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单词 Suffrage
1 She was active in the Society for Women's Suffrage.
2 When was universal suffrage introduced in your country?
3 Women had to fight for their suffrage.
4 The question of woman suffrage sets them at variance.
5 During these years, suffrage demands by women became increasingly vocal and difficult to ignore.
6 Congressional elections are by universal and compulsory adult suffrage.
7 All elections are by universal adult suffrage.
8 There was a fierce struggle for women's suffrage in Britain early this century.
9 Both houses are elected by universal adult suffrage for terms of no longer than four years.
10 It was in that year that female suffrage was being widely advocated and the militant suffragettes made their appearance.
11 Popular suffrage meant that rival factions would shout for their own candidate.
12 Suffrage reforms took place in the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries.
13 Congressional elections are by universal and compulsory adult suffrage with one-third of the senators elected indirectly.
14 Both houses are elected by universal adult suffrage and for terms of no longer than four years.
15 However, the government continued to resist demands for universal suffrage, preferring a power-sharing system.
16 Political authority is exercised by the unicameral 400-member National Assembly, elected every five years by universal adult suffrage.
17 The 44-member General Council and 45-member Regional Council are elected for six-year terms by universal suffrage.
18 Indeed, Beatrice is notorious for signing the 1889 women's appeal against female suffrage, though she later recanted.
19 The propertied class which called itself liberal was immediately opposed to universal suffrage and to the masses in general.
20 The unicameral legislature, the National Assembly, is also elected for a five-year term by universal adult suffrage.
21 They also declared that the president of the republic should be elected by universal suffrage.
22 It was also the year of the first presidential election held under universal suffrage.
23 There is a unicameral Legislative Assembly of 70 seats, 62 of which are elected by universal adult suffrage for five years.
24 Monarchy was as widely taken for granted at the end of the nineteenth century as is universal suffrage today.
25 The constitutional commission had also agreed that the country's President should be elected by direct universal suffrage.
26 Legislative authority is now vested in a unicameral National Congress, with 100 members elected for five years by universal adult suffrage.
27 Even now, not every country in Europe has universal suffrage.
28 There is a Federal Assembly of 42 members, elected by universal adult suffrage for a five-year term.
29 So the concept of a Bill of Rights was not imposed on a parliamentary authority already based on universal suffrage.
30 Legislative authority is vested in a 50-member unicameral parliament, which is similarly elected by universal suffrage for a five-year term.
1 She was active in the Society for Women's Suffrage.
2 When was universal suffrage introduced in your country?
3 The question of woman suffrage sets them at variance.
31 Executive power is vested in the President, who is elected by universal suffrage for a five-year term.
32 She also worked for women's suffrage and employment, writing and lecturing on these and other contemporary subjects.
33 There was no female suffrage in Paris that she could observe.
34 On the suffrage there was no substantial difference between the two.
35 The President is elected for a five-year term by universal adult suffrage.
36 In the referendum the population of Western Samoa voted narrowly in favour of the introduction of universal suffrage.
37 The President would be elected on the basis of universal, equal and direct suffrage by secret ballot for a five-year term.
38 He even went so far as to demand universal manhood suffrage and annually-elected parliaments.
39 In like manner the suffrage of women prior to 1918 was a claimed moral right.
40 Chiefly for tactical reasons, a clause was inserted in the women's suffrage bills of 1874 expressly excluding married women.
41 When suffrage came two years later she won a seat in the legislature, which she held for three terms.
42 The granting of universal suffrage in 1931 did not immediately undermine their position.
43 A unicameral legislature, the National Assembly, is also elected every five years by universal suffrage.
44 Executive authority: the President; legislative authority: the National Assembly; both elected by universal adult suffrage.
45 Owen saw as one of the chief evils of the suffrage movement its apparent disrespect for men.
46 They could conveniently make a foil out of all the churches, because so many conservatives in churches opposed suffrage.
47 Susan B. Anthony, the American champion of woman's suffrage.
48 The voters gave their suffrage to him.
49 She hoped to witness universal suffrage during her lifetime.
50 Universal suffrage was introduced and human rights were guaranteed.
51 I am in favor of woman's suffrage.
52 Encouraged by Elizabeth Cady Stanton,(http:///suffrage.html) she advocated women's suffrage.
53 They robbed thousands of voters of their suffrage.
54 Suffrage was the prerogative of white adult males.
55 Tony Blair is an exceptionally gifted politician, perhaps the most natural persuader to have occupied the country's highest office since universal suffrage was introduced in 1928.
56 Absolve you and you shall have the suffrage of the world.
57 Nearly all modern governments have provided for universal adult suffrage.
58 The woman liberation is the important criterion which the human society progresses, but woman suffrage is the higher form which the woman liberates.
59 Despite a nascent democracy movement, there's little traction for direct suffrage.
60 A 21 - unicameral parliament, elected by universal suffrage a term of two years.
61 And lastly the possessing class rules directly by means of universal suffrage.
62 A third view proposes attaining universal suffrage in phases after 2016.
63 The NPC Standing Committee has already ruled out universal suffrage by 2007.
64 In 1842, the suffragist movement under the leadership of Thomas Dorr developed into an armed rebellion, which eventually forced the state government to adopt universal suffrage.
65 All 60 seats will be elected on the basis of universal suffrage.
66 In contemporary China, woman suffrage not only has the significant influence to the socialism democratic politics construction, moreover is weighs a national civilized degree the important symbol.
67 Additional, suffrage and right to vote also have particular supervisory function.
68 She also became a regular speaker at woman suffrage gatherings, demanding to know if women's wartime deeds 'do not place woman as man's equal, what do?
69 Yet, great as is the victory over conservatism which is represented in the accomplishment of man suffrage, infinitely greater will be the attainment of woman suffrage.
70 Between 1890 and 1930 the woman suffrage movement became exceedingly militant.
71 Susan B. Anthony, the American champion of woman's suffrage, was also a participant in the movement to end slavery.
72 President of the Woman Suffrage Association for 21 years, she led the struggle for women's rights.
73 CATCH: Given that women on land were currently campaigning for their suffrage, the fact that those at sea were happy to accept the privileges of inequality was seen by many as iniquitous.
74 Absolve you to yourself, and you shall have the suffrage of the world.
75 It is the significance of laws guaranteeing free speech, universal suffrage, and equality before the law.
76 An increasing number of states granted white manhood suffrage during his administration.
77 Because of this, along with society's progress and the development, a woman suffrage achievement vital realistic question becomes the multitudinous discipline research day by day the hot spot.
78 First elections under universal adult suffrage won by MLP, led by Dr Seewoosagur Ramgoolam.
79 He was an advocate of universal suffrage as a basis for social equality.
80 The presidential term of office is 7 years, and the parliamentary term of elected office is 6 years. Suffrage is universal over 18.
81 The question of woman suffrage is a very simple one.
82 For the first and only time in this century,(http:///suffrage.html) the US Senate votes on woman suffrage.
83 Absolve you to youself and you shall have the suffrage of the world.
84 As an important component part of the American Feminism Movement, the woman suffrage struggle, whose contents involve a good many aspects such as politics, economy, culture, etc.
85 The lecturer of last evening went the whole length in advocating woman suffrage.




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