, 000 per infringement.
120 I believe it will and I will be happy to collect anecdotes from anyone who is willing to write them down.
121 While government statisticians will return to work this week, they will still need time to collect and analyze information.
122 To qualify for air time, volunteers for a particular candidate would have to collect a certain number of voter signatures.
123 This ought in theory to have raised the amount demanded by Wolsey, but would have taken much longer to collect.
124 Collect in, and analyse the first ten or fifteen errors.
125 The first step is to collect solid data that define which students have difficulty completing school assignments.
126 We used to do that, but not anymore but they collect car keys from anybody who drives.
127 But some two dozen states collect delinquent taxes on property by holding lien certificate auctions.
128 Most local authorities now have a research and intelligence unit to collect and analyse information on their areas.
129 Clinical trials not only collect and analyze medical data, they also gather information on the costs of alternative treatments.
130 Readers of series books often collect books as eagerly as they collect baseball cards.
130 Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
131 Try your local architectural salvage merchants, who collect artefacts from old house and gardens.
132 Aglen refused to allow his officers to collect these duties until they had been formally approved.
133 In the meantime task forces are trying to collect accurate data on actual hours worked as opposed to contracted hours.
134 The ministry van arrived to collect the abandoned children and the eight boys and girls sent from up the northward coasts.
135 Cote keeps leaping out of his seat to collect award after award.
136 Another method is to collect information on structural and other contextual properties and to use these as a basis for sampling.
137 I joked that I had to go and collect my $ 40,000 appearance money.
138 Will you accept a collect phone call from Beverly Hillman?
139 The council says the withholding of poll tax payments and industrial action by treasury staff have made it difficult to collect money.
140 It was so embarrassing, I had to get up in front of hundreds of people and collect this award.
141 Remove excess hair around the ear canal, as this tend to collect wax and restrict fresh air.
142 Computers are also used in bureaux to collect and analyse enquiry statistics.
143 With an average life expectancy, that same beneficiary will collect a monthly check for five years beyond that.
144 Our primary objective is to collect, organize and disseminate information and materials relating to academic library orientation and instruction.
145 Towns arose with no other purpose than to collect and dispatch merchandise.
146 Mothers could collect part of their'social insurance ".
147 I like to collect russet autumn leaves.
148 Use a soda can to collect and store rainwater.
149 Responsible for staff enrolling and resign process, smock management, staff files collect and keeping.
150 Even playgrounds should collect tolls – when it is billionaires in the sandpit.
151 Also noteworthy is the gold stupa used to collect the fallen hair of Emperor QianLong's mother.
152 This inventory software program will collect the following information about the user workstation in your network.
153 Rhesus monkeys collect food and hoard it in specialized cheek pouches, saving morsels for later.
154 Although I don't collect photos or postcards[Sentence dictionary], I am an avid stamp collector.
155 He undertook to collect and rewrite hundreds of these traditional songs.
156 I don't collect the interest but plough it back into my savings account.
157 Please give them your name and registration number when you arrive to collect your ticket.
158 We scrutinize the crime scene, collect the evidence recreate what happened without ever having been there.
159 WaIt'senselessly staring at your picture about you day to collect your information.
160 The power card commission regards with the purchase close - ended fund, does not collect the stamp duty?




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