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单词 Unfortunately
1. Unfortunately, the war broke out.
2. Unfortunately, there are but the two love each other.
3. Unfortunately, it's not convenient for me today.
4. Unfortunately, my time is limited.
5. Unfortunately some poisonous mushrooms look like edible mushrooms.
6. Unfortunately, this plate has a slight flaw in it.
7. Unfortunately the tax will linger on until April.
8. I like cats but unfortunately I'm allergic to them.
9. He was unfortunately caught in the shower.
10. Left of reach unfortunately, fall under our memories.
11. Unfortunately, the tire blew out on my way to office.
12. Unfortunately the report was prepared in haste and contained several inaccuracies.
13. Unfortunately these drugs are quite toxic and hinder the body's ability to fight off infection.
14. Unfortunately belts are worn only by a small percentage of drivers and passengers.
15. Unfortunately, George cannot be with us today so I am pleased to accept this award on his behalf.
15. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
16. Unfortunately, these findings do not hold true for women and children.
17. Unfortunately, I was still very clumsy behind the wheel of the jeep.
18. Catching colds is unfortunately an occupational hazard in this profession.
19. The climber, get past the footprints are unfortunately, lost to forward direction is very dangerous.
20. Unfortunately, there is little prospect of seeing these big questions answered.
21. Unfortunately I do not have the information because our records are incomplete.
22. Unfortunately, pesticides kill off beneficial insects as well as harmful ones.
23. We have been accused of exaggerating before, but unfortunately all our reports proved to be true.
24. Unfortunately the treaty is full of generalities, and fails to get down to specifics.
25. Unfortunately, his good intentions never seemed to last long.
26. Unfortunately I'm not suitably dressed for gardening.
27. Unfortunately, this level of output is not sustainable.
28. Unfortunately, you were out when we called.
29. Unfortunately we lack the resources to modernize.
30. In order to make the company viable, it will unfortunately be necessary to reduce staffing levels.
1. Unfortunately, it's not convenient for me today.
2. Unfortunately, my time is limited.
3. Unfortunately some poisonous mushrooms look like edible mushrooms.
4. Unfortunately, this plate has a slight flaw in it.
5. Unfortunately the tax will linger on until April.
6. He was unfortunately caught in the shower.
7. Unfortunately, the tire blew out on my way to office.
8. Unfortunately the report was prepared in haste and contained several inaccuracies.
9. Unfortunately these drugs are quite toxic and hinder the body's ability to fight off infection.
10. Unfortunately belts are worn only by a small percentage of drivers and passengers.
11. Unfortunately, these findings do not hold true for women and children.
12. Unfortunately, I was still very clumsy behind the wheel of the jeep.
13. Catching colds is unfortunately an occupational hazard in this profession.
14. Unfortunately, there is little prospect of seeing these big questions answered.
15. Unfortunately I do not have the information because our records are incomplete.
15. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
16. Unfortunately, pesticides kill off beneficial insects as well as harmful ones.
17. In order to make the company viable, it will unfortunately be necessary to reduce staffing levels.
18. We have been accused of exaggerating before, but unfortunately all our reports proved to be true.
19. Unfortunately, no questions from the audience broke the continuity of his harangue.
31. Unfortunately the press have already latched onto the story.
32. Unfortunately, we were going in the wrong direction.
33. Unfortunately the new software has failed to meet expectations.
34. Unfortunately there is an exception to every rule .
35. Unfortunately, little of the artist's work has survived.
36. Unfortunately, I lost interest half way through the film.
37. Unfortunately, the film lacks commercial appeal.
38. Unfortunately, there's no practical alternative to driving.
39. She had gone home, unfortunately.
40. Unfortunately, Grandma always seems to awaken at awkward moments.
41. Unfortunately, my application for a grant was rejected.
42. Unfortunately for him, he was wrong.
43. Unfortunately the animals are often caught in fishing nets.
44. Unfortunately they ran into a snowstorm along the way.
45. Unfortunately any little noise can set off the alarm.
46. Unfortunately, Jones absolutely massacres the role of Ophelia.
47. Unfortunately, the entire evening was a total non-event.
48. We are, unfortunately, stuck with this huge, ugly building.
49. Unfortunately some paint splashed onto the rug.
50. Unfortunately, Iceland is poor in natural resources.
51. Unfortunately, parts of the original manuscript have been lost.
52. It won't be finished for a few weeks. Unfortunately!
53. I can't make it, unfortunately.
54. He unfortunately passed away last year.
55. Unfortunately his domestic life wasn't very happy.
56. Unfortunately, my father is no soft touch.
57. Unfortunately, no one took my messages seriously.
58. Unfortunately, I've got to work on Christmas Eve.
59. Unfortunately what you say is only too true.
60. Unfortunately, everything is being done piecemeal.
61. The notice is most unfortunately phrased.
62. I am unfortunately unable to accept your kind invitation.
63. Unfortunately, my car's just given up the ghost.
64. Unfortunately racism is not yet dead.
65. Unfortunately, it is unobtainable in most shops.
66. Unfortunately my legs aren't as long as yours.
67. Unfortunately, the text is sprinkled with errors.
68. Unfortunately their plan misfired badly.
69. Unfortunately, accidents are part of life.
70. Unfortunately, she fell victim to an unscrupulous landlord.
71. Unfortunately, I won't be able to attend the meeting.
72. Unfortunately a big nose is a family characteristic.
73. Unfortunately we can't expect all policemen to be paragons of virtue.
74. Unfortunately, the people making the decisions are out of touch with the real world.
75. Unfortunately, if he doesn't agree with you, he tends to tear into you.
76. Unfortunately for him, the police had been informed and were waiting outside.
77. Unfortunately, we have had several thefts in the building recently.
78. Unfortunately, the product's performance did not match up to the manufacturer's promise.
79. Unfortunately, what could have been a powerful drama fell flat.
80. Unfortunately money for the project has not been very forthcoming.
81. Unfortunately I was sitting at the table with smokers on either side of me.
82. Unfortunately, I don't think we've heard the last of this affair.
83. Unfortunately, no questions from the audience broke the continuity of his harangue.
84. Unfortunately, bad news has come hard on the heels of good.
85. Unfortunately the light was too bright and my photos were all overexposed.
86. Thank you for your letter. Unfortunately, the vacancy has already been filled.
87. Unfortunately, I had to leave just as the speaker was warming to his theme.
88. Unfortunately, I didn't have my credit card with me or I'd certainly have bought it.
89. Unfortunately, the party was just winding down as we got there.
90. Unfortunately, I can't just conjure up the money out of thin air!
91. Unfortunately the restaurant he recommended fell far short of our expectations.
92. Unfortunately for the Prince, his title brought obligations as well as privileges.
93. Unfortunately, his idea of bold journalism was a hatchet job, portraying the staff in a negative light.
94. Unfortunately he was in the line of fire and got shot.
95. Unfortunately the public conflated fiction with reality and made her into a saint.
96. Unfortunately, due to unforeseen circumstances, this year's show has been cancelled.
97. Unfortunately, he was never able to reproduce this level of performance in a competition.
98. Thank you for coming, James. Unfortunately, I don't think your presence will make a whit of difference to the outcome of this meeting, as I'm fairly sure our demands won't be met.
99. Unfortunately your party clashes with a wedding I'm going to.
100. Unfortunately, the carved ceilings have suffered woodworm attack over the years.
101. I can't come, unfortunately.
102. Unfortunately, his partners were crooks and absconded with the funds.
103. Unfortunately the plan backfired.
104. Unfortunately, a small minority want to spoil everyone else's enjoyment .
105. Unfortunately, violence is the inevitable corollary of such a revolutionary change in society.
105. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
106. Unfortunately, the simplicity of this message is almost lost within his constant management-speak.
107. Unfortunately they were unable to find a suitable person to fill the post .
108. Journalists may enter the danger zone but unfortunately we cannot guarantee/assure their safety.
109. Unfortunately, there is nothing we can do to improve matters.
110. However, for many Americans today, weekend work has unfortunately become the rule rather than the exception.
111. The new design unfortunately reproduced some of the problems of the earlier model.
112. Unfortunately it was a rather sordid episode of my life.
113. At the start of the project we were raring to go but unfortunately we've lost a lot of our early enthusiasm.
114. Unfortunately, the drug is of limited value in treating cancer.
115. Unfortunately, the show was one of the dullest we have ever seen.
116. My new girlfriend may have a nice figure but unfortunately she's dead from the neck up.
117. Unfortunately, the police have dealt with the problem of car theft in a reactive rather than a proactive way.
118. Unfortunately a strike was the only way to make our voices heard.
119. Unfortunately, things cannot be as cut and dried as many people would like.
120. Unfortunately attempts to crossbreed it with other potatoes have been unsuccessful.
121. Good writing is unfortunately the exception rather than the rule .
122. Unfortunately, only the cheerleaders were in evidence last night.
123. Unfortunately, the news was reported in the back pages.
124. Unfortunately he was hit by a motor bike.
125. Unfortunately it is not possible to enter the chapel.
126. Unfortunately there was no airing cupboard.
127. Unfortunately, the team is playing catch-up and make-up ball.
128. Unfortunately, the gents had bad luck.
129. Unfortunately, the hoped-for investment boom did not materialize.
130. But unfortunately it is beset with many problems.
131. Unfortunately this fell out on the third ascent.
132. Winning is a habit. Unfortunately, so is losing. Vince Lombardi 
133. Unfortunately, good knives don't come at bargain prices.
134. Unfortunately, Mrs McMahon was nowhere to be found.
135. Unfortunately, discrimination against black people is alive and well.
135. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
136. Unfortunately, I am unable to intervene on your behalf.
137. Unfortunately, Mary then decided her parking wasn't absolutely perfect.
138. Unfortunately Trevor was a restless child, and easily bored.
139. Unfortunately some manufacturers use colour as a means of reinforcing brand identity.
140. The slow kinetics of antigen-antibody dissociation, unfortunately, precludes using antibodies in reversible sensors for continuous monitoring.
141. Unfortunately, for bankers assessing country risk, this ratio has two major deficiencies.
142. Unfortunately, the headhunter forgot to inform the candidate, so the meeting between the candidate and the client collapsed in misunderstanding.
143. There are three rules for writing a novel. Unfortunately, no one knows what they are. W. Somerset Maugham 
144. Unfortunately, we did not anticipate the importance of observer bias, and we did not arrange for third party blinded observation.
145. Unfortunately, his skills and ambition have not yielded any meaningful understanding of the region.
146. There is, unfortunately, no simple answer, for our knowledge on the subject will always be limited.
147. I take my children everywhere. Unfortunately, they find a way home. Robert Orben 
148. Unfortunately, the very live bat bit back, and Osbourne underwent a painful series of precautionary rabies injections.
149. One of the reasons being put forward is that they are jumping on a bandwagon which unfortunately is worldwide.
150. Unfortunately, both clubs went bust just as we were starting to draw a decent audience!
151. Unfortunately, the difficulty of mustering the parade had been badly miscalculated and it was behind schedule.
152. Unfortunately most of the extra cash grabbed was swallowed up by bad debts.
153. Unfortunately, widespread foot-dragging continues to act as a brake on debt relief.
154. Unfortunately it didn't-work out, and I left my husband Clive just before Emily's sixth birthday.
155. Unfortunately for Cox-Golder and Arnold, it was over the minute the absentee vote was released.
156. Unfortunately, fertilizers from surrounding farmland has reduced the aquatic life.
157. Unfortunately, Roth did not care to focus on broader and more important issues about the fate of the seized-assets program itself.
158. We are, unfortunately, stuck with the huge, unpleasant, and often downright ugly school buildings that we have.
159. Unfortunately, governments, aid agencies and the United Nations have an extremely poor record of being able to organise anything.
160. Unfortunately many of the science schemes on the market assume a depth of background knowledge which not all teachers have.
161. Unfortunately Anthony usually chose college friends and Nigel didn't really take to bluestocking women.
162. Unfortunately, the 12.35 a.m. tram journey on route 16/18 was not replaced by a corresponding bus journey from Westminster to Purley.
163. Unfortunately, there is a mentality in the federal bureaucracy that defies change and rejects innovation.
164. Unfortunately Carrera have been experiencing financial difficulties and ceased trading.
165. Good luck is a test of foresight,(/unfortunately.html) self-discipline and humility. Some people are unfortunately victimized by good luck - being carried away by the fruits of good luck. Dr T.P.Chia 
166. Unfortunately it was the door that led to the back stairs.
167. Unfortunately, there are other reasons to make us believe that there are alternate universes.
168. Unfortunately no management principle discussed in this book is more abused.
169. Unfortunately, it seems extremely unlikely that predictable technology will be equipped to amass large quantities of antimatter.
170. Unfortunately he seems to have had writer's block for nine of them.
171. Unfortunately, it used a back entrance to the den and disappeared from view.
172. Unfortunately they carried no ammunition and all guns were still packed in grease.
173. The General, unfortunately, died of cholera shortly after but the locomotive survived until the 1960's at Haymarket Shed.
174. Unfortunately both he and Marie fall asleep, and Haimet now spears and steals a piece of bacon from the boiling cauldron.
175. Unfortunately for the advertisers, the first battle has been over the least defensible product.
176. Unfortunately it get direct sunlight, and is afflicted with algae.
177. Unfortunately, this is not the case with many millions of people whose backache is worse after even a short drive.
178. Unfortunately I was working with All Saints so my mum did the chaperoning bit, taking her to Pinewood and back.
179. Unfortunately, there is absolutely nothing you can do about it. 8 August August was really the cruellest month in Manhattan.
180. Unfortunately, despite the commercial ban, whales are not being politely left alone to do the business.
181. Unfortunately, the 1989 will was drafted and signed without making any appointment of the income from her father's estate.
182. Kelly jumped, whilst Beeney cam to punch, unfortunately Kelly just got there first and the ball fell into the goal.
183. Unfortunately a flu bug attacked most of the crew during this week which clouded our impressions of Shetland.
184. Unfortunately, like the Med, the Sea of Sacramento is shallow and polluted - bathing is not recommended.
185. Unfortunately when it comes to originality that's about all the game has to offer.
186. Unfortunately she was sitting next to him - he was silently adamant about that.
187. Unfortunately, although a good time was had by all, a number of the team picked up a strange flu bug.
188. Unfortunately the bits in between are hard work and ultimately are not really worth the bother.
189. Unfortunately, adhoc bibliographies date quickly and are not always brought up to date after initial publication.
190. Unfortunately Lester did not have complete artistic control over the picture.
191. Unfortunately, Durie woke up and subsequently allowed Paulus to take command from the baseline.
192. Every politician has a promising career. Unfortunately, most of them do not keep those promises. Jarod Kintz 
193. Unfortunately sometimes one can't do what one thinks is right without making someone else unhappy. W. Somerset Maugham 
194. Unfortunately, academic research is not always about telling the truth.
195. Unfortunately,(http:///unfortunately.html) much of the opium produced by the plants ends up in the bloodstreams of drug addicts.
196. Unfortunately, boom gave way to bust, and funds were never raised to replace most of the razed landmarks.
197. Problems are everywhere, so are solutions. Unfortunately, we see more of the problems than the solutions. RVM 
198. Unfortunately, popular folklore eventually romanticized the leader and his tribe, reducing them almost to comic book caricatures.
199. Unfortunately he added to his list of injuries by twisting an ankle on landing.
200. Using Date or Time unfortunately doesn't alter the system clock for good.
201. Unfortunately, many of their acquaintances in the university showed considerable sensitivity to this latter mission of the Volunteers.
202. Unfortunately, it is more difficult to trace the Chauncys than the Blencowes, not least because they were less accomplished people.
203. Unfortunately F and H's waffle had used up the allotted time.
204. Unfortunately for Ted, he's become the butt of jokes around the office.
205. Maternity pay - 90 percent of the employee's usual wages for a six-week period - unfortunately does not come automatically.
206. Unfortunately, he claimed, the main activities of large intergovernmental funding agencies had gone into the latter and not the former.
207. Unfortunately, the beginnings of utterances appear to be particularly unconstrained by either the acoustic material or the linguistic interpretation.
208. Unfortunately they still don't solve the age-old problem - what to do with the things afterwards?
209. Unfortunately, as we have seen in Chapter 2, this assertion has not been true for more than twenty years.
210. Unfortunately, this debate conceals more than it reveals and obscures the best ways of improving future trade agreements.
211. Unfortunately, the candle had untoward consequences: it ignited the plastic and started a small fire in the electrical circuits.
212. Unfortunately, none of his immediate family members saw him become chief.
213. Unfortunately, on becoming a bishop you forfeit your right to that particular principle.
214. Unfortunately, order number 7532 had not been met, due to problems best known to the Computex production engineer.
215. Unfortunately, it only takes about 1, 500 signatures to qualify for the ballot.
216. Unfortunately, quasi-socialistic import substitution did not work anywhere it was tried.
217. Unfortunately, as with so many beautiful places, there is a civil war going on there at the moment.
218. Unfortunately, when you write, your thoughts bounce around the page in a similar fashion.
219. Unfortunately, anxious and stressed people become acutely sensitive to such fluctuations making them worse by their own concern.
220. Unfortunately, acute and chronic pancreatitis could not be separated in the discharge statistics before 1977.
221. Unfortunately, under present rules, such a constitutional change needs parliament's consent.
222. Filmgoers, unfortunately, are subjected to the unnecessary trauma of seeing the brutal crime depicted from arty camera angles.
223. Unfortunately, climate records do not go back far enough to be very useful toward understanding climate change.
224. Unfortunately this method has a number of drawbacks, notably the time taken to perform the analysis.
225. Unfortunately, Reg Holdsworth is getting a bit too romantic the bespectacled romeo should get back to his impish, eccentric ways.
225. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
226. Unfortunately the maquila project also demonstrates that rarely could or did the government actually reorient the conditions of capitalist development.
227. Unfortunately the instructions were ambiguous and we didn't know which part of the program to run.
228. Until welfare reform, staying home to receive those benefits was, unfortunately, a rational economic choice.
229. Much of the information system would unfortunately be taken up with information about the assortment of opening hours of individual bureaux.
230. Sometimes she says brief words to the other athletes or the crowd and unfortunately the video doesn't show it.
231. Unfortunately, many people will have cause to remember the Secretary of State and the Government - for all the wrong reasons.
232. Unfortunately this is a commitment which is unlikely to be supported by higher pay or additional allowances.
233. Unfortunately, now four years later our original leader has become a cartoon caricature.
234. The rise of ethnic violence throughout the Eastern bloc is unfortunately the other side of the coin to self-determination.
235. Unfortunately, the media is creating a huge burden for this poor child.
236. Unfortunately, some policyholders were inadequately insured, thus imposing an unfair burden on all the others.
237. Unfortunately, no effective gall bladder plug has been developed despite considerable research in this field.
238. Unfortunately, since there are so many possible explanations, the correct one is most difficult to ascertain.
239. Unfortunately, she was also one of those women born to be adored by men.
240. Unfortunately, Jonathan arrived there in 1882 and missed the emperor by about 60 years.
241. Unfortunately, the weapon mopping up after the Cold War is very lethal, costs a few hundred bucks and is everywhere.
242. However, the Government unfortunately failed to bring the people together.
243. Unfortunately for him, Alfred had been well trained and Bastide staggered back, clutching a bloody nose.




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