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单词 Turmoil
1. Her mind was in a state of constant turmoil.
2. The whole region is in turmoil.
3. The country is in a state of political turmoil.
4. Her emotional life was thrown into turmoil.
5. Ashley gazed at him, her thoughts in turmoil.
6. My emotional turmoil had drained me.
7. Her mind was in turmoil.
8. The London Stock Exchange is in turmoil today.
9. The robbery put the village in a turmoil.
10. His statement threw the court into turmoil.
11. The country was in turmoil during the strike.
12. During the turmoil in the foreign-exchange markets the guilder remained strong.
13. Abidjan was thrown into turmoil because of a protest by taxi drivers.
14. Times of national turmoil generally roil a country's financial markets.
15. She felt much calmer after the turmoil of recent weeks.
16. The Stock Exchange is in turmoil following a huge wave of selling.
17. He shivered, his thoughts in turmoil[], his pulse racing.
18. Her marriage was in turmoil.
19. The turmoil of reorganization always presents such opportunities.
20. We need to see powerful men in turmoil.
21. Society seems bitter turmoil, by and large.
22. Given their family histories, turmoil feels comfortable.
23. Our arrangements are thrown into complete turmoil.
24. Manylayered stories of ambition, folly and inner turmoil.
25. So, the industry is in turmoil.
26. Beneath the cynicism, beneath the irony, however, turmoil.
27. The period since the revolution has been one of political turmoil.
28. There were fears that the country was descending into turmoil or even civil war.
29. He came to a stop, his chest heaving, his thoughts in turmoil.
30. But the regents' decision still leaves much uncertainty on campus, which has seen enrollment decline significantly during the turmoil.
1. Her mind was in a state of constant turmoil.
2. The whole region is in turmoil.
3. The period since the revolution has been one of political turmoil.
4. The robbery put the village in a turmoil.
31. Bedford had sustained substantial losses in the post-Fort Sumter turmoil.
32. Turmoil goes well with the preparation of cheese omelette followed by tossed salad, rice, and lightly grilled fillet steaks.
33. With the Clintons, such masterful performances can seem surreal, since they inevitably unfold against a backdrop of turmoil and controversy.
34. Western experts made almost daily predictions that Gorbachev could not survive the growing domestic turmoil, but somehow he did.
35. If anything, the past few days demonstrated even more turmoil in Democratic ranks.
36. My sense of turmoil at embarking upon something new, untried, and very real was the same.
37. It is believed to contain explosive scenes - including Di's alleged suicide bids, emotional turmoil and friendships with other men.
38. Yet all this faded into insignificance when compared to the political turmoil it was causing.
39. They did so again amid the turmoil caused by the collapse of Soviet power in 1991.
40. All of these issues can be a source of great emotional turmoil to many people.
41. Throughout this turmoil is the spirit of a persecuted people struggling to survive.
42. But the political turmoil that landed her father in prison prevented her from returning home.
43. Neely and the team seem to have been motivated by the turmoil.
44. Yanto's mind was in a turmoil when he reached home that night.
45. The fire is used as a symbol of the country's political turmoil.
46. It seems to stir up emotions and rake over apparently quiescent turmoil.
47. And suddenly, in the midst of the turmoil, everything steadied and locked into a slow relentless rhythm.
48. The warmth and gentleness coaxed her surrender, subduing her inner turmoil and replacing it with something that was infinitely more disturbing.
49. Corin Redgrave has blocked out the key action vividly, indicating the threatening turmoil of war and revolt.
50. But he must have endured more mental turmoil as his rookie replacement lit up White Hart Lane.
51. Read in studio A Cotswold village is in turmoil over plans by the National Trust to develop a tourist attraction.
52. Peace is the foundation of happiness - for where there is anxiety, tension, and turmoil,( ) joy cannot exist. RVM 
53. His thoughts were in turmoil and his open guileless face reflected the chaos in his mind.
54. Amid all the organizational changes of the past few years we be-came intrigued by the human aftermath of this turmoil.
55. In addition, all of these young people are struggling to discover who they are amid this ongoing turmoil.
56. You're obviously still in turmoil from the break up of your marriage and you need help and advice.
57. Lissa did not know where she found the strength to answer him without betraying anything of her inner turmoil.
58. It did not suit her now to observe the emotional turmoil inside Rose.
59. In spite of the turmoil of the late twentieth century, cathedrals have shown both resilience and consistency.
60. The camp was thrown into turmoil, with warriors sprinting to natural rifle-pits, and the helpless ones taking flight north.
61. He was beginning to feel as if he had just switched roller-coasters - from one set of emotional turmoil to another.
62. The earliest had left their homeland during the turmoil of its unification.
63. Despite the turmoil within her a small ironic smile lifted the corners of her mouth.
64. In addition to their own emotional turmoil, parents must cope with the demands and expectations of those around them.
65. In the midst of this turmoil, life on the surface at Holy Trinity went on much as it always had.
66. Beyond the political confusion, there were other factors that wrought economic turmoil in the wake of partitioning the country.
67. These practical worries add to the emotional turmoil a woman will already be undergoing.
68. It brought the worst economic turmoil that this country had seen since the industrial revolution.
69. Or to be more accurate, Fenella was in a Turmoil because Lisabeth was in one of her States.
70. Economic decline is tangled up with political turmoil in a way that has made for a crisis of the constitution.
71. So Mimi walked out, and suddenly he faced a kind of emotional turmoil he had never before experienced.
72. Big banks are boosting interest rates to keep their customers happy amid the turmoil created by mergers.
73. The failure to reach agreement came after a day of turmoil in Kashmir, the main bone of contention.
74. Tsu Ma knelt at its edge, his chest heaving, his thoughts in turmoil.
75. The continuing turmoil eventually led to the National Guard shooting protesters at Kent State.
76. In spite of her inner turmoil she felt the pull of the tranquillity of the place.
77. In all the turmoil of last night she had forgotten to wind it.
78. He said he felt no inner turmoil for the entire week.
79. Dinah sat placidly beside Paul, aware that the bruised turmoil that was her body had subsided into a kind of contentment.
80. She was too preoccupied by her inner turmoil to fully appreciate the bubbling volcanic mud pools in the weird, lunar-like springs.
81. However,(http:///turmoil.html) only days before the opening ceremony Edwards's preparations were again in turmoil.
82. Madonna believes she understands the turmoil and pain the Princess has suffered in her marriage.
83. We were together an organic gesture, a tumult and turmoil inspired by what we believed was right.
84. All in all, these twin developments are likely to throw the agents into ever greater turmoil as we enter the 1990s.
85. The big thing actually seemed happy to have caused so much turmoil and confusion.
86. Inevitably, this flurry of activity has created some internal turmoil.
87. Shoulders heaving, tummy in turmoil, face in a scrunch, eyes flowing.
88. As a result of the turmoil, Frank resigned in order to save face.
89. Tranquility is a choice. So is anxiety. The entire world around us may be in turmoil. But if we want to be peaceful within, we can. RVM 
90. Also contributing to the turmoil recently has been growing criticism that the talk shows focus on sleazy topics.
91. We have seen remarkable consistency through all the market turmoil.
92. That the turmoil was seeping into the villages disturbed Gandhi especially and he resolved to go to Noakhall.
93. Karen felt herself in turmoil, felt the horrible excitement of the car attack would never let her sleep.
94. This new party was briefly banned for arousing political turmoil that led to street insurrections in October 1993.
95. Certainly, looming cancellation, panting adolescents and constant comparisons with a big star stir up inner turmoil.
96. She wanted to be gone, away from this turmoil of passion, and yet she felt trapped by a sensuality undreamed of.
97. He also knew the turmoil that would ensue if they were actually in possession of such a priceless work.
98. The growing use of sitters reflects the turmoil in health care during the 1990s.
99. The previous head, Gazi Ercel, offered his resignation after the financial turmoil.
100. But probability says the mind-boggling run of accidents, injuries, bad moves and coaching turmoil can not duplicate itself next season.
101. International anger and domestic turmoil threaten to reverse fragile gains made during Fujimori's 20 months in government.
102. Soon turmoil will fall across the lands.
103. The king's incurable indecisiveness caused turmoil in his court.
104. The turmoil began inconspicuously on July 2 in Thailand.
105. Derek cashed in on the turmoil to set the munition depot on fire.
106. The doctrine "Confucius never talked about odd, puissance, turmoil and deity" reflects an important part of Confucianism.
107. It was amid turmoil that Hosni Mubarak became president when his predecessor Anwar Sadat was assassinated in 1981.
108. In the class that day was an obstreperous man who was creating turmoil.
109. The telecoms giant was in turmoil after a fight with the government over its plan to spin off[5] its mobile-phone unit caused its chairman, Mr Tronchetti Provera, to resign.
110. The political turmoil in Thailand over the past two years has almost given us a counter-example.
111. None of the turmoil that routinely attends film-star existence ever seemed to visit the Astaire household.
112. Ms. Logan's long-awaited graduation is another act of closure regarding the turmoil of the civil rights era,(/turmoil.html) alongside the recent reinvestigation of decades-cold murder cases across the South.
113. Once again, turmoil on Wall Street doesn't necessarily translate to contraction on Main Street.
114. There are no good scenarios in the offing. The markets are in turmoil.
115. After months of global economic turmoil, currency markets may be reverting back to fundamentals.
116. John McCain and Barack Obama offer similar diagnoses of the past year's credit crises – though the turmoil has only episodically been a focus in the long-running presidential campaign.
117. Net private capital inflows into America seem to have evaporated since the credit turmoil began.
118. The flip side of relentless mobility is turmoil and angst, broken marriages and unhappy children.
119. An important source of jobs is the twin plant or maquiladora sector that still employs over 100 thousand people in spite of the worldwide recession and the turmoil in Honduras.
120. So the turmoil won't end until these sectors pare down their debt.
121. But Communist land reform and collectivisation left the region in turmoil, and in 1959 the Dalai Lama led an uprising against Chinese rule, despite his initial support for the 1951 accord.
122. For a little while it seemed as if I must fly to pieces with the inward turmoil, when suddenly the still small voice whispered in the depths of my soul, "Be still, and know that I am God."
123. In response to increasing turmoil swirling around the desegregation of public schools, Armstrong was outspokenly critical of his country.
124. We expect the value of gold to continue to hold up well in 2009 and 2010 against the backdrop of global market turmoil and the directionless behaviour of other commodities.
125. The kind of radical transformation they advocate, in my judgment, could lead to turmoil.
126. How does the current turmoil stack up against past crises?
127. However, it's not hard to imagine any number of products or services--dubious or not--for people whose relationships may be either nontraditional or in turmoil.
128. And reluctant acquiescence by some parties would only have led to turmoil.
129. Shortly after the Egyptian turmoil began, Google established a call-in line on which Egyptians could leave a voicemail, which could then be turned into messages distributed on Twitter.
130. At the beginning of the new period, the having slipped the leash of the durance of decade turmoil and pinko thoughts, all types of literature creations was flourishing.
131. And woven into it is a Hardy-like backcloth of nature, of mountain heights, far above human turmoil.
132. It is innocency that can live in the world, with all its turmoil, and yet not be of it.
133. The basic characteristics of Franco-American relations is"a alliance in turmoil".
134. The fascinating turmoil in the world economy continues to shape the study of international economics.
135. A stately liner can sail serenely through turmoil that would capsize even the sturdiest small vessel.
136. Despite Yahoo's recent turmoil, its net profit margin has remained around 20% for the past several quarters.
137. U.S. President-elect Barack Obama is moving his White House transition forward, as political turmoil builds over the selection of his successor in the United States Senate.
138. But suggestions of global turmoil demonstrate a highly occidentalist perspective on the world.
139. No one in authority in Washington or Tokyo will say publicly that current turmoil is likely to unhinge the 35-year-old U. S. -Japan security alliance, but week by week a sense of alarm is growing.
140. Bottom line: Baidu will continue to be plagued by turmoil in its top management and failure of its new initiatives, as CEO Robin Li struggles to find a long-term growth formula for his company.
141. Fears that a Carlyle Capital Corp bond fund was near collapse after defaulting on $16.6 billion of debt unnerved investors by refocusing attention on worsening credit market turmoil.
142. There the wicked cease from turmoil, and there the weary are at rest.
143. The public, buffeted by weather fluctuations and economic turmoil, has little time to analyse decadal changes.
144. Alaric: You are sure? It will throw the world into turmoil.
145. Keep these things in mind when you are thrown into the midst of turmoil, as it will help you through such periods.
146. As we have seen, financial turmoil is contagious, moving very rapidly from one country to another and spreading very quickly from one economic sector to many others.
147. We cannot tolerate turmoil, and whenever it arises in future we shall impose martial law.
148. So we had to quell the turmoil by imposing martial law.
149. The forced removal of Honduran President Manuel Zelaya by his country's military on June 28 has left the Central American nation in a state of political turmoil.
150. He faced severe pressure even before Tunisia's turmoil, with tribal unrest in the north, separatism in the south and al-Qaeda in the east and elsewhere.
151. One explanation for the country's progress is that the public sector apparatus continued to function amid turmoil, says World Bank Nepal country director Susan Goldmark.
152. Like the English political turmoil of the 17 th and 18 th centuries, the American revolution was bourgeois.
153. As more developing countries are being hit by the turmoil , the IMF is proposing an emergency program that would double borrowing limits and waive some of the fund's standard conditions for loans.
154. The global economy, already beset by financial market turmoil and slowing US growth, is now confronted by the risk that the gradual decline of the US dollar could run out of control.
155. The modernization conceives the stability, but modernization process stir up the turmoil.
156. In a world so full of social and political turmoil and immense human suffering, people of faith will often be ridiculed because of their so-called ineffectiveness.
157. Today's print media is experiencing a kind of turmoil that it has never experienced before.
158. Amid the turmoil, it might seem futile to sketch out the future banking landscape.
159. In this season of quiet, the heart will not have too much chi read reverie, just in this new world is in turmoil. The road less, just want to vegetarian commoner, a simple and peaceful life live time.
160. At first sight, the economy hit the August turmoil in fine fettle.
161. Short-term bills briefly traded with negative yields during last week's market turmoil, meaning some buyers paid rent for the refuge of Treasurys.
162. As for your dimwit boss and others who seem to try to annoy you, know that they are probably experiencing just as much inner turmoil as they are creating around them, says Jay Winner, M. D.
163. Gold's recent progress seems to be a response to generalised fears of economic turmoil.
164. It is true that turmoil, brashness , and a feeling of loneliness amid the millions have always marked life in the city.
165. Separately, King Hamad of Bahrain announced days ago the establishment of an independent investigation committee to look into its domestic turmoil.
166. Since the beginning of the Asian financial turmoil, our linked exchange rate came under speculative attack time and again. Our futures market was also being manipulated.
167. His administration was marked by turmoil in Rhodesia and Northern Ireland and resistance to a price and income policy. He resigned in 97'.
168. Having survived a decade under conditions dictated by Putin, it is not clear whether Prokhorov will weather the current political turmoil.
169. But as economists thumb through the history books, the one thing that is crystal clear is that this summer's turmoil will not be the last.
170. The stables had been full of horses, there was a great turmoil and come-and-go of horses and of dealers and grooms.
171. I want to write about how intellectuals face the destruction of faith after social turmoil, their passiveness and their struggles.
171. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
172. China, with its centrally controlled economy, managed currency and restrictions on capital inflows, has become a haven for investors fleeing widening global debt turmoil.
173. The second AFF took place this time last year amid global economic turmoil.
174. The trouble is linked to turmoil that culminated in the coup d'etat that ousted President Marc Ravalomanana last week.
175. But the harvest season the northern hemisphere is being marked by turmoil on global wheat markets.
176. Increased climate variability from AD 250 to 600 coincided with the demise of the Western Roman Empire and the turmoil of the Migration Period.
177. Default rates are shooting up and valuation of securitized subprime mortgages have crashed and it's throwing turmoil all over the financial community.
178. Refugees from political turmoil and economic ruin in Zimbabwe squeeze into Johannesburg's Central Methodist Church, which provides temporary shelter for some 2, 500 people.
179. But Jianguo thrived amid the social turmoil, and became a leader of a Red Guard faction at his school.
180. The money fund turmoil rippled across other markets and sent short-term borrowing costs and risk premiums soaring.




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