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单词 Persuasive
(1) The writer aerateed his writing with a persuasive colloquialism.
(2) His analysis is in many ways highly persuasive.
(3) He made a persuasive argument.
(4) Trevor can be very persuasive.
(5) I was hyped up by his persuasive remarks.
(6) The evidence was not really persuasive enough.
(7) Your arguments are very persuasive.
(8) Few were able to resist this charismatic and persuasive leader.
(9) I can be very persuasive when I want to be.
(10) There is a persuasive argument that it was not.
(11) He's a very persuasive man.
(12) We found no persuasive evidence of illegal activity.
(13) The blisters were hurting and the men persuasive.
(14) He made a persuasive case for making the changes.
(15) But Stan is a very persuasive fellow.
(16) Diane can be very persuasive.
(17) This could be a persuasive argument against agency.
(18) He is a very persuasive speaker.
(19) So persuasive she could consider diverting into management consultancy.
(20) Even more persuasive are small angle neutron scattering studies.
(21) He was, in any case(/persuasive.html), very persuasive.
(22) He can be very persuasive.
(23) The persuasive power of these latter voices is astonishing.
(24) He was so persuasive, and the salary was twice what I had been getting.
(25) Of course, the propounding may be very persuasive and the teacher needs to be wary.
(26) But their other argument is possibly more persuasive: it's that farm saving is not an easy option.
(27) Findings suggest that while television is more informative than the press, it is less persuasive.
(28) His arguments in favour of a new school are very persuasive.
(29) But the core of Labour's complaint is that the press influenced its readers by lies and distortions rather than by persuasive argument.
(30) But because it was idealistic it was the more persuasive when he preached it to his young contemporaries.
(1) His analysis is in many ways highly persuasive.
(2) He made a persuasive argument.
(3) The evidence was not really persuasive enough.
(4) His arguments in favour of a new school are very persuasive.
(31) But his power of decision-making improved, and his gift of calming, persuasive oratory rose to its heights.
(32) When Wooley, who is a witty and vigorously persuasive speaker, finished, she received a big round of applause.
(33) A persuasive argument that democracy can and should be based on active and extensive participation by the citizenry.
(34) Consider how easy it is to be misled by the persuasive power of apparent proof.
(35) We find that a persuasive argument, should we need any further persuasion beyond the plain wording of the Act.
(36) Eva Hendrix started to chatter in her persuasive voice while the uniformed chauffeur drove them into the ancient town of Freiburg.
(37) Of the two groups the former are more biassed towards persuasive selling,(http:///persuasive.html) whilst the latter tend to be order-takers. 7.
(38) Still, Freedman's tour de force of a final chapter is his most persuasive.
(39) He was so dangerously persuasive - and it would be all too convenient to blame everything on the absent Miss Philimore.
(40) It stayed open only because Roy rallied both his persuasive powers and the clout of the Disney name to save it.
(41) They campaigned for Hardaway while the Adelman ticket delivered a persuasive stump speech.
(42) There was not a single low note or phrase that did not display infallible technique or persuasive musicality.
(43) Unlike any interpretation, however persuasive, the notes on the page are, after all, what the man wrote.
(44) So powerful in fact that the medium of television itself can be as persuasive as the message it sends.
(45) The fearful electorate found Reagan's outrage and can-do optimism more persuasive than the dour Brown's equivocation.
(46) In arduous debate, the semiliterate or illiterate juror is too readily won over by the selectivity of a persuasive reader.
(47) Massey provides us with a fascinating and persuasive account of how capitalist production has used space.
(48) She didn't doubt he could be very persuasive - given time.
(49) He was fair and a persuasive speaker with a natural talent for diplomacy and leadership.
(50) Their advertising was persuasive and their prices attractive, on the surface, so I fell for it like so many others.
(51) But neither should it be formally abandoned until a more persuasive case could be made for doing so.
(52) In one case, the claim was no more persuasive than my claim about my Norman ancestors.
(53) The formula of the bookstall blockbuster is only too persuasive, offering an optimistic view of social dangers and confusions.
(54) He took me to such a vastly expensive restaurant and gave such a persuasive argument that I was fairly undone.
(55) Nevertheless the suggestion that structuralism and poststructuralism have denied history is a persuasive one which now has wide currency.
(56) The charismatic leader has strong persuasive skills, allowing him or her many successes based on the force of personality alone.
(57) Barratt's argument was persuasive, but the managers still turned down his proposal.
(58) The persuasive power of paternalism supplies the motive for this step to be taken.
(59) The worst is often passionately intrusive, while the best is readily eclipsed by noisier and more persuasive methods of dissemination.
(60) Persuasive in its action moments but puny in terms of character and dialogue.
(61) Sisman is at his most persuasive when he examines a question that has long troubled scholars.
(62) One may hope that this forceful advocacy can remain in most instances persuasive and considered rather than strident.
(63) I began to feel the charge of distance, its persuasive power.
(64) This elevation of feeling, found in passionate, frenetic gestures and embellished, emotional language, supplies the persuasive element.
(65) He concluded that there were several persuasive arguments in favour of subjecting demolition to control.
(66) On the contrary, it is becoming politically more savvy and more persuasive all the time.
(67) Howard Saddler plays Cassius with steely determination, persuasive in his arguments that initially draw Brutus into the conspiracy.
(67) Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
(68) This double appeal is turning woman-centred methods into the most persuasive and influential aspect of woman-centred psychology.
(69) But I understand there is also a persuasive case for the wave view.
(70) She offers a persuasive and very interesting hypothesis, as yet unsubstantiated, to which classroom research could usefully be directed.
(71) Persuasive communication - communication designed to provoke a specific response - has been much researched and many factors may come into play.
(72) Demands for persuasive justification arise in contexts where an agent is faced with a choice.
(73) This opinion can seem persuasive for a time, but we can not persist in it.
(74) Muir was an impassioned and persuasive champion of wilderness preservation.
(75) We are further disarmed by the lucid and persuasive style: surely the book has been much underestimated?
(76) But much will now depend on the persuasive skills of Sir John Cuckney who's leading the recovery operation.
(77) One of its objectives was the reform of the London College, which it pursued in a generally persuasive and constructive way.
(78) But Haig had persuasive arguments to support his inflexible resolve.
(79) I got nowhere, of course, because in an argument Trevor can be very persuasive.
(80) The most persuasive piece of evidence here is the language used by Papinian in discussing the rescript.
(81) The reason this is persuasive is that there is an infinitesimally graded continuum from small to large.
(82) But investigators found the supporting accounts by Kennedy's friends and colleagues to be specific and persuasive, Pentagon officials said.
(83) Perhaps they are at their most dangerous when possessed by some one with the gift of persuasive speech and power and influence.
(84) This is of considerable persuasive authority, but even that is not the issue before this court.
(85) Well, we can't say any more than we can say there is no god, there is no afterlife. We can only say there is no persuasive evidence for or argument for it. Christopher Hitchens 
(86) The growing burden of paperwork is persuasive evidence of bureaucratic indifference to the economic consequences of red. tape.
(87) In fact, the sound is so wonderfully persuasive that it supersedes the logic of the lyrics.
(88) How persuasive is this argument in explaining the development, use, and effects of technology now, in the microelectronics era?
(89) All the work in this approach must go into a persuasive account of what it is for reasons to be conclusive.
(90) Little more persuasive is the argument that under another tsar the regime could have withstood revolutionary pressure indefinitely.
(91) Like most politicians, she can be very persuasive when she wants to be.
(92) The preservationists, pinning their faith to moral superiority and persuasive argument, were beaten back every time.
(93) Abandon wait for taxi, hoist bags over shoulder and trudge to site where minivans transport officials and persuasive hangers-on to tournament.
(94) Our kindness may be the most persuasive argument for that which we believe. Gordon B. Hinckley 
(95) Insurers have one of Washington's best-organised lobbies, as persuasive as it is litigious.
(96) The night was soft and persuasive.
(97) The salesman has a persuasive way of talking.
(98) In his graft way(), he was very persuasive.
(99) This Italian Jew situation called for a persuasive diplomat.
(100) She oiled her words in order to sound persuasive.
(101) Loudness is not necessarily persuasive.
(102) We should at least be finding persuasive new ways.
(103) whether it's persuasive or unpersuasive.
(104) She went on with persuasive smoothness.
(105) His refutation of the charges was short and persuasive.
(106) It was a persuasive ad rem argument.
(107) Try to collect examples of emotive, persuasive prose.
(108) Michael Grade's persuasive powers overcame their objections.
(109) The persuasive process can be rewardingly studied as such.
(110) The third issue discusses the combativeness of the persuasive advertising in the common retailer channel.
(111) Simultaneously the massive utilization ancient history, the story, the archaism comes the dissertation affair, both sounds reasonable, and holds the effectiveness, persuasive.
(112) A male toad has to be persuasive to get a female to mate with him - in fact, he has to squeeze the eggs right out of her before he can fertilise them.
(113) He looked very gentle and full of traditional bookishness . The first impression he gave us was that he was an ordinary person: urbane, persuasive and meek.
(114) EXAMPLE: Sometimes a persuasive collection letter can be more effective than a punitive one.
(115) A form of word-of-mouth marketing, the comments are usually more persuasive than recommendations from waitresses.
(116) There is a more persuasive argument: "Support an effective, balanced system of IP rights because it will help you."
(117) So, persuasive as the pro - IPI arguments are, India would do well to look before it leaps.
(118) To make the argumentation above more persuasive, the author empirically studies county-level subbranches of the PBC Wenzhou Subbranch.
(119) A careful reconstruction of the frieze is a persuasive reason for visiting Liverpool.
(120) What do you think were some of the more persuasive arguments on the other side?
(121) He is very persuasive and you need to be pretty strong-minded to say no to him.
(122) Time and time again, we see the same powerful forces at work: political commitment, leadership, the persuasive power of evidence, and the creative power of human determination.
(123) "We are confident that their reputation and persuasive skills will come in handy for the municipal authorities to collect taxes from defaulters, " said Bharat Sharma, a revenue officer.
(124) A clear technical strategy, founded on evidence, is the most persuasive way to unite partners in a cohesive approach.
(125) Jupiter in your third house will make you articulate and persuasive this month too, no small advantage.
(126) The bidder should ratify the cost, institute reasonable tender price and make the quoted price more persuasive so as to win the bidding in the tender competition of construction.
(127) In part he had become the university lecturer -- persuasive , eloquent.
(128) Col. 2:4 This I say that no one may delude you with persuasive speech.
(129) Lamarck, however, failed to be generally persuasive because he didn't have a plausible mechanism — he could see that evolution takes place, but he didn't know how.
(130) Karen McComb of the University of Sussex started studying persuasive cat calls after realizing that her own pet used a hybrid between a purr and a cry to get her out of bed in the morning.
(131) Using identity law in paper writing, the consistency of papers can be ensured and the paper can be made more persuasive.
(132) To the layperson, the notion is persuasive because it is intuitive — malaria is rife where the world is hot, so if the world gets hotter there will be more of it.
(133) I say this so that no one will delude you with persuasive argument.
(134) A medievalist at the University of Oxford, Tolkien (1892-1973) used his knowledge of European history, legends and myths to create a world that is imaginary yet utterly persuasive.
(135) He was turning on her a glance of the companionable and persuasive manner.
(136) Furthermore, and most important, there is no persuasive evidence that the structure of CEO compensation played an important roll in either the dot-com or housing bubbles.
(137) The most untutored person with passion is more persuasive than the most eloquent without.
(138) Founders have to be persistent (bullheaded), persuasive (flexible with the truth) and visionary (delusional).
(139) Grumpy people paid closer attention to details, showed less gullibility, were less prone to errors of judgment and formed higher-quality, persuasive arguments than their happy counterparts.
(140) The mathematical formulation of this hypothesis is a persuasive one.
(141) More generally, arguments that private-equity firms should be allowed greater flexibility by regulators to inject capital into ailing banks look a bit less persuasive after this volte-face.
(142) The most persuasive and conquerable things for an enterprise are prospective planing[Sentence dictionary], speed of development and entire level.
(143) This I say that no one may delude you with persuasive speech.
(144) In the UK, the gustation boffins have even created a persuasive website showing a photograph of a bald man smiling at a pile of yams.
(145) To each minor sort, uses the case to carry on the evidence, strengthens the persuasive power and the confidence level.




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